Chapter 211
Shi Hai was flipping through the map.

Looking at it, Shi Hai's expression became silly.

The eyes became hollow, the mouth opened, and the saliva dripped from the corners of the lips, like a big fool.

Of course he wasn't in a daze, but was searching his memory according to the map.

The map is hand-drawn, about the size of an A4 paper, and it is filled with all the 'rooms' that Shi Hai has visited.

Shi Hai still has 1028 maps like this in his backpack.

It takes about a week to complete a map, and he has been in this strange space for 30 years.

Of course, this amount of time is nothing compared to the memory journey he has traveled all the way.

After Shi Hai walked through all of Bai Yue's memories, what was ushered in was not the end, but a return to the starting point.

In other words, he returned to Shi Hai's own home.

But my three-bedroom, one-living-room, one-bathroom home has turned into a very weird and strange space.

Front, back, left, right, ceiling, floor, all lead to 'another home'.

A spatial structure similar to an infinite corridor.

Shi Hai didn't panic at all. He had seen similar situations in various animations, such as the four-and-a-half-fold mythology series.

In short, it is similar to the situation of ghosts hitting the wall?
Then he tried to crack the method one by one, and after all failed, Shi Hai packed his bags and started the trip in his 'home'.

In the first ten years, there was no change, no matter where you go, you are copying and pasting the same scenery.

However, every time Shi Hai came to a new home, he would look around and play a game of 'spot the difference' with the previous home.

After confirming that they are exactly the same, they will leave for the next home.

After nearly ten years of repeating the boring inspection process like a quality inspector in a factory, this weird space has finally changed.

The initial change was really inconspicuous, it was just that the pointer of the clock had changed, and you would miss it if you were not careful.

But with continuous exploration, Shi Hai's home has become more and more distorted...

For example, the toilet appeared on the kitchen counter, and the faucet became strangely twisted, and when it was turned on, what spewed out was not water, but orange juice.

The broken water glass remained at the moment it was broken, as if time had been suspended.

Another half of the sofa was embedded in the wall, but when I went to another home, the other half of the sofa that should have appeared did not appear.

It's like a piercing bug in the game.

After these objects became messy, finally even Shi Hai's room structure changed.

It is no longer copying and pasting a home, but the connection between rooms becomes very random, such as the bathroom connecting the bedroom.

And the room itself was rotated, turned upside down, and the arrangement of objects became disorganized.

There are also some places that were not connecting ports that can be accessed, such as wardrobes, mirrors, TV screens, etc...

In some rooms, even the laws of physics are thrown into disarray, becoming zero-gravity spaces.

There are also many dead ends.

It was at this time that Shi Hai began to draw maps to record the places he had traveled, and then began to explore for 20 years.

If a normal person had been trapped for so long, he might have already gone crazy.

But Shi Hai didn't, he even enjoyed it.

He found the process of exploration very interesting.

I really enjoy this novel experience that is impossible to see in the normal world.

At this time, Shi Hai looked through all the maps, but still couldn't find a similar room structure.

But this should be an area that I have already been to...

The premise that the map can come in handy is that the rooms you have visited before will 'not change'.

But now this rule has finally been broken.

After reaching a dead end, turn back to the fork, only to find that the room configuration has completely changed.

Actually this isn't the first time this has happened.

This has happened frequently in the past three months.

But as long as the change is not too large, the map drawn by Shi Hai can still be used, but...

"Hmm... no, the structure has completely changed. This map is no longer usable..."

Shi Hai simply tore up the map in his hand, and after thinking about it, he even threw away his backpack.

Anyway, these maps should be useless, so throwing them here will make your shoulders a little easier.

As for why not use more convenient tools such as computers or mobile phones to record, it is because of 'unstable'.

Because after all, this is not the real world, but a dream world constructed from memories.

However, electronic products such as mobile phones and computers in the memory are not reliable at all, and data may be lost at any time, and the battery may even return to zero directly.

That's why Shi Hai chose hand-drawn maps.

And in the final analysis, the map is just something to help Shi Hai assist in memory, and it is just an 'opportunity' to help Shi Hai recall.

During the long journey, his memory has become extremely powerful, even if it's not as good as Bai Yue's complete memory, it's not bad.

As long as it was something Shi Hai wanted to remember, he could keep it in his mind.

And he also learned how to retrieve his own memories.

"In other words, is the carpet exploration coming to an end..."

Shi Hai scratched his head, took out a lighter from his pocket, and lit the map.

It was the first time that the paper was burning, but there was no smoke.

More and more mistakes, more and more chaotic space, are these signs that the owner of the dream can hardly maintain his own dream?

"Well... In short, we still have to move on... Then let's go on."

Talking to himself has become Shi Hai's habit.

Otherwise, if you don't speak for too long, you will forget how to speak, it will take more time to recover and the tone will become very strange.

Shi Hai walked to the switch of the bathroom heater, turned off the light and then turned it on again, the scene changed.

I came to a place that should be a living room, but it was empty, not even a door.

Shi Hai looked around, and visually estimated that the size of the room should be the size of a basketball court.

"Speaking of which, my house has really grown so big..."

There is no entrance to this room... Is it also a dead end?
Shi Hai wasn't sure, and it took a careful search to find out if there was a way.

Who knows if there will be hidden walls or something?
Looking back, the light switch that I just pressed has disappeared... Now there is really nothing left in the room except him.

After searching around and trying every conceivable method, Shi Hai couldn't find any other way.

It seemed that there was nothing else to do except wait, so Shi Hai lay down on the ground and closed his eyes.


"Shi Hai... Wake up... Shi Hai...! Wake up!"


How long has it been... I haven't heard a human voice...

This voice is the one I especially remember, who is it...

By the way, it should be... Jian Sichun's voice.

Thinking of this, Shi Hai opened his eyes, and a teary-eyed Jian Sichun appeared in front of him, hugging him.

"Shihai! You finally woke up...!"

"Oh... Sichun?"

"Hmm...! It's me! That's great, I just said that you moved your fingers, but you really woke up..."

Shi Hai looked around, and found that he seemed to be lying on a hospital bed, still wearing a hospital gown.

Jian Sichun's hair has also grown very long.

"Did I... sleep for a long time?"

She said tremblingly, wiping away tears.

"It's been a year...!"

Shi Hai looked at his hands and muttered to himself.

"Is that so... I've been sleeping for a year..."

Then a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he raised his eyebrows and said.

"It's only been a year?"


Everyone in Jian Sichun was stunned.

Shi Hai reached out and patted her shoulder and said.

"It's been decades, and it happened suddenly, I really didn't realize it..."

"What are you talking about..."

"That is to say, I'm still in a dream."

"Shi Hai, you, you are not crazy!"

"I don't think I'm crazy... It's just too 'one-sided' to simulate a person based on memory."

Shi Hai crossed his arms and complained.

"I said, didn't you just realize that it was useless, so you threw me into Bai Yue's memory... Isn't it a bit too old-fashioned to still do this trick now?"

"Or do you think I will be lonely if I stay alone for a long time, so maybe I want to leave the dreamland now?"

"But I have no intention of leaving at all."

After he finished speaking these words on his own, Shi Hai put his hands behind his head and lay back on the hospital bed.

"It's okay to continue to ask me to play the 'psychopath'... Let's see what the simulated future will look like."

As soon as these words came out, Jian Sichun's voice disappeared.

Shi Hai opened his eyes somewhat unexpectedly, and found that he had been transferred again.

This time I woke up in the dormitory.

This scene is very rare.

Ye Guang's voice came from below.

"Shi Hai, are you awake? Let's go, go to the cafeteria to cook."

Shi Hai felt dizzy, and the memory in his mind became blurred.

I seem to have had a long, long dream, so long that it seems like a lifetime away...

"Sleeping all afternoon without class, are you the reincarnation of Sleeping God? Get up quickly, I won't bring you food."

"Oh, here we come..."

Shi Hai got up and got out of bed, put on his clothes, followed Ye Guang to the second canteen, and asked Ye Guang while eating fried rice.

"Ye Guang, do you think people can be reborn?"

"Pfft... You are so funny, rebirth? How could such a thing happen? Have you read too many online novels recently?"

"Indeed...but I think rebirth can be achieved through memory transmission."

"Hey, come on, maybe it will be possible to develop it in the future."

"Speaking of which, do you know someone named 'Chu Chen'?"

"Chu Chen? Who is it? Which courtyard?"

"Look, there is a bug... I said, this is too old-fashioned, it's getting fake?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Shi Hai ate the last bite of fried rice, put his palms together and said.

"A world where nothing ever happened... This is indeed what I want, but I will not pretend that what has happened, so thank you for thinking of me."

However, when he closed his eyes this time, he could still hear Ye Guang's doubtful voice.

"What are you talking about, are you sleepy stupid..."

"Oh wait, isn't it a bug?!"

Shi Hai suddenly opened his eyes, patted the table and stood up.

A world where nothing ever happened...a world where no one is reborn...

In this world, Chu Chen's absence was taken for granted.

Because Chu Chen is a "reviser", that is, a future person, he may not have been born at this point in time!

And this timeline, isn't it... the "correct history" that I will be with her?

She's giving it a chance!

Now, maybe we can find her!
Shi Hai immediately rushed out, looking around looking for someone.

She should be there.

She certainly won't wait too long... The chance is fleeting!
Searching while running, when I ran near the stadium, I finally found the person I wanted to see in a gazebo.

Shi Hai grabbed the opponent's hand and forced the opponent to turn around.

"Got you?"


Shi Hai frowned.

It's her, but it's not her.

Same appearance, same personality.

But it's not 'real her'.

"No way... Do you even want to use a substitute for yourself? How much you don't want to see me..."

Hearing this sentence, the woman in front of her opened her eyes wide, and looked at Shi Hai in disbelief, her pupils shrunk.

Shi Hai laughed instead.

"Oh, it's finally here."

She opened her mouth and muttered.


This moment...


The sound of cracking spread throughout the world.

The dream, shattered.

The long journey is over.

This space is like a room with the lights turned off. It is pitch black and you can't see your fingers.

And around her is surrounded by scenes of memories, playing like a TV series.

And she herself was grabbed by Shi Hai, slumped on the ground, lowered her head, and asked in a low voice.

"Are you... not confused at all?"

"Of course it will."

"Then why do I wake up every time..."

"Because you're not here."


"Actually, I discovered it during the journey. In the memories I have experienced, you have never appeared on stage, not even a chance encounter. It's a bit too deliberate, just like you don't want to appear in front of me."

"But the reality is, I haven't even met you by chance..."

She buried her head in her knees.

"Only I...haven't experienced it...'missed' from the beginning."

Burning flames.

The fire of jealousy burned her carcass.

Shi Hai didn't feel hot, it was probably just a manifestation of his thoughts.

"Isn't there now? I found you."

"...Why did you come to me? Do you really like me? You only came to me for them, so that they won't be infected by me and become sick!"

After hearing this, Shi Hai squeezed his chin instead, and suddenly realized.

"Oh? So that's my motivation? Thank you for helping me remember. To be honest, I don't remember clearly."


She couldn't help raising her head.

When he found out, Shi Hai really had an expression of 'so that's how it is'.

He... really forgot why he entered the dream?
Seeing her surprised expression, Shi Hai asked with a smile.

"How do you think I persevered this way?"

She didn't know, and she couldn't imagine it.

Whether it is decades, hundreds of years, or thousands of years that Shi Hai has experienced in his memory...

In her opinion, it was only about twenty minutes, the length of an episode of animation.

Suddenly, she trembled.

She finds herself doing unforgivable excesses to Shi Hai.

She herself was once trapped in Bai Yue's smelly and long memory, so she knew that feeling very well.

extreme loneliness...

And Shi Hai not only experienced the whole process, but was even made to remember and forget by her repeatedly?
Wasn't that a nervous breakdown?

How did he persist?
"It's because I know exactly what my goal is...or rather, 'mission'."

Shi Hai held her left hand with his right hand and said.

"That is to find you."

One obsession, to be carried out from beginning to end.

He did it.

(End of this chapter)

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