Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 173 I wanted to be a hero, but I was kicked by one foot Chapter 1

Chapter 173 I wanted to be a hero, but I was kicked back (please subscribe!)

In this way, Zhu Gui controlled the magic weapon to fly, Li Xiuxiu was on guard, and the puppet Xiaoan responded to each other. It seemed that everything was going well.

Fly about twenty miles.

Zhu Gui didn't know whether he had left the city or not.

It was really raining too much, and he couldn't see the scenery ahead at all. He could only fly out according to the direction of the water flow.

Suddenly, the rain intensified again.

The crackling sound exploded in front of the shield outside the green vine armor like firecrackers. It seemed that it was not rain, but knives.

Zhu Gui's figure could not help but flicker.

He only felt that his mana consumption had increased by several tenths, and he quickly swallowed another magic pill to restore mana.

In such a short time, he had already swallowed three pills.

"Not right."

He speeded up his flight, and a shadow suddenly cast over his heart.

"What's the matter, Brother Zhu?"

Seeing this, Li Xiuxiu asked.

Zhu Gui replied: "It's okay, just hold on for a while, and you'll find a safe place soon."

At this moment, the water surface in front of him suddenly rose, and a huge wave with a height of more than ten meters roared up and slammed over.

On the waves, several green-skinned monsters were holding harpoons and screaming.

"Brother Zhu, be careful!"

Zhu Gui didn't need Li Xiuxiu's reminder, he had already manipulated the green rattan armor to try to rise up, trying to avoid the waves.

But the harpoons in the hands of those weirdos have all been thrown towards them.

The harpoon had an oily green shimmer, and its speed was obviously much faster than Zhu Gui's.

At this moment, in order to protect the person standing on the green vine armor, Zhu Gui couldn't dodge at all.

He leaned forward to block.

Dangdang Dangdang!
Zhu Gui's bare skin suddenly turned black, and there was a layer of scale-like folds that appeared. When the harpoon hit him, there was only the sound of gold and iron clashing.

But Zhu Gui was blocked, and the speed of the green rattan armor suddenly stagnated.

And the waves had already slapped over, even though it only brushed the side, it still broke the green vine armor's body shield, and the green vine armor was crooked, almost toppled over.

Zhu Gui didn't care about those strange people who suddenly disappeared, and devoted himself wholeheartedly, stretching the mana shield again, and quickly controlled the green vine armor to stabilize.

At this time, Li's father, Li's mother and other ordinary people have become soaked chickens, wet all over, and pale with fright.

Fortunately, they still understood their situation, and they all covered their mouths, not daring to call out to distract Zhu Gui.

But his eyes were still wide open, his breathing was short of breath, and his heart was pounding.

"Give me death!"

Li Xiuxiu suddenly yelled, and the few talismans that were sweating in her hands all exploded backwards.

They saw that the strange person who disappeared just now appeared behind them at some unknown time, and was rushing towards them with all his teeth and claws.

All the talismans exploded, water arrows, wind blades, golden light...

But these weirdos are obviously not the kind of little monsters she dealt with before.

I saw them grinning grinningly, revealing their sharp teeth, and the blue fin-like things on their cheeks trembling violently.

When these talisman attacks hit them, a layer of water shield emerged around them, only splashing ripples.

Seeing that they are about to rush over.

A small figure flashed past, the fists shining with golden light looked like the sharpest magic weapon in the world.

With one punch, three blood-colored flowers bloomed in the air.

When the figure stopped, it was Xu Xinlan's guardian puppet, Xiaoan.

He maintained the appearance of a young child, suspended to the side blankly, without the slightest hint of the ferocious aura just now.

Li Xiuxiu turned her head to look at Xu Xinlan who was also pale, she just nodded without saying anything, then swallowed a pill by herself, and found a few more talismans in her hand.

Zhu Gui saw that the attack was resolved behind him, and before he had time to catch his breath, he saw a huge shadow cruising past under the water.

A premonition of danger throbbed in his heart.

His face was ugly, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

"What's wrong, Brother Zhu?"

Seeing the green rattan armor suddenly not moving, Li Xiuxiu hurriedly asked.

Zhu Guidao: "We are being targeted."

"What is being targeted?"

"There is a big one under the water surface, and it may have been following us along the way."

Looking at the undiminished rain outside the shield, Zhu Gui suddenly felt powerless, he was just a little zombie.

"Then what should we do? Should we continue walking?" Li Xiuxiu asked.

Zhu Gui sighed: "I'm afraid it won't let us go anymore. The huge waves that suddenly appeared just now were caused by it on purpose."

He tried to control the green vine armor to fly forward, and saw that the surface of the water seemed to be boiling, as if another wave was about to rise.

When he stopped, the movement on the water also stopped.

Zhu Gui stared at the shadow under the water with serious eyes.

"It looks like it wants to consume us."

"Can't you fly higher?"

Xu Xinlan also saw a huge shadow under the water, almost as big as a room.

"It's under the water, we have to fly higher, it might not be able to find us."

Zhu Gui sighed: "The higher I fly, the more my mana will be consumed, but it keeps staring at us and interferes. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you."

And who said that monsters in the water will not fly into the sky.

Zhu Gui even suspected that the underwater monster was a foundation-building monster, or something else. He was just afraid of breaking with them, so he deliberately consumed his mana and wanted to deal with them at the lowest cost.

This made him more and more sure that the underwater monsters had intelligence that was not inferior to humans.

Seeing that Zhu Gui was at a loss what to do, everyone fell silent, and the air became dead silent for a moment, only the sound of rain that never stopped could be heard.

Zhu Gui was silent for a moment, and said: "Miss Xu, let Xiao An take you away first, there is only one monster, we stay here, and be its target."

Xu Xinlan shook her head firmly:

"I won't go. I'm the only one, so what's the use of surviving?"

She stroked the tablet in her arms: "At least in the end, I'm still with grandpa."

As she spoke, she had an optimistic smile on her face.

"And if the rain stops, since the monster doesn't dare to attack us directly, it must be afraid of something, and now it's just relying on the environment to consume us.

When the rain clears, none of us will die. "

Will the rain stop?
It rained continuously for a day and a night, and not only did it not stop at all, but the water level rose several meters.

Zhu Gui had to grit his teeth and raise the magic weapon again.

Now, he had to swallow a pill to restore mana almost every half an hour, thanks to Li Xiuxiu, a rich little woman, otherwise he really didn't know how to persevere at this moment.

But rich women also have limits.

After all, Li Xiuxiu was just a rookie in Qi refining. No matter how nice her brother and sister-in-law were to her, they wouldn't prepare too many foundation-building pills for her.

Zhu Gui poured out the pill bottle, but he never poured out another pill.

This action made everyone on the green rattan armor tremble.

They knew it was time to make a choice, and when Zhu Guizhen ran out of gas, they would lose even the chance to choose.

Li's father and Li's mother, who had been silent all this time, looked at each other, and finally said:
"Xiao Zhu, forget it, you've done well enough, it's all our useless talents who drag you down.

You don't have to worry about us anymore.I just ask you to take Axiu and my younger brother away.Even if we die, we can feel at ease. "

"do not want!"

Li Xiuxiu shook her head violently, her eyes filled with eye sockets.

"Father and Mother, we still have hope. Brother and Brother Xiaofang will come to save us. As long as we persevere, persist."

But Father Li sighed, touched his daughter's head, and secretly stuffed himself and his mother's protective jade pendant into his daughter's pocket.

"Axiu, stop making trouble, let's go with Xiao Zhu, take good care of my younger brother, I will learn to grow up in the future, I'm a girl in her 20s, don't keep laughing and losing focus all day long."

Then he said to the servant girl Xiaolu who had already lost her blood color:

"Xiaolu, I'm sorry, I want you to die with us two old fellows."

Xiaolu wiped her tears vigorously while crying: "Master, madam, Xiaolu is not afraid of death, when you get down, Xiaolu will still serve you."

Even though she said so, her body was still trembling uncontrollably, terrified.

"Good boy."

Father Li suddenly pointed to the sky and exclaimed, "What is that?!"

Everyone turned their heads to look, but there was nothing, and Father Li had already pulled Aunt Zhang and Xiaolu to jump down.

"Live well..."

Before the last word could be uttered, the three of them were thrown up one by one by a small figure.

It's the puppet Xiaoan.

Xu Xinlan was careful, and when she heard that Father Li begged for death, she had asked Xiao An to look after several people so that they would not do bad things.

And the puppet will not be distracted by Father Li.

Sure enough, he made a success in one fell swoop.

After a while.

Li's father, Li's mother, and the bewildered little green were all sitting on the green vine armor. Li Xiuxiu hugged her sleeping brother and stared at her parents expressionlessly.

The originally very tragic atmosphere was quite embarrassing for a while.


Li's father and Li's mother did not dare to look up at their daughter.

I wanted to be a hero, but was kicked back.

Only the servant girl Xiaolu touched her body to confirm that there were no missing parts, then it seemed that some switch was turned on, crying and laughing and shouting:
"Ahhh!!! I'm not dead! Hahaha, I'm not dead, I'm not dead, woohoo, I'm not dead!!"

Another good time passed.

"What is that?" Father Li asked in surprise.

"It's useless, this trick doesn't work anymore."

Li Xiuxiu snorted coldly.

But I heard Xu Xinlan's slightly excited voice: "There is really something!"

Li Xiuxiu turned her head and saw a ball of fiery red light shining amidst the heavy rain.

Even the continuous rain curtain could not block the light of this ball of light.

Zhu Gui, who was almost unable to hold on anymore, suddenly lit up his eyes, and a pitch-black eye suddenly appeared in his palm.

"It's the boss!"

"The boss is here!!!"

A new energy suddenly rose from his body.

"Xiuxiu, your lighting talisman, hurry up and use the lighting talisman like last time!"

Li Xiuxiu quickly released the lighting talisman.

A beam of snow-white light exploded.

There was a rattling sound from under the water, and the monster that had been waiting for a long time finally couldn't hold back seeing that there was a change.

I saw the water surface boiling, but there was no wind and waves.

A black shadow rose into the sky along the waves.

Just now.

A clear voice came:

"A fat-headed fish, dare to touch my people?"

Faster than the voice is a beam of cold light.

As the cold light fell, it was already seven or eight meters high, and the waves more than ten meters wide were frozen together with the water below.

From a distance, it looks like a giant ice sculpture.

In the middle of the ice sculpture is the head of a giant catfish, with two long tentacles intertwined like long whips.

The head alone is four or five meters wide, while the other half of its body is still frozen under the water.

The next moment, a man and a woman appeared above the ice sculpture.

The man was naturally travel-laden. After traveling for two days and one night, he searched for the burial sites of the three magic eye seeds, and finally found Fang Chang from Qianzhu County.

The woman has a good figure, is wearing a plain white dress, and has a girlish face, but her temperament is quite glamorous. She is Fang Chang's good sister Fang Tiezhu.


Seeing Fang Chang, Zhu Gui's tense mind finally loosened, and the green vine armor, which had long been unable to hold on, suddenly fell down.

As soon as Fang Chang stretched out his hand, a huge mana hand supported everyone.

"Looks like I'm here just in time."

As soon as Fang Chang's storage ring was on, a dilapidated flying boat landed in front of everyone.

"Let's get on the boat first."

Clouds and mists shrouded Mana Da's hand, turning into steps.

Everyone supported the flying boat, and the small flying boat was packed to the brim in an instant, almost without a place to stay.

Lying in the cabin, Zhu Gui looked at the spirit stone inlaid on the control panel of the flying boat, and suddenly felt great envy in his heart.

This flying magic weapon is different from ordinary magic weapons. It is powered by spirit stones, and it hardly consumes a little mana of the monk.

If he could have such a flying boat, he wouldn't have to wait helplessly to die before.

Here, Fang Chang picked up the green vine armor. After a long period of wind and rain and overdrawn use, this low-grade magic weapon was almost torn apart.

"If you want to use a defensive magic weapon as a spaceship, it will be difficult for you."

Fang Chang threw the green rattan armor to Zhu Gui, along with a elixir for nourishing Qi and restoring vitality.

After Zhu Gui swallowed the elixir, it was like a spring rain on the dry land, and the vitality was revived.

With a heartbeat, he slowly closed his eyes. His fingernails turned black and grew rapidly. At the same time, a suction force was suddenly generated from his body, and all the surrounding spiritual energy gathered.

Seeing this, Fang Chang moved it out of the flying boat and put it on the giant ice sculpture.

"What is this, break it and then build it."

This is an opportunity to risk his life, Fang Chang is not envious at all.

Personally, he still likes to cultivate step by step. Hundreds of years are so long, what kind of life is he fighting for?

After solving Zhu Gui's matter, Fang Chang looked at the shocked Li family.

"Uncle Li, Aunt Zhang, are you all right?"

Father Li swallowed, and squeezed out a smile:

"It's okay, thanks to Boss Xiaofang, you came in time, otherwise..."

"Otherwise my parents will commit suicide by diving into the water."

Li Xiuxiu was on the sidelines and said unhappily.

"I already said Brother Xiao Fang will come to rescue us. If you really dive into the water, what do you ask me to do?"

Father Li smiled awkwardly, and apologized to Chang Fang:
"This, that, haha..."

He didn't know what to say, so he had to say haha.

Fang Chang didn't ask, otherwise this matter might not be able to pass.

He silently increased the temperature inside the airship, took out the food from the storage bag, and said:

"Uncle Li, Aunt Zhang, you should rest first. After you have rested, we will go on the road again. Qianzhu County has been destroyed, so you can stay with me from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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