Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 185 Fighting the Flame Devil Again

Chapter 185 Fighting the Balrog Again (Please Subscribe!!)
Time passed slowly.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

The Flame Demon seemed to have disappeared, even though the green light of Fangshi's shelter disappeared, he never appeared, as if he was frightened by Fang Chang last time.

Therefore, many people left Fangshi these days.

Some of them are eager to go home, the world has changed drastically, and they don’t know where their former home is now, so they can only go out to try their luck;

Some are worried that the Flame Demon will leave and come back, fearing that he will suffer disaster;
Some are thinking about going out to fight, change means opportunity, if you don't seize the opportunity, when will you get ahead;
Others simply want to stay away from right and wrong.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, even if there is no harassment from the Flame Demon, Qingniufang City is like a whirlpool now, and there are not a few people who don't want to mess with it.

Of course, it is still not easy for more people to leave.

It is impossible for Fangshi to support them in vain. Since they live, they must be consumed.

Food, clothing, shelter, and transportation don't cost money, so they can no longer hide in the market.

There were too many people walking, and for a while, the market seemed deserted and lonely.

It made even the staff in Fang City talk a lot, and began to plan for themselves.

The catastrophe is imminent.

Now that everything in the world is free, why treat yourself badly in a small Qingniufang City, maybe go out to go further.

this head.

Dongdong is also very worried about this.

"Husband, everyone is going to leave, so don't you have anything to say?"

Although she was the one who brought up the cleaning staff, she had no intention of driving them all out.

In the final analysis, Fangshi is a market for doing business. How can it develop without the flow of people.

But Fang Chang stopped her and let the people in Fangshi leave.

Fang Chang sat under the spirit tree he named Qingxiaoshu.

A thick emerald green vine surrounds the spirit tree, and several swings are hung up. It is full of flowers, and several garlands are set up on Fang Chang's head.

Hearing this, he said something irrelevant.

"Daughter-in-law, how about we build a city here?"

He pointed to the Qingxiao tree and said:

"With it as the center of the city, let's build a Qingniu City, um, Qingniu City doesn't sound good, let's call it Qingxiao City.

Albatron straight up, the city of Lingxiao. "


Dongdong didn't turn his head a little bit.

She said that the development of the square city involved the construction of the city?

Besides, whoever builds the city on the mountain is almost as good as building a castle.

But she didn't intend to attack Fang Chang, she just made a suggestion.

"But building a city also requires people. The most important thing is why do we build a city? Is it just for fun?"

Fang Chang shook his head and explained:
"Don't worry about people, these people who have left Fangshi are just seeds, and they will germinate and bear fruit after they go out.

At that time, more people will naturally come.

Did Qingniufang City worry about no one before?
Once the reputation is out, there is no need to worry.

Besides, when your grandfather was able to build Qingniufang City from scratch, I was able to build a city from nothing. "

"As for why the city was built?"

Fang Chang glanced at Dongdong, teased and said:
"Of course she is worthy of the status of princess daughter-in-law, the majestic princess of the Tang Dynasty, do you still want to live with me in the mountain nest?

What kind of princess is this?
So we must build a city!

And not only to build a city, but I also want to use this city as a journey to lay down a big country for you.

I want everyone to know your name from hundreds of millions of miles away, in all worlds. "

Dongdong felt his cheeks burn, knowing that what Fang Chang said was coaxing her, but which woman could refuse such a promise.

"You will coax me!"

She groaned coquettishly.

Fang Chang smiled and did not object.

"I didn't expect to be discovered by you. My wife is so smart."

"I knew it!"

Dongdong pretended to be furious, and rushed over with bared teeth and claws.

Fang Chang hugged back and laughed loudly.

He wants to build a city with a clear purpose, and it's time to give himself some power.

It's not the second-in-command forces like Lingjianmen and Qingniufang City, but a faction that really belongs to him alone.

As for the inheritance of the sect, although it is faster and more convenient.

Of course, because of the Great Tang Shanhe Order, a well-established avenue to reach the sky is in front of you, so fools will not go there.

That's the Empress of the Tang Dynasty. If you don't hug such thick golden thighs, you have to do it yourself. Isn't that a brain twitch.

Now is the era when the Great World officially opens.

As an Annan pioneer, he might be able to become King Annan in a hundred years, and he really wants to see if the game "Fairy Demon" will be launched normally.

Anyway, he no longer believes that "Fairy Demon" is a simple game.

Just when the two were playing.

The sky suddenly darkened, and then burst into red light.

"It's finally here, but can this move be changed?"

Fang Chang looked up, and saw that the red light was a burning meteorite, and he didn't know how the Flame Demon summoned it.

Probably Balrog's innate skill.

"How to do?"

Dongdong grasped the square long sleeves tightly, with a nervous expression on his face.

Fang Chang patted Dongdong on the shoulder with an understatement.

"It's okay, I've been waiting for him for a long time, and let him come to offer sacrifices to my new city."

Then I made a voice in my heart.

Go, Li Hushou!

Boom! !
There was a loud noise, and the earth shook.

I saw a golden pagoda lifted off like a rocket, and bombarded it facing the meteorite.

The two are getting closer,
Then collide.

There was another deafening bang, the meteorite was smashed into pieces by the golden pagoda, exploded in the air, and more than half of it turned into powder on the spot.

The remaining half was broken into pieces, and countless broken stones fell like rain.

I saw a slight sway on the Qingxiao tree, and a ray of clear light swayed past.

Most of the potential energy of the stones was easily dissipated, and when they hit the ground, they made a clattering sound like rain hitting plantains.

The figure of Flame Demon appeared in the sky, looking at Li Hu who stood in front of him, his eyes were a little more playful.

"It's you?"

"Is the taste of the heart-burning black flame good for me? I have practiced for so many years, and there are not many people who are willing to block moves for disciples. You are one of them."

"What kind of magic weapon is this, why didn't I see you use it last time?"

Li Hu's face was expressionless, but a bit of pain flashed in his eyes.

He didn't answer, but a layer of golden light lit up on his body.


His body hit like a shell.

Black flames ignited on the Flame Devil's body, and he went forward without showing any weakness.

"Anger cannot change the outcome of your defeat!"

Boom boom boom! ! !
The two men punched each other like masochists, and each blow could cause the hill to collapse and the river to flow back.

Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary Golden Core cultivators who come here, as long as they are not physically trained, a punch from the front is enough to break their bodies.

But when it hit the two of them, it was like scratching an itch.

A golden light was thrown out of Li Hu's body, and the flame was also thrown out of the Flame Demon.

Another punch.

The two passed by, seemingly evenly matched, but a trace of doubt flashed in Li Hu's eyes.

"Have you found it?"

Flame Demon smiled faintly, "Your physique was once the strongest, but now it is no more than the weakest aspect of this deity."

He brushed the non-existent dust on his clothes with his fingers, and said like a cat playing with a mouse:

"I don't deceive you with my cultivation, I will spare your life if I take this move."

The accumulation of the Flame Devil is already enough, but before trying to achieve the Immortal Grade Nascent Soul in one go, he has been suppressing his cultivation.

But in the face of the accompanying spirits of the spirit veins and the opportunity to advance to the void in the future, it is not so important that the Nascent Soul Realm has a little flaw.

After refining his Flame Demon Orb with [-] fire slaves, he broke through logically and reached the third rank.

Yuanying is similar to Jindan, both have nine grades.

Normally, the grade of Nascent Soul Achievement would not be higher than that of the Golden Elixir, that is to say, the Golden Elixir of the Flame Demon must be above the third grade.

Li Hu said coldly: "It's only in the Nascent Soul Realm, I will kill it as well!"

A little golden light bloomed between his brows, and endless radiance surrounded his body. It was his first-grade golden elixir supernatural power - the inextinguishable golden light.

Under the cover of this light, life is endless and has a strong resilience. As long as the golden light continues, it is equivalent to having an immortal body.

Last time, if Flame Demon hadn't threatened his disciples, he would have killed him.

At the same time, his body expanded rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, he became a giant with a height of seven or eight meters, like a hill, but not bloated, but very vigorous.

If someone thinks that his body has become bigger and wants to bully him in terms of speed, it is a big mistake.

At the same time, there were streaks of purple arcs flashing under his skin on a purple scale on his chest.

Faintly, dark purple scales appeared under his skin.

That was the power of the purple dragon in his body.

With the improvement of his cultivation base, he is also fed with infinite blood energy, and the blood of the purple dragon that was originally obtained from the blood spirit fruit has also grown accordingly.

At least the Purple Blood King Snake will see Li Hu, not to mention the master, it's not too much to call the ancestors.

Golden light and purple thunder surround it.

At this moment, Li Hu is like a giant spirit god controlling the thunder, what is worse is a Xuanhua axe.

But facing Li Hu who was stronger than before, Flame Demon was not slow.

"Ignorant junior, you can't imagine the gap between Jindan Realm and Nascent Soul Realm."

"Fa has Yuanling!"

"The dragon is calling!"

Seeing that the Flame Demon stretched out his hand and made a move, the black flames on his body poured out continuously as if he had been guided by something.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ferocious black flame dragon in front of him.

This magic dragon is about a hundred feet long, and its huge body is arched, which also makes the originally huge Li Hu look like a child.

All this is a long story, but it happened only in the blink of an eye.

From Li Hu's transformation and rushing, to the time when the Flame Demon drives the dragon, it happened almost at the same time. The two collided together, just like the tip of a needle meeting a wheat awn, and no one would let the other.

While the magic dragon roared, it swallowed Li Hu in one gulp, and the black flames it inspired even distorted the space.

But in the face of Li Hu's indestructible golden light, he was quite helpless.

Only then did the Flame Demon's expression change.

Li Hu's tenacity exceeded his expectations.

Don't look at the understatement he said just now, in fact, this demon dragon is already a trick he used after a lot of mana.

Fa You Yuan Ling is a realm of spiritual arts, which can make ordinary spiritual arts give birth to Yuan Ling, and its power is unpredictable.

According to legends, some great powers can even instill spiritual arts and turn them into other kinds of creatures, which can live forever in the form of spiritual arts.

But this kind of spirit art realm is only qualified to be used by people above the Nascent Soul realm.

Because only the primordial spirit of the Nascent Soul cultivator has been initially manifested, can the spirituality be endowed with spirituality.

"That's right, only such an opponent can demonstrate the ability of the deity's Nascent Soul."

Flame Demon's expression returned to calm, and he commented condescendingly.

He made secret formulas, and a somewhat illusory little person loomed in his dantian, the baby curled up, holding a black bead in his arms.

At this moment, the baby's body stretched suddenly, its eyes opened, and the black bead was thrown out with a whoosh, and entered the dragon's body in an instant.

Then the baby seemed to have fought a big battle, with a very tired expression, and curled up again.

The Flame Demon couldn't help feeling pain secretly.

This baby is his primordial spirit that has not long manifested, and it is now a time of vulnerability.

If it weren't for his worry that the spiritual objects would be taken away by others, he would have to retreat for three to five months in all likelihood, so that the primordial spirit can be completely stabilized.

This time he forcibly manifested the primordial spirit, which would take another few months to cultivate.

However, the power of Yuanshen's attack is needless to say.

The magic dragon seemed to have obtained the pearl, as if the real dragon had obtained the dragon ball, its power immediately increased greatly, and its originally somewhat illusory body suddenly solidified.

And Li Hu, who was being swallowed into the belly and was wreaking havoc, also noticed this situation. He was about to rush out of the dragon's body, but he saw black flames in the dragon's belly holding him tightly like chains, and finally The fire surged up and completely surrounded him airtight.

In the end, just like alchemy, the magic dragon twisted its body and turned it into a pill furnace, trying to turn Li Hu, an iron man, into molten iron.

"Stay well."

Flame Demon flung his sleeves and landed in the direction of Fangshi.

Apparently, he also knew that Li Hu's body was overbearing, and he couldn't solve it in a short while.


"Sure enough, it has broken through."

Fang Chang was not very surprised by Flame Demon's breakthrough.

A thousand-year-old devil was only allowed to break through because of the world's restrictions. He felt strange that he didn't break through immediately after coming to the new world.

At this moment, the Flame Demon dared to come to provoke again, of course he felt fully confident.

And what is more direct than a realm breakthrough.


Flame Demon saw that there was a towering tree in the place where the spiritual creature had grown, and the growth above the tree seemed to be expected, waiting for him.

"Where is the spiritual creature of the deity?"

Flame Demon looked at Fang Chang with a slightly apprehensive expression.

Fang Chang spread his hands and said:
"As you can see, it's gone."

After being refined by him, the morning glory vine has no breath, and now it is entwined on the Qingxiao tree, like an ordinary vine.

Outsiders would never think that the Qingxiao tree as the backbone is actually just a cover.

After all, most people have the impression that the vines are attached to the big tree, so the big tree is of course the protagonist.


Flame Demon's face changed greatly, "Why did it disappear?"

Fang Changman said indifferently: "If it's gone, it's gone. Why?"

The Flame Demon said angrily, "You're playing with me!"

The momentum was suppressed like a mountain.

Fang Chang stretched out a hand like a breeze was blowing on his face.

"I was about to ask."

In an instant, his figure seemed to be infinitely elevated, the heavens and the earth surrounded him, and the mountains cheered him.

Title - Lord of Qingniu Mountain!

(End of this chapter)

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