Chapter 172 Escape

Qianzhu County.

The sudden earthquake also destroyed most of the buildings. In just an instant, half of the tens of thousands of people in the county were buried under the houses.

Fortunately, most of the houses are low-rise wooden buildings. Although they collapsed, it is far better to search and rescue than those houses with several floors.

But the most worrying thing is the continuous downpour.

Due to the blockage of house ruins, the drainage system was damaged, and the rain was so heavy that the simple drainage system of a small county could not handle it.

In less than half an hour, there was waist-deep water.

Looking around, under the gray sky, the world is vast, it seems that it is raining everywhere, and there is no way to drain the water.

If this continues, this place may become a large lake.

This little-known town will also sink underwater forever, until someone discovers it after an unknown number of years.

The surviving people stood on the ruins of the collapsed house, holding half a bag of grain, gold and silver jewelry, or a few chickens and ducks salvaged from the house, looking at the deeper and deeper water level, feeling helpless.

Li house.

"Is there anyone alive! All lean towards me!"

With the sound of pattering rain all around his ears, Li Tian found a high ground and shouted vigorously.

Beside him was his wife who was holding a young son who was crying out of fright, her daughter who was still in shock, and a maid in the house.

A transparent air shield was placed over their heads, keeping the heavy rain out.

When the earthquake came, they were eating and did not react at all.

Fortunately, they all have self-activated protective treasures on them, otherwise the whole family would be considered tidy at this moment.

Li Tian yelled for a long time, his voice became a little hoarse.

"Father, don't shout. The rain is so heavy that all sounds are washed away. And the sky is so dark and the water is so deep, even if they heard it, how can they come here?"

Li Xiuxiu calmed down.

Li Tian yelled, more to release the fear in his heart.

In fact, he is not afraid, but the whole family is watching him, so he can only pretend to be strong.

Called by Li Xiuxiu at this moment, his voice stopped abruptly, and then his eyes turned red, and he murmured:
"Earth Dragon turning over, this is Earth Dragon turning over."

"With such heavy rain, can they survive?"

Both of them are very affectionate, and the servants in the family are all old people who have been together for more than ten years. Now that such a big thing happened, it may be more or less ominous.

Li Xiuxiu said: "Father, now is not the time to worry about this, what should we do?"

"The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the water is flooding up. Should we find a higher place to take shelter first?"

Li Tian thought for a while, but shook his head and said:
"With such heavy rain, we can't go anywhere, and we left, what should you do if your brother can't find us when he comes back?
If such a big thing happened, your brother will definitely come to us. "

Li Xiuxiu looked at the water stains that were about to spread to her feet. "But if we don't leave, there will be no place to stand."

Li Tian said decisively: "Pull out all the wood, let's build a raft first, so that your mother, brother and Xiaolu can stand safely."

Hearing this, Li Xiuxiu was about to move when her expression suddenly changed.

"Father, be careful!"

She flipped her hand and typed out a fiery red talisman, a fist-sized fireball hit the water, and a sizzling mist suddenly burst out.

A scream came out, and a group of black shadows quickly shrank down.

"what is that?"

Several people were terrified.

"It's a monster in the water."

Li Xiuxiu looked annoyed.

Just now she used the most convenient fireball talisman in a hurry, but forgot the environment here, which greatly reduced the power of the fireball talisman.

If it was replaced with other attack talismans, such as water arrow talisman and ice thorn talisman, the monster in the water might have been killed by now.


Both Li's father and Li's mother turned pale with fright, and the servant girl screamed and almost fainted.

"Small, miss, don't scare me."

The servant girl Xiaolu tremblingly said.

Li Xiuxiu was still staring at the water, with cold sweat breaking out on her forehead.

"It hasn't left yet, everyone be careful, father and mother, you must hold the little brother tightly, and hold the jade pendant given by the big brother. Xiaolu, stand behind me."

She is just a rookie in the early stage of qi refining. She has not experienced any actual combat, and it is very rare to be able to maintain a clear mind at this moment.

Suddenly, there was a rattling sound underwater.

Everyone felt their feet slipped and almost fell down.

"The monster is destroying the building under our feet, and it is going to drag us into the water."

Li Xiuxiu quickly discovered the purpose of the underwater monster, and her face was ugly.

"It seems to be intelligent."

At this moment, Aunt Zhang said:

"Axiu, if we can't escape, don't worry about us. You must escape and find your brother. He will definitely avenge us."

Li Xiuxiu turned her head abruptly and looked at Aunt Zhang, not daring to say anything:

"Mom, what are you talking about? Let's go together!"

Just when Li Xiuxiu was at a loss, the building under their feet suddenly collapsed, a slippery, webbed hand stretched out suddenly, and grabbed the foot of the servant girl Xiaolu.

"Miss, help me!"

Little Green screamed in panic.

Li Xiuxiu responded quickly: "Monster!"

She slammed out the ice spike talisman that had been held in her hand.

The ice-blue talisman exploded, and the icicles exploded in the water, and after a while, black and smelly blood gushed out.

Little Green was startled, and picked up a severed hand covered in ice.


Xiaolu kicked her foot vigorously, finally kicked the severed hand away.

The arm of this hand is fat, green in color, with a layer of grease-like sticky substance on the surface, and there are webbed connections between the fingers.

And the monster that was killed just now also surfaced.

It was a monster that looked like a human, but its skin was green in color, its body was riddled with ice thorns, and it was frozen in ice, so it couldn't see its true colors.

"What the hell is this? How could there be such a monster in the city?"

"I'm afraid it was brought by this strange rain."

"It's not safe here anymore. If there is one monster, there will be two or three."

Father Li no longer said anything stupid about waiting for Li Hu, and bowed to lift the beams of the house under his feet.

"Axiu, come help me, we must leave."

Li Xiuxiu nodded.

Although she is a rookie in qi refining, she has also been tempered by spiritual qi. In terms of strength, she is not weaker than any adult man, but much stronger.

Just now.

Shouts came from deep in the rain.

"Uncle Li! Aunt Zhang! Axiu!"

The sound was like a metal strike, and even the sound of rain could not hide it.

Li Xiuxiu's face brightened, "It's Brother Zhu's voice."

"Brother Zhu, we are here!"

She yelled in the direction of the sound.

Li's father and Li's mother also showed surprise: "Xiao Zhu is here!"

Over the years Zhu Gui has taken good care of their Li family, visiting him every now and then, he is closer than their son.

Although Zhu Gui often said that this was the boss's confession, in the eyes of Li's father and Li's mother, he had already regarded this honest young man as his nephew.

Moreover, Zhu Guilun's ability is much better than their daughter's. No matter what problems they encounter, just tell Zhu Guiyi, and the safekeeping will be handled safely.

But Li Xiuxiu's voice was also buried by the sound of rain.

The voice shouted farther and farther away.

Li Xiuxiu took out a lighting talisman and threw it into the air.

At this moment, the light of the lighting talisman is like a small sun, illuminating the entire sky above Li's house.

Zhu Gui, who was looking for someone, saw the light, his face was happy, and he said to Xu Xinlan who was holding a tablet of the spirit master:

"Miss Xu, people are over there, let's go there."

Xu Xinlan nodded slightly, and said to the puppet holding her back:

"Xiao An, let's go there together."

Fang Chang left a total of three puppets for the Xu family, two of which were gas refining puppets, which had been damaged by the earthquake and rainstorm.

The other one is this Tier [-] Five Elements puppet named Xiao An.

This is the same style of Little King Kong made by Fang Chang according to the puppet drawings left by Fang's father. It is stronger than the little King Kong back then.

After all, the little King Kong back then was only the best of the first rank, and he was certainly inferior to the second rank.

So the two of them flew towards the light.

That's right, it's flying.

While Fang Chang was busy preparing for his wedding.

With the help of the essence and blood of a certain salted fish zombie, as well as spiritual skills such as the corpse king formula, this humble guy has silently broken through to the realm of iron stiffness, and has the ability to fly with an imperial weapon.

Without such strength, he didn't dare to come out and take the risk to find someone in this situation.

After about a cup of tea.

When Li Xiuxiu was thinking about whether to put a lighting talisman, two blurred figures flew over in front of her sight.

By this time the rain had already reached their ankles.

"Brother Zhu, we are here."

Li Xiuxiu waved frantically.

Soon, figures approached, it was Zhu Gui and Xu Xinlan.

Seeing Xu Xinlan, Li Xiuxiu's face froze.

"It is you."

Meeting former rivals in love is always a little embarrassing.

Although neither of them ever got someone.

"Sister Axiu."

Xu Xinlan smiled slightly, but at the moment she was a little generous.

Perhaps it was her life alone that made her think about many things clearly.

People always learn to grow up alone after they have no support.

"Okay, let's talk about the past later, let's find a safe place first, the rain won't be heard for a while.

When I came here just now, half of the city was already flooded. "

Zhu Gui's eyes moved suddenly, and he saw the ice corpse that hadn't melted in the water.

"what is that?"

Li Xiuxiu quickly replied: "It's an underwater monster, I beat it to death with an ice spike."

"Underwater monster."

Zhu Gui didn't have time to study it carefully.

Among the seven people here, besides him who has combat power, only Li Xiuxiu is half of them, and there is also a puppet who takes care of Xu Xinlan.

But that's the boss' puppet, he can't order it at all.

As soon as Zhu Gui threw it in his hand, he saw a piece of green rattan armor turning around, and a layer of green light armor spread out, like a small green bamboo raft.

It was the first magic weapon that Fang Chang bestowed upon him - the green rattan armor.

Fang Chang has given him a lot of rewards these years, but he is a zombie, and his body is the best magic weapon, so, um——

To tell the truth, it is poor anyway.

After all, his cultivation base can improve so fast, resource consumption must be indispensable.

Especially for that drop of silver blood essence, even if it was purchased at an internal price, it would consume all the savings he had saved over the years.

If it weren't for this green vine armor, which was of commemorative significance to him, otherwise he would inevitably be replaced by a spirit stone and a spirit pill for cultivation.

Fortunately, it was like this, otherwise, he would have had a hard time finding a magic weapon in a hurry.

"Uncle Li, Aunt Zhang, you all come up, I will take you out of the city first and find a safer place."

Zhu Gui greeted everyone to board the temporary spaceship.

Li Tian hurried up with his wife and children, and Li Xiuxiu also took the maid up.

"Miss Xu, you can come up too."

"No, I have Xiao An with me, so as not to burden you."

Xu Xinlan clearly felt that Zhu Gui's breathing tightened as the number of people on the green vine armor increased.

Obviously, it is not easy for him to support so many people at once.

"Xiao Zhu, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Hearing Xu Xinlan's words, Li's father, Li's mother and others knew that the burden on Zhu Gui was so heavy, and they felt a little embarrassed.

Li Xiuxiu hastily took out a bottle of qi-returning elixir.

"Brother Zhu, this is the panacea my brother gave me. Do you think it will work?"

Zhu Gui just hesitated a little, then took the elixir and said:
"This panacea is useful to me, so I will be disrespectful, and I will return it to you when I get there."

He is now a very poor whiteboard zombie, and he is not qualified to say no.

For the sake of some so-called self-esteem, let yourself lack mana, and put everyone in danger, that's a fool's job.

Li Xiuxiu smiled and said, "It's okay, I still have some in my storage bag. I'll get it for you after Big Brother Zhu finishes eating."

Zhu Gui: "..."

What a silly girl.

"Sit tight, let's go."

As soon as Zhu Gui made a tactic, the green rattan armor wobbled into the air and flew out of the city.

After all, this is not a special flying magic weapon, it is even just a low-grade magic weapon, and even a slightly larger storm attack can't stop it.

Now, under the interference of the heavy rain, the running speed is not much faster than that of normal people.

Zhu Gui had already swallowed the first elixir before he had traveled ten miles.

Facts have proved that the cost of flying so many people at once and guarding against the wind and rain is much greater than Zhu Gui expected.

For a zombie, flying an imperial weapon is still a bit too difficult.

"There seems to be something underwater?"

Suddenly, Li Xiuxiu said uncertainly.

In order to reduce consumption, the green vine armor did not rise very high, only about five or six meters above the water surface.

Although the light was weak at the moment, Li Xiuxiu seemed to see a few dark shadows under the water flashing away through the light of the green vine armor itself.

Reminded by Li Xiuxiu, Zhu Gui's spiritual consciousness, who had concentrated on controlling the flight of the green rattan armor, came out.

As a zombie, he is strong in physical defense, and has always been weak in spirit. The strength of his spiritual consciousness at this time may not be as high as Fang Chang's original Qi refining.

But it also has a detection range of hundreds of meters.

So Zhu Gui quickly discovered what was hidden under the water.

He kept his composure, and once again made a trick to raise the green vine armor.

"Don't be afraid, it's just a few weak water monsters, Xiuxiu, fasten the talisman, if any water monsters dare to jump out, you can fight them."

Li Xiuxiu nodded quickly, and took out a stack of talismans from the storage bag.

"No problem, Brother Zhu."

Zhu Gui swallowed his saliva, and reminded: "You don't need so many, the situation is unclear at this time, so you should save some talismans."

Sure enough, having a good brother is different.

"Oh, good."

Li Xiuxiu put away most of the talismans, but also withheld five or six of them at the same time.

"Miss Xu, you can come up too."

Zhu Gui didn't wait for Xu Xinlan to refuse, and said: "Now I want to control the magic weapon. After you come up, I can let Xiao An Teng protect everyone."

Xu Xinlan nodded.

"OK then."

She asked Xiao An to take her to land on the green rattan armor.

"Sit next to my parents, they have the protective treasure given by my brother, they can protect you together."

Seeing that Xu Xinlan wanted to sit alone in the other corner, Li Xiuxiu hurriedly reminded her in a low voice, but seeing that Xu Xinlan was about to turn her gaze, she hurriedly cast her gaze on the water again, as if she was going to be on guard.

Seeing this, Xu Xinlan smiled slightly and whispered, "Thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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