Chapter 187

"I think you all understand by now, what exactly does 'Bai Yue with amnesia' mean..."

Ye Guang pushed his glasses and said.

"You know, when I went back to the past with the memory of last week's goal, I found that Bai Yue had turned into the same state as Shi Hai and you... What a terrifying thing is this?"

Shi Hai could also imagine how shocked Ye Guangde was at that time.

Bai Yue couldn't remember anything anymore, which meant that in a certain week in the future that Ye Guang didn't remember, Bai Yue died, and someone passed back the memory of his death.

I'm afraid that at that moment, his mind was filled with all kinds of questions.

How did Bai Yue die?

Who was she sent back to the past?

Why would the other party do such a thing?
Shi Hai also had the same doubts, but he believed that Ye Guang, who knew more than him, had already started to investigate.

He said this matter at this time, probably because he has already investigated the key information.

"First of all, it is impossible for me to do this kind of thing myself. Even if Bai Yue really died, I would never pass back her memory... because once the memory of Bai Yue after death is passed back, it is equivalent to Wiping out all of her multi-week experience is definitely making an already bad situation worse."

"Indeed... Could it be that you have encountered the same situation as me?"

That is to say, in order to change Bai Yue's fate, she had to clear her memory and restore her feelings to their original state.

"If you're referring to accidents that seem like fate... First of all, what I want to say is that Bai Yue's lifespan is very long, and her body is also in good health. At least she can live longer than me, maybe even in 2100. Not impossible..."

Can live a hundred years, spanning two centuries?That's really a long time to live...

However, with the development of science in the future, the life span of human beings will definitely be longer and longer, so the number of centenarians should also increase.

However, what Shi Hai was even more puzzled about was that what Ye Guang said was too certain, as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

"It's as if you've seen it with your own eyes."

"I actually saw it with my own eyes."

"Huh? But, wouldn't Bai Yue go back to the past in nine years?"

"That was when the experiment was carried out in the early stage. In fact, from the middle stage, she no longer returned the memory immediately after you died, but continued to conduct research... The opportunity should be the week when you didn't die, Bai Yue It seems that she knew something crucial and started to study the deduction method of fate... It was also from this time that she began to bring me back for memory transmission."

Ye Guang joked, pointing at his temple as if he was about to shoot himself.

"After all, the only thing I can use is my brain."

"So what you are studying is that... is it called 'Deduction of Fate'?"

"That's right, the deduction method of fate, what is the deduction method, Shi Hai, you should have heard of it, right?"

"If it refers to the 'deductive reasoning method' most commonly used by Sherlock Holmes, I do know a little bit..."

The most classic of the deductive methods is the syllogism.

Use the major premise and minor premise to draw a conclusion.

In fact, the most important thing in deductive reasoning is its nature.

That is to say, conclusions can be drawn from known facts called 'premises' by reasoning 'necessarily'.

And if the premises are true, then the conclusion must also be true.

That is to say, it is certain.

Ye Guang nodded and said.

"Knowing this is enough, and the deduction method of fate, as the name suggests, is that fate itself is also deduced."

"Fate is acting...?"

"Is it difficult to understand? Let's use a text adventure game to illustrate. At a certain branch point in the plot, there are two options AB, and then these two options will lead you to two completely different endings. This process It is inevitable. If you choose A, you will definitely enter the first ending. If you choose B, you will definitely enter the second ending. It will not happen that you choose A, but trigger the second ending. This is impossible. .”

It feels like talking nonsense, but Shi Hai can tentatively understand what Ye Guang wants to express.

"In reality, the fate of people is the same. There is a 'premise', and once this premise is triggered, an 'inevitable result' will occur."

"Isn't this the prerequisite!"

"That's right, so in fact, fatalism can be completely overturned, because fate is not arranged in advance, and fate will not interfere with your own choices...It's just because people don't know what will happen in the future, they lament the impermanence of fate .”

"So that's how it is... I feel like this is 'karma'."

"Yes, it is actually karma, but real retribution does not operate on the basis of 'human beings' concept of good and evil'. It does not mean that if you kill a person, you will definitely die in the future... But, killing someone If you kill a person, it will definitely lead to a certain result, and what is the result and when will it happen... This is exactly the law we are trying to study."

"Isn't this a study of the law of causality itself...Although it is not an ordinary cause and effect."

"That's right, this is actually the law of causality in a broader sense that transcends the general cognition of human beings. We call it the 'Deductive Method of Fate'."

After hearing this, Shi Hai felt that it was impossible to research this thing.

Because there are differences among individuals, and everyone encounters things differently, and the choices they make when encountering things are also different, resulting in completely different results...

It can be said that the deduction of fate is "infinitely" extended.

"I know you may think it's impractical to study this, because a person's time is limited... In fact, for us researchers, the most lacking is time. The life span of human beings is too short, and a person A person spends his whole life and can only achieve a little result in one field."

So a genius like Shi Hai who breaks through one difficulty after another at a young age and pulls all mankind forward with his own power is really rare.

However, being able to be reborn is different.

Because time will no longer be the limit.

Shi Hai finally understands how they dare to study the huge and complicated laws of the "Deduction of Fate"...

"...How many times have you been reborn?"

Shi Hai still couldn't help asking this terrible question.

Perhaps for ordinary people, being stuck in a time loop is a maddening thing.

But for an enthusiastic researcher like Ye Guang, I am afraid that he would be very happy to say, 'Is there such a good thing? 'Bar.

As a result, Ye Guang folded his arms and said after serious thinking.

"Hmm... I can't remember exactly."

"Can not remember?"

"Although my memory is very good, I still can't remember everything like Bai Yue, and the number of times I remember is meaningless...I still remember the approximate length of time."

"How long is that?"

He was very curious about how old Ye Guang was mentally.

Judging by his mannerisms and conversations that don't look like what a young man should have, maybe his mental age is already 50 or [-] years old?
In the end, Ye Guang said a very scary number with an amiable smile.

"About 300 years."


Two thousand three hundred...years!

Is the unit really right?
Go straight back to before the era, right?It is equivalent to living from the Warring States Period to the modern age... This is too exaggerated!

Shi Hai couldn't help but look secretly at Bai Yue who had been silent since the beginning.

If it is said that Ye Guang has lived through the new life for 300 years, Bai Yue must not be short...

And Bai Yue still couldn't forget it.

This means that her memory initialization is equivalent to erasing 300 years of memory.

Thinking of this, Shi Hai felt his scalp go numb.

"Now I understand, Ye Guang, why you are terrified by Bai Yue's amnesia..."

"Really? In short, Bai Yue's life after that is free from disease and disaster, and she lives a very long life... It's like replacing you, Shi Hai, and living all the parts you haven't lived."

"That's a good thing."

Shi Hai even wanted to say, why don't you just stop studying the deduction of fate, and just enjoy this rare and long life, wouldn't it be good to live happily until the end of your life?
"Moreover, there is another very important point... In Bai Yue's 2000-year life, the only person she has liked from the beginning to the end is you."

Shi Hai scratched his cheek, not knowing how to react.

A relationship that has lasted for more than 300 years... This is too heavy.

The women in the family who have only been with Shi Hai for nine years are nothing compared to Bai Yue.

So now it seems that losing those memories might be a relief for Bai Yue?
Bai Yue still didn't look up.

It's been like this from the very beginning... Maybe it's because she thought of her 'cause of death'.

In fact, when Ye Guang said that Bai Yue would not die by accident in the future, there was only one possibility for Bai Yue's death.

That is……

He killed.

"So Bai Yue was killed by someone..."

"That's right, and I'm afraid the purpose of the murderer who killed her was to clear her memory."

Ye Guang said so.

"Then who could it be?"

"I don't know because there are so many possible candidates."


"Think about it carefully. First of all, the murderer must know the existence of the nerve tracing system, but Bai Yue and I have never told anyone else about this top-secret thing... Then only those around you, Shi Hai, have experienced it once. Women, even if they don't know the specific principle, they must know that there is something that can regenerate them."


"They all have a motive to kill Bai Yue."


Although Shi Hai didn't want to admit it, they did have a very strong motive for committing the crime.

After all, Bai Yue was the main culprit who completely disrupted their lives.

And even if it wasn't for this, there is still the possibility of 'love killing'.

Who told Shi Hai to be a man who owed a lot of emotional debt?
"Anyway, Bai Yue must have done something unacceptable to the murderer, which led to her being killed."

Ye Guang wrote all the names of Jian Sichun and the others on the blackboard, and said while drawing circles with red chalk.

"So, the women around you in Shihai are very likely to be hiding a 'true culprit' who 'has multi-week memory'! Of course, the possibility of joint crimes also exists... But because the memory is sent back once There are at most three people, one of which is reserved for the dead Bai Yue, so there are at most two people left, besides the real murderer, there is also an accomplice."


Suddenly it became a werewolf killing game.

At this moment, in Shi Hai's mind, the faces of Jian Sichun and the others floated by one by one...

Even if he wanted to refute that it was impossible for them to do such a cruel thing.

However, this is really hard to say...

Because he found that the way they imagined them picking up the hatchet and waving it didn't feel any sense of disobedience...

After all, they all have a tendency to be sick and delicate.

In fact, Shi Hai himself had thought about it a long time ago. Once they were blackened, there would definitely be a tragic scene covered in ketchup.

The reason why he was able to reach this level safely and let them compromise and accept the harem route was entirely because Shi Hai was already a dying person with a lifespan of only nine years.

However, if Bai Yue stepped forward and brought some kind of turning point, intending to take Shi Hai away from them...

I'm afraid they will be blackened on the spot, and then use a knife.

And it is very likely that when Bai Yue was killed, Shi Hai was also stabbed...

Hack to death this pair of dogs and men who used their relationship as an experiment and involved other people's lives.

And then... do it all over again.

Thinking of this, Shi Hai felt shuddering.

Originally, Shi Hai thought that he had to slowly fall in love with them recently.

Now knowing that there are one or two 'blackened sick girls' among them, how can this make him feel at ease to love them?

It looks like a harmonious harem, but it is actually a bloody Shura field...

"That's why I wrote that letter to you, with the intention of warning you."

"So it was you who put the letter..."

Looking at it now, the sentence in the letter really condensed everything.

[Do not associate with any woman who shows obvious affection for you]

This is simply the most correct warning.

"The reason why the murderer wants to initialize Bai Yue's memory is to prevent Bai Yue from approaching Shi Hai again..."

Ye Guang said to Shi Hai with a wry smile.

"Actually, I originally thought that it would be great if you couldn't find Bai Yue. It would be a relief for both of you, so I only gave the library this clue, but you did meet him in the end. She's gone, and I can even discuss it with the ignorant Bai Yue to this extent... Then I can no longer be a bystander."

"I see……"

"And it must be mentioned that if you let them know that you have found Bai Yue, Bai Yue will definitely be targeted by them again, and his life will be in danger."

"They haven't found out yet."

In fact, Shi Hai originally planned to tell them about Bai Yue after a while, but now it seems... Fortunately, he didn't.

So what to do next...

Find the real culprit?

But what if you find out...

Convince the other party not to kill Bai Yue anymore?
That is to say, the moment the real culprit is exposed, the other party will definitely want to do it all over again.

Because the other party definitely doesn't want Shi Hai to know that she is a bad girl who killed someone.

But if they don't expose it, the other party might attack Bai Yue again, and then do it all over again.

Keep coming back until Shi Hai will never meet Bai Yue again...

However, Shi Hai would actively look for Bai Yue because he wanted to know the truth...

This is simply an endless loop!
(End of this chapter)

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