Chapter 14
The community where Shi Hai’s family lives is only 10 minutes away from the subway station, but this community existed before the construction of the subway started.

It has been 14 years since the first grade of elementary school, and it is already an old community.

However, because the rent in the old community is cheap, and it is not very far from the university campus, this neighborhood has become a popular rental place for college students. You can often see some college student couples living together coming in and out in pairs.

Shihai's house is located in the last doorway of the first building on the left after entering the gate of the community.

After arriving at the entrance of the door, Shi Hai took out the key to open the door, and then made a gesture of invitation.

Jian Sichun walked in without thinking too much.

In fact, Shihai didn't let her in here because of the gentleman's idea of ​​putting women first.

But to observe her reaction, he deliberately let her take a step ahead.

So when going upstairs, Shi Hai didn't say which floor his home was on, and he didn't make a sound to remind her to stop.

But Jian Sichun still stopped after reaching the third floor, and accurately chose between 301 and 302 to face 302.

Shi Hai narrowed his eyes and thought that it was so.

When he saw Jian Sichun waiting for him at the entrance of the subway station, he already felt something was wrong.

If Jian Sichun followed him, then she couldn't have reached the gate of the subway station one step earlier than herself, after all, Shi Hai didn't delay too much along the way.

In other words, Jian Sichun probably knew in advance that she was going to the subway station, so she could arrive one step earlier than herself...and she was even more familiar with this road than herself.

Now it is even more certain that she knows the exact location of her home.

Coupled with Tian Shui's meaningful reminder...

Is Jian Sichun really a stalker?

Or is there something else to hide?
Shi Hai began to sort out the questions and make inferences.

Jian Sichun didn't think that much at all, but was eager to go back to her 'home', and stared intently at Shi Hai as he took out the key to open the door.

"Well, please come in."

"I, ah, okay, excuse me..."

She almost blurted out the words 'I'm back'.

When the door opened and she looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar room, she was in a trance again.

The traces of his own existence were completely erased, and he returned to his original appearance.

Until then, she gradually felt the real feeling...

It turns out that I really went back to the past...

And her sluggish expression was also caught by Shi Hai, but he didn't point it out.

Shi Hai went into the room and took off his shoes. He originally wanted to find a pair of slippers for Jian Sichun's guests, but he searched the shoe cabinet but couldn't find them.

It's been a long time since I have had guests at home, and I don't even have a pair of extra slippers.

She had no choice but to give Jian Sichun her own slippers to wear.

"I'll let you wear my slippers, don't worry, I don't have smelly feet."

"It's okay, you don't need slippers, anyway, the house has a wooden floor."

"That won't work, after all, you are also a guest."

"……it is good."

Jian Sichun was awakened by this sentence.

That's right, the current self is just a guest...

Don't act too familiar, or he will find out!
So she obediently put on Shi Hai's pair of big slippers and entered the house.

Shi Hai looked around in the living room and found no one at home, so he came to sit down on the carpet in the living room, set up the low table for eating and said.

"It seems that my mother hasn't come back yet, she should have gone to the scene in the afternoon."

Shi Hai's mother is a civil servant of the emergency management department. In order to prevent disasters, she usually goes to various places for research.

When a disaster really happens, it will rush to the scene as soon as possible for overall planning, organization, command, and search and rescue work.

Regarding these, Jian Sichun is naturally very clear, and she also particularly admires such powerful women as Shi Hai's mother who are doing the work of saving lives.

Jian Sichun naturally sat on the side of the low table, and replied without thinking.

"Well, your sister should be in class now."

So now the two are alone...!
However, within a second of excitement, she heard Lei Shihai's puzzled voice.

"Huh? Sister?"

He turned back and frowned.

"I don't have a younger sister in my family. It's an only-child family."


Jian Sichun's heart skipped a beat, thinking it's broken!
At this time, sister-in-law hasn't come to Shihai's house yet?

Jian Sichun knew that her sister-in-law was adopted by Shi Hai's family, but she didn't know exactly when she was adopted.

Because when she moved into this house, her sister-in-law was already at home, and the relationship between her sister-in-law and Shi Hai's mother and son was also very good, which made her think that her sister-in-law should have joined the family long ago.

But I never expected that at the time of my sophomore year, my sister-in-law hadn't come yet... Isn't that not much earlier than myself?

Then why do the three of them have such a good relationship, as if they lived together a long time ago!
Did that shy, shy, introverted sister-in-law accept her new family in a very short time?And there is no gap at all?

wrong!Now is not the time to think about that!
I have to find a way to prevaricate it quickly!

Is it possible to just say frankly, 'Actually, you will have a younger sister in the future'?

I'm afraid he will be directly regarded as a lunatic!
"No, no, just, I thought you had a younger sister because I thought you were good at taking care of others..."

"Is that so..."

Very far-fetched.

Shi Hai is not a fool, so he can naturally tell that this is a temporary excuse.

Coupled with the previous strange behaviors that caught his attention, he felt that he was already close to the truth.

It's just that Shi Hai doesn't plan to show his cards yet, so he just took it.

Seeing that Jian Sichun still lowered his head guiltily, not daring to look him in the eyes, Shi Hai asked.

"Do you want something to drink? Although there are only barley tea and milk at home."

"Wheat tea is fine!"

goo goo goo...

After drinking half a cup of iced barley tea in one go, Jian Sichun finally calmed down.

In the future, no matter what, I can't say any more revealing things...

But in this case, what can we talk about?

The atmosphere of silence made Shi Hai fall into embarrassment again.

He was not good at chatting with girls, let alone bringing them home.

It's like being teleported to the Demon King's Palace before the Novice Village is finished. There is not a single trick that can be used!

In the end, he could only say in shame.

"So, there is nothing interesting in my house..."

The current Shihai family is still a very simple and simple environment.

The TV in the living room has not been replaced, and there are no game consoles, and there are too few things for entertainment.

And because there are only two people living in the house, this three-bedroom home looks very empty, and even one room is completely unoccupied.

However, Jian Sichun didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Because after returning home, she was completely relaxed mentally. Drinking the familiar barley tea, she felt a feeling of 'ah~ I'm finally home~'.

But immediately Jian Sichun couldn't sit still.

Because she was back in a familiar environment and her favorite person was still by her side, her mind couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

To put it bluntly, she really wanted to stick up to act like a baby right away, and Honest's body was already restless.

Rather, if it was her before, she probably already did this.

And because there is no one at home, it may unknowingly develop into an indescribable plot of the book.

However, his current identity is not his girlfriend!
But even if it's not a girlfriend, if an adult man and woman are alone in a room, they must still be imaginative, right?
Jian Sichun found that even if he tried his best not to think about it, his mind seemed to be working offline, and he couldn't stop at all.

Through this opportunity, she was able to take a good look at herself...

Then, Jian Sichun sadly discovered that she was actually a terrible woman with a mosaic mind...

goo goo goo...

Jian Sichun drank the rest of the barley tea in one gulp while meditating in his heart.

Can't be colored!
Can't be colored!
Can't be colored!
"It's okay! I, let's chat!"


If you can move your mouth, don't move your hands!
Be elegant, not dirty!
Be a lady, don't be a prostitute!
be patient……

Don't get hot!

(End of this chapter)

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