Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 149 The end of the conference

Chapter 149 The end of the conference
Duan Yiping admitted that he was moved.

Fencing is one of the greatest pursuits in his life.

As a swordsman who has practiced sword since childhood, Yu Jianshu is like the most beautiful beauty in the world, the most famous sword.

We will never forget each other again.

When he married his younger sister to the Spirit Sword Sect, in addition to forming an alliance with the Spirit Sword Sect, the other was to seek the sword control skills in Qin Jing's hands.

It's a pity that Qin Jing is so self-confident that he only passed on the huge spirit sword gate to his son.

Now that he heard that Fang Chang was willing to teach the Changsong school's sword control skills, he couldn't help but fell into a battle between heaven and man.

Bacheng enshrines.

It means that the originally negotiated five-point share has become one point.

What if you don't agree?

If you don't agree, with the strength of the Changsong faction, you can only get the name of the reserve sect. Can you still keep the original benefits?
If the rules were still the same as before, why would the Biyun Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect go to war so much.

There is also a newly promoted Jindan Daoist as a sacrifice for this conference.

Duan Yiping suddenly woke up.

"According to Deacon Fang's words, I, the Changsong Sect, have just entered the Spirit Sword Sect, so I should contribute my strength."

Fang Chang laughed: "Sect Leader Duan, no, now he should be called Peak Master Duan. Since then, Changsong Peak has been established in the Lingjian Sect of the Changsong Sect, and is under the command of the main line of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Duan Peak Master is the first Peak Master.

As for the inheritance of sword control, only the peak master and the future successor of the peak master can learn from the Changsong lineage. If it is leaked out, it will be punished as treason!

How does Duan Fengzhu feel? "

Duan Yiping smiled and said: "That should be the case. Sword control is so unique. Except for the master's lineage, it would be a waste of money to others."

Fang Chang said: "Then it's up to Peak Master Duan to convince the disciples, I don't want to be dissatisfied after entering the sect, and see myself as someone from another sect.

As for other rules, they are treated the same as Spirit Sword Sect disciples. "

After sending Duan Yiping away, Fang Chang looked at Huarou, the owner of Baicao Valley, who was at the side.

The flower valley owner was somehow involved.

But at this moment, she was in the middle of the game, either giving up all her interests in the alliance and docking her tail to survive, or making the same choice as Duan Yiping.

"Master Huagu, I know that Yujianshu is a peerless magic technique for Master Duan, but it is of little interest for Baicaogu.

So I just said that if Baicao Valley enters the Spirit Sword Sect, it can establish its own medical lineage, establish Baicao Peak, and the owner of Huagu can be the first peak owner.

In addition, only [-]% of the required offerings are enough. "

Hearing this, Hua Rou frowned.

"Deacon Fang, even if I sell myself in Baicao Valley, it shouldn't be worth this much.

If I am willing to join any of the Jade Cloud Sect or the Fire Dragon Sect, I believe they will definitely offer better conditions than your Spirit Sword Sect. "

Fang Chang shook his head and said, "If you join Jade Cloud Sect or Fire Dragon Sect, it's called selling yourself, so the price may be higher, but from now on, you will be reduced to second-class disciples.

But you join the Spirit Sword Sect, this is called a merger.

You are equal to Spirit Sword Sect, and your offerings are called offerings, let alone a share and reward for our Spirit Sword Sect.

If it weren't for our Spirit Sword Sect to fight for you, do you really think you can still get the previous share?
In fact, the bigger possibility is that even if Spirit Sword Sect fights for you, you still won't get the previous share.

Whether we can get the percentage given to us is not certain.

On this point, Duan Fengzhu is very wise. "

As he spoke, Fang Chang smiled with an indifferent attitude.

"Of course, there is no need for Hua Guzhu to answer me in a hurry, you can go back and think about it. But one price per time.

Maybe the Flower Valley Master will come back tomorrow, and we will get more than [-]% of the income. "

Hua Rou pondered for a moment, but did not immediately agree.

"Let me think about it."

She said goodbye with a heart.

Fang Chang didn't try to keep him, nor was he playing hard to get.

At this time and at that time, although Baicao Valley's medical repair is a good logistics force, it is not a necessity.

Moreover, with the addition of the Changsong faction, the middle and lower level forces that have been vacant in the Spirit Sword Sect have been supplemented enough, and whether Baicao Valley joins is not so important.

What's more, adding too many people at once is not a good thing for Spirit Sword Sect.

Fang Chang thought silently, as a non-staff member of the sect, it can be said that he was worried about the development of the Spirit Sword Sect.

If it weren't for the face of the hundreds of thousands of Lingshi dividends every year, he wouldn't care about these shit, wouldn't it be nice to go home and hug his wife?
No, the tide of Spirit Sword Sect is rising, so his dividend should also increase.

You don't need much, just 100 million is enough.


Just when Fang Chang was thinking hard about the development of Zen in the sect, the sect conference was successfully held.

In front of the dead body of a Jindan Daoist, the sect's discussion, which was the most important event in the past, became rather dull.

So the first day of the Zongmen Conference ended in a strange and harmonious atmosphere.

At the same time, this meeting created several records of the Zongmen Alliance - the shortest tenure of the alliance elder, the youngest alliance elder, and the only alliance elder who is not a Jindan cultivation base.

After this day.

Li Jianchun, the master of the Spirit Sword Sect, is famous in Annan Dao, and is called Bajian Daoist by good people.

Hegemony is its unparalleled hegemony body, and even Jindan supernatural powers can't break through the defense.

The sword is his strongest hole card. Who doesn't know that Li Jianchun is the master of the Spirit Sword Sect, and the strongest thing in the Spirit Sword Sect is the sword.

Needless to say, the real person, his battle of fame set the record of the first golden core fall in Annan Road, not a real person is better than a real person.

The conference also determined the ruling order of the new sect alliance.

The new Four Great Elders are aloof.

The five major sects of Biyun Sect, Fire Dragon Sect, Lingjian Sect, Zhengqi Villa, and Liuyun Sect are divided and ruled, and the remaining small sects are reduced to reserve sects and are protected by the alliance.

To the second day of the meeting.

The five sects discussed in public.

The Biyun Patriarch of the Biyun Sect revealed the cultivation of Jindan in the later stage, and he was superior to the others.

The Huolong Daoist of the Huolongzong's Wulongshen stove is like the scorching sun across the sky, and no one dares to step forward to test its edge.

Li Jianchun from the Spirit Sword Sect remained aloof, and no one came forward to ask for advice.

And Ling Xiao Zhuang's main character practiced Bibo's real kung fu, smelting one yuan of heavy water, and one drop weighed ten thousand catties, which shocked the audience.

Only Liuyunzong is the most active.

The Foundation Establishment cultivators of the major preparatory sects stepped forward to challenge one after another, with somewhat personal emotions.

But Liuyun Sect was formed by merging four sects, there are many masters, they dealt with them one by one, and they did not fall behind.

Their challenge is also the most exciting discussion process.

Many excellent foundation builders also shined brilliantly, but with Li Jianchun, the master of swordsman Zhuyu, in front of them, the others were eclipsed.

During the process, Yuanjue Temple had to be inspected by the alliance because it was reported in public.

As a result, it was found that there was indeed a demon lurking in the team, and the demon was killed on the spot, and the rest of the disciples were driven away from Zhengqi Villa.

Later, with the consent of the four elders, the five major sects voted to remove Yuanjue Temple from the sect alliance, and restricted its disciples to leave the Liuyun Mountains within three months.

At the meeting, the alliance re-divided the share of Liuyun Ling Mine.

The Jade Cloud Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect each received [-]% due to their hard work, and the rising stars of the Spirit Sword Sect each received [-]% of the share.

Zhengqi Villa and Liuyun Sect are less powerful, so they will get [-]% of it, and the remaining half will be shared equally among the top five of the remaining reserve sects.

Another three sects headed by Yiqingshan and Baicaogu applied to withdraw from the sect alliance, after several elders' repeated refusals, they finally agreed to leave.

After all, Baicao Valley did not agree to join the Spirit Sword Sect and chose to leave.

This is the end.

The order of the sect in Liuyun Mountain was re-established.

Eighteen sects, merged four sects, left three sects, expelled one sect, five formal sects, and only five reserve sects.

In the end, none of them failed.

Everyone still has a share in Liuyunling Mine.


Upright Villa.

Furong Court.

"It's really a good cake."

In the room, Fang Chang recalled what happened during the meeting, and couldn't help sighing to Li Hu who was opposite him.

People are always prone to compromise.

Originally belonging to their own interests, because they have no strength to protect, they can only watch helplessly being robbed and searched by others.

Even if you only leave some leftovers in the end as a seemingly well-intentioned charity, you still have to be grateful and express your gratitude.

Those who were unwilling to compromise and were unable to resist had no choice but to leave the venue angrily, as Yi Qingshan did, as a silent protest.

Li Hu also did this.

But he has the confidence to take away [-]% of the spirit mine, so even Patriarch Biyun and others have to compromise.

And the sects that left have only backbone and no confidence.

Li Hu, on the other hand, nodded with a serious look on his face.

The law of the jungle in the comprehension world was still clearly displayed in front of him.

If Fang Chang hadn't arranged for him to fight the Shadow Demon, there would be a place for the Spirit Sword Sect among the sects that were slaughtered while sitting on the stage.

"So, practice hard."

Fang Chang was not as compassionate as Li Hu, and he put his emotions behind him.

Anyway, this time the Spirit Sword Sect is also a family that eats meat, and it is not acceptable to scold your mother when you put down the dishes.

The ass decides the head.

If they were exploited this time, then he must write it down in the diary and wait for it to be returned someday.

But they are exploiting others, so it is better to keep a low profile, who knows if there will be some peerless geniuses in those small sects in the future.

"By the way, brother, did you say what I asked you to ask for me?"

As if thinking of something, Fang Chang asked quickly.

Speaking of which, his purpose of coming to the Zongmen Conference this time is actually very simple.

Originally, it was just to watch the excitement, to sell his second-order puppet White Tiger, and then to see if there was a chance to refine the body of the third-order puppet.

If he went to Taoist Huolong, nine times out of ten he would be turned away.

But Li Hu said it was different.

Different identities, the effect of the same sentence is naturally different.

Li Hu nodded and said: "True Huolong agreed, he can help out, and he can also help with missing materials, and there is no charge."

Fang Chang was not very happy when he heard that there was no charge.

"This guy looks blushing and has a thick neck. I didn't expect him to be dead. If he doesn't charge us, it means he wants us to owe him favors."

"Forget it, forget it, the third-order puppet is refined, and this favor is worth it."

Fang Chang muttered a few words, then asked:
"When will he be able to refine it?"

Li Hu said: "He said that the Wulongshen Furnace is in his hand, and if it's just for smelting materials, ten days at most will be enough.

He also said that if we are in a hurry, we can wait for him at Zhengqi Villa for a while, and he will send us the materials after refining them. "

"Then let's wait a bit, and hope that the number one refiner in Annan Road won't let me down."

Fang Chang gave Li Hu the puppet materials he had collected these days.

"By the way, don't delay your auspicious time, brother?"

Fang Chang remembered that Li Hu would have to marry his junior sister Qing'er after the Zongmen Conference was over.

Li Hu smiled and said: "There is still some time before the auspicious time, first finish your business, second brother, if you are in a hurry, I will ask Aunt Fang and the others to go back and make arrangements first.

I don't understand anything anyway. "

"Well, then I'll take Uncle Li and Aunt Zhang over first. Since you have no experience, how about letting the second elder arrange it?"

Fang Chang asked.

Li Hu touched his head suddenly, and asked hesitantly:

"Second brother, do you think there will be any problem if I hold two weddings?"

Fang Chang was taken aback for a moment, and then he was shocked: "Do you want to marry two?"

"I haven't married two yet!"

"Okay, when did you find another one, even I didn't know it, it's not enough brother!"

Li Hu quickly waved his hands and said, "No, it's two weddings, not two."

"Is there any difference?" Fang Chang asked.

Li Hu explained: "The two weddings mean that Qing'er and I got married once at Lingjian Gate, and then went back to the village of Lingzhu Peak to get married once."

"Dad and mother always wanted me to get married earlier, in fact, many of the reasons were because of the people in the village talking about it.

So they must also hope that I can get married in the village, let other people see, and feel proud.

But Aunt Fang's side is full of practitioners, and you know how practitioners treat ordinary people.

But the parents are ordinary people, if they are invited together, everyone may not have a good time. "

Fang Chang nodded and said: "I was just thinking about being happy before. If they get together, it's really easy to go wrong."

He rubbed his chin and said, "Leave this to me, you help me refine the puppet, and I will help you get married."

Li Hu picked up the storage bag Fang Chang gave him and left excitedly.

"Thank you, second brother, I will definitely take care of your affairs for you."

"The matter of the third-order puppet is settled, and who should I hand over the matter of promoting the white tiger puppet?"

Fang Chang pondered for a while, opened the door, went downstairs to the next door and knocked.

"Is Old Tang there?"

Not long after, Elder Tang opened the door energetically. Seeing that it was Fang Chang, he immediately forced a smile on his face.

"Deacon Fang, do you have something to do with me? Just tell me if you have something to do, I, Old Tang, have no skills, so I can run errands for you."

After the first battle of the Spirit Sword Sect became famous, he, the elder of the Spirit Sword Sect, went out and would not flatter anyone.

This did not cheer him up.

Although he flattered Fang Chang, there were more people who flattered him.

Seeing that Elder Tang is so sensible, Fang Chang also burst into laughter.

"A good thing, definitely a good thing."

"I heard that you, Old Tang, have a wide network and know many people?"

Elder Tang said reservedly: "It's just that you comrades are willing to give face, it can't be said that you have a wide network."

Fang Chang waved his hand: "They all mean the same thing, now I have a good thing for you."

He pointed to a big cat lying on its stomach in the yard.

"See that cat?"

Elder Tang knew that it was a lazy cat that Miss Tie Zhu often hugged. Although he often felt that the cat had an arrogant attitude, he didn't think much about it.

"I see."

"That's called Baihu, a second-order puppet, take advantage of this conference to take it out for a stroll, and introduce it to your fellow friends, it doesn't matter if it breaks.

Remember to sell it along the way, a puppet with 20 spirit stones is cheap and practical. "

Elder Tang looked embarrassed: "20? Is this too expensive?"

"I'll give you a commission of ten points."

"That's right, Deacon Fang, just watch it!"

Elder Tang was full of excitement, picked up the cat and left.

(End of this chapter)

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