Chapter 152
Qingniufang City.

A refining room.

There is no earth fire under Qingniu Mountain, so Fangshi spent a lot of money to engrave the earth fire magic circle, which can use aura as material to ignite a flame that can melt gold and wrought iron.

However, the grade of the ground fire is not high, and it can only process materials of the spirit weapon level.

In a large pool about three feet long and wide, red molten lava rolled and crimson bubbles popped up.

A tall human-shaped armor was bathed in the lava, and the original blue-black color appeared dark red under the magma.

The armor was cast extremely closed, and it was impossible to see through the situation inside, only wisps of black mist-like matter could be vaguely seen from the joint joints, and there was a painful moan coming from inside the armor as if it came from hell.

"This is the big baby you said?"

A look of astonishment appeared on Dongdong's face.

Hearing this, Fang Chang's originally excited expression froze for a moment, and he showed a strange expression: "Why do you feel disappointed? Isn't this a big baby?"

But who is he, suddenly realized:

"Okay, I'll talk to you about business, are you flirting with me?!"

Dongdong blushed: "I didn't!"

But under Fang Chang's teasing eyes, Dongdong was still defeated after all.

"Oh, it's not that you are not serious all day long, I have learned badly from you."

"Tell me quickly what this is?"

She changed the subject abruptly.

"Obviously I just stimulated your potential a little bit, don't throw the pot around, hey."

Fang Chang muttered in a low voice. Seeing that Dongdong was about to get irritable, he quickly coughed twice, and said with a serious face:

"This thing is the golden core combat power I told you about.

Of course, because his birth was purely a coincidence, the right time, place and people are indispensable, so he will definitely not be able to mass-produce it like the white tiger puppet.

But with him in charge, our city will be stable for a long time to come. "

With the help of Huolong Taoist, some of the materials he was missing, and the processing went very smoothly. It didn't even take ten days to cast the prototype of this armor.

After getting the armor, Fang Chang started to have Dong Tianbao and the armor melted by catching the ground fire and began to fuse.

It has been almost 20 days today.

Dong Tianbao's soul has been initially integrated with the armor. His extremely evil power full of resentment, with the help of this humanoid armor designed with the help of third-order puppet blueprints, has created a "one plus one equals two" effect.

"Dong Tianbao, how do you feel now?" Fang Chang asked.

For a while.

Dong Tianbao's suppressed painful voice came from inside the armor.

"It hurts, I hurt so much!"

"Ahem, that."

Fang Chang coughed twice to cover up.

The soul is inherently fragile and fears the power of yang. This earth fire is exactly yang. Burning the soul is ten times more painful than burning the body.

Or there is a saying that it hurts deep in the soul.

"Heaven has given you a great task, and you must first work hard on your heart and mind, and your pain now will be your source of strength in the future.

Think about your family, how did you die?

You are an evil spirit crawling out of hell, this little pain is nothing. "

"My family? Yuwen—Chenghuai!"

The breath of the armor suddenly rose, and the dark red armor was instantly covered with black light, like the color of night, swallowing all light.

It was a resentment that was so strong that it could not be resolved.

Fang Chang turned his palm, and a white bone staff appeared, which was the spiritual weapon of the Shadow Demon who was killed by Li Hu.

He was fascinated when he saw the Shadow Demon summoning the Soul Eater Yin Wind, which seemed to go well with evil spirits.

So after the Shadow Demon died, Fang Chang asked for this spiritual weapon from Li Hu.

At this moment, when he input mana, a wisp of black wind spewed out from the mouth of the skeleton in the bone soul-eating staff, it was the soul-eating wind.

However, Fang Chang did not attack, but wanted to feed Dong Tianbao with the evil spirits in the dark wind.

As the dark wind blew past, the painful wail in the armor gradually weakened, and turned into a comfortable breathing sound like soaking in a hot spring.

"Not enough, not enough!"

As the evil spirits in the dark wind were swallowed up, the armor had completely changed its color, the whole body was as black as ink, and the whole body seemed to be entwined with indissoluble black mist, and a ray of green flame ignited in the helmet.

"I didn't recruit if it wasn't enough."

At this moment, Fang Changfu felt his heart, and when he threw the bone soul-eating staff into the armor, a wisp of black mist stretched out, completely covering the bone soul-eating staff.

The two seem to have a strange resonance.

The skull on the Bone Soul Eater staff melted little by little, and the green soul fire inside turned into wisps of smoke and was sucked away by the armor.

And the body of the bone stick is reshaped, and the body of the stick is extended, turning into a bone magic sword that looks like a sword but not a sword, like a knife but not a knife.

The armor fell into silence.

"How is he...?"

Seeing this situation, Dongdong asked.

Fang Chang's eyes flashed, and the advanced information about Dong Tianbao had been revealed.


【Dong Tianbao - Evil Spirit General】

[Introduction: An evil spirit who is not willing to die in vain, with the help of a puppet master of the evil way, fuses a puppet body and becomes a ghost general full of evil power. 】

[Note 1: He is fusing his new body. 】

[Note 2: He has undergone a small mutation. 】


"He's fine."

Seeing the evaluation of the identification technique, Fang Chang immediately felt relieved.

"However, there was a little accident. It will take some time before he is born, and it should be about half a month away."

Dongdong hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Fang Chang asked, "What do you want to say?"

Dongdong whispered: "Fang Chang, I think what we are doing seems to be the behavior of a monk of the magic way. If someone finds out about raising evil spirits, there may be problems."

Although the order in the cultivation world has always been chaotic at this time, everyone tends to be chaotic and orderly.

Only the demon monks are mostly chaotic and evil, and they are all a group of guys who harm others and benefit themselves. In Annan Road, there have been several situations where demon monks have caused disasters.

Every time it was a large-scale massacre and blood sacrifice, which caused a lot of disasters.

According to Taoist Qingniu, the Annan Dao military disaster that caused Fang Chang to become an orphan back then was caused by a certain important person in order to sacrifice a magic weapon in blood.

It's just that the Tiance Mansion doesn't have enough power in the local area, so in the end, nothing happened.

But under everyone's tacit understanding, there is still an unspoken rule that when encountering a monk of the magic way, all of them will be shot or killed.

The last time Yuanjue Temple was expelled from the Zongmen Alliance, one of the reasons was that it harbored demonic monks.

Of course, even for real demonic monks, as long as they don't catch the trend or go too far, generally no one will trouble them. Pure justice only exists in an ideal state.

These people will be classified into the evil way, and the representative figure is the shadow demon who has returned to the west.

It's just that everyone is naturally wary of these people.

Just like prisoners released after serving their sentence, no matter whether they sincerely repent or not, they all have a natural color vision.

Although Fang Chang did this, it didn't matter at first, but once he showed signs of decline, it was easy to be seized as an excuse to attack.

Hearing Dongdong's worry, Fang Chang laughed.

"I didn't say I wasn't."

Fang Chang pressed Dongdong's shoulder, teasingly said:

"Now I know it's too late, so just be a happy devil boy with me from now on."

Dongdong: "???"

In the end, there is still no conclusion as to whether Fang Chang is a real monk of the magic way, and whether he has done bad things such as massacring cities and villages in private.

Although she felt that a man who liked to stay at home all day must have nothing to do with some magic monk.

But what if.

But even if it is, she can't escape, so she can only be an ostrich, bury her head, and don't know if she can't see it.

And Fang Chang never cared about his identity, he just needed to have a clear conscience.

Although he wanted to be a great and upright immortal monk at the beginning, who ever wanted to make good fortune and trick others, and the treasures that were destined for him were somewhat magical.

 Make up at night.Thank you for the 1500 tip for Hairen’s City Drifting, and the 100 tip for I’m not Bai Xiaofei.

(End of this chapter)

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