Chapter 186

Shi Hai is indeed a genius, but not in the eyes of ordinary people.

Although Shi Hai can reach a very high level as long as he is given enough time, but this can only be said to be progress made through hard work, a level that anyone can achieve.

It's like the 'children of other people' in everyone's mouth, at most they will be praised as 'excellent'.

In terms of IQ, Bai Yue and Ye Guang are far more outrageous than Shi Hai.

Bai Yue has already become a professor at a young age, exploring unknown areas at the forefront of science.

And Ye Guang is even more outrageous. He had already mastered advanced mathematics during the summer vacation of the first year of junior high school. He had already published papers in internationally renowned academic journals when he was in high school. He accepted the invitation right after he graduated from high school and went directly to the research institute to study quantum physics.

For true geniuses, diplomas are superfluous.

In fact, he didn't need to go to college at all.

The reason why they came to the university was because both Shi Hai and Bai Yue had studied in this university.

Especially for Shi Hai, he held the same view as Bai Yue, that is: he is indispensable.

No one can replace Shi Hai, he is so different.

The reason why he valued him so much was because in Ye Guang's eyes, Shi Hai was the real genius...a genius that surpassed geniuses.

Ye Guang once thought that he was the one chosen by the world. Although he also had the factor of secondary illness when he was young, he was indeed much smarter than his peers around him.

Conversely, he couldn't understand why other people seemed so stupid.

Extraordinary intelligence did not bring him a sense of superiority, but a sense of incompatibility and outlier.

He couldn't find his kind, so he could only immerse himself in academic research...

Later, at Tianshui's invitation, he joined Bai Yue's research room.

The result was a wall.

In fact, at this time, their research is not rebirth, but human-computer interaction, the intention is to realize the connection network of human consciousness.

And this requires first analyzing the composition of human consciousness in the brain...

Just the first step stumps everyone.

And at this time a person appeared in front of him, and that was Shi Hai who was brought back by Bai Yue.

When we first met, Shi Hai was just an ordinary college student who didn't even understand advanced mathematics.

He originally thought that Bai Yue was a rare smart person who could keep up with his own thinking, but he didn't expect that she would bring back such a 'useless ordinary person', which made him very disappointed, thinking that Bai Yue was nothing more than that .

But Bai Yue taught him carefully, and taught Shi Hai everything about himself.

One year...two years...three years passed.

He suddenly discovered that the mortal bone who was brought back by Bai Yue had actually joined the core scientific research team and was able to express some very novel viewpoints.

But it was only to this extent, Ye Guang didn't take it to heart.

At this time, Ye Guang is still at the bottleneck of research and has not been able to make a breakthrough for a long time...

He even began to wonder, can humans really understand consciousness itself?

An 'operating system' itself trying to understand 'its own code' may be impossible...

After reaching the limit, he found that he was just an ordinary person, just a mortal who was a little smarter than ordinary people.

At this moment, news came from Shi Hai and Bai Yue that they had successfully 'locked memory'.

That was a breakthrough from zero to one.

This means that human memory can be 'digitized'.

The guy that Ye Guang considered as a mortal actually managed to break through the difficulties that he couldn't overcome.

And this is just the beginning...

One subject after another has been overcome, first realizing memory storage, then realizing acceleration of perception, followed by consciousness transmission, and real-time synchronous human-computer interaction...

In other words, human beings can already upload their consciousness to the Internet, and the time perception on the Internet is slowed down compared to real time.

And if this technology is popularized, there is no doubt that the world will enter a new era.

At that time, Tianshi Group will be proud of the world with its dimensionality reduction and striking technological progress, and cyberpunk will soon become a reality.

However, this is not the end yet... The idea of ​​neural tracing has been raised, which means that 'rebirth' is achievable.

There doesn't seem to be an 'upper limit' for time seas.

Unlike other researchers who get bogged down at a certain point and can't go any further, Shi Hai can go where they can't.

That's why fantasies can be turned into reality one by one... like an apocalypse!
From him, Ye Guang saw the possibility...the possibility of knowing the truth!
From then on, Ye Guang became Shi Hai's faithful believer.

To put it bluntly, Ye Guang is also greedy for Shihai's brain.

At this time, Bai Yue sensed Ye Guang's covetousness towards Shi Hai from Ye Guang's fanatical eyes, so he stood in front of Shi Hai and protected him behind him.

"Wait, you are not allowed to come here again."

Shi Hai glanced at Bai Yue strangely, wondering why Bai Yue was so wary of him... Shouldn't they be companions?

In fact, he had doubted whether Ye Guang was a reborn before.

It's just because the reborn people who can be confirmed so far are all somewhat related to Shi Hai himself...and they are all women.

If Ye Guang is also a reborn person, there is no reasonable reason... He can't be his other half, right?

Shi Hai felt that his sexual orientation was normal. Although Ye Guang was indeed a handsome guy, Shi Hai really didn't think he would be interested in him.

However, according to Ye Guang now, he was also one of the core personnel who developed the rebirth device... Now it should be said that it is the nerve tracing system.

Therefore, he may also be the person who went back to the past from the first episode.

Maybe it was Bai Yue's chosen helper.

Seeing Bai Yue being so wary of himself, Ye Guang walked over with a smile and said.

"What's wrong? Don't you believe that I am a reborn person, Yueyue? Then I can prove myself, for example, I can write about the basic structure of the neural tracing system now..."

But Bai Yue yelled angrily at him again.

"Don't make me repeat it! No! Come here!"

She is very agitated and hostile.

She even took out a pen from her pocket and pointed the tip at Ye Guang's neck.

It was as if once Ye Guang made any strange move, she was ready to stab him in the neck without hesitation.

"Heh... it's really scary."

Ye Guang stood still and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, but he didn't seem surprised by Bai Yue's repulsive look.

He shrugged and teased Bai Yue with a smile.

"Obviously Shi Hai and I are reborn, but you are willing to believe and approach him. Is this the attitude towards me?"

"He's not like you."

"Haha, it seems that although you have always denied it before, Shi Hai is indeed your favorite type, right?"


Bai Yue frowned, her eyes were unfriendly.

However, he did not deny it.

Ye Guang held his forehead and said with a heartbroken look.

"Hey...the person who gave you two mechanical heads who don't understand love at all is me, your big brother... When you got married, I was the best man? Is this how you treat me now?"

Unmoved, Bai Yue asked coldly.

"Answer my question first, when were you reborn?"

"If you are asking about my first rebirth, based on the first time you used the memory return function of the neural tracing system, I followed you to send the current memory back after you used it for the 1221st time. past."


Seeing that Bai Yue didn't respond, Ye Guang continued to explain.

"Oh, the previous 1220 times were to try to see if Shi Hai's death outcome could be changed, but none of the experiments were successful... So, after you and Shi Hai made a decision, you will go back to the time before the two of you got married. , trying to fundamentally change the ending of Shi Hai's death... But just in case, Shi Hai asked me to follow you too, so I'm here now."

After speaking, Ye Guang smiled at Shi Hai, as if to say, 'I have fulfilled your commission well? '.

Shi Hai scratched his cheek, and felt that it was no wonder Ye Guang took such good care of him before... because he already existed like his big brother a long time ago.

However, after hearing this, Bai Yue continued with a straight face and continued the question and answer session.

"How many years ago were you reborn?"

"Nine years ago, of course you were the same. We returned to the same time node together."

"In the next few weeks, you also went back to the past with me?"

"No, no, you didn't take me with you when you started your nine-year experiment."


"Because of limitations, in the same week, the number of people who can carry out memory transfer by the neural tracing system is limited to 'three people'. This limitation is not a problem with the machine, but that the fourth person will suffer from 'lost coordinates'." As a result, it is impossible to return the memory to the past... and the time points chosen by the three people must be consistent."

It turns out that there is such a limitation...

But Shi Hai felt that this was quite normal.

If it is really available to everyone, it would be outrageous.

However, Ye Guang said that the limit is the number of people, not the number of times.

That is, the same person can make multiple passbacks.

That's why Kaname was able to backtrack repeatedly during Golden Week.

"This explanation is more complicated. It may be necessary to explain the change rate related issues of the 'deductive method of fate'..."

"No need for now... So, you are just reborn now?"

"That's not true, I have also experienced multiple rebirths. This is because you will be useful to me in the future. For example, if you need to persuade Shi Hai's lover from the previous week to stop approaching Shi Hai, I will kneel down Come down and ask someone to agree."

Bai Yue raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Why would I entrust this kind of thing to you?"

"Because you messed up before. After all, Yueyue, you have zero points in dealing with people. When you explained to them before, you ended up fighting with them! I guess you hate them too... ...Thinking that they stole the time sea that originally belonged to you."

Shi Hai imagined the scene of Bai Yue fighting with the women in his family...

The picture of beautiful women fighting in groups is simply too beautiful.


Bai Yue snorted coldly, as if he was not feeling well, but Shi Hai could tell that Bai Yue had begun to believe Ye Guang's words.

It's like when Shi Hai heard about future things from Jian Sichun and the others, he felt that these things really seemed to be done by himself...

It is estimated that Bai Yue is the same, thinking that what Ye Guang said is very similar to his own style of acting.

"That's the last question...why are you approaching us 'at this time'?"

In fact, this was the reason why Bai Yue didn't believe in Ye Guang.

If Ye Guang was a reborn person, why didn't he come forward to explain this earlier, but why did he come forward at this time?

Even if Ye Guang was originally their companion, he is very likely to be a traitor now.

Bai Yue even suspected that the reason why he couldn't remember anything was because he was stabbed in the back by Ye Guang.

But Ye Guang didn't show any panic, he just said lightly.

"I know what you're worried about... But in fact, the reason why I only came forward now is because you met Shi Hai again, it's as simple as that."

"But you can obviously let me meet Shi Hai sooner."

"It doesn't make any sense for Shi Hai to meet you earlier, because you know even less than Shi Hai now, don't you?"

Bai Yue thought about it, and felt that there was nothing wrong with this, so she asked instead.

"Speaking of... If there are three people in the quota, besides me and the woman from Shihai in the current week, isn't there a third place? Why didn't I use it for you?"

"Hey, didn't you say that was the last question just now?"

"Stop talking nonsense and answer me." Bai Yue ordered bluntly.

"Because you also sent back Shi Hai's memory."

Ye Guang smiled wryly, and Bai Yue directly refuted it.

"What? How is this possible! At that time, Shi Hai should have died!"

Ye Guang said gloomyly.

"No one said that the 'memory of the dead' cannot be transmitted back, right? As long as the brain is still intact, the neural tracing system can be used for memory transmission."


? !
Shi Hai also hugged his head.

Can the memory of the dead be transmitted back?

But just when Shi Hai and Bai Yue were shocked by this, Ye Guang spread his hands and said.

"Of course, it turned out to be a failure...but it still occupied a quota, so there is no place for me."

"Wait, why did I do this? If Shi Hai's memory is also sent back, wouldn't it be impossible to change the future?"

"So, this means that you know that even returning the memory of the dead can change the future."

"Then what's the point of doing that?"

Ye Guang didn't answer this question, but changed the subject.

"Speaking of which, when you were discussing just now, you should have had this kind of question, that is how to overwrite the 'memory of the past' back to the past."



After Shi Hai and Bai Yue looked at each other, they fell silent together.

They all knew why Ye Guang suddenly mentioned this at this time.

In fact, he was answering Bai Yue's question.

"Your reasoning is very good, but after all, you know very little now, so it's normal not to think there... However, I must correct you, your current situation is not being re-covered with 'past memories'... that is not Not 'past memory', much less 'prime memory'."

Hearing this, Bai Yue lowered his head, turned to face Shi Hai, and dropped the pen in his hand to the ground.

Shi Hai patted her shoulder lightly, then looked at Ye Guang, and told the truth.

"That's...'memory after death', right?"

"That's right, the memory of the dead can only be transmitted back to the intellectual memory. This may be because the consciousness part of the person has been reset to zero after death... In short, the reason why you still have the knowledge of the future, Shi Hai, is because Bai Yue sent back the memory of you after death."


Shi Hai will die in the future, this is a certainty.

But the problem is... Bai Yue.

Her current situation is the same as that of Shi Hai, with only intellectual memory and no other memory.

This means that...

Bai Yue will also die in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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