Chapter 139 Earth Demon Suppresses Prison Golden Pagoda (Two in One)

Day two.

The mountain behind the Spirit Sword Gate.

A six-story golden pagoda stands tall.

Fang Chang looked up at the golden pagoda with a strange look in his eyes.

"Is this golden pagoda usable?"

This golden pagoda is exactly the golden pagoda of Disha Town Prison who took the initiative to recognize Li Hu as the master that day.

Since the golden light of inheritance was given that day, it seems to have exhausted its power and fell into a deep sleep.

Li Hu replied: "I only sensed its power a few days ago, its mind was severely damaged, almost only instinct remained.

But it told me everything I needed to know. "

Fang Chang asked curiously, "What information?"

In any case, it is also a high-end goods of the ancient treasure level.

In the eyes of the demon, there is an inheritance of the entire demon sect, as well as the infinitely powerful divine light of the demon, the demon seed that absorbs the lust of the world.

This is still the case without refining it.

Once it is refined, I am afraid there will be unexpected surprises.

And Jin Pagoda has recognized Li Hu as its owner, so its functions should be more open and comprehensive.

Li Hu thought for a while and sorted out his words.

"Nowadays, there are only three functions of the golden pagoda, one is for cultivation, the other is for condensing evil spirits, and the third is for suppression."

"Cultivation means that there is a gravitational field inside the Golden Pagoda. According to the information given to me by the Golden Pagoda, the higher the level, the greater the gravity, from one to one hundred thousand times. For a monk with a super-heavy body, it is no less than a paradise.

However, opening the gravity field requires spiritual stones as energy. The larger the range and the higher the magnitude, the more spiritual stones are needed. "

"As for Ningsha, you don't need to bother too much. You only need to stand the golden pagoda on the ground, and it will absorb the evil energy contained in the ground by itself, and condense it into various strange evil energy.

Now there is a kind of thick soil evil spirit condensed in the golden pagoda.

Second brother, you are cultivating the Earth Fiend Suppressing Prison Avatar, and with this evil energy as your supplement, your cultivation speed will be greatly improved. "

"As for the suppression, it means literally, there is a hidden pagoda space underground, which is specially used to hold prisoners.

And it can extract mana, evil spirit, killing intent, evil intent from the prisoner, in short, all kinds of messy things can be used as the energy source for the urn to maintain normal operation.

Therefore, this golden pagoda is also called the Zhenmo Pagoda and the Zhenyao Pagoda in the inheritance of Beidou Daozong.

However, there are no prisoners at this time, so we can only use spirit stones as energy first. "

"Isn't this tailor-made for the avatar of the Earth Demon Suppressing Prison?"

After hearing Li Hu's introduction, Fang Chang discovered that the real body of Disha Town Prison is the original skill of this ancient treasure.

"Brother, do you regret it?" Fang Chang asked with a smile, "Give me the real body of Disha Town Prison, it can be regarded as a secret cast."

He didn't pay much attention to the cultivation of the real body of Disha's suppression of prisons. On the contrary, he played with the evil idea of ​​Bo Xun.

Li Hu was quite relieved and said:
"Of course I have regretted it, but it's still the same sentence. Compared with a single exercise, I still think it is more important for us brothers to get along with each other as equals."

"Besides, the Beidou Daojing also has a corresponding body training method, although it is not as pure as the real body of Disha Suppressing Prison, but it is enough for me.

Cultivation techniques have always been created by humans, given me time, I can also comprehend a technique that is not inferior to the real body of Disha Suppressing Prison. "

Fang Chang was silent.

After a while, Fang Chang finally said:
"With this stuff, the day when Spirit Sword Sect will be renamed Tyrant Body Sect is not far away. By the way, brother, are you really planning to change the name of Spirit Sword Sect?"

Li Hu shook his head and said, "We have already taken over everything in Spirit Sword Sect, so let's give it a name."

"Can I go in and try?"

Fang Chang stared at the golden pagoda, his eyes eager to try.

Li Hu said with a smile: "I brought you here today because I want you to practice hard in the Golden Pagoda. You and my brother will work hard together to surprise everyone when the Zongmen Conference is held."

Fang Chang thought for a while and reminded:
"However, it is better not to reveal the matter of the elder brother's Golden Pagoda too early, at least wait until you have advanced to the Golden Core before gradually opening it up to trusted disciples.

And it can only temporarily open the low-magnification gravity field.

Otherwise, everyone is not guilty, and he is guilty of carrying a jade. Although the golden pagoda is good, it may bring disaster to the Spirit Sword Sect. Even the great monk Yuanying can't help but make a move.

It is also possible that other people who have obtained the sub-towers of the Beidou Pagoda will know your existence in advance. "

Li Hujiao replied: "I know, otherwise I wouldn't just bring you here today."

"I think it's better to dye this thing." Fang Chang suggested: "By the way, brother, what color do you like?"

Li Hu thought for a while and said, "How about green? The green mountains and green waters are refreshing to look at."

"Cyan, um...not bad, let's change it to cyan."

Fang Chang nodded, expressing his good opinion.

"It's green."

Li Hu corrected with a serious face.

Fang Chang stared straight at Li Hu, and said quietly:

"Brother, we are not happy with green, the omen is not good. Don't forget that you are a man who is about to get married."

Li Hu finally came to his senses, he immediately looked constipated and distressed, and it took him a long while before he said dryly:
"Second brother is right, cyan is better, or cyan is better."

"Let's go into the tower."

Li Hu laughed.


The bronze gate of the golden pagoda was opened.

When I walked in, I found that there was something different.

From the outside, the one-story golden pagoda is less than [-] square meters, but inside it has a range of several thousand meters. At the end of the line of sight, there is a haze of fog, and there seems to be a mystery.

"Now it is only the primary form of the Golden Pagoda. According to the information given to me by the Spirit of the Golden Pagoda, when it was in full bloom, each floor of the Golden Pagoda was a small world with a territory of hundreds of miles, enough to accommodate millions of people. " Li Hu continued to introduce.

"Then how do we go up?" Fang Chang asked: "Stairs?"

When Li Hu made a tactic, a mark formed in the void and landed in front of Fang Chang.

"This is the permission token of the Golden Pagoda. I have given you all the permissions from floors one to six. If you want to go to other tower floors, you can put the spirit into the imprint, and you can enter the tower spirit space and the Golden Tower. Spiritual communication.

Although it has no sense, it is already able to communicate easily.

But now only one floor of the golden tower is open, and I can't activate the other tower floors for the time being. "

Fang Chang pointed his finger, and the imprint was branded on his wrist like a tattoo, and it could be dispelled at any time.

He probed his consciousness into the imprint, and as expected, he arrived at a vast white space, and saw a hazy golden human figure floating in the center of the space.

The Jinguang Humanoid has no face, no figure, and can't even tell the difference between male and female, old and young, it just looks like a human.

But some simple information can be clearly perceived from it.

For example, leave the tower spirit space, select the gravity multiple, activate the gravity field, select the practice scene, ascend the tower floor, descend the tower floor and other basic functions.

But even the basic functions are grayed out, obviously not selectable.

Fang Chang fiddled with it, and found that the Spirit of the Golden Pagoda was probably at the level of a low-level artificial mentally retarded.

But after all, Jinta has just woken up, so there is no need for a bicycle.

"How to activate other tower layers?" Fang Chang asked.

It seems that only Li Hu, the owner of the golden tower, knows some information. Much of what Li Hu told him just now is not available in the tower spirit space.

Li Hu smiled wryly: "If you want spirit stones, as long as you have enough energy reserves, the Golden Pagoda can activate other tower layers independently."

"For the second level, about ten million spirit stones are enough, or about ten prisoners who are in the Golden Core realm."

Fang Chang was silent for a while, and said quietly: "It really dares to speak."

Li Hu coughed a few times, changed the subject and said:

"Let's start practicing."

"Choose the training scene, the sandstorm scene."

I saw the space changing, they had already appeared on a piece of yellow sand, the sun was shining, and the air was astonishingly hot.

Li Hu took off his shirt, revealing his standard body.

Then gradually the wind picked up.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and the gravel on the ground was blown up by the wind, like bullets shooting at him, making a crackling sound.

A khaki tornado sandstorm appeared in the distance.

Li Hu raised his head to the sky and screamed, fighting against the wind and sand.

The figure went further and further away, straight into the sandstorm.

About half an hour later.


The sandstorm suddenly shattered, and the wild sand fell like rain.

Li Hu fell to the ground with the sand and stones, his wheat-colored skin glowed in the sun, and his face showed an excited expression.

"Second brother, why haven't you started warming up yet?"

Looking at Li Hu, who was full of blood, Fang Chang couldn't help swallowing.

You call this a warm up?

However, Li Hu's enthusiasm was hard to lose, and Fang Chang also felt that he was a little out of place because he was not enthusiastic.

He concealed his inner armor and took off his shirt, revealing his fair skin and his slightly thinner body compared to Li Hu.

"Second brother, get used to it first."

The wind and sand rose again, and the whistling wind rang in his ears, and Li Hu unconsciously amplified his voice.

"The first floor of the tower is only ten times the gravity, let's try to open it three times first."

"Choose the gravity multiple, three times!"

Li Hu's movements suddenly sank.

The grit is more powerful. If the grit hit him just now was an ordinary air gun bullet, it is already at the level of a small pistol.

Fang Chang felt that his bare skin was stung by a bee, with dense red spots appearing.

And the sudden increase in gravity also made him seem to be wearing an all-round weight suit with no dead ends.

He did not choose to fight the storm like Li Hu did.

He was a little staggering even when he walked.

Li Hu has a giant spirit body, but he doesn't.

He just started to practice boxing. Although he hadn't learned it seriously, he had watched a lot of it, and it wasn't a problem to play bastard boxing routines.

He seemed to be sinking into the bottom of the water, and every move required several times more effort than usual.

Wait until he gets used to it.

Disha Suppressing Prison Avatar has started to operate automatically.

However, there is no easy way to practice the hegemony.

The so-called hegemony refers to breaking through again and again, transforming and rebirthing, constantly impacting the limits of the body and life, until it is unparalleled and invincible.

At this moment, a cloud of earth-yellow evil spirit fell from the sky, and Li Hu's voice came from afar.

"Second brother, this is the first group of thick soil evil spirit condensed in the golden tower, which is most suitable for your skills."

Fang Chang wanted to take a rest.

He is a serious puppeteer, and occasionally exercises to strengthen his body and keep him healthy, so why do he engage in such a big battle.

But for Li Hu's kindness, he couldn't say no to it at the moment.

Just for a while, isn't he okay?

Men are not allowed to say that they are not healthy.



Fang Chang's face turned red, his neck swelled up, the muscles on his exposed skin formed lumps, and the veins and veins bulged out, like the roots of an old tree.

The moment the thick earthy evil energy entered his body, it was as if thousands of roots were pierced on his internal organs, and the pain made him twitch. It was a pain that went straight to the soul.

He directly half-kneeled on the ground.

The pain aroused the power in his body infinitely, and he screamed up to the sky, feeling an urge to suffocate if he didn't vent it out.

At this moment, the triple gravity seemed to have disappeared, and a khaki dust tornado appeared in front of Fang Chang.

He jumped in without thinking.

The tornado was like steel ropes twisting his muscles, his limbs, making him into the shape of the wind.

But instead of obeying, he went against the wind, destroying the shape of the wind.

The pain outside the body and the pain of the soul did not merge at this moment, but were melting each other, as if the more pain his body was in, the easier his soul would be.

Fang Chang felt that he had realized it.

"Choose gravity double speed, five times!"

The increased gravitational field caused Fang Chang to fall into a struggle again, but the pain of body training with the evil spirit became less and less, and the physical pain was also gradually reduced.

After the exercises were performed, streams of heat were continuously generated and spread to his damaged and sprained body parts.

He could feel a feeling of refreshing to the soul, and a feeling of being in the air.

He couldn't help shivering, as if it was worth all the suffering and tiredness just now.

Fang Chang seems to have discovered the joy of body training.

He directly exploded his clothes. This time, not only did he lose his upper body, but only a pair of shorts were left on his whole body, and his long hair also collapsed.

If you want to become stronger, start by becoming bald.

Fang Chang's whole body was glowing.

"Let the storm come harder!"

He begins to embrace the pain.

In the distance, Li Hu was relieved to see Fang Chang adapting to the pain of body training so quickly, and heard his request again.

"I guessed right, the second brother is full of tenacity in his bones, he is never a man who gives up easily.

If you want to be more violent, then let's go together. "

"Choose the gravity multiple, ten times!"

With the appearance of the highest ten times the gravitational field, the space seemed to shake.

Li Hu waved his fists with difficulty, fighting against the wind and sand. The violent wind and tragic sand left only white marks on his body.

On the purple scales on his chest, streaks of purple light erupted, which was the power of thunder he controlled, which was originally one of the best forces for tempering the body.

"Big Dipper Dharma Body!"

Li Hu grinned, and the exercises in his body were running at ten times the normal speed.

A hazy white light emanated from the depths of his body, and his body began to swell, turning into a five-meter giant in an instant.

In addition to the swelling power brought by the huge body, there is also a huge weight. Under this ten times the gravity, the pressure he has to bear is more than ten times the square length.

Now even he couldn't move, the wind and sand kept hitting him.

After a while, a huge human-shaped sand pile appeared.

And what is Fang Chang doing?

The moment ten times the gravity appeared, he lay down and ate a mouthful of sand along the way.

Let alone move now, even if you blink your eyes, you feel as if you are lifting a mountain.

He watched the wind and sand bury him, and then silently sent Li Hu a long-lost greeting in his mother tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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