It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 50 Anxiety

Chapter 50 Anxiety
The bus at three o'clock in the afternoon has very few passengers, and the scattered passengers are all sitting in the front seats, ready to get off at any time.

But there were many places in the sky, but Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie stood there dryly, looking back at Shi Hai, as if they were waiting for him to decide something.

The front row of the bus is a single seat, the back row is a double seat, and only the last row is multi-seater.

The meaning is already obvious.

Shi Hai went one step ahead of them and sat down in the last row, leaving empty seats on the left and right sides.

Chunling and the two looked at each other and smiled, walked over and sat beside Shi Hai.

After sitting down, Jian Sichun couldn't help but started to jump, put his elbow on Shi Hai's shoulder and snickered.

"Ouch? Just go to the last row. The three of you are sitting together by default, right?"


Shi Hai was a little speechless, aren't you implying that I should sit in the last row?

"After all, Lingling and I are both high-quality beautiful girls. The eyes of those people at the bus station are all like big bad wolves..."

Jian Sichun boasted about himself, and did not forget to tease Shi Hai.

"Hee hee, so you're starting to care about us too?"

Seeing Jian Sichun slapping her back, Zhu Lingjie felt ashamed for her, she definitely couldn't say such a thing herself.

But Zhu Lingjie is also a little curious, is Shi Hai starting to look at them?

However, their expectations were actually not very high. After all, only five days had passed, and Shi Hai's willingness to not avoid them was already a huge improvement.

Unexpectedly, Shi Hai actually admitted it, and said it openly.

"Yes, I think it's safest for you to sit next to me."

This sentence was so lethal that it directly silenced the two of them.

Shi Hai folded his arms and glanced at the left and right sides.

The two raised their thighs together, straightened their backs, and sat upright obediently.

Then he lowered his head, put one hand on his thigh, and the other hand fanned his red face to cool down, feeling that the stuffy air around him became even hotter.

It's really... the defense power is ridiculously low, and you dare to flirt with men like Tian Shui. I can counter your armor and break your defense.

In terms of the thickness of their skins, Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie combined are not as thick as Shi Hai.

Probably only Tian Shui could compete with him.

In the middle of the transfer, the bus on this time is not so empty. There are not enough empty seats in the back row for three people, and only one double seat is still empty.

"You two sit down, I'll just stand up."

The two sat down obediently again, Shi Hai grabbed the hanging ring nearby and stood beside their seats to prevent others from bumping into them.

Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie were both emotional and at ease.

This feeling of being protected is really long gone...

When they were outside, Shi Hai would protect them like princesses, giving them a sense of security.

It's also part of the good memories.

But immediately Jian Sichun's expression changed.

It was because he protected so well that he was saved by him when he encountered an accident...

He protected her, but forgot to protect himself...

Such uneasiness made Jian Sichun couldn't help reaching out and grabbing the corner of Shi Hai's clothes, for fear that he would disappear again.

Shi Hai looked down at Jian Sichun and noticed her uneasiness, but he didn't ask why, but found a different topic to chat with her.

"Speaking of which, why don't you wear it?"

"Huh? What?"

Jian Sichun, who was immersed in uneasiness, didn't react, her first thought was: I remember I wore it today...

And today I'm wearing pants, so there's no risk of getting naked.

She remembered that the day she was sent back to the dormitory by Shi Hai, she was careful all the way because she didn't wear it, for fear of being discovered...

It was also very disturbing and frightening, but there was also an inexplicable sense of excitement.

Unlike Jian Sichun, who thinks crookedly, Shi Hai, a serious man, will not ask crooked questions.

"What else can it be, blindfold, I don't think you wore it two days ago."

It turned out to refer to the eye patch, but I thought it was... ahem...

Jian Sichun coughed twice, pretending that he didn't think anything wrong, and replied solemnly.

"Well... I also know that wearing a blindfold will make you look special, so I just took it off."

In fact, Jian Sichun wearing blindfolds is more traumatic, she is afraid of being judged by the color of her eyes again.

Especially when she was a child, she was beaten by her mother and her classmate said, "If you can give birth to a freak like you, your mother must be a freak too!" ' Such hurtful words.

Although she has never seen her mother since she was born, Jian Sichun knows that her mother died because of her, and has always felt guilty about it, so she hates anyone who insults her mother.

It's better to just wear the blindfold all the time, and let others think that you have a second disease, or some kind of eye disease, which is much better than being insulted by your mother.

Later, Shi Hai slowly filled the gap in her heart and healed her heartache, so she became able to take off the blindfold.

Not only is she not afraid to show her eyes now, she can even show off her eyes to others, as she told Zhu Lingjie a few days ago.

Of course, a kind and broad-minded angel like Zhu Lingjie always praised her, and even envied her by real name, which made Jian Sichun very proud.

"Xiaochun's bangs are very long, and they are covered by them. If you don't shake your head, others won't be able to see it."

Zhu Lingjie also helped and said.

"And even if you see it inadvertently, you won't find it strange, but it will feel amazing."

Shi Hai also agrees with this point, but he also thinks more deeply.

As a reborn person, Jian Sichun overcame the previous trauma, and her mentality became positive. In other words, at least the future she experienced was not gloomy.

That is, what she can't say is the 'ending'?

Shi Hai thought to himself.

"Of course, if you want to see the blindfold, I can keep wearing it, okay?"

Later, Jian Sichun wore blindfolds for cosplay.

There is a mysterious sense of seduction when covering the eyes, and she remembers that Shi Hai liked that feeling very much.

This pervert with a human face and a beast heart...Of course, if there is a chance, I will give you this kind of welfare.

Little did they know that Tianshui had already applied this trick to taking selfies.

"No need, come here as you get used to it."

"Then I will grow long hair in the future! Even if I can't grow as long as Lingling, at least I will keep it here!"

Jian Sichun made a gesture, it was the length to the chest.

"Hey, long hair..."

In fact, Hai felt that short hair was quite suitable for Jian Sichun, and her lively character matched short hair very well.

"Yes! Just wait and see!"

You are sure to like it!
In fact, Jian Sichun just wanted to comb back to her 'before' hairstyle, tying her long black hair into two braids and hanging down her shoulders.

That is the daily hairstyle of Tokisaki Kurumi in Dating A Live.

Now this animation hasn't been released yet, and Shi Hai doesn't know this character yet, but Jian Sichun knows that Shi Hai likes this character very much.

Mainly because she's too similar to the character in every way, especially eye color and slanted bangs.

When she and Shi Hai watched this animation together, Shi Hai complained that as long as Jian Sichun grows her hair long and tie it up, she doesn't even need to wear a wig, and she can cosplay by changing clothes.

So she really stayed long.

There are many benefits to growing long hair, for example, Shi Hai can comb her hair... that is the best enjoyment.

Moreover, the double ponytails sometimes have other magical functions...for example, they can be used as a 'bridle'.

In this way, the anxiety in Jian Sichun's heart was kicked away by the colored thoughts.

Seeing her relaxed expression, Shi Hai knew she was fine.

He originally brought up this topic with the idea of ​​helping her divert her attention.

Zhu Lingjie saw all of these.

She was somewhat jealous of Jian Sichun, but more of it was 'my husband is awesome!Still so caring about people! ' Such a proud thought.

Shi Hai is a man who can make women feel at ease.

 Chapter 50, a few more BBs.

  I would like to thank you in advance, the vast readers for your collection, voting, investment, follow-up...

  Then there are friendly rewards from some readers, Shenxiang Zhuojiu, Xiling carrier-based aircraft, winter snow, sun teeth loss, correction environment, book friend 20200315171655462, book friend 20210415033727349, thank you for the reward~
  In fact, I don't expect extravagant rewards for night ghosts, but...

  Follow-up, collection, tickets and so on can add more~
  When I look at other people's soaring data, I am envious!

  I also read through your comments, and I feel that it is slowly becoming lively!

  I have a lot of things I want to tell you... but I can't write them here at all. I will open a chapter later when I have a chance.

  After eating a recommendation, it seems to be a lot better...but I am still very disturbed.

  Readers, masters, please help dispel the uneasiness in my heart, please!
  Follow-up is the most important!So please don't raise books!
(End of this chapter)

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