Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 150 Li Tian's Worries

Chapter 150 Li Tian's Worries (1400 first order plus more)

Qianzhu County.

Li house.

Li Tian sat on the high threshold of his house, holding a copper tobacco rod in his hand. After lighting the cigarette holder, the sparks flickered on and off.

He just twitched like that.

Now that the days are getting better and better, my daughter-in-law is also pregnant with the medicine sent by her son, and she will give him a big fat boy in half a year.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you have a daughter.

Then raise him again, anyway, he must give birth to a son, otherwise one day the eldest son will be gone, and the incense of his old Li family will not be broken in his hands.

It is hard for a daughter-in-law, and giving birth to a baby is an extremely painful thing, and many women fall down at the hurdle of giving birth.

He felt sorry for his wife, but there was nothing he could do.

It would be nice if the eldest son was less worried.

But if there is no eldest son, there is no life now.

People always want everything.

As for taking a concubine and having a son, tsk tsk, he only dared to think about it in his dreams.

By the way, everyone calls him Master Li now.


Hehe, I didn't expect him, an illiterate Orion, to become a master one day.

Li Tian took a sharp sip, the pungent taste entered his throat, and then passed through his lungs, but there was a sense of pleasure and comfort.

He learned to smoke tobacco after he entered the city.

People, you have to find some hobbies.

He doesn't like drinking, he doesn't gamble, and his wife controls him tightly, so he doesn't have the chance to be lustful.

Li Tian sat on the threshold, pattering his mind.

Years ago, the son came back with a girl who he said was the future wife of the Li family.

The girls have all come home, and this position is naturally settled.

It stands to reason that he should be happy, but he feels that it is not appropriate.

That girl is naturally very good, with a dignified appearance and a noble appearance, her fingers are more tender than the scallions in the kitchen, she looks like a lady from a big family, her ten fingers do not touch the spring water.

She also respected herself and her mother very much, calling each uncle and aunt very affectionately.

Bring me a gift, it's also the treasure of century-old ginseng and deep sea pearl.

The girl took the pearl necklace given by the girl and went out to drink tea and go shopping with the wives of other families. She was recognized and said that the necklace was worth several thousand taels of silver.

Good boy, he was shocked when he heard that.

Damn, this is wearing a house around your neck.

Later, the girl hid the necklace and never wore it out again.

Such a girl, how rich should her family be, what is her background?
If his son marries such a woman, can he hold back?
In Li Tian's mind, his son Li Hu probably got the guidance of Boss Xiaofang, learned some high-level skills, and then helped Boss Xiaofang with some dirty work.

After all, he, Old Li, was also a storyteller who had heard stories in street teahouses.

As for Boss Xiaofang calling his son Big Brother, that's called buying people's hearts.

He had heard a soldier's story.

A soldier had a sore and needed someone to suck out the venom with his mouth to heal. When the general heard about it, he helped the soldier suck out the sore regardless of his status.

Later, the soldiers fought the enemy bravely on the battlefield, and finally died in battle.

Later, the soldier's elder brother also joined the army, but he still developed a malignant sore, and the general sucked it out for him again. Everyone praised the general for his consideration.

Only the soldier's brother's mother cried, because that's how the soldier died in battle.

In Li Tian's heart, the call "big brother" is the sore, and if he calls this "big brother", his son will work hard for Boss Xiaofang.

How can a son delay such a girl when he is doing such a job.

The most important thing is whether the girl knows about it, and what if the girl objects.

As a father, he has no power, no power, and even a few taels of private money, so how can he help his son.

This matter has troubled Li Tian since years ago.

Do you want to ask Boss Xiaofang?

Li Tian thought suddenly.

Their family has just arrived, and they live so comfortably in the city, thanks to Zhu Gui, Xiaofang's boss' buddy.

Even the officials patrolling the streets would nod and bow when they saw Zhu Gui.

Not to mention Boss Xiaofang.

Otherwise, let's wait until we meet the in-laws.

Li Tian thought for a while, but still flinched.

The more he asks for, the more his son will pay back.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from Li Tian's ear.

"Uncle Li, why are you sitting at the door? You are also a person of status now, and if you are seen by others, you may not necessarily make fun of you behind your back."

Li Tian looked up and saw Boss Xiaofang standing in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

He stood up quickly, with a somewhat reserved smile on his face.

"Hey, I'm a vulgar person, if people want to make fun of me, I'll let them make fun of it, can it be possible that two pieces of meat will fall off my body if they make a few jokes?

Boss Xiaofang, why are you here?
In fact, I have your people taking care of me. Everything is fine here, so you don’t need to come and see me. "

Fang Chang laughed and said, "I came here this time to replace my elder brother. Uncle Li, you have to stand still and listen carefully. You must be happy with the news I have to say next."

Li Tian: "What good news?"

Fang Chang said: "Brother is going to get married, I will inform you two elders when I come back, and help you arrange things along the way.

He and your daughter-in-law will be back in a while. "

Li Tian was not very happy, but was directly stunned.

After a while, he said dryly:
"Here, Boss Xiaofang, tell me the truth, Xiaohu, did he elope with another girl? Why did he get married so suddenly?
I don't even know who my in-laws are.

Although I am a countryman, I heard that getting married in the city requires some formalities and rituals?
How can there be a reason for direct marriage?
Hey, I knew that the girl's family disagreed, but you can't mess around! "

Her mother would love to send her daughter to your son's bed.

Fang Chang cursed in his heart.

He thought for a while and said, "Uncle Li, don't worry, the woman's family couldn't be more satisfied with your son.


Fang Chang lowered the volume on purpose.

"It's because the girl is pregnant, so everything is kept simple. If your son doesn't marry someone else, he will marry him with a big belly."

"And don't worry, the woman's parents will come over at that time, it's not elopement."


There was light in Li Tian's eyes.

"Is she really pregnant? Is there any incense from my old Li's family?"

Fang Chang felt that there was something wrong with Uncle Li's focus, but it didn't matter.

"Well, I'm really pregnant, the woman is very anxious."

Li Tian chuckled: "I didn't expect that Xiaohu, with his elm head, would have a day of enlightenment.

Boss Xiaofang, you are right, you have to arrange it quickly.

Although the in-laws said we should keep it simple, we can't wrong her girl, and she can't miss what other people have.

I'm going to ask the matchmaker to come and propose marriage right away. "

"No, no, Uncle Li, you can just send invitations directly. All relatives and friends are invited. I have prepared the carriage. When the time comes, I will go directly to their house to pick it up."

Fang Chang waved his hand and pushed Uncle Li directly into the gate.

"We're getting married next month, the girl can't wait."

(End of this chapter)

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