It's like I'm not reborn

Chapter 51 Assist

Chapter 51 Assist
The time is close to five o'clock, and it has entered the evening rush hour. At this time, there are more and more people in the bus, and the crowded mode has started.

Shi Hai stretched out his arms and braced his body to protect the two people, preventing them from being squeezed.

A few wretched men saw such a beautiful girl in the car, and wanted to take the opportunity to come over to profit, but Shi Hai blocked them all with his body, and gave a murderous stare and walked away.

Sure enough, it is inconvenient to squeeze the bus... and beware of color embryos.

Fortunately, this was the last bus they needed to transfer to, and after getting off the bus, they walked a few hundred meters to Beigao.

Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie were also very well-behaved when they were in the car. The two of them were already embracing each other face to face, just to avoid burdening Shi Hai too much, as long as there was room for each of them.

Protecting the two of them, after getting off the bus, Shi Hai rubbed his sore shoulders and said.

"Looks like I have to find time to apply for a driving school and learn how to drive..."

Many people take the driver's license test in college, even if it's just to collect credits.

But Shi Hai has never been interested in learning to drive. In terms of extra-curricular credits, he volunteered at the local football field last year, and he has passed the English Level [-] and Computer Level [-] exams, which is almost enough.

If he's the only one, it doesn't matter if he squeezes the bus and subway...

But for a while, these two beauties followed me every day... I can't let them suffer together, can I?

And the most important thing is, in order to protect the two of them from being swindled, Shi Hai has to spend double his physical strength to ensure a safe area. This made him feel the pain of being squeezed into the bus for the first time. The feeling of living in a spillway.

Even if you just buy a cheap car, getting stuck in traffic is better than suffering in the squeeze hell of public transportation.

But upon hearing this, Jian Sichun asked in surprise.

"Are you going to test your driver's license?"

"Well, I'll go find out next week. There should be some students in the school who enroll in classes to learn together."

"You don't want to take the driver's license test for us, do you?"

In fact, there is no need to ask at all.

Because Jian Sichun knows very well that Shi Hai himself has no interest in cars, which is different from most men.

Shi Hai didn't know the model and difference of the car at all, and he couldn't even recognize the brand.

Compared with driving, he prefers to ride a bicycle, and he is an energy-saving physicalist.

So it was Jian Sichun who took the driver's license test, and Shi Hai didn't learn to drive in the end.

But this time, Shi Hai took the initiative to consider taking the driver's license test!

"Yeah, the subway and bus during the rush hour this evening are too scary. Considering that my sister will have to squeeze the bus to and from get out of class in the future, it would be better to have a pick-up bus."

On the other side, Zhu Lingjie asked with a little worry.

"But even if you have a driver's license, if you don't have a car..."

Like Jian Sichun, Zhu Lingjie knows the economic situation of Shihai family well.

During this period, Shi Hai's family was not rich, and they were a single-parent family. In the early years, they almost used up all their savings in order to treat Shi's father who was seriously ill.

Coupled with the fact that Liu Zhenshan is always soft-hearted and kind, that salary is not enough at all.

But it was also because Liu Zhenshan made good connections everywhere, so there were many people who were willing to help Shi Hai's family, and it was quite convenient when going out to do errands.

However, Liu Zhenshan was very guilty of not leaving enough money for his son to buy a house, and even couldn't make up the down payment.

That's why she unconditionally welcomes Shi Hai to bring his girlfriend home.

Even if she moves out by herself, she has to make room for the children.

"This... It should be enough to buy a cheap one."

If it is just used as a scooter, it can barely be used.

"If I told my mother that it was to send you and my sister to and from school, she would 100% agree."

Shi Hai knew that Liu Zhenshan was secretly saving money in order to leave him a sum of money for his wife, of course the amount was not much, only about [-].

It should be enough to buy a car.

But the two "family members" around me disagreed.

"No! How can I ask my mother to pay for it!"

"Yes, since you want to buy a car for our use, at least let us contribute."

In the past few days, Jian Sichun picked up the painting again, and after starting to recover, he has already found a part of the touch.

As her painter, if she takes on some outsourced work, as long as she has enough guts, she can raise a large sum of money in a short period of time.

In addition, I am also working hard to recall the popular content in the past, so as to prepare for becoming an up master in the future.

Although Jian Sichun was naive, she was not stupid. She actually listened to what Shi Hai told her.

The advantage of rebirth can allow her to get more wealth faster than in her previous life.

In her previous life, she and Shi Hai had been saving money just to buy a house. If she could have had enough money to buy a house earlier, she might have married Shi Hai already...

so!Although money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible!
Considering the future, Jian Sichun also decided to make money from now on.

Even if she can't become a "big rich woman" like Tianshui, at least she must become a "little rich woman" who can eat, drink and have fun for a lifetime, enough to support Shi Hai!
As for Zhu Lingjie, she and Shi Hai worked together in Tianshi Company in her previous life. A few years later, Tianshi Company has developed into a super-large conglomerate. Ten thousand.

And in fact, even if she is still a student now, she is not short of money at all.

Zhu's father is in the real estate industry. He established a good relationship in a certain fishing village more than ten years ago, and Zhu's family has become rich and powerful, but he just behaved very low-key.

Otherwise, without that financial strength, Father Zhu wouldn't be outsourcing to raise Xiaosan.

And because Father Zhu has always felt guilty towards Zhu Lingjie, he will definitely agree to her request.

It's just the money for a car, just a drop in the bucket.

Even the "living expenses" in her bank card that Zhu mother called her casually is enough to buy a million-dollar car.

And if her mother knew that it was Liu Zhenshan who wanted to buy a car, as a good girlfriend, she might send one over directly.


Shi Hai scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

It's not that he doesn't believe in the financial strength of the two, it's just that he doesn't like to owe favors to others.

Shi Hai doesn't like any feeling of "owing money", so he doesn't care about borrowing money from others, and he won't lend money to others.

Otherwise, this matter will remain in his heart like a pimple, which will make him feel very irritable.

Jian Sichun knew what he was thinking and proposed.

"Lingling and I will take care of the car problem, so you should go to the driver's license test and be a full-time driver for us in return?"

With a car, it is convenient to go everywhere, and letting Shi Hai drive also means that you can go out with him.

And most importantly, Jian Sichun really wanted to sit in the co-pilot and watch Shi Hai drive, which is equivalent to unlocking a new perspective!
He must be very handsome when he drives too... Jian Sichun has started to be a nympho again.

In short, there are many benefits.

Shi Hai felt that this was indeed no problem, so he nodded in response.

"Well, that's fine too."

Equivalent exchange, let Shi Hai pay the labor, so that he will not feel owed.

Zhu Lingjie looked at Jian Sichun in surprise. She also knew Shi Hai's character very well, so she understood how difficult it was for Shi Hai to accept this favor.

Jian Sichun got his consent with just one sentence, which is not an easy matter in itself.

It seems that they are really close friends...

"However, what car will I buy in the future? I don't know much about it, do you understand?"

Zhu Lingjie smiled wryly and shook her head. She and Shi Hai were the same, so they only knew the brand.

"This... I don't really understand..."

Jian Sichun also agreed.

"Female women like us are not interested in cars."

"That's right, let's talk about it later."

Shi Hai nodded, thinking about who to ask about the car.

There should be some boys in the class who know how to drive, but most of them have never driven before, it's just clouds.

For this kind of thing, you still have to ask the experienced person to be reliable.

At this time, Jian Sichun beside him said.

"But maybe Tianshui-senpai will understand it very well. After all, she is big~little~sister~oh! And she looks so chic, she must understand these tough~bang~bang~ things very well!"

In fact, she just wanted a wave of yin and yang, combined with the above sentence, it implied that 'Tian Shui is not feminine', and had the connotation of 'Tian Shui is a playful woman'.

However, it had the opposite effect.

Shi Hai thought it was really a suggestion.

Hmm...Senior Tianshui.

There is indeed a contact method.

Ask after that.

If Tianshui knew about this, he might not have responded to Jian Sichun, and would hug her and kiss her to praise her for her beautiful work!

You know, ever since Tian Shui gave Shi Hai her contact information, she sent him selfies every day, but Shi Hai has yet to reply to her message.

She was worried that Shi Hai hadn't contacted her all this time!

In the past few days, Tian Shui stared at the phone screen whenever he was free, for fear of missing the news from Shi Hai...

However, there was still no sound at all from Shihai, as if a pebble was thrown into the sea, without even a splash.

This made her infinitely anxious, and she couldn't sleep well at night.

But she also felt that if she took the initiative to ask Shi Hai for the first time, she would post it upside down... It was a bad start!

joke!How can you be passive from the beginning!Is that still my Queen of Tianshui?

So, why doesn't this damn man take the bait?
I don't know how many men want her contact information but can't get it!
Logically speaking, if a man like Shi Hai with strong mobility really had that thought, he would definitely come to ask her out immediately...

Is he really not at all tempted to look at side-ball selfies every day?

Could it be that he is not attractive?
Should I post a bolder selfie later?

Or is it that Jian Sichun and Zhu Lingjie are blocking it?

Doubtful in her heart, Tian Shui really couldn't sit still anymore, she really wanted to lose face and join them right away...but her pride made her choose to continue to wait.

So, at this moment, Jian Sichun's 'assist' broke the game for her.

What is this wave?
It just took off in place!
 The schedule and update time are too late recently, I have a jet lag, so there is only one update, although, this chapter has 3000 words... Anyway, I still want to read it!Keep it or read it, it’s up to you, but please see the update, make a small move, and follow up with one, so that this book can stay away from the street. I also have the motivation to update, crab!
(End of this chapter)

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