It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 176 New Life

Chapter 176 New Life

October [-]th, night.

Kaname woke up leisurely, and opened her eyes in a daze.

Slowly straightening up his upper body, he looked around and found that it was the bedroom where he usually slept. There was obviously nothing wrong with it, but he felt a sense of disobedience that he shouldn't be here.

What could go wrong in your own room?Thinking of this, Kaname rubbed her eyes and began to recall...

By the way, I seemed to be chatting with my seniors in the aquarium, and then fell asleep... fell asleep?
Gradually becoming sober mind made Xiao Kaname realize that something was wrong, she stood up all of a sudden, and then looked around for her mobile phone.

Not good!

what time is it now!
Looking out the window, it seems that it is already night... It should not be past twelve o'clock!

No, shouldn't it be... the next round?
He obviously didn't say goodbye properly, how could it end so vaguely!
At least... let me be well

With this anxious mood, Kaname rushed out of the room.

"Oh, you're awake."


As soon as he opened the door, he saw Tokai who was sitting in the living room greeting him.

Xiao Yao, who had experienced ups and downs, sat slumped on the spot, feeling as if her soul was about to come out of her mouth.

Then she pinched her face to make sure it wasn't a dream, and she finally felt relieved.

Looks like the cycle hasn't happened yet... Wait, maybe I've already fallen asleep?

Thinking of this, Kaname immediately asked.

"What time? What time is it now?!"

Shi Hai took out his cell phone, glanced at the time and said.

"October 31th, at eleven thirty-one in the evening."

A little after 11:30... Sure enough, it hasn't happened yet.


Kaname breathed a sigh of relief, but when he thought that it was already eleven o'clock, and the critical point would be reached in less than an hour, now should not be the time to relax at all!
Shi Hai asked calmly.

"Do you want to eat?"

"No, what are you eating now! By the way, why didn't you wake me up!"

"Because you look tired, I will let you sleep well after carrying you back."

"What if I sleep past twelve o'clock all of a sudden! If I wake up and find that the time has returned to October [-]nd, and you are all gone, I will doubt my life!"

"Isn't this still waking up early?"

"But there is only half an hour left! What do you do with this little time!"

Xiao Kaname hugged her head, looking very annoyed.

"Damn it, it shouldn't be like this! It's almost time to say goodbye, so it should be more touching!"

"It's not necessarily a separation. I think it's very likely that it will end this time. After all, it seems that I haven't triggered the preconditions to enter the death line."

"You haven't experienced the time loop, how could you understand my feelings!"

After finishing speaking, Kaname realized that this sentence was actually very hurtful, and bowed her shoulders in frustration to apologize to Shi Hai.


"It's okay, I can understand your mood."

"I just feel it's a pity... If I don't sleep, I can continue to spend the last time with you..."

"We will definitely be able to continue together in the future."

"Don't feed the chicken soup anymore, the child has already vomited..."

When Shi Hai thought about it, she was probably tired of listening to words of encouragement.

"Then try to be as normal as possible."

"It's best..."

Kaname got up and asked while complaining.

"Speaking of which, what about the others?"

"They all went to bed first."

It sounds very unreasonable, but Kaname immediately understood that this was their 'parting gift'.

"...It's to save the rest of the time for me."

"Well, probably so."

"At this time, they don't have any of the sick and delicate attributes at all..."

"Even if you want to monopolize it, you have to divide your time. Their emotional intelligence is still very high."

"So those sick girls who want to kill at every turn are actually a sign of low EQ?"

"Who knows."

After chatting with Shi Hai for a few words, Kaname suddenly felt that there was no difference between now and before falling asleep.

Inexplicably, she calmed down, Xiao Yao walked up to Shi Hai and sat down, touched her belly and said suddenly.

"……I'm hungry."

Shi Hai was stunned for a moment, then got up with a smile and said.

"I'll get you hot food."

By the time Xiao Yao started eating, it was already eleven forty-five.

Only 15 minutes to zero.

It was obviously not the time to eat, but Xiao Yao ate very deliciously, turned into a rice cooker, and swept away the food.

It tastes good on the one hand, and the other reason is that she suddenly felt that it felt good to be able to eat after waking up...

I have always lived alone, so I had to learn to cook, and the more I cook, the more I become good at it, but in fact, Kaname has no interest in cooking at all.

After all, no matter how delicious the food is, I still eat it alone... I don't feel any sense of accomplishment.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that in hundreds of cycles, she is also the one who cooks, not the one who waits for the meal.

And it seems like it has been a long time since I slept so carefree like today.

After eating, Kaname slumped on the sofa and said.

"I seem to suddenly understand what it's like for a condemned prisoner to eat his last good meal before going on the road..."

"This kind of psychology doesn't need to be understood."

"Hey, that's the end result... There are still 5 minutes, senior, can you come and shake my hand?"

Shi Hai directly put down the bowl and chopsticks, wiped his hands and came to her side, gently holding her hand.

"Although I also want to kiss a little bit, but I just finished eating, and there is still a taste in my mouth... I feel that it is too late to brush my teeth now."

"I just don't mind."

"You don't mind... That's what I said, anyway, if you really do it again, you won't remember, then I will..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Hai took the initiative to kiss her.

Kaname opened her eyes wide in surprise, then immediately closed them, silently enjoying the intimate moment.

It really does taste like fruit...

"This is my first kiss, senior."

"I'll take charge."

Looking at his serious eyes, Xiao Yao was filled with happiness, hugged him and said.

"...It's a pity. It would be great if there was a little more time left... I can use another way to fill my stomach..."

It's just that after the stable happiness, it is followed by endless sense of loss.

Someone once said that losing it after getting it is more painful than never having it at all... Now Kaname has a deep understanding.

Finally, when it was only 1 minute away from zero, Kaname couldn't hold back anymore.

Even though she had experienced it hundreds of times, she thought she had already gotten used to it, but when it was really near the last moment, she was still trembling with nervousness and fear.

Sure enough, I still can't bear to...

This time it was definitely the 'best' ever.

She really doesn't want to continue the cycle...

All kinds of complicated emotions came to my heart, Kaname finally couldn't hold back, and cried aloud.

"Woo... woo... I don't want... I don't want to leave you...!"

"I don't want to be forgotten by you again!"

"I don't want to do it all over again!"

Xiao Yao rode on Shi Hai's body, pulled his collar, and cried loudly.

Shi Hai hugged her and said.

"Trust me, I will pray for you."


Xiao Yao rested his forehead on Shi Hai's neck, tears wet his shoulders.

Bai Yue, no matter what, your sister has experienced and endured too much suffering... It's time to liberate her.

Time just passed by second by second.

Finally the moment came.


The phone rang.

It was the alarm clock that Shi Hai had set in advance.

Zero o'clock on October [-]th.

Shi Hai didn't turn off the alarm clock until it stopped automatically.

The alarm clock will only ring for 1 minute, that is to say, it is already [-]:[-] on October [-]th.

Sure enough, nothing happened.

In the eyes of the non-reborn, the passage of time is still normal.

As a result, it didn't happen, and the world ended in this mysterious thing at this moment.

It's just that the Kaname in front of me...will it still be "the Kaname just now"?

But if Kaname goes through the time loop again, the new round of experience should be different from this one...

Then, what is most likely to happen is that the memories of others like Shi Hai also changed along with it.

But Shi Hai recalled what happened in the past five days, and found nothing strange.

Or... Although the memory has changed, but I can't notice it?


We can only wait for Kaname's reaction.

Others also poked their heads out of the room, and asked Shi Hai with their eyes, "What's the situation now?"

Shi Hai shook his head, indicating that he was not very clear either.

Just as everyone was looking at each other, a faint voice attracted everyone's attention.

It was Kaname who sat on Shi Hai's body and asked.

"...that... now?"

"October [-]th, at three o'clock."

"...didn't happen..."

Kaname raised his head and said tremblingly while wiping away his tears.

"I, I didn't go back to the past!"


Shi Hai was also very surprised. In other words, this proved that all his speculations were true.

The big rock hanging in his heart was finally let go, and even Shi Hai felt a burst of relief.

And the other people who were hiding outside the living room to secretly observe the situation here, after hearing Xiao Yao's words, broke in directly.

"Long live~ I knew everything would be fine!"

"Congratulations! And... welcome to tomorrow!"

Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie were the first to rush over, they surrounded Xiao Yao together with Shi Hai, cheering happily.

"It seems that Shi Hai's speculation is basically correct. Is it true that feelings are the prerequisite..."

"Brother, he is still very reliable in this regard."

"Indeed, after all, he even participated in the development of the rebirth device."

Tian Shui and Shi Meng were considered ladies, and the conversation was similar to what Shi Hai thought.

Liu Zhenshan, who was behind them, hugged the two of them, leaned over and said.

"Stop being so serious now."

"Ah, mom...uh, what you have in your hand is..."

Liu Zhenshan was shaking two bottles of beer vigorously, and handed the beer bottles and bottle opener to Shimeng and Tianshui.

"You know, now is the time to celebrate, so..."

Liu Zhenshan himself picked up another bottle of beer and shook it vigorously.

Shi Meng and Tian Shui looked at each other and smiled.

It seems that my mother is also fully cheered up.

The three of them opened the beer bottle at the right time, and the spray of white foam made everyone drenched.

"Come on! No sleep today! Children! The party is on!"


"Hmm! Don't get drunk!"

Jian Sichun was completely excited, and Zhu Lingjie, who likes to drink, was also very excited.

As for Shi Hai, remembering the tragedy of the last moon appreciation reception, he couldn't help showing a wry smile... But now is indeed a time to celebrate.

Moreover, Kaname's liberation also means that the relationship between Shi Hai and them has officially entered the stage of "beyond love".

That seems like nothing to worry about...

Just goof around.

Amidst the cheers...

No one noticed that surrounded by everyone, Kaname squinted his eyes, with a little devilish smile on his face.

She said silently: "So it's back to this time..."


Saturday, October [-]th.

It has been almost a week since I came back from the island.

The new life is back on track.

If anything, the family seemed to be getting a little... bad.

Shi Hai, who was about to go out, looked at Jian Sichun, who was wearing a swimsuit and lying on the sofa playing with a handheld computer, and still couldn't help asking.

"I said, Sichun, why are you still wearing a swimsuit at home..."


Jian Sichun blinked and asked in surprise.

"Are you asking now? I've been wearing a swimsuit for almost a week at home..."

"No, I thought it was some kind of cosplay before, or maybe you guys made an appointment to wear swimsuits together... But now I realize that you seem to be using swimsuits as home clothes."

Jian Sichun scratched his cheek and said.

"Actually, there is no particular reason, it's just that I didn't wear enough on the island, and I didn't show you enough, so I wanted to wear it for a few more days...I suddenly felt that wearing a swimsuit all the time was really comfortable, and I felt a sense of openness. ..."

Saying that, she suddenly thought of something and asked seriously.

"...Is it better not to wear it?"


Shi Hai was a little speechless, he was not a naked sleeper, so he couldn't answer this question.

"Is it okay? It's okay! Anyway, it's at home, so it's okay to be naked!"

"I suggest not to..."

"Why! Is there something else on me that you haven't seen... Ah, I see!"

Jian Sichun thought she understood Shi Hai's meaning, and said with a wink at him.

"Don't worry, the socks will still wear~ I understand, knee socks are still necessary, right? Or would suspenders be better?"

"That's not the problem, okay... Wouldn't it be strange not to wear clothes, but only socks..."

"What's so strange about this! Although a girl's naked body is very beautiful, it will become even more beautiful with all kinds of socks!"


Idiot, there are idiots here.

"I just want to say, aren't you cold?"

The heating doesn't come on until mid-November, so October is the most unbearable month when temperatures keep dropping and the house isn't warm at all.

However, Jian Sichun was wandering around the house in a swimsuit, Shi Hai felt cold just looking at it.

"It's not cold, the air conditioner is on."

"If the air conditioner is turned on all the time, the skin will become very dry."

"Of course I expected that too! So the humidifier is also on!"

"...Okay, as long as you are happy."

Shi Hai shrugged and let her go.

Jian Sichun turned over and lay down on the sofa and said.

"Where are you going, Shi Hai?"

"Go to the library to return the books, and then pick up Xiao Yao."

"Ah, so to speak, Xiao Yao did say that she came here today, no wonder Lingling and Mengmeng went to the supermarket with their mother, to buy dinner ingredients...Then I will go with you?"

"No need, I'm just returning the book and picking up someone, I'll be back soon."

Shi Hai asked after putting on his shoes.

"It's you, do you need me to bring something back?"

"No need~ as long as you have enough energy~"

"……I see."

Jian Sichun got up from the sofa, and printed a saying on Shi Hai's face.

"Sweet one, mua~bye~"

"Go in quickly, it's cold outside, don't catch a cold."

"I know, I know, I will warm myself in the bed, and warm the bed by the way."

This is the recent daily portrayal.

Maybe... a little indiscretion?
(End of this chapter)

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