Chapter 210
Big day.

Shi Hai and Jian Sichun walked into the marriage hall hand in hand.

The wedding was not done with great fanfare, because Shi Hai's family and Jian Sichun's family had very few people, it was just a very small banquet, and it even seemed a little deserted.

But the wedding banquet was successfully completed, and then it was transferred to the church, where vows were made until death, rings were exchanged, and the vowed kiss...

Back at their new home at night, Jian Sichun threw herself on the bed.

"Wow~ I'm finally home!"

Shi Hai said while undoing his tie.


Jian Sichun hugged a pillow and sat up, pouted and said.

"It's okay... Even Dad drank too much, not only pouring you alcohol, but also crying, it's really embarrassing..."

"Haha, after all, you are going to marry off your only daughter, so you will inevitably be a little excited."

"Then are you okay? Are you still awake?"

At the wedding banquet, Jian Sichun's father took Shi Hai to drink a lot of wine, Jian Sichun was a little afraid that Shi Hai would go home and passed out drunk.

In that case, the originally scheduled time belonging to the husband and wife may be gone.

But Shi Hai seems to be in good condition.

"Well, although I don't drink often, it seems that I drink well."

"Huh...that's fine..."

Jian Sichun patted her chest reassuringly.

"If there were more people, I might really get drunk... But because there weren't many people at the scene, I didn't actually drink much, and I don't know whether I should be regretful or lucky..."

Shi Hai felt that the only regret of this wedding might be that the scene was not lively enough.

"Well, after all, the conditions are not right now, and there is no way to call too many people... And I already feel very happy... This is definitely the best day of my life."

"That's it... that's good."

There was a smile on Shi Hai's face, and it was his greatest happiness to be able to give her happiness.

"But today is not over yet!"

Jian Sichun suddenly regained his energy, stood up from the bed, turned around and said.

"Although I also like the pink wedding dress, there is a crown on the veil, it feels like becoming a princess..."

Today Jian Sichun wore two sets of wedding dresses. At the wedding banquet, she wore a pink wedding dress. When she arrived at the church, she changed into a more orthodox pure white wedding dress. The bouquet she threw was received by Mengmeng.

"But sure enough, I still want to wear this suit!"

She turned around and walked to the closet, opened the closet, and there was the third wedding dress made by Shi Hai himself.

The middle part is a high-slit one-piece design, surrounded by a transparent skirt, and the upper body part is a separate design, a bit like a swimsuit, but it can be opened directly...

Others are white silk suspenders and long gloves...

Although it was still a wedding dress, it couldn't be worn out at all.

"I wanted to wear it when I first saw it... It's too astringent! Whether it's the heart shape that exposes the lower abdomen and navel here, or the 'flip and drink' design on the chest, it's too poignant for me. Already!"

It can be seen that Jian Sichun really likes this wedding dress, and it feels like her eyes are shining.

"Hee hee, I'll show you how to wear it now!"

"Well, then I'll get the camera."

Shi Hai also really wanted to see her put on this well-designed wedding dress, and he definitely wanted to take pictures of it.

Although it cannot be sent out, it can also be recorded as the experience of the two.

So when Shi Hai was about to get the camera according to his previous habits, Jian Sichun held him back.

"Wait... this time, it's not a cosplay..."

Jian Sichun's face turned rosy.

"Isn't today just 'role-playing'..."

"Well, today you are the real bride."

Shi Hai took her into his arms and said again.

"Only belongs to my bride..."

"So... in the future, if you want to see it, I will show it to you at any time, and I will take pictures for you if you want... But today, let's engrave it in our 'memory'?"

"Okay... I will always remember..." this scene.

Couldn't say the sentence completely.

Because Shi Hai felt something was wrong.

Something is wrong.

Then Shi Hai didn't understand what was wrong, so he blurted out.



Jian Sichun was also a little confused, not knowing why Shi Hai apologized.

Apologizing on this big day... Her face turned pale, and she asked with wide eyes.

"No, it won't be, you have other women outside..."

"No, how could I..." Fall in love with someone other than you.

He didn't say anything again.

There is a sense of incongruity...

This time, Shi Hai didn't let go of this sense of disobedience, he desperately grasped it, and then thought forward...

I slowly remembered.

All recalled.

Here... is not reality.

It is a dream world constructed from memories.

Then, come in by yourself to find someone.

Shi Hai covered his forehead and said with a wry smile.

"No, maybe..."

Jian Sichun bit her lower lip tightly, tears were about to burst into her eyes, but she tried her best to hold back.

Then squeezed out a smile and said with a trembling voice.

"Well... If, if it's just such a 'little thing', I can still forgive you... You, you won't leave me, right?"


Shi Hai was silent again, but he didn't dodge his eyes, but looked directly at Jian Sichun.

Looking at Shi Hai's face, Jian Sichun suddenly felt relieved.

She felt that Shi Hai hadn't changed his mind...he was still the same Shi Hai who loved her.

"Are you... going to go?"

"Well, I'm leaving."

This ending is very happy, Shi Hai really wants to stay, and wants to watch the child born in Jian Sichun's stomach...

Although it has been 'completed', it is logically perfect, basically there are no loopholes...

But... here, it's not reality.

"...Even if it's not reality, isn't it good to treat this place as reality?"

"Sisi, have you... noticed it?"

But... how is that possible?

This place should be the memory world, and the Jian Sichun in front of me is just a virtual personality constructed from memory...

Jian Sichun covered one side of his eyes, the golden pupils were emitting light.

"I don't know... But I also feel like it's 'fake'...Happiness is like a dream...Maybe it's really just a dream...It's just my delusion."

Shi Hai couldn't help but hugged her into his arms.

"You're not stupid at all..."

She raised her head and said with an expression on the verge of tears.

"But... even if it's not reality, isn't it good to treat this place as reality?"

"It's good, but the real you will scold me."

"...Is that so... Then it seems that this wedding dress will be reserved for the real me..."

She wiped away her tears and said with a bright smile.

"Remember to treat 'me' well?"

"……I will."

At this moment, 'time' stopped.

Or in other words, the playback of the memory is paused.

Shi Hai raised his head and said to the air.

"I's almost the same."

"But thank you anyway."

"Even if it's not true, it can be regarded as making up for Sichun's regret."

"If you are willing to pass this memory on to her later, she will be very happy."

There was no reply.

Tokai's response was only a blackened vision.

Then he woke up again... It seemed that he was still at home.

Although it was his own room, the layout was completely different.

New memories slowly emerged in Shi Hai's mind.

No... these are all my lost memories.

It seems that this time it came to Zhu Lingjie's memory.

Is this to let myself go through everyone's memory over and over again?

But I have already recalled it, and then I will officially start looking for her.

However, just when Shi Hai was about to act, he felt that the memories he had just remembered were being 'covered'.

It seems that the owner of the dream wants Shi Hai to be immersed in memory like this...

Shi Hai said with a sneer.

"Oh... I will accompany you to the end."

Then do it again.

I will still remember.


Shi Hai woke up suddenly, his eyes focused.

Zhu Lingjie came over and patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Husband, the hot water is ready, you can go take a shower..."

"Oh... you've worked hard."

"What are you laughing at alone?"

"Huh? Am I laughing?"

Shi Hai covered his mouth... as if he was really laughing.

Strange, what am I laughing at?

Shi Hai was a little confused, and said with a wry smile.

"Uh, I might be a little silly..."

Zhu Lingjie asked worriedly.

"Is it because you are too tired from work... Shall I give you a massage?"

"Then please, my personal maid."

"It is my honor to serve my old master... As a reward, can I have a drink tonight?"

"Hungry again?"

"Hmm... want to drink..."

"Little greedy cat."

"I just like it..."

"Like me, or do you like the feeling of being slightly drunk?"

"I like you more..."

"So nice."


"Let's go, let's take a shower first."



Shi Hai woke up suddenly, frowned and rubbed his forehead.

It seems that Zhu Lingjie's memory has passed smoothly.

I have to say that the warm married life is really amazing, and it took 20 years to realize it...

And after realizing it, Shi Hai also hesitated for a long time.

Because the reason for his leaving is also 'derailment', and her husband's derailment is the biggest shadow in Zhu Lingjie's heart.

Shi Hai was very afraid that he would hurt her...but in the end she accepted it with a smile.

(I'm not afraid of your cheating, I'm just afraid that you won't love me anymore... no matter where you go, as long as you still love me, I will always support your decision... because I am your wife .)
Her last words became the motivation for Shi Hai to move on.

New memories flood in...old ones are once again clouded.

At this moment, Shi Hai was standing in front of a magnificent office building, and the woman beside him said proudly.

"Tianshi Company is a company that focuses on future technology and uses self-developed technology to popularize the public... Welcome to join us, Shihai."

Today, Shi Hai officially joined Tianshi Company.

He has only one purpose for joining, to research the time machine, and then get rid of his own fate of death.

Before he succeeds, he will absolutely...absolutely never fall in love with any woman.


President's room on the top floor.

Shi Hai once again 'remembered'.

It didn't take long this time, only three or four years...

But in retrospect, Shi Hai felt a little embarrassed.

Because... there is a cute 'dog' rubbing against his leg in front of him.


" are allowed to speak."

"...Master? What's wrong with you?"

"Well... I'm fine, it's just a little hard to accept..."

I didn't expect you to be such a senior...

I never thought I could be this bad...

Queen turned bitch...

Whether it's me who made you into this, or you who enjoy it...

All too bad.

This is simply a memory that cannot be seen by anyone...

But Shi Hai now knows why Tian Shui was so obsessed with letting him lose in the first place, because he wanted revenge.

Looking at the pet queen who couldn't be more obedient, Shi Hai felt quite fulfilled.

Now that you've figured it out, get ready to leave.

But before leaving, there is one more thing I want to say to her.

Shi Hai reached out and patted her head and said.

"Climb up."

Tian Shui climbed up obediently, put his two paws on Shi Hai's shoulders and stuck out his tongue.

Shi Hai stroked her back and said softly.

"Sorry for making you feel wronged."

"What didn't hurt my body..."

"I also did a lot of homework..."

"Why... suddenly reveal it?"

"Because it's time to end this relationship."


"Of course, in the future, if you still want to continue, I will accompany you at any time... But now I can no longer accompany you."

Shi Hai hugged her and whispered in his ear.

"And then... I haven't told you all this time... In fact, I have fallen in love with you a long time ago."




again and again.

Repeatedly remember to forget.

Repeat the process.

No mental breakdown.

The will is as solid as a rock.

The sea of ​​time is still moving forward.


The girl opposite suddenly asked.

"...Hey, do you know what day it is today?"

Shi Hai raised his head, gave her a strange look and replied.

"Huh? December 12st."

The girl in the white coat was a little surprised, like saying 'you know? ', then pointed to the book in Shi Hai's hand and asked.

"...So you're only reading books about the end of the world now?"


Only then did Shi Hai understand why the other party called him. It seems that he went to the library to borrow a bunch of books related to the end of the world on December 2012, 12. This is really a bit strange.

"Actually, I don't think the end of the world is going to happen."


The other party was a little puzzled, so Shi Hai explained.

"If I really feel that today is the end of the world, I shouldn't come to the library to read books, but I should prepare survival tools, or I should completely let myself go and do something that I usually dare not do."

"It seems to make sense..."

"Conversely, it is precisely because today is the end of the world that I suddenly became interested in Mayan prophecies, so I went to the library to read books."

"Hey...the mobility is quite strong."

"By the way, are you reading a book about memory?"

"This is my related major."

"Oh...then do you think there is an upper limit to human memory?"


"You are a professional, right? Then I want to know, is there an 'upper limit' to a person's memory?"

"You asked a very controversial question...There are different opinions on this question in the academic circle."

"What about you? What do you think?"

"I think there must be an upper limit to least for me there must be an upper limit."

"After the memory reaches the upper limit, will the original memory be forcibly erased?"

"I don't know... If you are interested, how about doing some research yourself?"

"Indeed...the experiment yields true knowledge."

"...This is the address of my laboratory, if you are not popular in 3 minutes, you can come and have a look."

"Thanks, I'll be there."

Then she left first.

Shi Hai continued to read.

Seeing the setting sun, Shi Hai looked up at the ceiling strangely and asked.

"Huh? Don't you plan to cover my memory again this time?"

no respond.

That is to say, there will be no response at all.

But this time, I really didn't forget.

After going through everyone's memories, this time we have come to the 'starting point'.

That person just now was Bai Yue.

This was the first time I met Bai Yue.

Shi Hai put his hands behind his head and said to himself.

"I understand, because it's unnecessary, right..."

Because starting from here, it will be a long journey for Bai Yue.

Compared with before, it is not an order of magnitude at all.

And Shi Hai still vaguely remembered that 'Bai Yue' reminded himself decades ago... that is, before entering the dream world.

As time goes by, he is likely to forget why he entered the dream, and even forget that he is in the dream, completely lost in the vast sea of ​​memory.

Shi Hai got rid of all the gentleness, retrieved all his Zhou's memories, and passed the stage of "unwilling to wake up".

And the next step is the pure competition of willpower.

"... Interesting, then I'll go to the end and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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