Chapter 156

It was the first time for Shi Hai to hear someone say such words with such a hearty expression.

But he wasn't intimidated.

He just wanted to know why Kaname had such extreme thoughts.

Also, why did she say that this was something Bai Yue didn't do?

On the contrary, it was Xiao Yao who was frightened by Shi Hai's unwavering reaction.

"Wow, true or false... You don't even frown, senior, your psychological quality is really strong enough to scare me... Don't you feel scary at all?"

"Hmm... I'm a little surprised, but if I'm afraid..."

How can it be scary for a cute brown-skinned girl in white stockings and white stockings to say such things to herself?

"You didn't suddenly take out a knife to stab me, and you still seem to be able to communicate, so why should I be afraid?"

"So when I said that, I didn't seem crazy enough...Damn it, I really want to see you look scared!"

Kaname actually felt unwilling because of this.

She thought about it carefully, and realized that she had never seen the moment when Shi Hai broke his defense.

Shi Hai always gives her the feeling of a 'reliable big brother', and she never pulls over.

Then Kaname suddenly figured it out, it was precisely because he could bring others enough peace of mind that people with troubles were willing to confide in him.

This man is as safe as a rock.

"I just like to think about why first. As long as I can understand the reason why you said this, I won't be afraid."

"Senior, are you a rational monster? Does it mean that you can't clear your sanity value even if you face the ancient gods?"

"It shouldn't be that exaggerated. If it's really something incomprehensible, I'd be terrified too..."

However, he has never encountered such a situation so far, so Shi Hai secretly added an uncertain 'probably' in his heart.

"So can you really understand why I say this? You can understand if you die together?"

"I haven't figured out the reason yet, but at least I can know that you definitely didn't really want to kill me to say such things."

"Senior, you think of me too kindly, don't you?"

"It's not that I think you are too kind, it's just that I don't think you will be stupid. If you really want to kill me, there is no need to save me in the first place."

Xiao Kaname, who is Shi Hai's savior, said these words, and there was a feeling that it was superfluous.

So Shi Hai didn't think that if Xiao Ruo really wanted his life, the key was not to 'die', but to 'together'.

"Well, I really didn't intend to force you senior..."

Kaname spread her hands helplessly and said.

"Speaking of which, senior, you have much more strength than me, so I couldn't really drag you on the road together..."

"If you really want to kill someone, there are many ways, but I don't think that's what you want."

Shi Hai sat cross-legged on the beach, crossed his arms, and said after thinking for a moment.

"In my opinion, you should have crossed that boundary long ago, and put life and death aside."

"Hehe... maybe."

In fact, many people say "I'm going to die" on their lips, but not many people really dare to take their own lives.

In many cases, it is just to say this kind of words for emotional catharsis.

But Xiao Yao gave Shi Hai the feeling that if she said she was going to die, she might actually be able to do it.

Similarly, if she said she was going to kill someone, she might actually do it.

Therefore, Shi Hai felt that Xiao Yao was not joking, she really planned to die with him.

She is playing for real.

Before the union, she just explained to Shi Hai the changes and influences of feelings on the future...

The two of them died together was the answer she got.

A very suitable word suddenly appeared in Shi Hai's mind, and he said it involuntarily.

"...Martyrdom, isn't it?"

Kaname said in admiration.

"As expected of you, have you already thought of this?"

"It's true...but the premise of dying for love is a couple who are already in love but can't be together. I've never heard of someone who dies for love just to have love."

"I've already said that I've given up on letting you fall in love with me, so it doesn't matter whether you fall in love with me or not!"

Xiao Yao said this in a fit of anger, obviously she was still a little concerned about the fact that there was no friction between Shi Hai and Shi Hai.

If you can successfully conquer the sea of ​​time, why choose such an extreme method of gambling?
Thinking of this, Kaname was also a little annoyed, lifted up little jiojio and stepped on Shi Hai's face.

Shi Hai raised his hand to catch the foot, and wiped off the sand on the bottom of the foot for her.

But because the movements were too gentle, Kaname felt very itchy, laughed out loud, lost her balance, and sat down on the beach.

Then the waves just hit her, and she took a mouthful of the sea water, choking on her coughing and dancing her arms and legs.

"Pfft! Cough! Cough-cough-cough!"

Shi Hai hurried over to help her up, and patted her on the back.

After she regained her strength, Kaname wiped her face and said.

"I know, I heard you say it before... You seem to have tamed Tianshui with this trick, you are really professional enough to scratch the soles of your feet..."

"Sorry, just now I just saw that the soles of your feet were dirty, so I wanted to wipe them off for you..."

"Wearing this kind of socks on the beach, there will be a pile of sand on the soles of your feet, and the white ones are easier to get dirty. How can there be really spotless white socks?"

"It's disillusioning...but there are some people who prefer dirty socks."

"Senior, are you that kind of pervert?"

"I don't think I should be."

"It's boring...Senior, you are too normal. You are obviously getting along with a group of abnormal perverted women every day. Why do you still remain normal?"

Hearing that Kaname seemed to be blaming herself for being 'not perverted enough', Shi Hai was inevitably a little ashamed.

"Maybe it's because I'm the only one who hasn't been reborn?"

"That's not true! Although the experience of rebirth is indeed strange...but senior, you obviously have no experience of rebirth, but you often speak amazing words!"

"Huh? My words are amazing? Could it be... You said 'to die together' is also my idea?"

"Although you didn't mean to let me die with you, half of me did follow your advice, senior?"

"Ah this..."

Shi Hai didn't think he would come up with such an outrageous idea.

At this moment, he suddenly had a sense of déjà vu that he had indeed given some kind of advice to Xiao Kaname.

He tried to think back for a while, as if he suddenly thought of something, he said according to his feeling.

"Could it be... I let you die, didn't I?"

Xiao Ruo was really shocked now.


But immediately she suppressed her emotions and explained herself.

"No... Anyway, this time, you definitely didn't think of anything, but guessed your own thoughts by logically analyzing your thoughts... It must be like this!"

However, this time Shi Hai really didn't get the answer by reasoning and analysis.

Purely by a flash of intuition...

Just looking at Kaname's reaction, Shi Hai guessed that he probably hit the mark.

Shi Hai still doesn't know why he said such words, but Shi Hai feels that since this is his own idea, he must be able to understand it.

First, Shi Hai thought about the reason why he chose to help Xiao Yao.

In fact, it's not just because she is his savior, but more importantly, he thinks that Kaname's falling into the time loop must have some special meaning, and that meaning may also be related to Shi Hai's own future.

And he also wants to solve the mystery of himself.

Shi Hai can understand the dialect of this island, probably because Kaname taught Shi Hai in the time loop.

Obviously, the time cycle that Xiao Yao experienced also left traces on Shi Hai's body.

But he didn't remember Kaname at all.

This situation is the same as Jian Sichun and the others.

And the time loop experienced by Kaname is ongoing...

In other words, what is certain now is that Shi Hai's body memory is updated synchronously with the reborn person at the moment when he awakens his future memory.

Their rebirth undoubtedly also affected Shi Hai.

Let Shi Hai's mind also appear 'non-existent memory'.

But this memory is incomplete... Shi Hai not only can't remember the memories about them before they were reborn, but also can't remember what he said when he was with them.

It should have been like this...

However, when Shi Hai was talking to Kaname, he suddenly remembered what he said to Kaname in the previous week.

This made him more certain that the future memory actually existed in Shi Hai's head, but it was not 'activated'.

So Shi Hai wanted to know even more, when Kaname ended the time loop, what would happen to the memory in his body?

So how to help Kaname break out of the time loop?

Let her see death without help... That's how it is.

Shi Hai understood his thoughts.

"Actually, I only have a rough guess... If you don't consider that the factor that affects the future is other people's feelings for you, you at that time should not understand that different events will happen every time cycle. "

"Yeah, the five days were repeated, but the experience of these five days has not been repeated... So I don't understand. Even though what I do has not changed, the future will still be different. Why exactly?"

At this time, Shi Hai thought for a while, if it was him, he would probably give such a suggestion.

"Since each round is different, let's just think about it in reverse."

"You said the same thing again... Are you going to say 'find common ground' next?"

"That's right, since there are too many different points for each weekly purpose, why not try to think about it, what things will happen every week."

Then Shi Hai suddenly thought of one thing.

At this moment, Kaname also tapped her own lips with her left index finger, and tapped Shi Hai's lips with her outstretched right hand.

"Kiss!" "Artificial respiration..."

The former is what Xiao Yao said, and the latter is what Shi Hai said.

Although it said one thing, it used two different terms.

After the two finished speaking, they fell into silence.

Shi Hai said artificial respiration in order not to embarrass Xiao Yao, but he didn't expect Xiao Yao to say kissing.

And Kaname is even more embarrassing. Although she is very mature, in fact, she is still an innocent island girl who cares about the person she kisses for the first time.

To cover up her embarrassment, Kaname pretended to cough and said.

"Ahem... that is, the fact that I saved you and met you... This is actually the source of all the incidents."

"Maybe, as long as you don't meet me, everything will be different."

"Don't you find this idea a little 'familiar'?"

"You mean, Bai Yue thinks the same way?"

"Yeah, think about it carefully. If Bai Yue was your first love, senior, why would she go back nine years ago and watch you fall in love with someone else? Is she a psychopath? Or is she a cuckold? "

"No matter how you think about it... She did this to save me, because I will die in an accident nine years later, and the cause of death is probably to save Bai Yue."

Just like in the future experienced by Jian Sichun, when Shi Hai died to save Jian Sichun, similar things probably happened in the future experienced by Bai Yue.

"Then why did she go back nine years? Didn't she try to go back to the nearest future in the first place to try and save you?"

"Looks like it all failed?"

"Yeah, just like me who was trapped in these five days, she also tried to repeat, but found that she couldn't change the ending at all, so she came up with the idea of ​​returning to the 'source'."

"As long as I don't know Shi Hai, I can ensure that he will not have any accidents... It is a very direct idea, and the law of cause and effect understood by ordinary people is like this."

"That's right, so after that, senior, you met maybe Jian Sichun or another woman. In short, you spent the past nine years with other women again, but what's the ending?"

"...It's the same G."

Obviously, another failure.

Bai Yue's refusal to contact Shi Hai did change Shi Hai's partner, but it did not change Shi Hai's death outcome.

It seems that no matter how tortuous the process is, the result will not change.

Especially the death of a person will still come as scheduled.

That's why Bai Yue sent Jian Sichun back to the past, because if he didn't send Jian Sichun back to the past, even if he did it again, the future would still be 'Shi Hai died for Jian Sichun'.

And the reason why Jian Sichun didn't go through the time loop is because 'it's not necessary'.

Because Bai Yue knew very well that the result would not change... because she had already experienced it herself.

One cannot change the established future by going back in time.

This is the law of fate.

"So, even if I don't go to save you senior, someone else will probably come to save you, because you will definitely not die now, your 'dead time' has not yet come."

"...Is that really the case!"

In fact, Shi Hai already had this idea in his head when he learned that he would die nine years later in most of the future.

It's just because there is no way to prove it, so I can only think about it.

The idea is, since Shi Hai is sure that he will die in nine years.

In other words...

During these nine years, no matter what Shi Hai did, he would never die.

Even if it is crazy to die.

Even commit suicide by jumping off a building.

Shi Hai may not even die.

This is the 'Time Sea's death date' determined by the law of cause and effect.

Before that, Shi Hai was immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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