Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 186 1 stroke of palm technique falling from the sky

Chapter 186: A Palm Technique That Falls from the Sky with One Move (2000 Books plus Updates)

This is?

At this moment, Flame Demon seemed to feel that the world was targeting him, as if he was carrying a mountain on his shoulders, and the aura around him kept flowing backwards.

He is like a body of absolute spirit, disgusted by the aura of heaven and earth.

As soon as the mana in his body was activated, the aura from the outside world that could resonate with him was less than half of the normal one, and it was even more difficult to mobilize.

He remembered the description he had obtained from the inheritance of the Flame Demon Lord, and finally understood.

"You have become the master of the spiritual veins?!"

Flame Demon's expression was startled and angry, obviously he had tried his best, but he was still taken a step ahead.

"How come so fast?"

The spiritual veins are huge and scattered, even with the help of accompanying spirit creatures, it is impossible to subdue them in such a quick time.

But he didn't know that there was a special spirit treasure offspring like Shanhe Ling.

Fang Chang smiled faintly, and a ray of light rippled from the Qingxiao tree under his feet.

"Since you're here, don't leave."


Behind Fang Chang, a girl in a white skirt flew out, holding a purple long knife and a pair of ice blue wings on her back, and attacked the Flame Demon.

Some people leave in the square market, and naturally some people return.

On the third day after the green light disappeared, Fang Chang notified Tie Zhu and they quietly escorted the Li family back to Fangshi.

Facing the Flame Demon, he never thought of fighting by himself.

He is a puppeteer.

Although there are not many puppets in hand now.

"A mere junior!"

The Flame Demon looked angry.

Seeing that the girl is just a small golden core, I feel that I have been insulted.

Could it be that all Golden Core cultivators in the world are like the reckless man I met just now?
"Okay, I'll kill you today, and this deity will be able to seize the spirit vein again!"

Countless black flames burst out of his body suddenly, his body suddenly swelled, and he turned into a black burning man more than two meters high. The clothes on his body burst, revealing the skin like black lava, flowing red lava.

"All have to die!"

Burning Man let out a roar, the flames on his body soared, the fireworks exploded like fireworks, and countless fireballs fell down the market like missiles.

And Fang Chang just slightly raised his hand.

I saw that the clear light that had been swaying just now shone slightly, and there was an extra layer of shield under the market, and the bolide hit it, leaving only a little ripple.

Even the companion spirit has the ability, after he refines it, he can't disappear.

With the help of the protective cover formed by the power of the Qingniu Mountain's spiritual veins, all attacks hit on it will be borne by every plant, every tree, every flower and every stone in the entire Qingniu Mountain.

The devastating attack hit the entire Qingniu Mountain, and after being divided equally, it seemed quite insignificant.

Unless someone can cut off the spiritual vein of Qingniu Mountain in an instant and destroy the vitality of the entire Qingniu Mountain.

And the entire Qingniu Mountain is now lying on the ground for hundreds of miles.

What a colossus this is.

Maybe someone with great power can wipe out Qingniu Mountain with one blow, but it is definitely not the Flame Demon who has just broken through the Nascent Soul Realm.

From the very beginning, he was invincible.

Otherwise, with his personality, how could he face off against the Flame Devil carelessly.

Above, the girl had already fought the Flame Demon.

With a swipe of the girl's long knife, a purple arc across the space, before getting close to the body of the Flame Demon, it was eliminated by the black flames protecting his body.

In response, Balrog seemingly casually shot a fireball.

On the way, the fireball expanded rapidly,

but suddenly,
The Balrog's hand trembled, and most of the soaring fireball was extinguished like a discouragement, revealing the black lava rock that was slowly forming inside.

The spiritual energy he was mobilizing was suddenly cut off. Although it was only for a short moment, it still greatly disturbed him.

If he hadn't output mana in time to stabilize it, the fireball might have exploded in front of him.

Yan Mozi glanced at the innocent Fang Chang, and knew that he was playing tricks.

This fight is unstoppable.

However, he has dominated the Flame Demon Realm for thousands of years, and the first big thing he did in the new world would come back without success, which is really unacceptable.

Flame Demon's heart became ruthless, his mana surged wildly, and the fireball that was about to extinguish expanded again.

"She is very important to you, so hate this deity!"

The fireball fell again and hit the girl at an extremely fast speed.

But the girl didn't panic, the icy blue wings shook behind her, as if feathers made of ice crystals shot out, turning into cold lights.

It was Xuan Ming's cold light!

Fire and ice are intolerable.

But the girl's cultivation level was too low after all, she didn't even have a golden core late stage, and Xuanming Lengguang, who had been making achievements, was finally defeated.

The fireball exploded in front of the girl, with a pair of ice wings protecting her, but they still couldn't stop the blazing heat, and the flames instantly engulfed the girl.

Flame Demon exhaled scorching anger, and let out a big laugh to relieve his anger.

"This deity will guard you outside. From now on, every deity you come out will kill one, until you are willing to hand over the spiritual object in your hand."

Facing the unbreakable tortoise shell, he could only make threats like this.

But Fang Chang was not worried at all, he just said lightly:

"Blaze Demon, take a closer look."

The Flame Demon was stunned for a moment, and saw the cyan light on the girl who was about to be swallowed by the black flames, the wounded place just now healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the aura on her body rose slightly.

With a slash of the girl's long knife, the flames wrapped around her exploded immediately.

"What kind of magic is this?"

The Flame Demon had been guarding against Fang Chang's divine light that obliterated the soul last time, but he didn't expect that Fang Chang didn't even use the divine light, but a girl who appeared randomly had this kind of supernatural power that almost resurrected from death.

Naturally, this is not some supernatural power of resurrection, but Fang Chang's true essence repairing the puppet's traits.

After breaking through the golden core, his mana has been purified, and it also has the characteristics similar to the real essence. In addition to the unique environment at this moment, the mana is almost endless, and there is such a performance of resurrection from death.

If it is placed on the outside world, it will take some time anyway, and the home court advantage should not be underestimated.

The girl greeted her again.

The Flame Demon snorted coldly: "I don't believe you can recover infinitely!"


A quarter of an hour later.

Seeing that the girl was seriously injured for the fifth time, and then quickly recovered again.

The Flame Demon no longer wanted to fight, turned around and left.

"What a freak!"

"That's enough, Tiezhu, don't chase after him."

Fang Chang called to the girl who wanted to chase.

"I hurt you."

He patted the head of the girl beside him with some pity.

"It doesn't hurt, brother." The girl said with a troubled expression, "It's all because I'm useless, let him run away."

Seeing this, Fang Chang couldn't help laughing.

"I haven't expected you to defeat a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator.

If you hadn't had me assisting you just now, and he had three-pointed energy to guard against my sneak attack, and Qingniu Mountain's suppression of his strength, it would be difficult for you to survive a round in his hands.

You can't be such a tiger outside. "

But after this actual battle, his immortal puppet army seems to be on the agenda.

Although Fang Tiezhu, who is the commander of the army, is still a polished commander, he still has a dream.

The girl was a little unhappy when she heard this:
"I will become stronger. When we meet next time, I can beat him to death without my brother's help."

"Then maybe you won't be able to wait for the next time."

Fang Chang looked up at the sky, and asked with a smile:

"Have you ever seen a palm technique that falls from the sky?"

The girl tilted her head puzzledly: "Huh?"

 Also, the battle must end today.

(End of this chapter)

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