Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 102 Start of Business

Chapter 102 Start of Business

Qingniufang City.

A group of stragglers are buying tickets to enter the gate.

Two golden toads at the door opened their mouths wide, devouring the gold that came and went tirelessly.

It is worth mentioning that due to the impression of the wave of spiritual energy, the output of spiritual stone veins has increased, and the number of spiritual stones flowing into the market has increased, so various basic cultivation materials have a very small increase.

But for the casual cultivators nearby.

The most intuitive impact is that the tickets are less expensive.

In the past, tickets cost five taels of gold, but now only three taels of gold are enough.

When a group of casual cultivators were making noise, suddenly a bell rang in the market, and it rang three times in a row, and then there were knowledgeable casual cultivators popularizing knowledge for newcomers.

"This is the arrival of foundation-building monks from the sect, Qingniufang City's welcome bell."

"Oh, so it is."

Sure enough, as the voice fell, a flying boat roared past from above.

The Fangshi formation let go of its protection, allowing the flying boat to enter.

"I don't know when I will be able to let Fangshi ring the welcome bell?" Mengxin Loose Cultivator couldn't help envious.

Someone on the side replied: "Haha, it won't take long, it will be enough at night."


"Because it's time to dream."


The crowd burst into laughter.

And Mengxin Sanxiu, who was teased, blushed and said unconvinced:

"30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty!"

The people around fell silent for a moment, followed by more violent laughter.

"Don't laugh, remember my name, Yan Fei, you will regret it sooner or later!"

Mengxin casual cultivator bought the ticket angrily, and ran into the market as if fleeing.


Standing on the flying boat, Fang Chang looked at the bustle below, and listened to Mengxin's unconvinced declaration, with a slight smile in his eyes.

Once upon a time, he was also one of the people looking up from below.

But now.


Casual cultivators can't even imagine the happiness of high-ranking monks.

With a smile on the corner of Fang Chang's mouth, he got off the flying boat on a high-rise platform in Fangshi.

Below the flying boat, a beautiful woman with a huge breast is waiting.

"The owner of the workshop has no time to retreat and cannot come to receive Senior Fang, so he specially ordered Dongdong to come and greet him, and I hope that Senior will forgive me."

Fang Chang looked at Dongdong with a professional smile on his face, glanced at his chest involuntarily, and laughed:

"Being received by Ms. Dongdong is a testament to the sincerity of Qingniu Fangzhu. How can I blame him?"

"Also, don't call me senior, it looks like I'm very old. If Miss Dongdong doesn't mind, just call me Fang...Young master is fine."

Fang Chang forced himself to hold back the word brother.

When they met again, they were almost plotted against by someone with a chest weapon, and lost their due dignity.

Fang Chang is such a frivolous person.

This woman is Dongdong, the host of the auction that Fang Chang once met.

Dongdong knew his own advantages, and had already adapted to the male cultivator's eyes, and Fang Chang was relatively restrained among them.

She replied neither humble nor humble:

"Let's call him senior, so as not to mess up the seniority."

"Senior Fang, I've asked someone to prepare some drinks, why don't we go over and talk in detail."


Fang Chang nodded in response.


In a quiet box.

Dong Dong and Fang Chang sat opposite each other, and there was a pretty maid at each table pouring wine, and a diva in light clothes dancing in the hall, and a woman in palace attire with a half veil playing the piano .

It can be described as full of spring.

Fang Chang has calmed down.

It's just a small scene, you can watch it but you can't eat it, it's really cool if you have the ability.

He raised a glass of wine and said with a smile:
"Since it's Miss Dongdong who came forward this time, I think my cooperation with Qingniu Fangzhu should be very smooth.

Miss Dongdong, I offer you a toast. "

Dongdong drank the wine, his expression was a little indifferent, completely different from Fang Chang's first meeting, when he presided over the auction, he smiled sweetly and had an amiable demeanor.

But in this way, there is also a glamorous temperament, which is quite exciting.

"Senior Fang's offer is exciting. If I were the master of Fang, I would not refuse."

Fang Chang chose Qingniufang City as the location for his new venture this time.

No other reason, just familiarity.

But in fact, he didn't have many choices.

Although Annan Road seems to be quite big, it is actually only a thousand miles across. There are only three squares in the entire Annan Road with the size of Qingniufang City.

Among them, Qingniufang City is the only one founded by Sanxiu.

The other two, one is the official Fangshi.

The Fangshi, which was established by the Annan Road Jiedu Missionary Mansion personally, has the slogan that all monks are welcome to do business.

But it sounds pretty dark.

The last one, which is also the largest, is the sect alliance, which is shared by [-] sects in the Liuyun Mountain Range, and the rules are also the largest and strictest.

Speaking of which, the Spirit Sword Sect also has a share, but of course the Biyun Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect are the two that make the decisions.

The market is only so big, Fang Chang picked and picked, and finally chose Qingniufang City.

For this reason, he paid the entrance fee of [-] spirit stones to the owner of Qingniu Fang, and the rent of [-] spirit stones every year in the future.

Otherwise, how could he get Dongdong's reception.

Of course, Dongdong's reception is just a gift.

The specific terms also include a piece of commercial land in Qingniufang City not less than three acres, a five-year tax exemption period, the obligation of the city to cooperate with publicity at least three times a year, and so on.

As for ensuring the safety of the store and ensuring the order in the store are the basic conditions of Fangshi.

Fang Chang's force and identity also ensured the smooth fulfillment of this contract.

The name of Spirit Sword Gate, with Li Hu gaining a firm foothold in the Liuyun Mountains, still has a bit of face in the territory of Annan Road.

After all, there are five foundations in one school, and it is quite bluffing to say it.

The previous Changsong faction was nothing more than that, let alone Li Hu, the sword cultivator who leapfrogged and killed the enemy.

This time when Fang Chang came over, it was a formal signing of the contract.

Wait until the wine has passed three rounds.

Someone came to open the photo crystal.

A girl with a sweet voice read the terms of the contract by mouth, and then the two signed the contract, took out their identity stamps to cover it, and then announced the smooth start of the cooperation with a handshake.

Although there is no official supervision for this thing, it belongs to a private contract, but once someone breaks the contract, it is a legitimate reason to take action.

In ordinary lawsuits, the worst case is to lose money and go to jail.

This thing is going to kill people.

Therefore, no one dares to breach the contract without full assurance.

"Miss Dongdong, happy cooperation in the future."

Fang Chang shook hands with Dongdong.

Since he came here, he naturally found out.

This Miss Dongdong seems to be favored, but in fact it is the cauldron ordered by the owner of Qingniufang. It is said that she has a special physique.

Once she succeeds in building the foundation, it will be the time for Master Qingniufang to break through the golden core.

However, Fang Chang and this Miss Dongdong have no relationship or reason, and it is impossible to conflict with a quasi-Jindan real person because of a pair of murder weapons.

So I can only regret it.

"Pleasant to work with."

A faint smile appeared on Miss Dongdong's face again.

(End of this chapter)

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