It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 39 Blushing

Chapter 39 Blushing
Shi Hai was a little dazed.

It wasn't that the slap on the face hurt so much, but that Jian Sichun jumped out to support Zhu Lingjie, which made him unable to understand.

Is this really determined to arrange a girlfriend for him?

Jian Sichun said indignantly.

"Just wash your body and wait!"

It's not like a confession at all, but more like a declaration of war.

What's more, Jian Sichun wasn't actually the one who confessed. It's really strange that she would do such a declaration of love.

After wiping away tears with his sleeve, Jian Sichun took Zhu Lingjie's hand and walked out of the rooftop.

Zhu Lingjie was also stunned, she was the one who confessed, but it was Jian Sichun who cried in the end?

And he even slapped Shi Hai across the face, forcibly interrupting his refusal... Was he doing this to help himself...?
How could she be so nice...!
Therefore, in such a short period of time, Jian Sichun increased the favorability of Zhu Lingjie, a green plum, by a large margin.

Watching the two girls leave gracefully, Shi Hai felt that he was not the one who was confessed, but more like the one who was rejected.

He touched his face, the pain was gone, but the impact on the soul was far better than pure pain.

This is also the first time he has been slapped in such a big age, even his mother has never slapped him.

After serious and rational reflection, he still didn't feel that he had done anything wrong.

But Jian Sichun's reaction told him that maybe there was indeed something wrong.

"Don't jump to conclusions too quickly..."

What the reborn person knows is far more comprehensive than the conclusions he can deduce based on the information he currently understands.

But Jian Sichun obviously didn't know Zhu Lingjie before...

What kind of thinking did she do, and what did she think of, that made her take such an unclear action?
Shi Hai originally thought that she was a very simple and straightforward girl, but now, he felt that he could not understand Jian Sichun at all.

It's like a 'mystery'.

"Let the bullets fly for a while..."

Thinking of this famous aphorism, Shi Hai walked to the edge of the rooftop and looked down.

Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie had already walked out of the old dormitory building, and Zhu Lingjie seemed to be comforting Jian Sichun with a wry smile.

Then Jian Sichun held Zhu Lingjie's hand and raised it high, shouting loudly.

"Let's go back to the battle meeting!"

It seems that he has cheered up.

What Shi Hai cared most about was Jian Sichun's purpose of doing this.

She said that it was her wish to find a girlfriend for Shi Hai, and it was out of concern for her good friend.

But now it seems that maybe it's not just 'concern for friends', but there is a reason for 'having to do this'.

This is the most crucial clue, which can be used to completely solve the mystery of Jian Sichun.

"Guess~ guess~ I~ am~who~"

A pair of hands covered Shi Hai's eyes from behind, and the soft touch made him stop thinking.

The fragrance coming from behind has a unique sense of freshness and transparency, with a touch of sweetness.

The joyful tone of voice conveyed the mischievous state of mind of the other party.

"Sister, do you know that your voice is very distinctive?"

"Oh? What kind of special method?"

"It's a feature."

It's very similar to the kind of unserious ASMR, and the sound that comes out close to the ear makes people itch.

"So, did you let the deer bump around?"

"Almost had a heart attack."

"Student is really honest, but... if you call my name incompletely, I won't let go, okay?"

"Please hold back, Senior Sister Tianshui."

"I really can't do anything about you~"

After Tian Shui let go, Shi Hai turned around.

Although he had already guessed who was coming, Shi Hai was still stunned when he looked back at Tian Shui.

The reason is that Tian Shui in front of him has changed his hair color.

Yesterday's dazzling blond hair had turned black, and she wore a wide white headband.

There are also changes in clothing, a white tight skirt with a dark red round-neck long-sleeved coat... Of course, the most conspicuous thing is the translucent black silk pantyhose.

It is the style of 'pure' and 'seduction'.

"Uh...Tian Shui...Senior sister?"

Tian Shui pulled back his hair, turned his head to the side and asked with a smile.

"How? Is it suitable for me?"

"It feels completely different."

Yesterday's Tianshui somewhat gave people the feeling of a 'bad senior', but today it has become a 'pure senior', only the 'temptation' part has not changed.

To think that just changing the hair color and clothing can change people's impression so much, but it seems that the inner core has not changed. Shi Hai feels amazing.

But why the sudden hair dye?Are you broken in love?
When a girl's hair changes, it's mostly because of something wrong with her relationship.

This kind of topic is easy to step on the thunder, and Shi Hai didn't intend to continue to delve into it.

But if Tian Shui would let Shi Hai go like this, then she would not be Tian Shui.

"Is that just how you feel? To be more specific, what's the difference?"

Shi Hai avoided talking about it, but said it sincerely.

"Actually, I think blond hair really suits you, senior."

"I think so."

"Then why are you still dyed black?"

"Although blonde hair is very beautiful, it will inevitably give people a frivolous, playful feeling, a bit lacking in dignity, and..."

Tian Shui put his hand on Shi Hai's shoulder, put his face next to his ear and whispered softly.

"You would never walk with a big blonde beauty, because that would be too eye-catching."


After finishing speaking, Tian Shui stepped back half a step, turned his hands behind his back and looked at the silent Shi Hai with a smile.

Shi Hai only felt that he had been seen through again.

But in fact, even this is only a superficial reason.

There is only one real reason for Tian Shui to change her hair color.

That is Shi Hai prefers black hair to blonde hair.

That's it.

But of course she wouldn't reveal her girlish thoughts.

As a 'goddess', I always have to show a 'handy' attitude.

"So, I dyed my hair just for you?"

"I am flattered."

The color of the sea didn't change at that time, his defense was too high.

He is almost completely immune to this level of molestation.

Seeing that he was unmoved, Tian Shui puffed up his cheeks and complained.

"Really, it's not cute at all, at least blush~"

"Blushing is uncontrollable."

"That's right, after all, if you want to make you blush, you have to prepare a more 'terrible' method..."

Tian Shui narrowed his eyes, a meaningful smile appeared on his mouth, and stretched out his red tongue to lick his upper lip.

She is really good at seducing men, but just one word and one action can make a man dream.

Cuteness is not worth mentioning in front of sexy!
Even Shi Hai felt a little wave in his heart.

This woman Tianshui is indeed fatally attractive to all men.

She stretched out her hand and pointed her index finger on Shi Hai's chest, circling vaguely, as if marking the approximate range of the 'heart'.

Just about to take advantage of the victory and chase and say, "Let me, senior sister, comfort your wounded heart?" 'When you say something like this...

Shi Hai tilted his head, pointed to his own face and said.

"Do you mean by the method, slap me directly?"


Tian Shui didn't stop laughing.

Because Shi Hai is indeed 'blushing' now.

It's just the range of red.

It happens to be a palm.

(End of this chapter)

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