Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 140 Participating in the General Assembly

Chapter 140 Participating in the Conference (Two in One)

half a month later.

The bronze gate of the golden pagoda opened again.

Fang Chang, whose skin was a few degrees darker, walked out expressionlessly.

At this moment, his hair has grown back, and it is stronger and shinier than before, and people can't help asking what kind of shampoo he uses.

Explosive muscles were hidden under a snow-white gown, and a single punch could kill a cow demon. No one knew what kind of torture he had endured in the past half month.

With Li Hu's good intentions, his dignity as a man prevented him from saying no to it.

This is also true, although his cultivation base has not improved much, but his superpower level is in a state of soaring.

In a sense, it can be regarded as a thick accumulation.

After all, in terms of his physical attributes, the fifth-level hegemony is a bit low.

With this remedial class, his Super Body has been upgraded from the previous level [-] to the current level [-], almost at an average rate of [-] level in two days, and the professional bonus is immune to [-]% damage.

To put it in a more realistic way, after a tenth-level overlord body, he can generate aurora outside his body and be immune to a small amount of damage.

However, compared to Li Hu's level [-] super body, his level [-] super body can only be regarded as a younger brother.

The [-]th level super body of the profession can already resist the attack of the Jindan cultivator. Only the power of the Jindan supernatural power level can hurt him, and the Jindan supernatural power is already the trump card level attack method of the Jindan monk.

In addition, it was Li Hu's cultivation.

As a practitioner of Dao-level exercises, his cultivation base almost changes every day. Even though he spends most of his energy on body training, until now, he still has the cultivation base of the late foundation establishment stage.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a quasi-Golden Core.

Li Hu walked behind him, with some unsatisfactory expression on his face:

"If the date of the conference is not approaching, I will definitely challenge you and my second brother to all the various training scenes in the golden pagoda."

Hearing this, Fang Chang's expression collapsed on the spot.

"do not!"

Seeing that Li Hu was puzzled, Fang Chang explained:
"Brother, the way of cultivation is to relax and unwind, to combine work and rest, and it is not beautiful to practice hard all the time.

I think that proper relaxation is the most important principle of practice.

And this thing is really expensive, our family is not rich, so let's use these spirit stones wisely. "

The gravity field of the golden pagoda, as well as the cultivation scenes are good things tailored for monks, but the premise of constructing so many scenes is the spirit stone.

Just to provide the sandstorm scene for the two of them, plus ten times the gravity field, the Golden Pagoda would swallow tens of thousands of spirit stones every day.

Tens of thousands of spirit stones are needed in just half a month.

Even if all the annual income of the Spirit Sword Sect is invested, it can barely maintain the cultivation of the two of them.

This is still in the case of their cultivation base not improving.

When their cultivation level increases and the strength of their overlord body increases, ordinary training scenarios will hardly work for them, so they must use higher energy-consuming scenarios and gravity fields.

If it is developed for disciples in the future, if it only relies on sect subsidies, then it is almost foreseeable that it will be a top-level gold swallowing beast, and no amount of spirit stones will be enough.

Therefore, a fee must be charged.

There is also the practice scene that cannot be popularized. It is almost enough for ordinary disciples to give a practice room a model.

It is not difficult for Fang Chang to understand the name of the Town Demon Tower now.

It is indeed difficult to maintain the normal operation of the urn without relying on those prisoner monks as human batteries.

Fang Chang talked about his prediction.

Li Hu nodded repeatedly first, then shook his head and said:

"I don't understand these things after talking about them. I'll just listen to you, second brother."

Fang Chang: "..."


Two days later.

Two airships are sailing in the sky.

In one of them, Mrs. Qin was talking with Li Hu, Fang Chang and others about the past of the Zongmen Conference.

"The Zongmen Conference has been held twice, and the rankings have not yet been divided for the first session.

At that time, there were mixed fish and dragons in the Liuyun Mountains, monks and martial arts masters.

A few people occupy a barren hill and dare to stand on their own. There are hundreds of sects that can be said to be famous, but not well-known.

But now Dikuimen, one of the eighteen sects, is good at searching for gold and veins, and accidentally discovered the hidden veins of spirit stones in Liuyun Mountains.

Later, it was revealed that the 25 sects of Lingyun had gathered in the Lingshi mine, and a battle was about to start.

However, under the leadership of Ling Yun, the young owner of Zhengqi Villa at the time and now the owner, there are [-] sects who choose to form an alliance.

These eighteen sects were not necessarily the strongest sects in the Liuyun Mountain Range at that time, but they came early enough and understood current affairs.

After the eighteen sects formed an alliance, they expelled the remaining seven sects who did not want to form an alliance from the Lingshi mine, and drove away all the other sects in the Liuyun Mountain Range in an alliance.

At that time, the eighteen sects had not yet been ranked, and they only divided the shares of the spirit stone veins based on the strength of the sects and their contributions to the alliance.

Thus, the prototype of the first Zongmen Conference was formed.

In the first conference, your master, that is, my husband, Qin Jing, made his appearance and brought the name of Spirit Sword Sect into the public eye.

When it came to the second session of the conference, with his cultivation base in the late stage of Foundation Establishment, he held the Hate-Living Sword in one hand, and impressed many monks with the posture of a sword fairy.

It's a pity that the Patriarch Biyun had already broken through the realm of Jindan at that time, Taoist Huolong was holding the top-grade magic weapon Wulongshen Furnace, the owner of Zhengqi Villa, Ling Xiao, was favored by everyone, and Yiqing Mountain's Yiqing old man had high morals and a foundation-building peak. unpredictable.

In the end, Husband could only make Spirit Sword Sect rank fifth.

But in terms of real strength, Husband is not inferior to Yiqing, and even stronger than Ling Xiao.

In this meeting, I don't ask Jianchun for you to be able to overwhelm the heroes, as long as you can maintain your husband's ranking in the past.

No.5 can guarantee that the share of our Spirit Sword Sect remains unchanged.

Over the years, the output of the spirit stone veins has not been dug less and less, but has been dug more and more, so each share represents a considerable amount of spirit stones.

Jianchun, if you want the Spirit Sword Sect to grow and develop, you must not relax. "

Mrs. Qin spoke earnestly.

The better the development of Spirit Sword Sect, the better her life will be.

At the beginning, she didn't leave with her senior brother, and almost broke up with Song Pai, the head of her natal family.

But as she regained power in Spirit Sword Sect, the Changsong faction who once ignored her secretly sent someone to contact her and give her support.

This made her understand more and more what her reliance was.

Therefore, she sincerely hopes that Spirit Sword Sect will get better and better.

Li Hu nodded slightly: "Aunt Fang, I will not let you down."

Fang Chang struck aside:

"Mrs. Qin, there is a raptor crossing the river this time, Jindan cultivator, you have the heart for my elder brother to fight to the death with others."

Mrs. Qin's face froze, she looked at Li Hu, and quickly explained:
"Jianchun, I didn't mean that.

If you are not sure, it doesn't matter if our ranking is a little lower, you are still young, and it will not be too late to wait for the next conference. "

Li Hu glanced at Fang Chang reproachfully, and replied with a smile:

"Aunt Fang, I know what you mean, the second brother just made a joke with you."

"Besides, it's just a newly promoted Jindan. I'm not incapable of fighting. It's not certain whether he can walk in front of us."

His tone was calm and full of confidence.

According to what Fang Chang told him, although each of the [-] sects has its own filth, the alliance of interests is unbreakable.

If new people join, it means that the interests of other people will be divided.

Therefore, even Daoist Jindan wants to join in forcefully, which is also unknown.

Even the Jade Cloud Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect, which have dominated the Liuyun Mountains for many years, would not easily touch this alliance of interests, let alone a rootless foreign golden core.

Mrs. Qin had figured out Li Hu's character a long time ago, if she wasn't sure, he wouldn't say such a thing.

and so……

My son-in-law can fight Jindan!
Mrs. Qin's expression turned happy, then overjoyed, then ecstatic, but she forcibly held back, not daring to cry out.

For a long time.

Fang Chang and Li Hu quietly admired Mrs. Qin's face-changing skill.

Mrs. Qin finally spoke, her tone was even more indescribably gentle.

"Jianchun, you don't treat me as an outsider, and you are willing to tell me this kind of secret, I am really happy in my heart, and I am a little out of control.

But don't worry, I will keep this word to myself and will never reveal it.

When you first entered the sect, you said you would catch up with your master within three years. Unexpectedly, you have already surpassed him in just two years.

Believe that he has a spirit in heaven, it will be very comforting. "

It is more likely to die with regret.

Fang Chang cursed in his heart.

And Li Hu's face froze even more, and he stopped talking.

Mrs. Qin observed the words and expressions, and seeing that the atmosphere was not right, she changed the subject and said:
"Because of the connection between Zhengqi Mountain Villa and Lingyun back then, everyone was chanting a kind of incense, and the Biyun Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect have been competing for the first place, so the venue for this conference is not suitable for anyone, so It was finally determined to be held at the Zhengqi Villa."

She pushed open the window in the spaceship's cabin, looked down, and saw a magnificent mountain manor forest standing in the middle of the mountain.

"It's over there."

"Zhengqi Villa was originally a well-known martial arts family in Annan Road. It is highly respected in the Jianghu and often upholds justice for fellow Jianghu.

Many gay disputes also like to find Zhengqi Villa for mediation.

Later, the secret mansion came to the world, and many martial arts people fought endlessly for the inheritance of practice.

Because of this, Zhengqi Villa got the opportunity to turn into a cultivator family, and then fell silent.

It wasn't until the birth of the Lingshi vein that Zhengqi Villa came into everyone's eyes again.

Now, Ling Yun, the owner of Zhengqi Villa, has a mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivation base, and he can be considered a good player in Liuyun Mountain Range.

However, the former owner of the villa was defeated by his husband in the last conference, so he abdicated to let the virtuous, and lived in seclusion to cultivate in order to break through the golden core realm.

But what really made Zhengqi Villa famous was his reputation for being kind and charitable, helping his comrades.

Among the eighteen alliances, many sects have more or less received its favor.

When something happened to your master back then, someone proposed to seek justice from Zhengqi Villa.

But in the end, before we had time to make a decision, you came back.

It's a good thing you're back, otherwise, it would be really hard for them to fight for the ranking in this conference because of their favor. "

Just as he was talking, the flying boat slowed down and descended, and Elder Tang's respectful voice came from outside the cabin.

"Master Fang, Deacon Fang, and Madam, Zhengqi Villa has arrived."

The flying boat is still unable to achieve automatic intelligent driving, so when we chatted just now, Elder Tang was at the helm.

In front of the flying boat was a magnificent manor gate.

In front of the door is a large open space, many flying boats stay here, but the flying boats vary from big to small, luxurious and simple.

Even if they are both Flying Dharma Boats, they still have their own grades.

As the meeting approached, everyone appeared together.

Someone who knew Elder Tang was greeting him loudly, and teased him why the Spirit Sword Sect still used the flying boat from ten years ago, and how broken the other flying boat was.

Elder Tang could only return with an embarrassed smile.

Normally, he could reply with a few words of respect, but now that the head of the sect and Deacon Fang are both there, how could he be the one to call the shots.

Then I saw Li Hu appearing at the bow of the boat.

The sound in the field suddenly fell silent.

In the past two years, Li Hu had made a name for himself in the Liuyun Mountain Range, and he was defeated by the number of Foundation Establishment cultivators under him.

In Taoist Qingniu's golden elixir ceremony last time, Taoist Huolong's direct disciples all lost, which made his reputation even more powerful.

At this moment, Li Hu's face was serious, and he stared at the monk who was teasing just now. He didn't turn around until Mrs. Qin walked out with her arms crossed until the man was dripping with cold sweat.

Mrs. Qin put her palm on Li Hu's hand, and met everyone's awe-inspiring eyes, she felt that the bones were cleared a few taels, and she was about to float up.

She is a vulgar woman, and that's what she wants all her life.

In the last conference, she could only lower her eyebrows and appear as Qin Jing's appendage, but at this moment, Li Hu gave her enough face.

Mrs. Qin's eyes were slightly red, and she was extremely grateful to Li Hu.

the other side.

Fang Chang, who had already disembarked from the flying boat, raised the corner of his mouth silently.

Li Hu is so simple-minded, how can he know that he is teaching his future mother-in-law so much through sound transmission.

But there is one thing to say, when Li Hu is aloof, he is quite intimidating.

He withdrew his gaze and called Tie Zhu, Dong Tianbao, Qin Qing and a few core disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect who were not worthy of names to get off his tattered flying boat.

Well, the flying boat that was ridiculed just now was the flying boat that he was almost trampled on by Taoist Qingniu.

The flying weapon is too expensive, and he already has the wind chasing wings, so this flying boat is naturally repaired, as long as it can be used.

"Brother Jianchun is really too gentle."

Qin Qing held her heart in both hands, and peach blossoms appeared in her eyes.

Everyone: "..."

Fang Chang waved his hand to put away the flying boat.

The people from Zhengqi Villa have already come to greet him, and the leader is a tall and handsome young man in white, about 25 or [-] years old.

"In Xialing Hai, the brother of Ling Yun, the owner of Zhengqi Villa, is here to welcome Master Li on behalf of Zhengqi Villa." Ling Hai cupped his hands and saluted.

There is no specific etiquette among monks.

Some Taoist priests made an interrogation, while others clasped their hands and clasped fists from the old school, and some shook hands to welcome them, and so on.

Among them, there are differences between male cultivators and female cultivators.

Zhengqi Villa was originally a martial arts family, so naturally it retains the original Jianghu style.

Li Hu also bowed his hands and returned the gift: "Please trouble Master Ling."

"Haha, the guest room has been prepared for the comrades of the Spirit Sword Sect, please come with me."

Ling Hai smiled and was very enthusiastic.

At the entrance of the Zhengqi Villa, there was no such thing as a pretense and slap in the face.

After all, at the gate of someone's territory, no matter who is in conflict, they are actually slapping the owner in the face.

Therefore, even if other sects have some grievances in private, they still give Zhengqi Villa this face.

Soon, under the leadership of Ling Hai.

The group of Lingjianmen lived in a pavilion called Furong Court. There was an attic and east and west wing rooms, enough for more than 30 people to live in.

"This is Steward Fu. Master Li can tell him anything. If he can't be the master, he will send him to inform my subordinates, and I will solve it for the sect master himself."

Ling Hai and everyone introduced the butler of Furong Garden, a strong-boned, burly old man, obviously someone with kung fu.

After Ling Hai finished his introduction, he saluted Li Hu:
"My junior, Zhao Fulai, has met Sect Master Li Jianchun. The Lingjian Sect is in the villa these days, and this junior will take care of everyone's life."

Although his age may be three or four times that of Li Hu, but still the same sentence, in the realm of comprehension, the elders are the ones with the biggest fists.

Li Hu nodded slightly, habitually acting as a hands-off shopkeeper.

"Junior Brother Fang is in charge of all the affairs in my sect. You can discuss with him if you have anything to do. He has full authority to represent me."

Fang Chang smiled at Zhao Fulai.

"Steward Fu, please take care of me during this time, but Elder Tang is in charge of my affairs, you can discuss with him if you have anything to do, if he can't make a decision, come to me again."

Fang Chang introduced him to the bewildered Elder Tang.

Zhao Fulai: "..."

Elder Tang: "..."



The two greeted awkwardly and ended the conversation.

(End of this chapter)

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