Chapter 209
Enter An Shengwei's dream, and find the real her...

Shi Hai rubbed the back of his neck and said helplessly.

"So this is what you call a strategy..."

"Yeah, aren't you very good at treating women with mental illness? Lingjie was also cured by you!"

Zhu Lingjie replied in embarrassment.

"Uh... Although I still feel sick when facing other male animals..."

Has it expanded from men to male animals?
Are you sure it's not getting worse?
However, Shi Hai just complained in his heart and didn't say it directly. He looked at Zhu Lingjie and reached out to pat her head.

Zhu Lingjie blinked, smiled and enjoyed Shi Hai's head touching, and then took the initiative to rub her face, and put her own face in Shi Hai's palm.

Soft, like a cute and cuddly animal.

But this cute side will only be shown to Shi Hai.

Shi Hai looked carefully at Zhu Lingjie's eyes, and found that her eyes were not as sick as yesterday, so he asked.

"Speaking of which, are you back to normal?"

Jian Sichun rolled his eyes, patted Shi Hai on the back and complained.

"Don't talk like we're all sick!"


Shi Hai was silent.

It's hard to say that you were not sick before...

Speaking of which, they were all influenced by their mother, and the reason why their mother became strange was because they received memories from An Shengwei.

Then the problem is coming...

Shi Hai looked back at his mother who was sitting back on the sofa and asked.

"Mom, what memories have you received from An Shengwei?"

Liu Zhenshan stroked his cheek with one hand, and said with an intriguing smile.

"...Hehe, what kind of memory... why don't you ask her?"

His gaze turned to 'Bai Yue'. From this point of view, what An Shengwei gave her was part of Bai Yue's memory.

But 'Bai Yue' said with an innocent look on his hands.

"It's useless to ask me... I don't have my own memory now, so I don't know which memory you are talking about, Mom... But it should be something I saw during my cycle, right?"

"Is that so, even you don't know... In other words, the only ones who know are me and Yui... Then keep it a secret for now."

"Mom, you're whetting my appetite..."

Shi Hai found that his mother had also changed, becoming very... demonic.

In the past, she was obviously a cheerful and stupid mother, but now she looks like a beautiful woman with a deep heart.

The last time Mom's mentality changed drastically was when Dad passed away...

Shi Hai was not used to it.

Liu Zhenshan saw through Shi Hai's thoughts at a glance and asked back.

"Actually, you just want to ask me what I did to the three of them, don't you?"


"I just said something heartfelt to them."

"Just talking?"

"That's right, they liked you very much in the first place, I just encouraged them a little bit... But it also made their emotions a little higher at the time, so don't they all calm down now?"

So are they still unaffected?

Shi Hai looked at the three of them, then at his mother, and frowned.

"'s 'you haven't done anything to them yet'?"

The point is, what did Mom encourage them to do?
Obviously some time ago, the family was peaceful, why did she deliberately disturb it?
"Hehe... I intend to re-enter their memories to make their feelings for you more pure... But if you do that in a short period of time, they will lose their minds and their behavior will become crazy, so you must Let them get used to it first... Only Xiao Yao, because she escaped from last week, so after finding her, I purified her feelings by importing the memories from the Golden Week period."

Shi Hai asked with a frown.

"Mom, do you also have the ability to read output memories? Have you been assimilated by An Shengwei?"

"Assimilation... Knowing how to use this word means that you don't understand her at all."

"Of course I don't understand. After all, we met for the first time yesterday."

"But to me, she's my 'other daughter'...because she has all your memories."

Ever since Liu Zhenshan made up her mind to only give her kindness to her own children, she met An Shengwei.

This poor child lost in countless memories and desperately lacking in love...

Liu Zhenshan didn't have the heart of the Virgin, but after getting some very special memories from An Shengwei, he almost had a nervous breakdown.

At that time, it was An Shengwei who accepted her and healed her.

And An Shengwei's thoughts also infected Liu Zhenshan...

Let everyone love Shi Hai.

So the problem is solved, isn't it?

And they did after that...

But like 'Bai Yue' said, An Shengwei himself has not been redeemed.

Therefore, after Liu Zhenshan learned the reason from 'Bai Yue', he temporarily jumped back...

But it's not betrayal, it's just that she hopes that An Shengwei can also get the love that belongs to her.

However, Shi Hai couldn't understand it. She felt that her mother would become strange, and it was all An Shengwei's fault, which was no different from being brainwashed by a cult.

"Farewell, Mom... I heard from 'Bai Yue' that the future is terrible... Do you really think that's okay?"

Liu Zhenshan looked directly into Shi Hai's eyes.

"Of course, I mean it."

Only then did Shi Hai realize that his mother had completely changed.

It's not surprising that she does anything now.

That is to say, the reason why my mother went to sleep with them...

"What did you... what did you do to them last night?"

"Let them have a 'good dream'."

"Take advantage of their sleep and input memory into them!"

"That's the memory they already had, I just made them remember it more clearly."

"What a joke...!"

Regardless of whether Shi Hai believed that his mother would do such a thing... he was very angry at the moment.

He was angry that Liu Zhenshan really did something to them.

It doesn't matter because it's the memory they already have?
It's not right!As long as you start this, even if you input other memories in the future, you can find excuses and get past it!

What is the difference between this and thought imprisonment!
The atmosphere is tense.

But no one dared to intervene, nor dared to persuade.

Because this is a conflict between Shi Hai and Liu Zhenshan, a mother and son.

Jian Sichun was so stupid, it was the first time she saw Shi Hai so angry, and she was still angry with her mother...

The same goes for Zhu Lingjie, as far as I can remember, they have never quarreled... not once since they were young.

Shi Meng has never met her mother in her previous life, but she knows that her mother and brother have a very good relationship, because after her mother passed away, her brother would burn incense to her every day.

On the contrary, Tian Shui once saw Shi Hai and Liu Zhenshan having conflicts... Shi Hai ran away from home at that time and never saw each other again.

The problem is very serious, it can even be said to be a family crisis!
Shi Hai said coldly.

"...Mom, although I have never argued with you, I think it is necessary to come here once."

Liu Zhenshan looked calm, pointed to An Shengwei who was lying down and said.

"Let's put the quarrel between mother and child until later. You don't have time to waste now. You have to rescue her first."


Shi Hai suppressed his anger temporarily, because what she said was right, the top priority was to get An Shengwei dealt with.

During this period, 'Bai Yue' kept pressing An Shengwei's forehead with his hands, as if he was doing something.

"Well... the adjustments here are almost done, and we can start."

"How to do?"

"Take her hand."

"Is it okay to hold hands?"

"If you still want to be more intimate, of course there is no problem, do as you like."

"Then hold hands."

"Tch, you are so thin-skinned."


After arguing with his mother, Shi Hai's mood also became very bad, and he didn't want to reply to the joke.

Seeing Shi Hai like this, 'Bai Yue' gnawed directly at his face.


After biting his lip and bleeding, 'Bai Yue' shouted angrily.

"With such a bad mood, how do you go to see her! You are going to attack her, not to quarrel with her! When you enter her mind, she can also receive your emotional fluctuations , you will bring negative emotions to her like this!"

Hearing these words, Shi Hai patted his cheek hard, then took a deep breath and let it out...

Because it was about my mother, I actually lost my mind... a bit out of control.

After calming himself down, Shi Hai said with a wry smile.

"...Sorry, you're right...but forgive me for not being perverted enough, being stared at by you, I still feel a little more shame than excitement..."

"Hmph, that's right! But you won't be ashamed after you get used to it."

"Do you want me to become a pervert..."

"Then I will also help you recover the electronic signals sent from the brain to the body, so no matter what you do in her inner world, the body in the real world will not have any reflection, so go ahead with confidence!"

"...I always feel like you're implying something."

"You understand? Then you are so dirty..."

"Who the hell is dirty..."

"Hee hee, has your mood improved?"

"It's much better, it's been a great help."

"Then let's talk about 'precautions'."

"I will keep it in my heart."

'Bai Yue' put away her smile, and said to Shi Hai seriously.

"First of all, I must tell you, Shi Hai, that doing this is risky, and the risk is very, very high, and there is even the possibility of 'not coming back'."

Hearing this, Shi Hai was not surprised, but the others couldn't sit still.

Jian Sichun opened his eyes and shouted.

"Hey?! What's going on if you can't come back!"

"An Shengwei's dream world is actually similar to the virtual world, and the time flow in the virtual world is different from that in reality."

Shi Hai nodded and said.

"I know this, Ye Guang told me, because the principle is to speed up the brain."

"That's right, so even if only half an hour has passed in reality, it is possible that this real time will be magnified in her mind no matter how many times... Brain in a vat, have you heard of it?"

Tian Shui explained from the side.

"The famous paradox is that when all the senses are normal, people have no way to tell whether they are in such a predicament."

"Too real virtual equals real...Maybe when you first enter the dreamland, because you remember what you are here for, but as time goes by, there is a good chance that you will forget these things and get lost in the memory... "

"Just like 'Inception', lost in the deepest part of multiple dreams, can't come back..."

'Bai Yue' nodded and said.

"Maybe you will say that this kind of thing will not happen, but in fact, even I, who can remember everything, have neglected the original purpose in the process of exploring the deduction of fate..."

"Is it because the memory is too complicated?"

"Well, although I can remember everything, my cognition is limited. If I have to recall the past all the time, then I basically can't do anything. I need to keep recalling... ...Later, it took me a long time to learn how to extract the specified memory in my memory bank, and then I got rid of this predicament."

Then 'Bai Yue' pointed to Shi Hai's head and said.

"But Shi Hai, you are different from me. You can't remember everything, and you can't use your own memory. Moreover, An Shengwei may return the 'memory of you from other worlds' to you, making you forget what you were originally. The purpose of her will always live in her mind."

Zhu Lingjie asked anxiously.

"The time sea in reality will...!"

"It will become a vegetable."

Shi Meng was also shocked, she thought of her brother lying on the hospital bed.

"Could it be! My brother at that time was also...!"

"Yes, Shi Hai was also lost in a dream at that time."


"If it goes well, you may find her right after you go in. If it doesn't go well... I don't know how long it will take to find her."

Because the dream constructed by An Shengwei will be the "summation of everyone's memories", the memories of Jian Sichun and the others alone have decades of weight, plus the "Bai Yue"...

There are thousands of years of memory.

"That's why I say the stakes are high ... especially if you're in a dream and you become 'wake up', which is the worst case scenario."

"It feels like a test of my willpower..."

"So you can refuse."

"If I refuse, will you kill her?"

"No, but that would have the same ending as last week's show. If you think that's okay, just wait until she wakes up."

Shi Hai looked back at his mother, that future was jointly created by An Shengwei and his mother...

Even if it was to deny his mother's idea, Shi Hai felt that he should go.

But if you go with this kind of mood, you will definitely not be able to see An Shengwei.

I have to attack her... to fall in love with her.

That is to say, to pursue a woman sincerely.

Shi Hai turned his head and said to them.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm going to cheat now."

'Bai Yue' burst out laughing.

"Pfft... Declaring cheating in person? That's all you can say..."

Zhu Lingjie said in a very understanding way.

"I don't think this is considered cheating... After all, she is your original partner, isn't she? According to the order, she is the first..."

Jian Sichun also nodded and said.

"That's right! Although we haven't gotten along yet, she will definitely be willing to join us!"

Both Tian Shui and Shi Meng looked indifferent, they didn't care how many women Shi Hai had.

After a belly laugh 'Bai Yue'

"That's right! Let her join your harem too! As long as you are brave enough, even a sick girl will be on maternity leave. Brave boy, go create miracles!"

"Accept your auspicious words... Then, I will go back as soon as I go."

Everyone didn't answer, but looked at Liu Zhenshan.

These words are only suitable for mothers to come back and forth.

Although there are still conflicts, Liu Zhenshan is always concerned about Shi Hai.

"Safe travels……"

Shi Hai didn't turn his head, but he also nodded heavily, and then gave himself a milk in his heart.

Hope it won't be a long journey...

The moment he held An Shengwei's hand.

Turn around.


Shi Hai woke up suddenly and raised his head.


here is……? in my own home...

What were you doing just now?

"Hey~ how's it going?"

Although the door opened, a lively and cheerful voice sounded from behind.

When Shi Hai looked back in a daze, he saw a girl with twin ponytails hugging his neck directly.

"Hey~ I'm here to replenish my boyfriend's energy~ Mmm~~~ As expected, it's the most comfortable posting with my husband... Hehehe..."

The girl who gave a smirk hugged herself tightly, her face and chest were squeezed and deformed.

Shi Hai was a little out of breath from being hugged by her, but he felt that he was used to it...

She is……


Jane... Sichun...?
Yes, that's right.

It's Jian Sichun.

Shi Hai gradually remembered.

She is my girlfriend, and I have been dating her since college, and I have lived with her for more than eight years.

Now she is a professional game anchor, interested in cosplay.

I am her tailor, photographer, and video editor.

"Huh? Did you fall asleep just now? Your saliva is dripping out."


Mouth feels wet...

Seeing this, Jian Sichun stretched out his fingers to scrape off the trace of saliva from Shi Hai's mouth.

Then he sucked his finger in his mouth and laughed silly again.


"Is it dirty..."

"It's not dirty! It's sweet!"

After turning from hugging the back to the front, Jian Sichun asked.

"What's the matter? Husband? Are you tired from making clothes?"


Shi Hai looked at the workbench in front of him...

By the way, I seem to be making clothes for Jian Sichun, and it's a huge amount of work.

"Ah... Maybe I'm a little tired..."

Jian Sichun said with some distress.

"Why are you working so hard... There is no need to do three sets, right?"

Three sets of...?
Shi Hai's mind came up with the design he had thought up before.

It's a wedding dress.

By the way, I and my girlfriend are planning to get married, so I am sewing her wedding dress by hand.

And the plan is to make three sets, two of which are for weddings, and the other...well, for the bridal chamber.

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Of course I will make you the most beautiful bride."

"Hey... I love you so much... Can you take a break?"

"Maybe I need to take a break..."

Shi Hai scratched his head, he was so sleepy that he almost forgot his girlfriend.

And they are going to marry her.

Really shouldn't... How can such an important thing be forgotten?

"Then hurry up and carry me back to the room!"

"Are you sure you want me to rest..."

"Of course..."

Jian Sichun looked away guiltily.

Shi Hai sighed helplessly.

"Then take a rest..."

"Okay~~~ I'm going to be full of energy!"

When Shi Hai saw her jubilant look, he gave her a doting look that could not help her.

Marrying a child... Isn't it good?
nothing wrong...

No, any, no.

(End of this chapter)

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