Chapter 213 (End of main text)

Shi Hai woke up.

This time I really woke up.

Although he no longer remembers what it feels like to wake up in reality, Shi Hai can still understand that this is fundamentally different from "waking up" in a dream.

If there is such a thing as a soul, it is probably the feeling of 'returning the soul'.

"Shihai, you're awake!"

Jian Sichun's pleasantly surprised voice made Shi Hai focus on his opened eyes.


Shi Hai suddenly felt nostalgic.

After all, in An Shengwei's dream, the level of consciousness has spanned too long.

But it was only in a daze for a while, Shi Hai patted the back of Jian Sichun who rushed forward to hug him and said.

"I am back……"

Jian Sichun wept with joy, wiped her tears and said.

"Hmm...! Welcome back!"

The others were also relieved, because 'Bai Yue' said that An Shengwei would wake up in about half an hour, so Shi Hai had to wake up before her.

If An Shengwei woke up first, it meant that Shi Hai's attack had failed, and he was trapped in An Shengwei's dream.

After Shi Hai fell asleep, the time passed bit by bit, almost two hours passed, but neither of them woke up.

But just now, Zhu Lingjie keenly noticed that An Shengwei's expression had changed, and the eyeballs under his eyelids seemed to be moving, which was a sign that he was about to wake up.

However, Shi Hai still showed no signs of waking up.

This made their hearts sink to the bottom.

Even 'Bai Yue' seemed very anxious and regretful... She was actually not sure if it was the right decision for Shi Hai to attack An Shengwei.

If An Shengwei's possessiveness and jealousy were very strong, he would definitely try his best to keep Shi Hai in his memory forever.

So in fact, letting Shi Hai enter her dream is almost like letting Shi Hai throw himself into a trap.

So whether Shi Hai can get out of the cage woven by memory is unknown... If he fails, he can only reopen.

Fortunately, the sea woke up at the end.

Others also gathered around, surrounded Shi Hai, and wiped their tears on him.

Shi Hai has a helpless expression on his face, but he is also very happy in his heart... This is probably the so-called 'sense of belonging'.

At the same time, An Shengwei also opened his eyes, clutching his forehead to collect his thoughts.

She's still a little uncomfortable with being fully awake in the real world.

Before, she was always in a 'half-dream, half-awake' state, and many of her actions were similar to sleepwalking, basically unconscious and dominated by emotions.

But at this moment, she and Shi Hai escaped from the depths of her memory... and turned back to the real An Shengwei.

To put it simply, she has reason and is no longer a pure crazy woman.

And no one gathered around her.

An Shengwei was a little lonely, but he was used to it.

After all, in the eyes of these women, I am just a villain who disturbs their daily life, at most, a 'newcomer' who will join in the future.

It's normal for no one to care about yourself.

Just as she was thinking this, someone hugged her from behind.

Judging from the soft feeling on the back, it should be a woman... and there is only one woman who is willing to hug her.

That is Liu Zhenshan.

In the last episode, An Shengwei shared some memories with Liu Zhenshan.

She didn't have this plan originally, after all Liu Zhenshan is Shi Hai's mother and also Shi Hai's Ni Lin, no one can touch her.

Only after learning about An Shengwei's experience, Liu Zhenshan offered to let An Shengwei transfer the memory to himself.

After that, Liu Zhenshan understood this poor girl who was unloved and could not even get in touch with others, and agreed with her thoughts.

Because he was born with the ability to read memories, no one can hide secrets from An Shengwei, which also made An Shengwei see many "things he shouldn't know" since he was a child.

She even knew that her father was killed by her mother, something she didn't want to know...

And not long after, this incident was revealed, An Shengwei's mother was also imprisoned, and An Shengwei became an orphan.

In the process of growing up in the orphanage, she also gradually realized how dangerous her ability is. After all, everyone has a secret that they don't want to be known by others, which is the so-called "black history".

If someone finds out that he has this ability, he will definitely be used by others, and he will be hated even more.

And who would like a person who can spy on other people's memories?
No one likes me, no one is willing to get close to me... If I want to live a peaceful life, I can only grow old alone.

Knowing this, she chose to stay away from the crowd and lived an isolated life in a remote mountainous village.

It was really a remote place, not to mention the Internet, and there was no running water. Every day, I had to fetch water from a well house ten kilometers away.

So she actually didn't quite understand how Shi Hai met her...

But after experiencing the dream, she suddenly realized.

If it's Shi Hai, it's really possible to go to that kind of remote mountain village that is inaccessible.

After all, this man knows how to find out...

And he is the only man who can accept himself.

Because there is nothing false about this man.

Shi Hai is the same on the outside and inside, and lives too magnanimously.

And Liu Zhenshan is the same... This mother and son are people who can accept themselves as family members...

Thinking about it now, An Shengwei realized that he was just jealous, so he was just taking revenge on them. He was jealous that those women came to the mother and son earlier than her and became their family members.

How naive...

At this time, being hugged by Liu Zhenshan, feeling the warmth, big tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, and she finally couldn't help crying out of grievance.

Liu Zhenshan said while stroking her head gently.

"Great, it seems that you are finally willing to face yourself..."

An Shengwei asked while wiping away tears.

"Mom... can I still call you that?"

"Of course, I have always regarded you as my daughter..."

"I were willing to stand by my side just because I had Shi Hai's memory..."

"From the moment you are willing to share your memory with me, you are already my child."


In fact, An Shengwei knew why Liu Zhenshan supported him so much, because he passed on some memories that should not be given to her.

Although the perpetrator was Bai Yue, that demonic woman, this memory shouldn't be passed on to Liu Zhenshan...

She suddenly felt sorry for Shi Hai... After crying for a while, she looked up at Shi Hai from Liu Zhenshan's arms.

Then I saw another woman's face.

She squinted her eyes and joked with a thief.

"Yo, have you become a crybaby? It seems that you have been successfully captured by Shi Hai."

"...Go away, I don't want to see you."

Then he narrowed his eyes again and smiled sinisterly.

"Besides, it's not certain who will attack who..."

Seeing that the expression was right, 'Bai Yue' also suddenly smiled.

"Oh, that's right, with a sinister face, this is a woman who is on par with me...

However, I'm here to ask about the whereabouts of the other me. She and the corrector should be locked up by you, right? "

An Shengwei didn't want to have another word with Bai Yue, so he turned his head and gave the answer directly.

"Abandoned hospital."

At this time, Shi Hai had already calmed down the crowd, and came to them and said.

"Then let's go now."

Zhu Lingjie asked worriedly behind him.

"Don't you need to take a break? After all, Shi Hai, you have been in her dream for a long time..."

"It's been a long time... But, it's time to end, after all, 'someone' has been waiting longer than me."

As he spoke, Hai looked at 'Bai Yue' and asked.


'Bai Yue' also said with a wry smile.

"Yeah... It's time to end all of this... Anyway, let's find another me first."


A ward on the third floor of the inpatient department of an abandoned hospital.

Ye Guang was untying Chu Chen, and beside him was Bai Yue who had already untied and was rubbing his wrist.

Bai Yue frowned and asked.

"Haven't you already betrayed...why did you come to help us?"

After untying Chu Chen, Ye Guang said with a wry smile.

"Miss Bai Yue, don't you see that I'm a double agent?"

Then Ye Guang rolled his eyes and said.

"And actually you two crazy women, I don't want to support either side... Shi Hai was ruined by the two of you..."

Chu Chen, who was free from restraint, got up from the chair and said.

"This man is indeed untrustworthy, but now he is our only help."

Ye Guang shrugged and asked.

"Chu Chen, your memory is not polluted, right?"

"No, she saw our contact with Shi Hai, so she rushed to Shi Hai immediately."

"That's good……"

Chu Chen frowned and said.

"Instead of coming to our side, you might as well go to Shihai's side."

"So what if I go? And if I go, it's more likely to be free. I don't want to be brainwashed by that woman."


Ye Guang spread his hands and said.

"Now let's see what kind of hole cards the original Bai Yue left behind."

While the three were talking, there was the sound of a car from a distance, so they went to the window to check, and then saw two cars driving towards the hospital.

The car stopped at the entrance of the hospital, and the people who got out of the car were Shi Hai and An Shengwei, and other people also got out of the car one after another.

Seeing this scene, Ye Guang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Hey, this seems to be over... Do you think it was An Shengwei who succeeded and came to clean up those of us who slipped through the net, or did Shi Hai get the trump card prepared by Bai Yue and turn the tables? "



Chu Chen and Bai Yue were both silent, with solemn expressions.

But Ye Guang is right, there are only two possibilities left...

So they didn't run away at all, and went downstairs to meet Shi Hai and the others.

When they came to the hospital lobby, the two waves of people happened to meet each other.

Shi Hai looked at Ye Guang in surprise and said.

"Oh? Ye Guang? Did you come to save them first?"


Hearing Shi Hai's tone, Ye Guang asked back with a smile.

"It seems that you are the one who won everyone in the end?"

"It's all over."

Seeing Shi Hai nodding his head in admission, Bai Yue and Chu Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Bai Yue wanted to ask what happened to Yao'er's body, and what was the key to getting An Shengwei down.

Unexpectedly, 'Bai Yue' who was possessed by Xiao Yao greeted them cheerfully.

"Hey, long time no see, you two!"

Chu Chen frowned directly, and Ye Guang asked in surprise.

"This tone... Are you Bai Yue?!"


"Have you transmitted your memory to other people?! How did you do it! You are not An Shengwei... relying on the neural tracing system? But the brain structure is different, there is no way... No, wait, If it's a blood relative, it's indeed possible, but Bai Yue's accumulated memory is simply not something ordinary people can bear, could it be that the memory is divided..."

Ye Guang pinched his chin and started talking to himself, 'Bai Yue' said helplessly.

"Ouch, this mad scientist has started again..."

But Chu Chen didn't care about the principle, he understood when he saw 'Bai Yue' and Shi Hai who were safe and sound.

The long journey... is finally coming to an end.

This is probably the longest correction mission he has ever performed...

"Finally... it's over..."

"Well, the journey is over."

Then'Bai Yue' solemnly bowed to the two of them to thank them.

"Thank you both for your dedication and contribution."

Instead, Bai Yue frowned and asked the other self.

"...Are you going to occupy Yao'er's body forever?"

"Of course not. After all, I just borrowed the memory that Yao'er forgot. After a long time, she will gradually forget it, and she is not occupied by me at the moment. Her consciousness is clear, okay? She can hear everything we say, and she just lent her body to me temporarily, and she can take it back at any time."


Only then did Bai Yue feel relieved, and then asked the most important question with folded arms.

"How is Shi Hai?"

"It's okay, I won't rush to the street for no reason."


Looks like it's really over.

An Shengwei's problem is solved, and Shi Hai's life problem is also solved, so it seems that there is only one problem left...

Bai Yue looked at the other self, then tilted her head and asked Chu Chen.

"Then what's next? Kill me?"

It seemed that history could only be corrected if the corrector, Chu Chen, killed Bai Yue.

But Chu Chen didn't intend to make a move, but looked at Shi Hai, meaning it's up to you to decide.

Others also looked at Shi Hai, and everyone's eyes were also focused on Shi Hai.

Shi Hai scratched his head and said.

"Ah, then... I'll make an announcement."

Shi Hai walked up to the real Bai Yue, bowed his head and stretched out his hand.

"Although time is short, there is no time to prepare anything... But, please associate with me and give birth to me."


Bai Yue's brain crashed on the spot.

And Jian Sichun from behind sprayed directly.

"Pfft! Shi Hai, what are you talking about! Didn't this Bai Yue lose his memory? Even if he has a crush on you, you shouldn't be so impatient! No matter how you say it, you should be more romantic!"

Shi Meng also complained silently.

"Could it be that my brother got into An Shengwei's mind and went around for a while, and then he was also infected..."

Jian Sichun angrily ran over and pinched An Shengwei's face and shouted.

"An Shengwei! What the hell did you do to Shi Hai! Even if you are a scumbag, don't take it like this!"


An Shengwei didn't respond, but Zhu Lingjie came over to stop Jian Sichun and persuaded him.

"Wait a minute, Sisi, maybe Shi Hai has other deep meanings in doing this..."

"What deep meaning can this have! Isn't it the X-worm's brain!"

"That's not enough to say on this occasion..."

Bai Yue didn't think about it either, but he also had the same thought as Zhu Lingjie, thinking that Shi Hai must have his reasons for doing so, so he agreed.

"I see, I'll give you a baby, that's all right."

Shi Hai nodded.

"Well...that's all right."

After getting the reply, Shi Hai turned his head and said to 'Bai Yue'.

"That's the end of it."

'Bai Yue' also looked up to the sky and sighed.

"'s all over...then let's go see 'her' for the last time."

Then he came to Tianshui who had been silent all the time, patted her on the shoulder and said.

"Then please take us to see your mother, Tianshui~"

Everyone was stunned, not understanding what this had to do with Tian Shui's mother.

Only Tianshui himself, everything that happened before flashed through his mind, combined with 'Bai Yue''s strange attitude towards him...

Tian Shui pressed his head, gritted his teeth and said.

"Damn that's what happened...!"

"Well, you already understand? You're so smart! As expected of me...cough cough..."

'Bai Yue' stopped quickly, and Tian Shui was even more convinced of his guess when he heard these words.

"That is to say, I... um...!"

Tian Shui looked at Shi Hai, his face flushed red, and finally couldn't help but squatted down covering his face.

Shi Hai also patted her head sympathetically and said.

"I thought you wouldn't care..."

"How could I not care! That is to say, even if I don't care how I got here, my identity is...!"

"It's better than a pet, dear, take us to meet your 'mother'."


Tian Shui was extremely embarrassed, but still nodded in agreement.


In the car heading to Tianshui's mother's residence, 'Bai Yue' poked her head out from the back seat and said to Chu Chen who was driving.

"Chu Chen, you will be able to return to your original world later, thank you for your hard work."

"...I need an explanation, aren't you a person who distorts history?"

"I am not the real culprit who disrupted history...but your judgment is not wrong. I am not the mastermind, but I am the 'cause'. Everything started from me."

"Are you 'Yin'?"

"Well, but the cause and effect in the world does not necessarily mean that there is a cause before the effect. It may also be that there is an effect first, and then there is a cause... and now, we are finally going to reach the 'effect', and we will soon be 'end to end'. gone."


"It was her coming that distorted the original history, and then in order to correct this history, I sent you, the corrector, and then with your assistance, we were able to reach the 'Guo'... You are also an insider. "

Chu Chen was thoughtful.

Bai Yue said similar things before.

And just a few weeks ago, he still remembered Bai Yue jokingly said such a sentence.

(If you didn't want to kill me with one shot, and Shi Hai ran out to block the gun, causing him to fall into his doomed death, I wouldn't even want to change my fate... and I wouldn't be able to reach that ending... From this point of view, I also want to thank you for wanting to kill me, hehe.)
And soon Chu Chen would meet the person who made Bai Yue say those words.

When they arrived at the destination, Shi Hai and others got out of the car, followed Tian Shui into her hometown, a three-story simple European villa.

And 'she' is already waiting for the visitor in front of the garden of the villa.

When Jian Sichun got out of the car, he saw a girl who looked exactly like Tianshui, dressed in a gothic lolita outfit, about twelve or thirteen years old.

Because she was immediately attracted by her cute appearance, Jian Sichun quickly ran to her, squatted down and asked.

"Huh? Are you sister Tianshui's younger sister? Does senior sister have a younger sister? You are so cute! What's your name, little sister?"


The little girl was expressionless.

And Tianshui, who also got out of the car, said with help.

"... Sichun, that's my mother..."

"Huh? Ah? Huh? Mama?!"

Jian Sichun was so frightened that he changed his voice.

It's fine if you say you're young, but it's a bit...too, too young, right? !

What kind of ghostly man would... no, no matter how ghostly it is, it can't be so small!

Could it be that this little girl just looks like a little girl, but is actually much older?
At the same time, Liu Zhenshan also got out of the car and muttered when he saw an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

"That's right... cause and effect, cause and effect... that's how it is..."

Decades passed...she was the same as before.

It's because she 'won't grow up' at all.

She doesn't belong to 'this time' at all, nor does she belong to 'the past'...

The little girl also murmured.

"Is it finally here..."

Tian Shui also came over and knelt down on one knee, bowing his head respectfully.

"...My lord."

Seeing that Tian Shui really respected this little girl, Jian Sichun realized that Tian Shui was not teasing her...

She is really Tianshui's mother!
"You're back...and brought a lot of people with you."

"They all came to see you..."

"I know, it's time to say goodbye."

"My lord, I..."

"Seeing you grow up slowly, I am very relieved and happy... You are already an 'independent person', and you are free to live the life you want."

The little girl patted her head, looking at the grown-up Tianshui was like seeing another self...

And another group of people also got out of the car, Shi Hai, Bai Yue and the others also got out of the car.

When Shi Hai saw the little girl, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, while 'Bai Yue' opened his arms, greeted her excitedly, and hugged the little girl directly.

"Mom, I finally fulfilled the promise...I brought my father to pick you up!"

This sentence surprised everyone.

What... Mom?
'Bai Yue' called herself mother?
What's up with this?

Jian Sichun was confused and hugged his head.

"Eh? What's the situation, senior sister's mother is... Bai Yue's daughter? Why?"

Chu Chen who got out of the car also opened his eyes wide in shock.

"Princess Time..."

The little girl said lightly.

"You got the wrong person."


"The princess you served was the child of him and the woman over there."

He was referring to Shi Hai, and the woman was referring to An Shengwei.

The child of Shi Hai and An Shengwei is the Princess Shi served by Chu Chen.

But she was not born in the correct time and space...

It can even be said that she is not a 'person'.

"I am the destiny of this world...the world exists because of me."

"And I... will also be the child of these two people."

"My real name is Shiming."

Cause and effect are reversed.

Destiny Child.

Born from the Void.

Time is also life.

She is an 'existence that shouldn't exist' born as the 'realization' of the 'deductive method of fate'.

And in order to make her own existence reasonable, she went back to the past, so history deviated.

In order to correct the history, the correctors sent out became the opportunity to give birth to her.

Thus, after a long journey, Bai Yue completed the deduction of fate.

Next, as long as Bai Yue is pregnant with Shi Hai's child, she can truly be born.

And Jian Sichun, who finally figured out the reason of the matter, pressed his forehead and said.

"I understand, that is to say, Shi Hai and Bai Yue's child was born first, but Shi Hai was not with Bai Yue, so the child went back in time and made his parents a pair. Is this kind of plot!"

Shi Hai said with a wry smile.

"Well, that understanding is correct...although it's actually a bit more complicated..."

"Who was Sister Shui that day?"

Shiming replied silently.

"She is the 'other me' copied from 'Tian Yishui', replacing me to fine-tune fate and change the direction of history."

In fact, without Tianshui's company and research laboratory, Shi Hai and Bai Yue would not have come together, let alone create a neural tracing system.

So Tian Shui is the one who really changed history.

"There's another reason... I want to understand what 'feeling' is."

As the embodiment of the deductive method of destiny, she cannot understand what human emotions are, and why they can affect the established destiny and make the future development unknown.

So she wants to get feelings, to understand feelings.

So she came into contact with Liu Zhenshan, and after that, she created Tianshui to understand her feelings as a mother, and she could also get more feelings from Tianshui.

But now, the deductive method of fate becomes complete after completing the feelings.

She will be able to truly control a 'world'.

Shi Ming walked up to Chu Chen, pointed at him with his little finger and pronounced the verdict.

"From now on, the world will no longer be 'the only one'."

"Maybe there will be more and more strange 'parallel worlds' after that...but that has nothing to do with me."

"I will protect my own world... so you can go back, this world does not need to be 'fixed'."

While she was speaking these words, Chu Chen's body turned into spots of light starting from his feet.

Shi Hai came to him and patted his shoulder.

"Chu Chen... Thank you for your hard work."

Chu Chen looked back at him and said.

"My mission is over... Although it should not be considered a success, it is enough to see that you are safe and sound."

"Finally I have a question."


"Are you my son-in-law?"

Chu Chen froze for a moment, looking very embarrassed, scratched his cheek, and when he opened his mouth to speak, he disappeared completely.

The result is still not heard.

Then Ye Guang also raised his hand and said.

"Ah... that, little girl, can you send me to Chu Chen's world too?"


"This is..."

Ye Guang looked at Shi Hai and the woman beside him and shrugged.

"It's a pretty good ending... But Shihai in this world has been besieged by a group of women, and he won't 'move forward' anymore. This is a bit regrettable to me..."

Then he said excitedly.

"And I witnessed the birth of a world! If it is true that more parallel worlds will be born in the future, maybe in a parallel world, Shi Hai can get rid of the boring woman and embark on the road of exploration, then How can I……"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Guangren disappeared.

The other women gave Si Ming a 'well done' look.

After sending the two away, Shi Ming said to the remaining people.

"Then it's my turn... The me at this moment will disappear, the traces of my existence will disappear completely, the world will return to normal, and the real me will be born as your child in the future."

Zhu Lingjie asked a little worriedly.

"Senior Shui that day..."

"Tianyiyishui is the source and a tangible thing. She was born of me, but she is no longer me... She will accompany you on the journey."

"Huh, that's fine."


Although it was good news, Tian Shui was not happy.

She didn't expect to bid farewell to her mother in this way in the end.

Shi Hai pushed behind her, and Tian Shui stood in front of Shi Ming again.

When seeing her mother go to the adults before, in order to take into account the height of the other party, Tian Shui would kneel on one knee, but this time she didn't.

Tokinomi raised his head and smiled for the first time.

"You don't want to live in my's really normal, because you don't want to lose to yourself...but actually I envy you? Because you can grow up..."


Tianshui was silent, this strong woman shed tears for the first time, squatting down and crying like a little girl.

Shi Ming stretched out his hand to hug her head, they are a pair of mother and daughter... Maybe it looks like the opposite, but this feeling is definitely not fake.

Liu Zhenshan also came to her side and sighed.

"So we've been family from the beginning..."

"Well...but we will be separated for the time being...however, we will meet again in the future."

"Yeah, we will meet again... Will you forget all this by then?"

"It will...but it doesn't matter...because there will be a happy family to welcome me, won't it?"

"Yes, I promised you that we will build a big happy family."

Liu Zhenshan stretched out her little finger, Shi Ming also hooked her finger.

Pull hook, pull hook... She also disappeared with the light.

The courtyard returned to silence.

Shi Hai rubbed his shoulders and sighed.

"It's all over... Huh... I'm exhausted... I need to go back and catch up on sleep..."

After finally getting everything done, Shi Hai was almost exhausted and paralyzed. His body was not tired, but his spirit was really about to collapse.

Although it seems that there are many more women in the family, it should be a peaceful daily life after that, and there will be no such things as rebirth.

Only now Shi Hai truly understands the preciousness of daily life...

However, just as Shi Hai wanted to turn his head, Bai Yue held down his shoulder.

"Sleep what to sleep, I won't let you sleep."


Shi Hai looked back at her blankly, while Bai Yue said expressionlessly.

"Did you forget what you said? I will give you a baby."

"Uh, although, but, wait... don't be so anxious?"

Then another hand pressed Shi Hai's shoulder, it was Liu Zhenshan's hand.

"Seeing that child disappear in front of your eyes, don't you feel nothing at all? Mom, I want to hug my granddaughter sooner!"


Then Tian Shui also said.

"This is the house that my mother likes very much. I believe she also wants to be born here, so we will live here in the future."

"Okay, mom, I agree, this will be our new home from now on!"

Zhu Lingjie and Shi Meng were very concerned about Shi Hai's health, but seeing everyone's enthusiasm, they looked at each other and smiled, and decided not to sing the opposite this time.

"Yeah! Is there a party!"

Jian Sichun has always been the most annoying one, so he naturally raised his hands to agree with the next arrangement.

And Kaname who has transformed back also said quite resentfully.

"Senior, last night should have been my time..."

Looking at the girls who were staring at him, Shi Hai froze.

Big, happy can be confusing at times.

Well... isn't it pretty good too?

End of full text

There will be episodes later

May be serious, may not be serious
I will write a postscript tomorrow to chat with you all. Anyway, this book is over, you can spend it
(End of this chapter)

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