Chapter 181 Guest Star Mentor (Please Subscribe!!)

Fang Chang didn't care about trifles, and the group of "simple" disciples in the Spirit Sword Sect was nothing more than a farce to him.

After he learned from Dong Dongna about the big and small things that happened in Fangshi these days, he went straight to Li Hu's retreat and healing place.

I saw a golden pagoda standing under the green vines, and the copper door was closed tightly.

It's no wonder that the hostages of Spirit Sword Sect were so miserable just now, no one came to inform Li Hu.

It turned out that I couldn't get in at all.

So far, only Fang Chang and Li Hu have real authority over the Disha Prison Pagoda.

The rest of the Spirit Sword Sect disciples, who were selected by Li Hu, only entered the Golden Pagoda to practice for a short time, with temporary authority.

So once the bronze gate of the golden pagoda is closed, no one can go in and disturb it.

Fang Chang stood in front of the bronze door with a mark on his arm, and the bronze door opened silently.

He strode into it, and saw a vast expanse of white world, covered with plain silver, and the world seemed pure white. Ordinary people would burn their eyes out after staying there for a long time.

He communicated with the tower spirit space and quickly found Li Hu's location.

Then there was a flash of light in front of his eyes, and the space changed, and Fang Chang had followed the lead of the tower spirit to the center of the ice and snow world.

I saw a tall snowman frozen by ice sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The snow fell on his body, but it was quickly melted by a sudden burst of fire, and the snow water had already formed a thick piece of solid ice under his body.

Starting from the feet, it was frozen all the way to the neck, leaving only a head wrapped in white snow.

Although Li Hu's appearance cannot be seen, it is obvious that nose is nose and eyes are eyes.

Fang Chang took a closer look and found that Li Hu didn't have power fluctuations on his body, and he just sat on the ground without thinking, like a meditator.

The injuries on his body should have been left by the Flame Demon, but the ice and snow environment can only be suppressed, but not healed.

He wasn't healing at all!

Fang Chang coughed twice.

Li Hu didn't respond, he seemed to be really frozen.

dong dong! ! !

Fang Chang knocked on the solid ice of Li Hu's body.

The ice cube cracked and the snowman finally opened his eyes.

After waking up, the blood energy in his body began to flow, and those snowflakes had turned into white air and rose up before they had time to react.

"Second brother, you are back."

Li Hu's voice was dry and hoarse, like someone who hadn't spoken for a long time, with a deep sense of depression on his body, like an old man in his twilight years.

"Fuck! How did you become like this?"

Fang Chang was taken aback by Li Hu's current appearance.

Li Hu's long hair was disheveled, fluffy, one piece tall, one piece collapsed, his beard was sloppy, and there was a big black eye bag under the corner of his eye.


Li Hu looked down at his hands, and suddenly burst into tears.

"I'm really useless. They call me sect master, but I can't protect anyone. I should listen to Elder Tang. If I listen to him, everyone won't die.

it's all my fault……"

How strong he is in front of outsiders, but in front of Fang Chang who knows everything, Li Hu finally let go of all his pretense.

As for men, they desperately want to save face in front of their wives, but in front of their brothers, they cry like hell.

Anyway, if the eldest brother doesn't talk about the second brother, who doesn't know who's embarrassing.

Fang Chang: "..."

Yes, he understood it.

Li Hu's so-called retreat to heal his wounds is to hide and retreat.

The physical injury is nothing, the important thing is the heartache.

People who value emotions are doomed to be hurt by emotions, because people will always lose in their lives.

Then Fang Chang just watched Li Hu weeping in front of him, without saying a word.

It wasn't until Li Hu released all the negative emotions with tears that he raised his head in confusion, looked at Fang Chang and said:
"Second brother, why don't you comfort me?"

Fang Chang glanced at Li Hu and said:

"I'm afraid I won't be able to comfort you. Do you still remember what I did this time?"

Li Hu's sanity slowly returned, and seeing Fang Chang's heavy face, he felt a bad premonition.

"My father, my mother, and my younger sister, what happened to them?"

Fang Chang sighed: "I'm sorry..."

Seeing this, Li Hu's tears just stopped streaming down, and his father's voice and smile suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"Father! The child is unfilial..."

Fang Chang interrupted: "Your father is fine."

"Ah?" Li Hu's voice paused, surprise mixed with grief in his voice, "My father is fine, is that my mother?"

"Mother! It's the child who is unfilial..."

"Oh, your mother is fine."

Fang Chang said slowly.

"Could it be my little sister?"

The image of his little sister Huobo appeared in Li Hu's mind, and he sighed silently.

"Fortunately, father and mother are fine, second brother, how did little sister die?"

Fang Chang said with a strange face: "Who said Axiu is dead? She is alive and well, and she has gained three catties recently."

Li Hudun heaved a sigh of relief: "It's good that the parents and younger sister are fine. Although the younger brother unfortunately passed away, the two elders are still young, so it doesn't matter if there is another one."

He and the younger brother of the Li family had never lived together, at most they hugged their parents when they went back to see their parents.

Apart from mutual blood relationship, if you really want to talk about deep feelings, you are lying to ghosts.

And with the previous psychological construction, he suddenly found that the death of his younger brother didn't seem to be an unacceptable thing.

Fang Chang interrupted him again:

"Your little brother is also living well, but he is not very obedient. Such a big child still likes to cry. I beat him twice, but he is much better now."

Li Hu: "..."

It always feels like he is talking about him, but he has no proof.

He waited for a while before he stared at Fang Chang quietly and asked:

"Since my family is fine, why do you apologize to me?"

Fang Chang spread out his hands, and said awkwardly:
"I did it on purpose."

Li Hu stared and said angrily, "This joke is not funny at all!"

Fang Chang snorted coldly: "Who is kidding you, have you ever thought about what would happen if your parents really died?
A big man is so decadent just for trivial things, are you still the Li Hu I know?

I call you Brother Sheng, is this how you act as a big brother?

I feel ashamed to say it. "

A serious illness requires strong medicine, Fang Chang deliberately stimulated Li Hu, and now he is more energetic.

"Okay, don't you want to comfort me, tell me what happened on the road, let me see if I can redeem your little heart.

My younger brother is more tiring than an old mother. "

Li Hu blushed, thought for a while, and then hesitantly told what happened on the road again.

The first perspective of the protagonist is more detailed than the third perspective described by Dongdong, and it also allows Fang Chang to understand Li Hu's mood at the time.

When Li Hu finished speaking, the cynical look on Fang Chang's face subsided, and he sighed again.

"It turns out that Old Tang is also dead, no wonder I didn't see him when I came back this time."

Old Tang was the famous Elder Tang of the Spirit Sword Sect, an old man with blazing eyes who could tell who the protagonist was at a glance, but he didn't expect that he would choose the queen on the way to retreat, which was quite unexpected.

Li Hu's expression was low, and his voice was full of remorse.

"Elder Tang clearly reminded me at that time, but I thought that people would not offend me and I would not offend others, so I didn't arrest that flame devil.

If I had caught the Balrog right then, nothing would have happened afterwards.

Many of those disciples were recruited by me personally, and they still have a good time, so they shouldn't die. "

Fang Chang pondered for a moment, somewhat hating iron for failing to make a steel road:
"So you don't want to take revenge, but you want to run here and self-isolate? It seems that the smooth sailing has passed for a long time, and even you have slacked off.

No wonder the Spirit Sword Gate has become what it is now?

Have I ever told you the principle of being prepared for danger in times of peace? Has this treacherous world of comprehension ever been truly safe?

Do you think that you have the title of Bajian Daoist, and you think that you are the number one golden elixir hidden in Annan Dao, so you are proud and think you can do it?

If you could have listened to me before, break through the Nascent Soul Realm earlier, instead of giving benefits to disciples with a lot of spirit stones.

It is the insidiousness and cunning of the Flame Demon, how could he hurt you.

In the final analysis, it is still not strong enough.

Without the strength to suppress everything, it is not too much to be cautious, so as not to give yourself a chance to regret it.

What's the use of waiting until something actually goes wrong to regret it?
It's just to make the living unhappy and the dead uneasy.

stand up!Li Hu, don't let me look down on you, be a man. "

Anyway, talk about it.

Fang Chang talked a lot, forgetting that he was almost ready to retire when he got married, and lived a life of wife and children.

In terms of slack, he is much more slack than Li Hu.

It is he who is strict with others and lenient with himself.

But who told him that something happened before he had time.

What happened to Li Hu also reminded him that although Jindan Realm has enough life span, its combat power is far from enough.

Being slapped to death by someone, it is useless to live for 1 years.

Tomorrow and accident never know who will come first.

A Flame Demon Lord comes today, maybe a Flame Demon Venerable tomorrow.

Before picking up the sun and the moon and destroying the strength of a world, it would be too early to say anything about retirement.

Then set a small goal first, to become the fourth king with a different surname in Datang.


The other three kings with different surnames have not come out yet.

No way, he is the first one!

Fang Chang suddenly imagined.

As for Li Hu's problem, in his opinion, it is that he requires too high a moral standard and blames himself for too many mistakes.

Just find an emotional outlet for him and let him resolve it slowly.

So people without morals are always happier than people with morals.

Of course, everyone still likes to be friends with moral people.

But Li Hu really began to reflect on himself after being given a generous speech by Fang Chang.

For other people to say this, the effect is limited.

But the square length is different.

I'm afraid even Li Hu didn't realize it, because he was guided and arranged by Fang Chang too much during his growth, and he became dependent on him unconsciously.

Just like an ignorant child facing an authoritative teacher, he always feels that everything the teacher says is right.

And so far, everything Fang Chang said to him, without exception, had brought huge positive benefits to his life, which further strengthened this dependence and belief in authority.

Li Hu suddenly thought that the hidden danger had already been buried, and today's bitter fruit was just the cause of yesterday.

If he is more ruthless to himself, his cultivation base will be stronger;
If he is stricter with his disciples, so that they have stronger strength, they don't need his protection;

Many disciples didn't have to die, but they didn't escape in time to protect the juniors and sisters around them.

It was the sacrifices of his disciples one after another that made him feel so guilty, even the disciples scattered and fled, but he didn't think about it so hard.

Li Hu stood up, his blood burning on his body.

Groups of black flames forced out from his body, hit the ground, and quickly ignited a small pit, like fire in water.

"Although I still don't understand, but second brother, don't worry, I won't go on like this again."

"After I heal my wounds, I will personally take the life of the Flame Demon to sacrifice the many heroes of the Spirit Sword Sect!"

A white light fell, and Li Hu went straight to the second floor of the golden pagoda along the white light.

Fang Chang heaved a sigh of relief, suddenly thought of something, and shouted to Bai Guang:

"Actually, I think it's better to suppress it, hey!"

But Li Hu has already entered the second floor, so I don't know if he heard it.

"After all, the landlord's family has no food left."

Fang Chang muttered.

The Disha Suppression Prison Tower has the function of suppression, and can use the prisoners in the tower as human batteries.

The Balrog looks like a large battery at first glance, maybe one battery is better than six batteries.


The bronze gate of the golden pagoda was opened.

Fang Chang walked out of the golden pagoda, and Dong Dong, who had been waiting for a long time, greeted him.

"How's it going?"

Fang Chang said with a look on his face, "Is there any problem with your family's husband going out?

Don't worry, my elder brother will leave the level soon, and when he has him to deal with the Balrog, we won't have to hide under this tortoise shell.

And with me in charge, a few demons heretics can't turn the tide. "

Dongdong liked Fang Chang's confident look, and said with a smile:

"Okay, I know you are the best."

"Hey, I have something even better, do you want to know?"

Fang Chang put his arms around Dongdong and said with a smirk:

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect to be a county horse master in my life, but it's just your title, Princess Qingqing, isn't it too low-level?"

Dongdong said helplessly:

"I almost didn't call me Princess Qingniu, it's just a false name.

According to Eunuch Wei, my sister-in-law named Princess Qingniu casually at that time, and it was my grandfather who helped me change Qingqing.

And I, the princess, is just a false name. What will my fief be in the future, and my title will be changed again.

But it all depends on you to beat me down.

So when the time comes, you must find me a nice place to listen to. "

Fang Chang said: "Is there a mistake, so stingy? Fortunately, I heard that she is very big."

Dongdong nodded and said with a pitiful look.

"So it all depends on my wise and mighty husband."

Fang Chang's boyfriend was overwhelmed immediately, and he drew cakes on the spot.

"Since that's the case, what kind of territory do you need? I'll directly create a small world for you in the future. You can name it whatever you want."

"Okay, stop talking about it."

Fang Chang picked up Dongdong with the princess in his arms, and flew towards the cave.

"When I think of you as the princess, I feel inexplicably excited now. You must take responsibility for me."

"Don't mess around!"

After a whimper,

A night of spring breeze.

 And at night.Thank you for the 200 tipping from Bingyi Demon Qilin, 100 tipping for what you said is right, 500 tipping for everything you say, and 100 tipping for one person, one sword/drunken rivers and lakes.

(End of this chapter)

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