Chapter 38
On the rooftop, two women with a darkened aura...

You won't be getting a hatchet next, right?

Not to not to be.

Shi Hai felt that he was not guilty enough.

He didn't even feel that he had done anything wrong at all.

Why, isn't it wrong to introduce the handsome guy to you?
Jian Sichun put his hands on his hips, narrowed his eyes and stared at Shi Hai and said.

"Looking at your expression, you don't have any intention of introspection at all."

"I don't think there's anything to reflect on... Isn't it good to meet a handsome guy? He's the number one handsome guy in our Xin Gongyuan..."

"How dare you argue! Do you think I don't know what you're thinking?!"

Jian Sichun was really on fire.

Just because she knows Shi Hai too well, she is very clear about Shi Hai's 'real intention' in doing this.

"You must be thinking, as long as we find a handsome guy and bring us in front of us, we will lose interest in you, stop bothering you, and then you will be free again... You think so!"


Shi Hai turned his eyes away guiltily, thinking that Jian Sichun is worthy of being a reborn person, and he hit the mark.

It was indeed the other half of his hidden thoughts.

"Other boys like to show off by themselves, and they can't wait to show their best side to girls, and they won't give other men a chance at all... It's good for you, just pull a handsome guy over as a shield! How can there be someone like you It works in reverse!"

Almost all boys are trying to break down the psychological defense of the girl they like, and then steal her heart and live in it by themselves.

Even Zhu Lingjie couldn't keep silent anymore, looked at Shi Hai disappointedly and said.

"Although I don't want to attract attention...but you can discuss it with us instead of bringing a man here..."

Jian Sichun hugged Zhu Lingjie and vented her anger for the sisters.

"That's right! You scared Lingling! You know she has male phobia and brought other boys here!"

"I'm really sorry about this, I didn't think carefully..."

Shi Hai also saw Zhu Lingjie's reaction.

During the meal, Zhu Lingjie kept her head down, and she didn't even take a bite of the food that Chu Chen had picked up.

At that time, Chu Chen and Shi Hai also discovered this, so they grabbed one dish and ate it in order to give up the other dishes to Zhu Lingjie.

Then this move was seen by Jian Sichun, and she felt gay in gay, so she simply gave Zhu Lingjie a little bit of each dish, so that they would stop this disgusting behavior.

"I thought you could communicate with boys normally."

The main reason was that after Shi Hai saw Zhu Lingjie again yesterday, seeing that she was able to talk to him normally, he fell into habitual thinking, thinking that after entering university, her male phobia would improve to a certain extent.

Otherwise, even considering Zhu Lingjie's male phobia, he would not have brought Chu Chen there.

However, the real situation is that the improvement of Zhu Lingjie's fear of men is only for him.

And for other men, not only did it not get better, but it got worse.

Because you only need to open your heart to Shi Hai and express everything, and that loyalty to love is the reason for Zhu Lingjie to avoid other men.

But Shi Hai didn't know about these.

"However, I think that if you want to continue to treat male phobia, you should get in touch with more boys. At least you should have ordinary conversation, right?"

He didn't regard himself as a special existence in their hearts.

"Chu Chen is a reliable man. Although he doesn't talk much, you can try to get to know him."

Zhu Lingjie didn't listen to these suggestions at all.

At this moment, she finally understood... the difference between the time sea in her previous life and the time sea in front of her.

The previous life was 'husband'.

He would say, 'It's okay, I'll always be by your side anyway, and I don't have to be jealous anymore, Bel feels safe' to comfort her.

The ones in front of me are just 'friends'.

Although it was a suggestion for her sake, he would not put himself in a special position.

In fact, Jian Sichun was so angry because of the same reason.

They all knew in their hearts that 'even Shi Hai would be jealous', so when Shi Hai did such a thing, they would be even more angry.

Because it means...

Now Shi Hai has no interest in them, and has no thought of chasing them at all.

He didn't regard them as love objects at all, and he didn't mean to attack them.

But this is also something that can't be helped... after all, it's only the second day of our acquaintance, right?

He was not the kind of appearance supremacist, he would not chase a girl just because of his appearance or figure...

If you don't become the person he really likes, there is no way to make him care forever.

However, there will still be frustration.

In other words, it's the sense of contrast of "I used to have it but lost it", which made it difficult for both of them to adapt.

——If he doesn’t say it directly, even if he understands, he will pretend to be confused——

Chu Chen's words still echoed in Zhu Lingjie's mind.

That's right, I can no longer be timid...!
Otherwise, what's the point of being reborn!
"I... don't want to get close to other men..."

Zhu Lingjie raised her head, stared at Shi Hai with a fiery gaze, and mustered up the courage to speak.

"I just want to be close to you."

The first to react was Jian Sichun beside her, she was stunned.

Never thought that Zhu Lingjie would be so bold.

This is equivalent to a confession, right?
This is not a hint of "the moonlight is so beautiful tonight", "I want to drink the soup you make by yourself every day", but an expression equivalent to "I like you".

Even the dumbest guy can understand the meaning of this sentence.

Of course Shi Hai also understood.

Even he had seen it yesterday.

But he didn't reply, but directly asked a rhetorical question.

"Only be close to me... Isn't it 'only close to me'?"


Zhu Lingjie's face paled.

She instantly realized that she had made a big mistake.

This wave is about to go wrong!

"If there are many options in front of you, if you still choose me, I will be very happy... But your current situation is 'you can only choose this'."

It's not surprising that Shi Hai thinks this way, because Zhu Lingjie didn't have much contact with him for "15 years" in the past, but now she suddenly came back to approach him, and expressed her heart the next day.

Anyone will find it suspicious, right?

Rather than saying that I really like him, it's more like a helpless choice of "I can't help it, just him".

"If you just make do with it, then there's no need to..."

A slap hit Shi Hai's face.

It was Jian Sichun's moving hand.

And after slapping him, she held the hand that hit him, and she was already in tears.

This is also her first time playing Shi Hai.

In his previous life, he never beat Shi Hai.

Hitting him hurts more than hitting herself.

But at this time she had to stand up and said in a crying voice.

"Don't...jump to conclusions so quickly!"

She wasn't complaining about Shi Hai, nor did she mean that.

The scene of 'Shi Hai rejecting Zhu Lingjie's confession' was forcibly interrupted.

Because Shi Hai has already read yesterday's letter, he will be wary of any girls who show obvious affection for him.

But Zhu Lingjie didn't know about it.

Therefore, if Zhu Lingjie failed to confess because of this matter, she would feel it was unfair.

This is just a 'first trial' confession...

It's not time for the final judgment yet!

"I will help her! Prove that her intentions are true!"

Jian Sichun decided to become Zhu Lingjie's "love defender".

(End of this chapter)

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