Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 183 Refining Mountains and Rivers Order

Chapter 183 Refining Mountains and Rivers Order (Please Subscribe!!)
After a night of fun.

Fang Chang supported his waist and immediately entered the sage state, and then remembered that the enemy was in front of him, so he didn't dare to indulge in the gentle village for too long.

In the meditation room.

Fang Chang held the Datang Shanhe Token in his hand, mana poured in as if he didn't want money, and his spiritual consciousness was not idle, trying to imprint his own spiritual imprint on the Shanhe Token.

But Shanhe Ling is like a stone, oil and salt cannot enter, and his mana and spiritual knowledge have not left the slightest trace on it.

After half an hour.

Fang Chang's mana was consumed by half, and his spirit gradually became exhausted.

But Shanhe Ling was in his hands, still motionless, like a cold goddess, not giving him the slightest chance.

"Are you kidding me?"

Fang Chang wanted to get up and go find that Eunuch Wei and ask what was going on.

But soon he suppressed this kind of thinking, if he couldn't even refine a mountain and river decree, what else did he want to conquer the world and make the king his ancestor.

Besides, this is the queen's treasure, and Eunuch Wei may not know it.

Maybe it's still a test.

Fang Chang stroked his chin, suddenly blessed to his heart.

The Datang Mountains and Rivers Order is a sub-body of the Datang Mountains and Rivers Map, and the Disha Town Prison Pagoda is a sub-pagoda of the Beidou Pagoda.

Both are Tongtian Lingbao, and both are offspring.

Li Hu was able to become the owner of the Golden Pagoda of Disha Town Prison because he passed the test of the Golden Pagoda and was recognized by the Golden Pagoda.

So should he also be recognized by the Shanhe Order?
However, even if the golden pagoda is cracked, it is still an ancient treasure with an instinctive program, while the Datang Mountain and River Token is just a top-grade magic weapon, with a ghostly instinct.

Then the Refining Mountain and River Token probably has a key.

Fang Chang felt that the answer was very close.


Fang Chang flipped his palm, and a bright yellow scroll appeared in his hand.

Eunuch Wei also gave him these two things. If there is a key, there is only the Queen's decree.

next moment.

Fang Chang knew he had guessed right.

As the Shanhe Decree and the Imperial Decree approached, it seemed as if a chemical reaction had occurred between the two.

The imperial decree flew out of his hand suddenly, and then unfolded in the air. The writing on it seemed to come alive, and all fell off.

The ink gathered together and turned into a woman in palace costume who seemed to come out of ink and wash. It was a woman who was inexplicably amazing even though it was only black and white.

She landed lightly in front of Fang Chang, and tapped his brow lightly with her fingers.

A sentence suddenly appeared in Fang Chang's mind-the immortal caresses my head, and the hair is tied to receive longevity.

The radiance of the Shanhe Ling shone brightly and turned into a stream of light, which swished into the center of his eyebrows.

Fang Chang slowly closed his eyes and started the real refining process.

After a long time.

Fang Changcai opened his eyes with some unsatisfied intentions, and the previous beauty of ink and wash has long since dispersed.

He couldn't help sighing with regret: "It's a pity that I don't have the chance to meet the Empress of the Tang Dynasty for the time being. A black and white ink painting has such a style. I don't know how the real person will look like after adding colors?

One thing to say, not as big as my daughter-in-law. "

He smacked his lips, got up and walked out of the quiet practice room.

As the Shanhe Token was refined by him, he also learned the real method of using the Shanhe Token.

This thing is a bit like the imperial edict of heaven and earth in myths and legends, it can attune spirits and canonize the land of mountain gods.

Of course, the function of the Mountain and River Order is not to seal it, but to use the rules contained in its treasures to bind the invisible and immaterial spiritual veins with the Mountain and River Order to achieve the purpose of driving the spiritual veins.

A Mountain and River Token can only be bound to the spiritual vein of one place, and once bound, it cannot be separated from the transfer. From then on, the fate of the two is closely related.

The spiritual vein can evolve into the main spiritual vein, and continuously transform the spiritual veins in other places into branch veins. The stronger the spiritual vein system, the higher the level of the Shanhe Order, the stronger its ability, and the more territories it can influence.

Theoretically, if he is strong enough, he can control the spiritual veins of the entire world and become the master of mountains and rivers.

The companion spirit is the center that controls the spirit veins.


In front of a long, thick and green vine.

A light flashed in Fang Chang's eyes, and the information of the green vine had been revealed in front of him.


[Spiritual Vein Accompanying Spiritual Object (Middle Grade Spiritual Rank) (Unnamed)]

[Introduction: Trapped by the rules of heaven and earth, the special spiritual creature that comes out of the Qingniu Mountain spirit veins can pull the power of the spirit veins, communicate with the spirit veins, blend the aura of the heavens and the earth, and transform itself into a blessing. 】

[Note: The companion spirit can grow with the level of the spirit vein. 】

[Note 2: Companion spirits can be refined into special avatars. 】


Fang Chang glanced at the message, thought for a while and said:

"Since it's the spiritual object of Qingniu Mountain, let's call it Morning Glory Vine from now on, um, not bad, I'm really a genius for naming."

Green long vine, well, it's called morning glory vine now.

It seemed to be able to hear Fang Chang's words. Following Fang Chang's naming, pink and tender morning glory grew on the vine.

"It's useless to please me. It should be refined or refined."

Fang Chang threw out the Mountain and River Token, and with a thought, the top of the token sank into the petunias, like a stone thrown into a lake, the tough vines had no resistance at all.

And he immediately sat down at the foot of the morning glory vine, and the green light fell from the vine, wrapping him into a green ball.

"It would be nice if it was replaced with golden light."

The thoughts in Fang Chang's mind flashed away, and then his mind sank into a mysterious green space.

The next moment, he found that he seemed to have turned into a stone, a tree, a blade of grass, a flower, a stream...

He seems to have countless eyes at this moment, but he only feels hazy, unable to see clearly what is in front of him.

As he changed more and more objects, a crude picture was gradually drawn in his mind.

"Is that...a cow?"

Suddenly, Fang Chang's mind seemed to break through the shackles of space, and his eyes rose high, overlooking the ground. It was an old cow lying on its side on the ground.

"No, it's - Qingniu Mountain!"

The old cow noticed his gaze and mooed.

It seemed to want to escape, but there was a green rope on its nose, and it kept twisting, trying to break free from the rope.

But the rope became tighter and tighter, and it branched along its nose, and began to bind the old cow's mouth, neck, and hooves...

An old cow collapsed and fell to the ground, turning into a mountain.

Fang Chang seemed to hear the old cow's painful hum.

"This is the spiritual vein of Qingniu Mountain. It is everywhere, covering the entire Qingniu Mountain. It is invisible and intangible. It can be a stone, a tree, a grass, or even flowing water. The wind in the air.

But with the appearance of the companion spirit creature, it was tied with a rein, and it has been unable to break free ever since.

I also mistakenly called it right, it is the morning glory vine.

what can i do "

Fang Chang seemed to hold the reins that bound the Qingniu Mountain's spiritual veins, and his mind suddenly moved.


outside world.

In Qingniufang City.

Just because the exit of Fangshi was blocked by the Balrog, the people who were in anxiety suddenly felt cold, and a voice in the dark told them to go out.

Then they walked out of the house and into the street, there were thousands of people.

Here are the staff of Fangshi, people who do business in Fangshi, and some foreigners who were taken in by Fangshi when the great changes came.

There are monks and ordinary people here, accounting for about [-]%.

Most of these mortals are the staff of Fangshi, and their relatives, and only a very small number of them are ordinary people who want to get immortality in Fangshi.

Qingniufang City is called Fangshi, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small town.

This is also the reason why Fang Chang's wedding cleared most of the foreign monks, otherwise there should not be thousands of monks, tens of thousands of people would be more than enough.

When he got married that day, tens of thousands of monks gathered at the foot of Qingniu Mountain to watch the fun. Now when they rushed to the street, they realized that there were so many people in the market.

"what happened?"

"I seem to have heard a voice telling me to come out just now."

"I heard it too."

"Who's talking?"

"I want to go home."

"Wait a moment!"

"What a rich spiritual energy!"

Some monks yelled in surprise, and regardless of the eyes of others, they sat down and began to practice.

"Flowers, so many lotus flowers! The ground is full of golden lotus flowers!"

"There are also in the sky, white and red, with many petals!"

A group of people kept exclaiming.

I saw a towering tree growing up at an extremely abnormal speed in the center of the square. In a blink of an eye, three meters, ten meters, 20 meters...

A big tree with a height of hundreds of meters rose from the ground, and the tree was full of flowers.

At the same time, the green light that had been protecting Fangshi in the sky disappeared.

The wind blows.

Flowers are flying and falling down.

"This flower?"

Some petals fell among the crowd and disappeared when they came into contact with people, and then the crowd exclaimed.

"My arm is healed!"

"My legs can move!"

"My eyes, my eyes can see!"

"My God, what the hell happened?"


"The hype is falling!"

"Earth gushing golden lotus!"

"Who made such a big commotion?"

Dongdong walked out with several high-level officials in Fangshi, looking at the vision of heaven and earth at this moment, he was also puzzled.

Eunuch Wei followed behind Dongdong, seeing this vision, he congratulated Dongdong and said:
"Congratulations to Your Royal Highness, the princess, I think it's because the prince of the county has successfully refined the order of mountains and rivers, which is why this happened.

The slaves obeyed His Majesty's orders, and stayed to serve His Royal Highness and the Junma after the Junma Lord refined the Mountain and River Order, and waited for orders.

In the future, please take care of Her Majesty the Princess. "

There was a bit of relief on Dongdong's face, and then he said proudly:

"That's right, besides my husband, who else has such a great ability."

As she spoke, she looked at Eunuch Wei curiously again and asked:
"Eunuch Wei, you seem to know a lot, why didn't you tell me before?"

Eunuch Wei said neither humble nor overbearing: "It's your majesty's order, let the servants not talk too much, if the county matriarch can't even refine the order of mountains and rivers, then it's useless for the servants to stay.

But now the magistrate of the county has become the master of the order of mountains and rivers, from now on the servants and servants will know everything. "

Dongdong rolled his eyes and suddenly asked:

"Then what is your cultivation level, Eunuch Wei?

I've always been very curious. When the Balrog attacked, everyone was no match. Only you looked calm and never seemed worried. "

Eunuch Wei smiled lightly, and replied: "Slaves are not very cultivated, they are nothing more than a small golden core, and a handicapped person is not worth mentioning."

"The servant is not worried, it is just because the servant does not worry about life and death, so naturally there is no worry."

"is it?"

Dongdong looked at Eunuch Wei suspiciously.

Eunuch Wei is still looking at Dongdong, still calmly: "I dare not lie to His Highness the princess."

Dongdong wanted to ask again, but Mrs. Qin's mother and daughter hurried over with people from the Spirit Sword Sect.

"Miss Dongdong, why did the green light in Fangshi disappear?"

Mrs. Qin showed worry and asked:

"Where is Xiao Fang? Jian Chun hasn't left the barrier, and he doesn't have the protection of the green light. Now he is the only one who can stop the Flame Demon."

Dongdong frowned: "My husband is also practicing, if the Flame Demon comes, someone will stop him."

She doesn't like the people of Spirit Sword Sect.

Being able to accept them is purely because of Li Hu's face as Fang Chang's eldest brother, and also because of the affection of sending off relatives from the Spirit Sword Sect back then.

Otherwise, based on the fact that they lured the Flame Demon, she would have to worry about it.

Now that Mrs. Qin would take the blame for her husband as soon as she came, how could she have a good tone.

Why, if your son-in-law can't come out of seclusion, should her husband deserve to go all out?
Mrs. Qin also noticed that Dongdong's tone was wrong, and quickly explained:
"Miss Dongdong, I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong."

Qin Qing on the side also chimed in: "Sister, my mother is just too worried, there is no malicious intent."

Dongdong shook his head and said:

"No need to explain, Fangshi and Lingjianmen are both on the same boat now.

I know Mrs. Qin is in a hurry, but my husband has just returned, and he forced Yan Mozi away yesterday, and now he is recovering from seclusion, if there is nothing important, don't bother him easily. "

"The Flame Demon was seriously injured by my husband yesterday, and even if he found the green light disappeared, he would not come here easily, but thought it was our trick to lure the enemy.

So Mrs. Qin doesn't have to worry.

We will be safe for at least three to five days. "

"in addition……"

Dongdong thought for a while, and recruited a few stewards from several squares.

"Several stewards, you pass on the news. Now that the green light has disappeared and there is no cage, anyone who wants to leave can leave."

That green light is both protection and restraint.

Outsiders can't get in, and they can't get out.

However, the only one who could open the passage before was the Shanhe Token in the hands of Eunuch Wei, and Eunuch Wei never let go, even she had no good way.

Therefore, many people had complained for a long time, thinking that Qingniufang City wanted to drag them to die together.

Now that the green light has disappeared, it is just to give them a chance to leave, and it can also be regarded as removing some impurities for Fangshi.

Now that Fang Chang is back, Dongdong already has the confidence.


Several stewards took orders.

When Mrs. Qin heard this, she felt as if she was speaking to them.

She couldn't say anything anymore, she nodded awkwardly at Dongdong, and hurried away with her daughter and a few disciples.

It's really uncomfortable to live under the fence and be sheltered by others.

Now she can't wait for her son-in-law to come out quickly.

"Eunuch Wei, follow me to see your husband."

Dongdong said to Eunuch Wei again.

She always felt that Eunuch Wei was hiding something from her, but she couldn't find out, so she would leave it to Fang Zhang. He had a lot of ideas, so he would definitely be able to ask clearly.

And the green light disappeared, she also wanted to know what countermeasure Fang Chang had.

Eunuch Wei nodded slightly: "Okay."

With a sweep of his hand, the two of them flew up.

In a short while, I saw Fang Chang in the center of the square, on the [-]-meter tree, Fang Chang was sitting upright on the crown of the tree, his face was covered with divine light, and he seemed to notice the two coming, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

 Thanks to Fengshuang Yexue for the 1500 reward.Well, there is still at night.

(End of this chapter)

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