Chapter 141

The next morning.

Just as Fang Chang opened the door, he happened to see Elder Tang walking out with a few disciples.

"Elder Tang, where are you taking people?"

Elder Tang saw Fang Chang and replied with a smile.

"Deacon Fang, I plan to bring a few disciples to communicate with other familiar sects. This is also the previous practice, and it can be regarded as a warm-up before the sect conference.

Do you want to join in the fun too? "

When Fang Chang heard that it was a fight, he lost much interest.

He heard yesterday that there is a hot spring in Zhengqi Villa, which contains strange substances, which can nourish the skin and activate blood, and is especially suitable for maintenance.

Ling Hai is still like a young man in his 40s, so the contribution of this hot spring is indispensable.

Therefore, it attracted many female relatives from the various sects accompanying them this time.

Fang Chang decided to take a field trip.

It's definitely not for seeing girls, at most it's for taking girls.

Just as he was talking, Tie Zhu came out from the side room.

"elder brother."

Tie Zhu still looked like a quiet and beautiful girl.

Fang Chang showed Grandma Wolf's smile: "Tie Zhu, I'll take you to the hot spring, I heard it's very comfortable to soak in."

The girl sweetly replied: "Wherever brother is going, I will go there."

Fang Chang happily decided.

"Then watch the fight first, and then go to the hot spring when you're tired."

"Elder Tang, together?"

Elder Tang, who had been waiting for a long time, explained with a dry smile:
"Deacon Fang, it's communication, not fighting."

Fang Chang waved his hand: "Don't pay attention to these details, they all mean the same thing anyway."

Elder Tang smiled helplessly.


The disciples of this disciple exchange meeting are on a small island in the middle of the lake in Zhengqi Villa.

Well, there is a lake in Zhengqi Villa, so one can imagine the area and rich heritage of the villa.

Fang Chang secretly murmured a big dog.

Although with the existence of cultivators, building a house should not be too simple, but the cost of such a large area can be imagined.

If it is placed in the feudal dynasty era without extraordinary power.

To build a huge manor like Zhengqi Villa, without the hard work of four or five generations, and countless money as a foundation, there is absolutely no such scale.

Lake Island.

Fang Chang accompanied the team of Spirit Sword Sect low-key with the iron pillar, looking left and right, like a fledgling newcomer disciple.

Speaking of which, he has not formally participated in this kind of exchange meeting, so his curiosity is not all a feign.

This exchange meeting was held by four sects.

They are Lingjian Sect, Baicao Valley, Changsong Sect, and Tiangong Sect, all of which belong to the second echelon of eighteen sects.

There are also circles among sects.

Although the Spirit Sword Sect has been a bit down since the previous sect master disappeared, it was ranked fifth in the last sect conference, and Li Jianchun, the new sect master, turned out to have a solid record.

So in this exchange meeting, Elder Tang faintly occupied the dominant position.

Baicao Valley is a medical cultivator sect, the owner of the valley is a medical cultivator, not only has great medical skills, but also amazing strength
Doctors can heal people, but they can also hurt people.

What's more, which family doesn't have the pain of missing arms and legs, maybe it will be asked to others.

The leader of the team is an ordinary-looking female cultivator with a gentle temperament. Most of the disciples behind him are female cultivators. It is said that it is because Gu Zhu is a female cultivator.

Needless to say, the Changsong faction has a natural bond with Mrs. Qin. Usually, the two factions quarrel in private, but on the surface, the two factions seem to be wearing a pair of trousers.

This time, the team leader was a white-faced swordsman, wearing a red dress. I don't know if he was born with it, or he had two catties of powder on his face. His face was bloodless. Seeing him reminded Fang Chang of the word vampire.

The Changsong Sect is a cultivation sect with many swordsmen, because the previous Changsong Sect was a Jianghu sect, famous for its Changsong swordsmanship in Annan Road.

However, there is no orthodox sword cultivation method in their school, only the kendo skills that have been patched together.

Back then when the Changsong faction married Mrs. Qin, apart from forming an alliance, they probably didn't have the idea of ​​seeking the inheritance of the sword cultivator of the Spirit Sword Sect.

You can tell by the name of the Tiangong faction, it is a sect of a group of organ masters.

Mechanism masters are also heretic monks, focusing on creation, pursuing the ultimate power of artifacts.

In the future, the aircraft carrier, spirit stone cannon, god-killing crossbow and other big killers in the Tang Dynasty will all be made by this group of mechanism engineers, as well as the Gundam Mecha, one of the ultimate dreams of men.

When he traveled through time, some crazy gamers had already started researching it.

So Fang Chang is quite interested in them.

After all, who doesn't want to drive a Gundam.

It's just that the mechanism masters of the Tiangong School are extremely closed, and the per capita skills are nerds, and this profession, like the puppet master, is extremely talented, so there are very few disciples of the Tiangong School, and even this exchange meeting, there are only two people who come here. three.

And everyone looks like a ghost.

The host is Elder Tang.

Just listen to his generous statement:

"Disciples are the future of a sect. If a sect fails to take over, it means that its future is destined to be doomed. If a sect has excellent successors, then even if it is occasionally frustrated, it will eventually make a comeback.

Our new head of the Spirit Sword Sect, Li Jianchun, has fully demonstrated this fact.

Without him leading our Spirit Sword Sect to rise again, our Spirit Sword Sect is doomed to be the bottom of this sect conference.

The importance of inheritance is self-evident.

In addition, building a car behind closed doors will only limit your vision. There are many heroes in the world, not to mention far away, as far as our eighteen sects are concerned, there are many young people, even the old man will admire them.

Therefore, the holding of the exchange meeting is to let us disciples recognize the reality, not to be complacent just because we have achieved small achievements in one school or another school, not to sit and watch the sky, but to let our eyes look at our peers and the world.

Now it's up to the old man to throw a brick to attract jade, Qian Mu, you come to learn the brilliant moves of all the senior brothers. "

Elder Tang pointed to a male disciple who temporarily had a name behind him and said.

If there are any outstanding successors in the Spirit Sword Sect, there are none, and the few disciples who are more promising have all gone down the mountain.

After finally returning one, he also broke through the Foundation Establishment Realm and raised his seniority.

So the few disciples brought over this time are just counting.

Therefore, Elder Tang is very self-aware, and only talks about throwing bricks to attract jade.

Qian Mu knew that his role was to start the show, but he still showed his best form.

With one step on his foot, he jumped to the side of the open space.

"Qian Mu of the Spirit Sword Sect, please enlighten me, brothers and sisters."

He raised his hand, and in the palm of his hand was a green long needle instrument that was spinning around.

Seeing that Qian Mu's magic weapon was a long needle, the leader female cultivator of Baicao Valley laughed.

"He is also a needle user, Xiaonuan, try your hand with this senior brother, if you can't beat it, you will admit defeat."

She confessed to a female disciple with an oval face behind her.

"Yes, uncle."

The female disciple was wearing a pale pink long dress, and with her palms spread out, a pale white flying needle also appeared.

Most of the monks in Baicao Valley use flying needles as magic weapons, the difference is one or several.

"Elder Tang, if you disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect don't use flying swords, can't you find disciples who can control swordsmanship?"

The white-faced swordsmen of the Changsong faction pointed out something:

"Otherwise, our Changsong Sect will support a few, so that there will be no successors."

Elder Tang laughed and said:
"Whoever stipulates that the Spirit Sword Sect must have a sword. Our sect master said that a sword is in the heart, and a sword in the heart is a disciple of my Spirit Sword Sect. As for the spiritual magic weapon used, it depends on the degree of compatibility of the disciple. .

Even if one day in the future, there is no disciple of Spirit Sword Sect to use a sword, it will still be Spirit Sword Sect. "

This is definitely not what Li Hu said.

Fang Chang silently glanced at Elder Tang, no wonder this guy is so happy after being a grasshopper, this old boy is really good at being a man.

Look, Li Hu is not here, and he is still bragging about a man who is old enough to be his grandson without blushing.

Every sentence is inseparable from the guidance of the sect master. The sect master has said that following the words of the sect master is the standard of life.

Who doesn't like it.

The white-faced swordsman smiled bluntly: "It's a pity that you are a master of swordsmanship."

Only the Tiangong faction remained silent.

the other side.

The female cultivators of Baicao Valley and the male disciples of Spirit Sword Sect have already fought each other.

I saw two flying needles flying up, weaving and colliding in the air.

The male disciple's face was serious, he was distracted from two tasks, he was making a tactic in his hands, a gust of breeze surrounded his body, he stepped on the wind under his feet, and his figure was swift.

There is also a small fireball created from the wind.

The wind assisted the fire, and with the help of this wind, a low-level fireball technique was actually [-]% more powerful out of thin air.

Then came the second fireball, the third fireball...

Not to be outdone, the female cultivator made a tactic, and a seed in her hand grew rapidly, turning into a long blue-black vine, which was whipped away like a whip.

A mid-level spirit technique of the French rank——Spell transformation!

The vine seems to have eyes, dancing wildly like a spirit snake, it actually sucks all the incoming fireballs into balls of sparks and disperses them.

And with Changvine on top, the male disciple was all attracted, wanting to drive the fireball to avoid Changvine's protection.

But he didn't know how many grass seeds under his feet rolled down with the long vines, and he saw the grass seeds suddenly swell, and a few grass blades wrapped around the male disciple's feet like ropes.

A low-grade spirit technique of the law-grass seed entanglement!
He just found out, but it was too late.

Xiaocao was tenacious, and the male disciple couldn't escape at all for a while. The pale white flying needle that was fighting in the air at this moment suddenly accelerated and hit him, the fixed target.

The male disciple forcibly withdrew his mind, the fireball was uncontrollable, and suddenly dispersed, all his mind was focused on the magic weapon, the long needle.

A high-grade spiritual art of the French rank - Bingjia psychic art!
I saw the light of the long green needle suddenly swelled, and the hair came first, splitting into dozens of phantom flying needles, attacking and killing the female cultivator with a smug smile on the corner of her mouth.

Since it's too late to save yourself, both sides will suffer.

The smile froze on the female cultivator's face, and quickly popped out another seed. The seed grew rapidly in mid-air and turned into a grass shield.

A mid-level spirit technique of the French rank——Spell transformation!
Transform shield!

At this moment, a gust of wind blows.

The female cultivator found that all the phantoms of the flying needles stopped in front of her, and then suddenly dispersed, only a dark green flying needle wailed and fell to the ground.

And as the female cultivator turned to defense, the male disciple also gained life under his feet, and with a shock of mana, he broke the spiritual grass that no one was controlling.

But the female cultivator's flying needle has arrived, and her brows feel cool.

He had a dejected look on his face. He thought that the nun would return to defense, but he didn't expect that the nun looked weak on the surface, but she also had the determination to hurt both sides.

As for the danger, he wasn't worried.

After all, there are many teachers here, so he won't be injured.

Sure enough, when the long needle was about to attack him, the long needle seemed to be blocked by an invisible force, unable to advance an inch.

At the same time, there was a stabbing pain in his mind, and his magic weapon was blocked.

The leader female cultivator of Baicao Valley recalled her disciples and smiled at Elder Tang:
"Elder Tang, how about a draw in this round? Both disciples were not injured, so it's a good start for today."

Elder Tang shook his head and said:
"If you lose, you lose. Your female disciple is kind-hearted, and this old man is not stupid.

If the ordinary weed seeds just now were replaced with the poisonous weed seeds made by your Baicao Valley, my disciple would have already fallen, and there is no chance of fighting back.

Your Baicao Valley's spiritual spells are still so powerful, and the assistance for low-level spiritual spells is too great. "

The leading female cultivator smiled modestly: "It's just a small way. Low-level spiritual skills are fine, but high-level spiritual skills are hard to find. In the end, it depends on your true strength."

"Qian Mu, come back, remember today's lesson, if you don't focus on yourself when fighting, you will be seized by others.

You have to thank this junior sister for showing mercy to you. "

Elder Tang assumed a guiding posture.

The male disciple who had an expression of unwillingness was stunned when he heard Elder Tang's words. He looked at the female cultivator who had returned to the team, and bowed his hands to her.

"Thank you, Junior Sister, for your mercy."

"It's just a discussion."

The nun smiled back.

The male disciple only felt that the female cultivator's smile was so pretty.

At this moment, a teasing sound came from across the lake.

"After fighting like this, you are polite to me, and I am polite to you, when will you see blood?

Tang Laopao, Xue Niangpao, Zheng Mutou, and Miss Su, do you mind if we Yuanjue Temple also participate in your exchange meeting? "

The voice fell.

There were waves on the surface of the lake, the golden light was shining, and a group of bald men with bare chests and breasts and holding knives came stepping on the water.

The leader was a middle-aged monk of medium build, with a vicious look.

He was wearing half of his clothes at a slant, with one sleeve tied around his waist, and on his chest was a tattoo of an arhat catching a dragon and subduing a tiger, surrounded by clouds and mist.

Fang Chang, who was still a little drowsy at first, suddenly regained his energy.

The challenger is here!

The sensible Tie Zhu had already handed over a bag of fried melon seeds.

Fang Chang was taken aback for a moment, then patted Tie Zhu's head.

"The one who knows me is Tie Zhu."

He took out a two-person horse tie from the storage bag, and sat behind the disciples with Tie Zhu, quietly waiting for the show to start.

Elder Tang and the white-faced swordsman all looked angry.

Although he is often the first to run away in fights, he doesn't slap people in the face when he hits people, and he doesn't expose his faults when he curses. It's really deceiving to be called Tang Laopao!
Although he has a pale face, a soft voice, and loves dressing up as women, he is a serious and pure man, it's really deceiving!
As for the elder of the Tiangong sect called Wood, he just looked up at the monk, and then continued to wander, but a big dog appeared under his feet at some point.

But the female cultivator of Baicao Valley didn't get angry, she just looked at the monks with disgust in her eyes.

"You bastards who bully teachers and destroy ancestors, do you think you are a real monk if you shave your head? You are not welcome here, so get lost!"

Elder Tang took the lead in launching the attack.

The white-faced swordsman also said sharply:
"Master Yuanjue has passed away. This time, your Yuanjue Temple will be expelled from the [-]th Alliance. You don't keep your tail between your legs, yet you dare to show up!"

(End of this chapter)

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