Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 184 Lord of Qingniu Mountain

Chapter 184 Lord of Qingniu Mountain (1900 first order plus update)

"How are you doing?"

Seeing Fang Chang's appearance, Dongdong couldn't help asking curiously.

In her eyes at this moment, Fang Chang seems to have merged into this world, like the clouds in the sky and the wind in the mountains, so high and lofty, it seems that he will transcend away at any time.

Fang Chang smiled faintly:
"Good, better than ever."

The spirit of Lingmai surrendered, and now he has become the master of Qingniu Mountain.

If he had to use one word to describe it, it would be domain, where the Qingniu Mountain's spiritual veins spread, it would be the domain he could influence.

He can control the Qingniu spirit veins through the petunias, and through the Qingniu spirit veins, he can affect the flow of spiritual energy everywhere, the trend of mountains and rivers, and the formation of valleys and rivers.

The changes that would have taken thousands of years to form can be completed in a very short period of time through his will.

Just now the sky was full of hype, and the ground spring golden lotus was a small experiment for him.

A large amount of aura and vitality gathered in a very short period of time, making Fangshi, a small place, a short-term spiritual place.

Practicing in Fangshi at this moment, the speed of practice will be extremely high.

The so-called Paradise and Paradise is nothing more than that.

However, his way of using it is too rough, and it will cause some damage to the spiritual veins. If it is used too much, the spiritual veins may be overwhelmed, and the vitality will die out, so this place will become a desperate place.

The way to really use the spiritual veins still needs to follow the laws of the spiritual veins, just like Dayu's control of water, blocking is worse than dredging, guiding and accumulating bit by bit, and finally gathering hundreds of rivers, rushing into the sea, and truly changing the world's water veins.

However, what Fang Chang was most satisfied with was that when he refined the petunias just now, he seemed to be transformed into the spirit veins of a green bull, wandering among the mountains and rivers, and his soul was greatly baptized by this.



Name: Fang Chang

Race: Terran

Level: 31 (32.2w/1000w)

Realm: Jindan

Physique: Royal puppet spirit body - share puppet attributes, enhance puppet affinity, endow puppets with spirituality

Root bone: 85↑

Fortune: 6↑

Karma: 0
Shouyuan: 31/588↑

Health: 23692/23692 (Normal)
Stamina: 11846/11846 (normal)
Attributes: strength 8.3, constitution 8.1, agility 7.8, spirit 7.5
Mana: 21001/21002
Danyuan: 15/15
Cultivation method: Five-turn Niyuan Gong (five-turn) (lower spiritual level)——Master

Thoughts of Bo Xunguan (lower level of Taoism) - proficiency

Disha Suppressing Prison Avatar (Middle Grade Dao Rank) - Getting Started

Spiritual Art: Heart Demon Art (Low Grade Spiritual Art)——Grandmaster

Paper Doll Puppet Art (Top Grade)——Grandmaster

Psychic Differentiation (Top Grade)——Grandmaster


Equipment: Lingyuan Armor (high-grade spiritual weapon), Chasing Wind Wings (low-grade spiritual weapon),

Faction: Datang Dynasty, Qingniufang City

Title: Lord of Qingniu Mountain——In the range of Qingniu Mountain, one's own strength will be increased to a certain extent, and the enemy's strength will be weakened to a certain extent


"Gengu, Fuyuan, Shouyuan, and attributes have all increased?!"

Fang Chang only knew that he was good, but he didn't know that he was so good.

The root bone has increased by five points, and it is getting closer and closer to the standard of a genius. Even though it is a bit difficult to practice Dao-level exercises at this moment, it is also difficult to even get started.

Fu Yuan directly added three points, reaching as many as six points.

Six o'clock fortune!

Before he got Bo Xunguang's idea, this Taoist inheritance was just reduced from a little blessing to minus five.

If it happened again, he would have easily accepted the opportunity that came from heaven, and there would be no such bad luck as the eye of the demon coming to his door.

So to use the most intuitive way of comparison, he is now qualified to obtain a Taoist inheritance in a serious manner.

Coupled with his roots, it is more than enough to become the heir of a medium-sized sect with a Taoist inheritance.

He didn't care too much about the addition of another 100 years to Shouyuan.

In the past, when life yuan was not enough, he thought that one day would be used for two days. Now that he has hundreds of years of life yuan left, he feels that hundreds of years are too far away.

As for the attributes, only the strength and spirit are increased, the strength is increased by [-]%, and the spirit is nearly doubled.

Obviously it was the effect of the previous spiritual baptism.

In the end, there was an extra title—the Lord of Qingniu Mountain.

This is the first title he has received in his life.

The so-called title is not just a fancy name, it has real effects.

What he remembered most in his previous life was the temporary title given by the official during the Qixi Festival event in the game-Single Dog's Wrath.

All [-]-year-old boys can get the temporary title of Wrath of the Single Dog.

This title has a 20.00% combat power bonus when PKing with a player with a relationship.

Fang Chang's memory of the random killing was still fresh.

The effect of the Lord of the Blue Ox is very straightforward and overbearing, one strengthens the other suppresses.

In other words, it was normal for him to leapfrog a battle when he set foot on the territory of Qingniu Mountain.

This wave,
This wave is an epic buff.

Fang Chang only felt that his whole body was full of strength, he stood up suddenly, and couldn't help but groaned loudly with pride in his heart.

"I have a bright pearl, which has been locked away by the dust for a long time, and today the dust is exhausted, and the light is born, shining through thousands of green mountains!"


With such a posture, Dongdong's eyes were full of peach blossoms, and he only felt that Fang Chang's handsomeness seemed to shine at this moment.

"Fuck, I'm a genius!"

Fang Chang pretended for a while, then muttered something in a low voice, then looked at Dongdong and Eunuch Wei with a gleam in his eyes.

"What do you come to see me for?"

Dongdong walked forward, stood side by side with Fang Chang, hugged Fang Chang's arm tightly, put it close to his ear, and then transmitted the sound.

Fang Chang looked at Eunuch Wei strangely after hearing this.

"Eunuch Wei was sent by His Majesty to serve me and the princess?" He asked.

Eunuch Wei nodded: "That's right."

Fang Chang asked again: "That means Eunuch Wei will listen to everything we say?"

Eunuch Wei suddenly had a bad premonition, but continued to nod and said:


Fang Chang let out an ooh, and said with his jaw:
"Then please return to the capital now, Eunuch Wei, to thank the Princess and I for your majesty's reward. It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

He doesn't care about any mystery that can't be seen through, and the purpose is unknown.

He is so busy in cultivation, if he has to figure out everything, then should he enjoy it?

So just ask him to leave.

It's not good for him to be the local emperor here.

Eunuch Wei's calm expression froze.


Fang Chang glanced at Eunuch Wei strangely, and repeated what he said just now.

"Could it be that what Eunuch Wei just said was just teasing me, then I'm going to lose my temper!"

His eyes became dangerous.

Eunuch Wei didn't dare to pretend to be an expert anymore, he smiled bitterly and said:
"Master Jun Ma forgives the crime, but the slaves don't know where the capital is now, so how can they return?"

"That's your problem, not mine!"

Fang Chang's attitude is arrogant and domineering.

However, Eunuch Wei has nothing to do with such hob meat.

Hit it, you may not be able to beat it well, scold it, it is easy to get beaten.

He was silent for a while, Fuchen threw back his hand, frowned and said:
"The servant has to return to Beijing to return to life."

"It's a pity that the servants can no longer serve the Junma Lord. I originally wanted to build a teleportation array for the Junma Lord, and go back by way. Hey, let's forget it."

"Wait a moment!"

Fang Chang's heart skipped a beat and he hurriedly asked

"May I ask what the eunuch means by the teleportation array?"

Eunuch Wei looked as if he just remembered: "The servant is also a master of formations, so I happen to know a little about the blueprint of the teleportation formation. The meaning of His Majesty's sending the servant is also thinking that the county matriarch may need it, so that the servant can be the magistrate of the county. serve.

Now the county horse master doesn't need it, so the slaves should go. "

Fang Chang was silent for a while, with a smile on his face.

"The father-in-law's words are out of the question. I was just joking with you just now. Don't go away. It's best for the father-in-law to stay."

"By the way, do you accept apprentices? I happen to have a few good seedlings under my command."

"Let's go, let's go back and talk in detail."

Although Fang Chang knew that Eunuch Wei might have another purpose, but it was a teleportation array.

As long as the teleportation array can be repaired, this Eunuch Wei can handle things even if he wants to marry a wife.

Unexpectedly, this old Bangcai is still a high-tech talent.

 After looking at the backstage, there are only two updates left. I really can’t bear to add them all at once, so let’s add one update first.Isn't this reason great! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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