Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 193 Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 193 Mountains and Rivers

Seeing that the refining progress of the Eye of the Demon had increased by more than one point, Fang Chang's inflated spiritual power was under control, and then silently said in his heart that brother Xin Demon was born with honor and died with greatness.

The strength of the inner demon is born according to his spiritual strength, which is generally a drop of one point of the spiritual attribute, that is, the difference is less than [-]% of the spiritual strength.

So now that a heart demon appears, don't look at it as rations for the eye of the demon, but if it is released, it is not a problem to run rampant.

This time, however, it may be a tipping point.

After Fang Chang absorbed the experience fragments left by the inner demon, he felt an instant burst of inspiration in his mind, and countless insights came to his heart.

He got it!
I saw a cloud of black mist gushing out from behind him, like fried seaweed, glowing with colorful mottled black.

Human faces emerged on the seaweed, with various emotions emerging.

Whether happy or sad, strong or fearful, cold or hot...

But it's all the same face.

Square face.

He inhaled slowly, and the seaweed was inhaled into his nose like smoke.

After all the visions disappeared, Fang Chang slowly opened his eyes, and the black line formed by the eyes of the demon on the brow was faintly visible.

"Spiritual top-grade spiritual art, mind demon, manipulating the seven emotions, controlling the six desires, well, it's getting more and more like that."

Fang Chang always felt that his talent was in the wrong place.

He doesn't know any of the supernatural powers to charge head-on.

On the contrary, he comprehended one by one this treacherous art of playing with the spirit and hurting the soul.

It is also a Taoist technique, so far he has not comprehended any fighting method from the real body of Disha Suppressing Prison, it seems like a decoration.

Looking back at Bo Xunguan's thinking, all the small tricks of the heart demon have advanced to the great law of the mind demon.

Of course, this has a lot to do with his unremitting visits with his own demons.

Just as he was getting familiar with the newly realized spiritual art, Fang Chang's spiritual consciousness suddenly moved.

The Mountain and River Ling spit out from the petunias, and the gray and white panel, which was originally plain, was now dyed with a touch of emerald green, with some jade crystals.


Fang Chang knew that the Shanhe Order could be upgraded, but he didn't expect it to be so simple.

But after thinking about it, the fusion of several inspirations and the Qingniu spirit vein also enhanced the Mountain and River Token, and the upgrade was a matter of course.

Fang Chang stretched out his hand to make a move, and Shanhe Ling made a move, but he found a difference.

In the depths of the Shanhe Order, a small black hole suddenly appeared with the upgrade, exuding bursts of suction.


Fang Chang tentatively input mana into it.

The black hole never refuses, and his magic power is like a mud cow sinking into the sea, not a single drop is left.

Fang Chang became interested and kept inputting mana.

Who ever thought that a small black hole is like a bottomless pit.

But now that he is on the spiritual vein, he is not afraid of lack of mana.

The morning glory vines were shining brightly, his mana was recovering at an extraordinary speed, and he finally found a balance between input and absorption.

About ten of his own mana were input into it, and the black hole was finally filled.

A golden sun seemed to appear in Fang Chang's spiritual perception, dazzling and dazzling. The power was not huge, but the quality was frighteningly high.

If his spirit is cotton, the opponent is steel.

When the light dissipated, the black hole had dissipated, leaving only a row of small characters - Shanhe No. [-].


Fang Chang came out to say hello.

Shanhe No. [-], what do you mean?
His spirit touched lightly, and he felt another suction force, and then the world spun, and his consciousness had already come to a magnificent palace.

The main hall is empty, only twelve white jade pillars surround a golden throne suspended in mid-air, like a guardian.

And he seemed to have walked out of one of the white jade pillars just now.

"Where is this?"

"Is there such a place inside the Shanhe Order?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Why did my power disappear?"

"How should I leave?"

One question after another popped up in Fang Chang's mind.

"anyone there?"

Fang Chang opened his mouth and shouted, his voice echoed in the hall.


A gentle girlish voice came.

Fang Chang immediately tensed up and turned to look at the sound.

There was a flash of light, and a girl in a blue-red palace dress suddenly appeared. She was about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a beautiful appearance and a decent temperament.

"Are you the Artifact Spirit of the Order of Mountains and Rivers?"

Fang Chang's eyes flashed, and he guessed.

The girl shook her head, nodded again and said:
"You can call me Yaoguang, I am the manager of the Mountain and River Realm, and you can also understand me as Qi Ling.

But I am not only the spirit of the Shanhe Token in your hand, but also the spirit of other 11 Yuan Shanhe Tokens. "

"Sharing device spirit? Can this thing be shared?"

"What is the Mountain and River Realm?"

Fang Chang asked one after another.

Yao Guang was not in a hurry, with a decent smile on his face.

"Don't worry, the speed of time in the world of mountains and rivers is different from that of the outside world. Even if a day passes here, it is only an hour outside.

I have plenty of time to answer your questions. "

Yao Guang walked slowly, flicking his sleeves lightly, a tea table appeared in front of him, with various tea sets on it, and a small pot bubbling with steam.

She knelt down and greeted politely:
"Why don't we chat while drinking tea?"

Although Yao Guang only said a few words, Fang Chang already had a lot of guesses in his mind.

He also knelt down and sat down without making a sound.

Seeing this, Yao Guang smiled slightly, and poured a cup of steaming tea for Fang Chang:
"You are the first person to cooperate with me like this, the four Lords of Mountains and Rivers in front of you are very domineering.

It took me a lot of effort to explain it clearly to them. "

Fang Chang smiled bitterly.

In this mysterious space, he lost all his strength, but the Yao Guang in front of him waved his hands to change things, the fool was against her.

"Did I talk a little too much, now let's get down to business."

"The Mountain and River Realm is my master, a special space created in the Void Realm by Her Majesty the Empress of the Great Zhou Dynasty with the power of the Splendid Mountain and River Map..."

Following Yao Guang's narration, Fang Chang had his own understanding.

This Shanhejie is a small chat group, the group leader is the Queen, the administrator is Yao Guang, and the group members are 12 people, corresponding to the 12 Yuan Shanhe Token.

Whoever dies will be kicked out of the group, and Shanhe Order will take it back.

The condition for entering the group is to upgrade the Mountain and River Token to the spirit weapon level, which is a third-order spirit vein according to Yaoguang's standard.

He is the fifth Shanhe Lingzhu to join the group, so he is Shanhe No. [-]. From now on, he can use No. [-] as his code name, or other code names.

Of course, the world of mountains and rivers is far more than just being able to communicate.

It is also a super-large central server that can be used to build a network of spiritual communication.

Those masters of the Mountain and River Order are the main servers, and all the spiritual veins controlled by the Mountain and River Order are sub-servers.

Then build a teleportation array based on the spiritual veins on the spiritual veins, not only for the exchange of information, but also the physical transmission is very convenient.

"do you understand?"

Yao Guang asked expectantly.

She explained to the previous four Lords of Mountains and Rivers several times.

Fang Chang nodded: "It's easy to understand, isn't it?"

Suddenly, a rather funny picture appeared in his mind.

When a certain Lord of the Mountains and Rivers felt that he was strong and strong and wanted to establish himself as a king, Her Majesty just raised her hand lightly——Do you believe it or not?

Without the support of the spiritual vein network, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to rule the territory of hundreds of millions of miles.

Otherwise, the communication alone is exhausting enough.

These girls are really cruel.

No wonder he felt something was wrong before.

After all, if the Lord of the Mountains and Rivers started from scratch like him, and all the sites were won by himself, why should he be rewarded as king by the queen in the end.

Who would like to have multiple fathers suddenly on their head.

Well, neither can mom.

But now it makes some sense.

It was really because Her Majesty the Empress had choked her life.

What's more, if you can't beat him, then you have to be a little brother obediently.

Of course, if you say Her Ladyship has no support at all, you must be joking, and the Shanhe Order is the best support.

With the spiritual vein network built by the Shanhe Order, he didn't have to worry about the fact that if the territory was too large and the rule would be unbalanced, he didn't have to worry about it now.

He dared to rebel against him the day before, and once the teleportation array opened, he would be able to calm down before dark.

But all of this requires sufficient strength, otherwise it is useless to know other people's information.

We all know that there is a bank in the bank, but there are only a few who can go in and grab it.

Fortunately, I never thought of rebelling.

Being a prince is enough, what more bicycles are needed.

So this worry is nothing to worry about.

Yao Guang saw Fang Chang's confident appearance, no matter whether he understood it or not, she took him for it anyway.

"Well, now that you understand, let me emphasize again that this world does not have any requirements for your Lord of the Mountains and Rivers.

However, every year in the world of mountains and rivers, you, the masters of mountains and rivers, will be ranked, and the top three will get reward points.

And the function of reward points is to exchange for all the treasures in the treasure house of the mountains and rivers.

Of course, if you have a treasure, you can also give it to me, and I can give you points depending on its value.

The Lord of the Mountains and Rivers allows transactions in the Mountains and Rivers Realm. Each transaction will be hosted by me, and a certain amount of transaction points will be charged to both parties.

If the points are not enough, transactions are not allowed.

at last……"

Yao Guang looked at Fang Chang with a smile, and pointed out:

"Fighting is prohibited in the world of mountains and rivers, violators will be banned from entering the world of mountains and rivers within a certain period of time, but in the outside world, the ruler of mountains and rivers can't help but fight.

The winner gets everything the loser has. "

Fang Chang's heart trembled, he knew why there were only three kings with different surnames.

This is Her Lady Queen forcing them not to stop.

Otherwise, no one knows if they will meet another Lord of Mountains and Rivers and be swallowed up.

Of course, when the situation stabilizes in the future and Datang is established again, we don't know if there will be such rules.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult for those new Lords of Mountains and Rivers.

Fang Chang nodded silently.

"I see."

"However, how is the ranking of Lord Shanhe calculated? Is it based on cultivation?"

Yao Guang shook his head and said: "According to the rank of Shanhe Ling, your Shanhe Ling has just been promoted to a low-grade spiritual weapon, which is the lowest among the five."

"What if they are the same product?"

"I am the manager of the Mountain and River Realm, and I am also the common spirit of the Mountain and River Token in your hands, so no one knows the power contained in each Mountain and River Token better than me." Yao Guang said confidently.

"That's it." Fang Chang's expression changed, "Then you know how to operate in secret?"

He pointed to himself: "I, Her Majesty's nephew-in-law, I will call Your Majesty sister-in-law, is it enough?"

Yao Guang's smile faded, and he said expressionlessly: "Unless the master changes the rules, I will abide by all the rules."

"That's good, that's good." Fang Chang breathed a sigh of relief, "Even I can't open the back door, it seems to be fair to everyone."

"Fair competition, I will never be weaker than others."

In fact -

Ma De, after working for a long time, he still can't operate in secret.

Yao Guang stared at Fang Chang again, but didn't know if what he said was true or not.

Although she is the manager here, she cannot pry into the mind of Lord Shanhe.

"Do you have any other questions?" Yao Guang asked.


Fang Changdao: "You just said that there is a treasure house in the world of mountains and rivers, can I see what treasures are in the treasure house?"

Yao Guang nodded, waved again, and a huge light curtain was displayed in front of Fang Chang, with values ​​ranging from high to low.

The treasury has all kinds of spiritual materials, elixirs, magic tools, elixir, exercises, spiritual techniques, and professional practice handbooks...

Fang Chang suspected that the treasure house in the Shanhe Realm was directly connected to the Datang treasury.

Fang Chang was dazzled by the sight, but his heart was full of joy.

He was afraid that the treasury was full of high-end treasures, and he would not need it, but now there are all kinds of basic materials in the treasury.

Perhaps Her Majesty the Empress knows that these lands and rivers are poor and white, so the lands and rivers still take on the role of the logistics circle.

Fang Chang took a fancy to one of the golden pills, which was the panacea he wanted when he broke through the golden pills.

It's a pity that Taoist Qingniu in the capital was still imprisoned with Her Majesty the Empress at that time.

But it's not too late to redeem now.

It's okay to use it to train younger brothers, not to mention his wife is still in the foundation building realm, with the support of this treasure house, it's okay to take a drug addiction.

A low-grade Jinyuan pill has [-] points, a middle-grade Jinyuan pill has [-] points, and a top-grade Jinyuan pill has [-] points.

Fang Chang glanced at it again and again before asking:
"If I exchange Lingshi for points, what is the price?"

"One point and one high-grade spirit stone."


"Why didn't you speak?"

"Suddenly I don't want to talk anymore."

When Fang Chang wanted to buy Jin Yuan Pill, he had inquired about the market price in the capital.

A low-grade Jin Yuan Dan is only 50 yuan for a high-grade spirit stone. When there is a lot of goods, there is a chance to get a 40-yuan high-grade spirit stone.

After all, the low-grade Jin Yuan Dan only increased the chance of breaking through by about [-]%, and spent hundreds of thousands of spirit stones to buy comfort.

Now that the environment has improved, the cost should be lower.

But I didn't expect this guy to ask for such a ruthless price.

When did top-grade spirit stones become basic units?
If these masters of the land and rivers start to make a fortune in the future, they will have to earn their lives just by charging the difference.

Sure enough, it is still a monopoly platform to make money.

"Do you want more?" Yao Guang asked.

Fang Chang shook his head and said, "Poor, let's talk about this when I dig the Lingshi Mine."

Yao Guang shook his head and said:

"Other things you can do without right now, but there are two things I think you might need."


"The formation map of the Great Spirit Net Formation, and the side book of the Great Tang Golden Book."

(End of this chapter)

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