Chapter 153 Ten years later (make up for yesterday's)

There are no Jiazi in the mountains, and there is no time to practice.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

In the 17th year of Yongtai, the fourteenth day of the first lunar month coincides with the twice-yearly big fairs in Qingniufang City.

On Qingniu Mountain, Fangshi is more prosperous now.

The fog circle that once prevented ordinary people from straying in did not know when it would be removed, because the matter of practice has already become widely known with the appearance of more and more practitioners.

More and more mortals began to look for fairy fate all over the mountains and plains, and there were countless tragedies and comedies in the world because of this.

This is how Qingniufang City came into the eyes of others.

Today's Qingniufang City is divided into inner and outer districts.

The inner area is still covered by formations, and tickets need to be bought to enter.

The outer district is well connected and filled with immortals. You only need to pay enough rent to the market, and you can get a shop or a small stall to do some small business.

Someone got an adventure here and soared into the sky.

Some people also scattered their wealth here, and finally left lonely.

There are even more crimes of being pregnant, causing death.

Although under the order of a certain Er Fangzhu, Qingniufang City is a no-fighting zone within [-] miles, but beyond [-] miles, he can't control it.

If the control is too wide, it is easy to become a public enemy.

On this day, two young men and women came to Qingniufang City.

"Brother Zhu, is this Qingniufang City? It's so lively."

The woman has a delicate appearance and a good figure. She looks longingly at the sky where the magical artifacts and birds and beasts fall and fly from time to time.

"Well, this time you come with me, the boss doesn't know yet, after meeting the boss, don't say those things like you were at home, or Miss Dongdong will be upset."

The young man was a man with a stiff face and slightly dark skin, and he was the first buddy of Fang Chang - Zhu Gui.

Ten years have passed, and the years don't seem to have brought much change to him. Only a touch of vicissitudes on the brow can prove that ten years have not been wasted.

And the woman is none other than Li Xiuxiu, the younger sister of the Li family.

Her roots are too low, even with the help of her elder brother Li Hu, she can barely break through to Qi refining, and she is only one step away from breaking through the middle stage of Qi refining, and then it will be more difficult to progress.

Unless she finds a treasure that can refine her bones in the future, the limit of her life will probably be the late stage of Qi refining.

This is still subject to sufficient resources.

In contrast, Zhu Gui, who took the blood of the silver zombie and turned into the blood of the zombie, got rid of the restrictions of his roots after receiving the corpse king formula specially exchanged for him by Fang Chang.

Now that he has cultivated to the peak of Qi refining, there is only one chance to go one step further and achieve a body of iron rigidity.

He came here this time, except to report something to the boss.

The other thing is to find the blood essence of a powerful creature through Fangshi's channel, preferably the blood essence of the same type.

Just like the blood of Silver Stomach back then, to him, it was even more effective than the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Over the years, under the care of his boss Fang Chang, he has a small amount of savings.

Although the boss often uses his subordinates to take the blame, as long as he does his job well, the treatment will never disappoint.

Especially for his subordinates who do private affairs for the boss, the treatment is even more favorable.

"Brother Zhu, I know, it's not like you don't know, the things I said at home before were all to fool my parents.

Otherwise, I will be forced to get married every day, and I will be bored to death. "

Even though she said so, Li Xiuxiu still showed a bit of disappointment in her eyes.

She is not married yet, not because she is still waiting for Fang Chang, but because she has not met a man she is willing to marry.

Therefore, when a girl is young, it is best not to meet a man who is too amazing, especially a man who has invested in herself.

Otherwise, when you meet other men in the future, you will unconsciously compare yourself with that man, and then a man with good conditions will become a worthless existence.

The final result is to become alone alone.

As for Fang Chang, although he is not very handsome, he cannot make a girl fall in love with him at a glance, but his sunny humor, hearty atmosphere, and outstanding achievements among his peers are enough to make him become some ignorant girl dream at night.

Zhu Gui nodded and didn't say much.

To Li Xiuxiu, his attitude is actually quite polite.

Li Xiuxiu is also Li Hu's younger sister anyway, and now the reputation of Bajian Daoist is unknown to everyone in An Nan Dao.

By the way, Li Xiuxiu herself doesn't know.

She only knew that her elder brother was a cultivator with some abilities, but she didn't know that her elder brother was already a well-known big shot.

After all, Li Jianchun and Li Hu were a whole block behind in style.

"Let's go, I have a token from the boss, and I can directly enter Fangshi, the inner district." Zhu Gui greeted.

Just now.

There were exclamations from the crowd in front of them, and they all avoided it.

Li Xiuxiu and Zhu Gui saw a young man in his 20s who was kicked to the ground, his robe was covered with ashes, and he looked in a state of distress, but he gritted his teeth, propped himself up and chased after several monks in front of him. .

"Don't go, give me back the things!"

The man stood in front of several monks with his hands open, with a determined expression on his face.

"Either give it back to me, or kill me!"

"Boy, don't court death!"

The headed monk's eyes turned cold, and his gaze pierced the man like a knife, making the man tremble uncontrollably.

As an ordinary mortal warrior, facing a monk who controls his life is like a little white rabbit facing a big bad wolf, with natural fear.

But the man tried his best to overcome this desire to retreat, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat.

"Give it back to me!"

The head monk didn't dare to do anything, he just sneered and said:
"What? I don't even know what you're talking about, it's just inexplicable.

Don't stop me anymore, the rules of Fangshi are just that no one is allowed to die, but if you are a mere mortal, if you dare to stop in front of us, even if your legs are broken, Fangshi will not trouble us. "

The man didn't expect this monk to be so shameless, he said loudly:

"It's my elixir! You promised me that if you accepted my elixir, you would help me join the Immortal Martial Sect, but you didn't do anything after taking my elixir, and even disappeared.

I've been looking for you for three full months, if you don't return the elixir to me today, don't even think about leaving! "

Seeing the man's reluctance, and pointing out that he didn't do anything after taking money, the monk looked annoyed.

"What is the status of Xianwuzong? Since you want to join in, I still want to go in. You said that I took your elixir, do you have evidence?"

In the past ten years, Jindan real people have appeared one after another, showing a blowout trend, almost one per year on average.

In Annan Road alone, there are nearly twenty golden elixirs on the surface.

The current suzerain of Xianwuzong is a Jindan real person.

It is said that he was originally a secular martial artist, who used the sky as his quilt, the earth as his seat, and the world as his home. Later, he got an adventure and learned martial arts, and even smelted martial arts golden pills to become a true martial artist.

Martial arts real people, martial arts are close to Dao, every punch and kick has great power.

If physical training is the ultimate pursuit of physique, then they are the ultimate pursuit of skills.

With a Jindan real person sitting in the town, Xianwuzong can be regarded as a first-class sect in Annan Road, and it is a practice sect that many martial arts practitioners dream of entering.

In today's situation where casual cultivators are everywhere and the pressure of competition is increasing day by day, it is conceivable how many people dream to have a sect backer.

Hearing that the man wanted to join the Immortal Martial Sect, the others all laughed, even though they knew that what the man said was likely to be true.


The man's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I have evidence! Our agreement was carried out under the witness of Niu Feng, the captain of the third team of the Fangshi Law Enforcement Team. As long as he is called, everything will be revealed!"

If it wasn't for this person as an intermediary, he would not easily trust the monk in front of him.

The head monk sneered and said: "If someone stops me, he will pull me to confront, whether I should practice in the future, or should I live.

When you get someone here, let's confront each other again.

Now, get out of here! "

The cultivator slapped it with a slap, and the mana spewed out, turning into an invisible big palm.

For ordinary Qi-refining cultivators, this palm is the simplest way to release mana, and it doesn't even have the technical content of spiritual power snapping fingers.

But for a mundane martial artist like a man, he is a martial arts master who exudes true energy.

The man couldn't dodge in time, was hit by a palm, flew upside down, and landed heavily, his chest was sunken a bit, obviously his ribs were broken.

The man was lying on the ground, his mouth and nose were full of blood, he was breathing hard, but the monk didn't even look at him, and was about to leave with his companions.

"Who is making trouble?!"

Fangshi's law enforcement team was long overdue.

When the monk saw the law enforcement team, a flattering smile appeared on his face.

"It turned out to be Captain Zhao, it was me, Xiao Ma, no one was causing trouble, it was just an ordinary mortal looking for trouble, and I have dismissed it."

"why is it you again?"

Captain Zhao of the law enforcement team frowned, but suddenly remembered something, and said:

"Since it has been resolved, then everyone should stop surrounding it, let's go away, someone, throw him out, don't block the road."

"Oh, there's no show to watch."

"It's gone. It's gone."

"If you don't fight with immortals, your own eyesight is not good, and you know the wrong person, who is to blame."

"They all want to seek immortal fate, but where is it easy to seek immortal fate?"

"The living gods in the eyes of us mortals have a hard life, and it is not necessarily a good thing to seek immortality."

Amidst the discussion, the crowd of onlookers was about to disperse.

"You stop for me!"

With a loud shout, the crowd who were about to disperse immediately gathered around like a cat smelling fishy smell.

Li Xiuxiu came out of the crowd angrily.

She pointed to the man on the ground and said to Captain Zhao of the law enforcement team:
"Obviously he is the victim, why don't you care?"

"Aren't you a law enforcement officer in Fangshi? You released the perpetrator when you saw someone was injured. That's what you do in Fangshi!"

Li Xiuxiu, who has been a wealthy lady in the county for ten years, has developed a kind heart. When she sees injustice, she naturally wants to speak out, and when she sees the weak, she wants to help.

Of course, the main reason is that she knows who the owner of this square city is.

Otherwise, she still has to hesitate whether to make a sound or not.

She is just kind-hearted, not brainless.

But now, fear not!

When Captain Zhao saw Li Xiuxiu being so aggressive, he couldn't help being taken aback, but his eyes swept away, and he was not someone he couldn't afford to provoke in his memory.

Taking a closer look, the aura is so low, the cultivation base is probably not even in the late stage of Qi refining.

He immediately put on a businesslike look.

"You also know that I am a law enforcement officer, so what I say is the law. If I say he is fine, he will be fine. If I say throw him out, then throw him out.

If you have any opinions, hold back for me. "

"What are you still doing, do you want me to do it myself?"

Hearing his urging, his law enforcement team immediately moved into action.

"Don't move him!"

Li Xiuxiu stretched out her hand to stop her, but with her cultivation strength, even if she was just a member of the law enforcement team following orders, she would not be an opponent when the other party made a move.

But seeing Li Xiuxiu's body light up for a while, and then the light flashed, and the men who attacked him were involuntarily blown away.

"Second tier robe?!"

Captain Zhao is also a man of knowledge, how could he have thought that the ordinary-looking clothes this girl was wearing turned out to be a second-tier cassock worth nearly ten thousand spirit stones.

This Nima!
Captain Zhao knew he had hit the iron plate.

Li Xiuxiu's expression was still a little confused.

The clothes her brother gave her are so amazing?

As for such clothes, she seems to have two more in her storage bag.

She also complained several times that the style was too ordinary, if it wasn't for the fact that it was not intrusive from cold and heat and automatically cleaned from dust, she would not have wanted to wear it.

She thought all monks wore clothes like this.

But judging by the expressions of other people, this dress of hers seems to be really powerful.

"Girl, our law enforcement team will handle this matter properly, so don't interfere."

Captain Zhao changed his mind, and ordered his subordinates to help the man on the ground, saying that he would take him to heal his injuries, and restrain the monks who had injured the man just now.

However, Li Xiuxiu found the joy of being a hero. Seeing that Captain Zhao was subdued, she took advantage of the victory and chased after her:

"No, who knows if you will release him behind our backs. Didn't he just say that your law enforcement team has a small leader named Niu Feng, you go and call him, and let's confront each other.

I suspect that someone in your law enforcement team colluded with them to deceive an ordinary person. "

"Everyone said it right?"

"That's right."

"Call for confrontation, confrontation!"



Watching the excitement is no big deal, and the law does not blame the public. When a few people shouted, others followed suit.

Captain Zhao's face was heavy.

How did this accidentally turn into a mass incident?

If one is not handled well, his clothes will have to be stripped.

Without this suit, what is the difference between him and these casual cultivators watching the excitement.

Fortunately, his savior is on the way.

"What are you all doing here?"

Following the sound came a dignified force, which belonged to the foundation-building monks.

Those who made a fuss just shut up immediately, and some people slipped away first.

The crowd dispersed on their own, and saw a middle-aged man in a law enforcement uniform leading two law enforcement officers in.

"Bull head."

Captain Zhao hurried forward to say hello. The person who came was his immediate superior, Niu He, the leader of the Law Enforcement Squadron in charge of this area, a foundation-builder cultivator.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and said to everyone: "If there is anything, our law enforcement team will deal with it, so I don't need you to worry about it, let's go."

Once the middle-aged man spoke, the others did not dare to stay.

Although foundation building cultivators are not as rare as before, they are all the same for ordinary casual cultivators.

Whether it's ten or a hundred, none of them can afford to provoke them.

Don't turn yourself into a bustling scene.

"Don't go!"

Li Xiuxiu shouted angrily and said stubbornly:
"I just want everyone to see how you bully people."

But her words have no deterrent effect at all.

Just one look from the middle-aged man inspired the automatic body protection spirit technique of Li Xiuxiu's robe.

"It turns out that you have some background. No wonder you dare to take care of the affairs of our law enforcement team, but even if you are a real person, it will not work well in our Qingniufang City!"

He raised his hand, the air was violent, and it turned into a powerful hand, grabbing at Li Xiuxiu.

"Take you down first, and then let your parents come over to pick you up!"

 Thanks to Xiaohan Xiaoya for the 100 tip, and Versailles Cookies for the 100 tip.

(End of this chapter)

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