Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 182 The Flame Devil's Decision

Chapter 182 The Flame Demon's Decision
But the Flame Demon outside Qingniufang City was not as happy as Fang Chang. He was soaking in a magma pool with a gloomy expression.

He had already transformed himself into the body of the Balrog, so after his vitality was injured, the healing elixirs of the human monks were not as effective as the natural elements for him.

There are no volcanoes around Qingniu Mountain, this magma pool is temporarily formed by the power of earth fire attracted by his racial talent.

"What kind of supernatural power is that?"

Yan Mozi recalled the inheritance he had obtained from Yan Mozun, but he had no impression.

Between heaven and earth, there are countless supernatural powers and spiritual arts, as well as all kinds of strange bloodlines of races, how can it be covered by the inheritance of the Flame Demon Lord.

It is common sense to have no impression.

"But that person didn't take the opportunity to use it a second time. Obviously, this supernatural power must be a heavy burden for him, otherwise he wouldn't talk nonsense with this deity."

"However, this deity has no way to block his supernatural powers. It will hurt his vitality if he casts the technique of replacing death in fire once. Even if this deity tries his best, he can only perform it three times at most.

After three times, there is no power to fight.

If not, how could the deity retreat. "

With the baptism of the magma, the body of the Flame Demon gradually turned red, like a solidified magma stone, and his face was even more wrapped in flames, with a frown of blue-purple flames emerging from his head.

The temperature of one side of the magma pool decreased accordingly, and the heat in it was absorbed by the Balrog.

"Late will change. Over time, if they are allowed to refine spiritual objects and control spiritual veins, this deity will be even more helpless to them."

"It seems that's all there is..."

The Flame Demon slowly closed his eyes and sank to the bottom of the pool.

After a few hours.

The pool has completely solidified, leaving only a piece of dark red rock.

Suddenly, the stone exploded, and the Balrog jumped out of it naked, returning to his human body.

All three men surrounded him.

"Your Highness!"

With Flame Demon's temperament, if he dared to bring his subordinates by his side, it means that these three people have already been completely controlled by him, and their life and death can be determined by their thoughts.

"How's it going?"

Fire Demon asked while putting on his clothes.

Although he has not fully recovered, it is only a matter of time.

"I disappointed the lord. After that person entered Fangshi, he didn't move at all. His subordinates have sent people to closely monitor around Fangshi. If there is any trouble, we will find it."

The man in black robe among the three said.

Yan Mozi shook his head and said: "He is more cautious than I thought, but this proves that he is strong on the outside and capable on the inside. It seems that the supernatural power really can't be used much."

Suddenly, he looked at Pyro among the three and asked:

"How many Huo Nu do we have?"

Huo Nu is a kind of puppet-like existence that he transformed into a stranger by burning at the stake.

It was also the basis for his previous rule in the Flame Demon Realm.

Otherwise, with his method of sleeping to prolong his life at every turn, how could he regain the rule of the world so quickly after waking up.

Of course, transforming Huo Nu also has a certain burden and consumption for the Flame Demon, which is probably the same as the Danyuan of the Golden Core cultivator. Too much consumption can easily lead to stagnation in cultivation.

However, as a thousand-year-old demon, Flame Demon had ample savings, and before reaching a certain number, transforming Huo Nu would not have much impact on him.

Pyro replied, "About three hundred more."

"Only three hundred?"

The Flame Demon looked dissatisfied.

Huo Ren explained: "Because of the previous battles, we suffered a lot of losses, and most of Huo Nu have not been contacted yet. This world is too big."

When they came to this realm with great ambitions, they brought with them an army of one hundred thousand Huonu and dozens of fighters from the Golden Core realm.

As a result, who would have thought that the space would change, and everyone would be lost.

The reason why the three of them were able to rendezvous with the Flame Demon so quickly.

It's just because they have long regarded the Flame Devil as their master, offered their soul fire, and formed a ban, so they can communicate across distances.

If it weren't for this way of burdening the Flame Demon himself, the three of them were already close to their limit, and he would have already turned all the other golden cores in the Flame Demon Realm into his servants.

Flame Demon frowned and thought for a while, then ordered:

"Let them all come."

Burning Man seemed to know what the Flame Demon wanted to do, so he turned around and summoned Huo Nu without asking any further questions.

"Three hundred fire slaves are far from enough, I need more fire slaves."

Flame Demon looked at the other two Golden Cores, a man in black robe and a man in totem.

"Within ten days, this deity wants you to make up [-] fire slaves."

The faces of the man in black robe and the totem man changed, but they all knew the temperament of Flame Demon, and they couldn't tolerate their refusal, so they all nodded at this moment.

"Yes, my lord."

The best materials for Huo Nu are practitioners, because only monks can resist the fire for a long enough time.

Otherwise, he would not be able to turn into Huo Nu at all, but would only become a mummy.

Of course, ordinary people can also be used as materials for making fire slaves, but there are often ten fire slaves, and their strength and quality are not comparable to monks.

In a hurry, they couldn't find ten thousand practitioners, so they could only attack ordinary people.

Ten thousand fire slaves means one hundred thousand lives.

"Go hunting, don't let this deity down."

The Flame Demon waved his hand.

At this time, Burning Man had brought three hundred Huonu over.

Most of the so-called Huo Nu are Pyro people who look similar to Pyro Man, without a face, only the silhouette of a burning human being, and a few animal-shaped ones.

Among them, the colors of the flames are also different, there are off-white, orange, red and blue variegated.

And the burning man like Jindan is black and red.

The Flame Demon looked at some of the fire slaves with some distaste.

"The quality is really bad."

Many of these fire slaves were transformed by him halfway, so the quality is naturally not much higher.

He opened his mouth to inhale, and one of the sluggish gray-white fire slaves exploded with a bang like a bubble pierced by a needle, and one of the light red fire wires was sucked by the flame demon from the exploding flame.

As the line of fire was absorbed, the breath of the Balrog suddenly became stronger.

These fire slaves are not only his fighting puppets, but also his human-shaped elixir, each of which contains a trace of the spiritual power of fire.

The three hundred fire slaves exploded one by one quickly, countless light red and light blue fire wires were like fireflies jumping in the air, all of which were swallowed by the Balrog.

Then the Balrog spit out a black-red bead.

This is the Balrog Orb, the power of the Balrog accumulated after sleeping in the crater for hundreds of years, and it is also an indispensable material for the fire torture.

The Flame Demon slowly closed his eyes, and began to refine the spiritual power of fire.

"After they come back, you will be in charge of presiding over the fire. The fire slaves that this deity needs cannot be broken."

This time, he will go all out to break through the Nascent Soul Realm!
Since the Golden Core Realm has no way to resist that person's divine light, then he will break through the Nascent Soul.

Originally, he planned to break through with the essence of the spiritual veins, and maybe he would still have a chance to become the legendary fairy-grade Nascent Soul, but at this moment, if he did not reach the realm of the Nascent Soul, he would not even be able to touch the shadow of the spiritual veins.

Success or failure is here!
 Uh, I won’t look for an excuse today. I was told yesterday that I had a cerebral hemorrhage. It’s just that I played too much on my phone and my little finger was under too much pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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