Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 101 We all have a bright future

Chapter 101 We all have a bright future

After chatting for a while, Fang Chang talked about the business.

"Many matters of the Spirit Sword Sect are on the right track. These days, big brother, you have fought all over the world, and you have secured your position as the head of the sect.

There is no need to worry too much about the division of spirit stone veins in more than a year, with the current strength of the eldest brother.

So I decided to leave for a while after a while. "

Hearing that Fang Chang was about to leave, Li Hu was stunned, a little at a loss, and even flustered.

"Second brother, what do you mean by this?"

"Is it because Junior Sister Qing'er and I got too close, are you angry?"

Fang Chang: "..."

He said it like he was jealous.

Made, it's getting farther and farther.

Fang Chang shook his head and said: "I decided to leave, it has nothing to do with your junior sister Qing'er, I just want to find a way out for us brothers.

The ancients often say, I think twice every day, think about danger, think about retreat and think about change.

Even though the current situation of Spirit Sword Sect is very good, who knows what will happen in the future, and being prepared for danger in times of peace is the long-term solution.

So I have to prepare for the worst.

If one day, the Spirit Sword Sect disappears, we still have the capital to make a comeback and make a comeback. "

There is another reason that Fang Chang never mentioned.

Someone said, don't start a business with your best brother.

Because an enterprise is a big ship, it only needs one thought and one person at the helm.

Otherwise, the big ship will either stand still or be destroyed.

Seeking to seize the foundation of Lingjianmen is not an entrepreneurial venture.

As the number of people and things he came into contact with gradually increased, Li Hu also continued to grow, and he was never his own puppet.

Li Hu hasn't noticed it yet, but as time goes by, he will feel awkward sooner or later.

What's more, I have already obtained the benefits now, and I can still receive dividends in the future, so why bother with the position, it is better to get out in time.

Of course, the reason is that he is not the sect master.

If he is the head of the sect, he has the confidence to balance his relationship with Li Hu, and Li Hu's character is not the kind of power struggle.

At worst, he would raise a sect to make offerings, and usually offer delicious, drinkable and useful offerings, and use it as a big killer at critical times.

It's just that now Li Hu is the head of the sect.

The position is different, the mentality is different, and the thinking is different.

If he continues to occupy a strong dominant position, once someone guides them, there will be conflicts between the two in the future.

But let him really lie down and be a little boy, obediently be a little brother.

Come on, don't be funny!

Calling him the second brother really treats him as the second child.

It's a pity that his strength was not enough at that time.

If he forcibly took over as the head of the Spirit Sword Sect at that time, it would never be as easy and smooth as Li Hu, and on the contrary, he might fail.

Because it was the best solution at that time.

At a time of internal and external troubles in the Spirit Sword Sect, the emergence of a closed disciple turned out to be a script that everyone could accept.

As for an unknown pawn who dares to covet the throne of sect master, he will either die on the spot, or go back where he came from, there will be no second end.

Hearing Fang Chang's worries, Li Hu couldn't help thinking of how he got the position of sect master, and felt that what Fang Chang said was not unreasonable.

"But if you leave, I, the sect master, don't know what to do?"

Fang Chang smiled and said: "I'm in seclusion these days, but you're doing pretty well, I also found a few talents among the disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect.

If it bothers you, let them handle it for you.

In addition, there is Mrs. Qin, if you are really interested in your junior sister Qinger, it is not a bad idea to ask her to help you, it is your sincerity and dowry.

There are always more ways than difficulties.

Don't be stuck in front of your eyes, think more and think more, you can always find a way that suits you. "

"And it's not that I've completely left the Spirit Sword Sect, and I've even got the name of a registered junior.

I will definitely come back when I have time. If you don't do well by then, and I have less spirit stones, don't blame me for kicking you from the position of sect master. "

Fang Chang made a joke.

Only then did Li Hu's expression slowly ease.

"Anyway, Spirit Sword Sect has half of you, so it doesn't matter if you kick me out, anyway, I don't care about this position.

As for how to manage the Spirit Sword Sect, I will do as you said. "

Fang Chang glanced at Li Hu, and suddenly asked:

"Brother, I told you to give me the position of the master of the Spirit Sword Sect now, are you willing?"

Li Hu was stunned for a moment, and then said happily: "Really?!"

"Well, from now on, you are the sect master."

"I don't want to be the master of this sect for a long time!"

"Obviously everything is done by you, why should I do it?"

"Second brother, don't worry, if anyone dares to disagree with you as the head of the sect, I will be responsible for persuading him!"

I think it's a convincing... Fang Chang was speechless for a while.

Seeing Li Hu's finally relieved expression, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

Obviously Li Hu trusted him so much, but he doubted him again and again.

Maybe that's the real reason why he wanted to leave.

This guy is really good at it.

Made him look like some kind of scumbag.

Fang Chang shook his head and denied:
"I'm just talking casually, why are you taking it seriously? Besides, if I become the sect master, then your junior sister Qing'er will sweetly call me brother sect master.

Are you willing? "


Li Hu thought of the scene where Qin Qing sweetly called the sect master senior brother in front of Fang Chang, couldn't help but shiver, and quickly denied it.

"Junior Sister Qing'er is so afraid of you, it's absolutely impossible."

"Hehe, sure enough, I was tempted out with just one sentence." Fang Chang's eyes were full of contempt, "You are a pervert who values ​​sex and despises friends!"

"It's a pity that I treat you as a brother. You hesitated because of a woman!"

"No, no!"

Li Hu was about to explain when Fang Chang clapped his hands and stood up.

"Okay, then it's such a happy decision."

"You continue to be your sect master, and I will find a relaxing place."

Fang Chang staggered out of the main attic of the door, facing the comfortable autumn sun, he said emotionally:
"We all have a bright future."


A month later.

Fang Chang stood at the gate of the Spirit Sword Sect, with more than 100 million spirit stones in his arms to start a new business, and Fang Tiezhu, whose intelligence had caught up with his height, was followed by three disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect.

These three disciples were carefully selected by him, two men and one woman.

There are three characteristics, shameless, shameless, or shameless.

Mainly because of the career he will do next, the shameless people really can't get used to it.

"Brother, sending you off for thousands of miles will eventually require a farewell, so let's not give it away at all. If you miss your brother in the future, ask someone to send hundreds of thousands of spirit stones over."

Fang Changyu confessed earnestly, especially in the second half of the sentence with emphasis.

Li Hu didn't know how to answer the words for a while, and finally he just smiled wryly:
"Second brother, take care."

Fang Chang turned his head to look at Mrs. Qin who suppressed his joy again, and sent his blessings to Mrs. Qin who said "I have been professionally trained and never laugh out loud".

"Mrs. Qin, take good care of yourself. Next time we meet, I hope you are still beautiful."

At this moment, Madam Qin's face was full of red, and the smile on the corner of her mouth couldn't be restrained: "Thank you, Xiao Fang, I'm still reluctant to let you go."

Fang Chang flicked the package: "Okay, let's not go."

"Don't stop!!"

Mrs. Qin shouted hastily.

Fang Chang rolled his eyes: "Then what do you mean, do you want me to go or not?"

Mrs. Qin said with a dry smile: "This, this, Xiao Fang, I really don't want to part with Tie Zhu. Although it's only been a month, I already treat her like my own daughter."

Fang Chang's eyes turned fierce: "Then you really want me to go?"

Mrs. Qin was about to cry: "Me? Me?"

"Okay, second brother, don't embarrass Aunt Qin."

At the side, Li Hu persuaded.

Only then did Fang Chang let Madam Qin go, and even passed Madam Qin and winked at Li Hu.

"Then I'll give big brother a face."

Mrs. Qin looked at Li Hu gratefully.

Although in her eyes, Li Hu seems to be polite, but in fact he has deep scheming and is pretending, but it is much better than Fang Chang who directly shows his evil face on the surface.

At least not greedy her body.

"Let's go!"

Fang Chang waved his hand and threw out a small boat.

The small boat enlarged in mid-air and turned into a flying boat about four or five meters long. It was the flying spirit weapon that Fang Chang kindly sponsored from the Spirit Sword Gate.

A low-grade spiritual tool that travels eight thousand miles a day.

(End of this chapter)

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