Chapter 194: Spirit Net Formation and Great Tang Golden Book
Qingxiao City.

A towering tree is unique and has become a landmark of Qingxiao City.

Today's Qingxiao tree is more than [-] meters high, and it can hardly be seen at a glance. It can be predicted that this tree will grow in the future.

The dense branches and leaves are like a big umbrella, covering the sunlight with a radius of hundreds of meters, but it does not look gloomy.

It seems to have been cut by the most skillful gardener in the world, and every branch and leaf grows in an orderly manner.

Between the interlacing, the sunlight was shattered and fell to the ground, swaying like water waves.

Fang Changyu woke up from a deep sleep, and he already had a bronze compass and a square, palm-sized golden booklet in his hands.

He looked around with his left and right hands and muttered to himself.

"Teleporting things through the air, the world of mountains and rivers is really magical."

Fang Chang recalled everything he experienced in the world of mountains and rivers, and his thoughts slowly returned to normal.

The time ratio between the world of mountains and rivers and the real world is twelve to one, and the two worlds are changing. It takes a little time for his spirit and thoughts to adapt.

It's like staying in the water for a long time, and the body will feel inexplicably heavy after getting out of the water.

Wait until you get used to it.

Fang Chang turned on the compass first, and a formation map was projected, still a three-dimensional image.

It is indeed the formation map of the Spirit Net Great Formation.

There are all kinds of ghost-like symbols engraved on it.

As an entry-level array mage, Fang Chang didn't know a single character. Obviously, this thing has a high technical content, as high as several floors.

Fang Chang closed the compass, ready to hand it over to Eunuch Wei to operate.

He won't anyway.

If it doesn't work, he can only go to Shanhe Realm to find Yaoguang to buy a ready-made array.

Using the formation plate to set up the formation, you only need to operate like a fool, fill in the materials yourself, and then start the spell casting.

But that stuff is expensive.

Compared with the price of the array map, which is almost equivalent to a free gift, he needs to grit his teeth to accept every array plate.

Although according to what Yao Guang said, it is not easy to refine the formation plate, and her price is to earn a cost price, but Fang Chang doesn't believe a word.


He worked hard to repair the signal tower for Datang, and it would be fine if he didn't give him a subsidy, and he had to pay for the materials himself.

Thinking about it, I feel that I am a big wronged species.

But who makes this thing really fragrant?

The establishment of the spiritual network array is the arrival of the Internet era, and the speed of information exchange has been qualitatively improved.

"Add this, the Xianxia version of the card, and everything will work."

Fang Chang weighed the gold book in the other hand, which was the sub-book of the Datang Golden Book, one of the two heaven-reaching spiritual treasures of the Tang Dynasty.

However, it is different from the Mountain and River Map that only has twelve Mountain and River Tokens.

There is almost no limit to the number of copies of the Golden Book of the Tang Dynasty. In the future, every county in the Tang Dynasty will have a copy of the book.

Because this thing is the ID card production machine for the people of Datang in the future.

You only need to drip a drop of blood into it, and then be irradiated by the light of the golden book to record the breath of the soul, and it will be recorded in the golden book of the Tang Dynasty.

Since then, I have an ID card of my own, a white card with only personal information and no meritorious service, also called Thangka.

Players like them, although they were born in a secret realm, are still human.

Therefore, according to Datang's principle of not rejecting people from the human race, as long as you are naturalized, you will have Thangka. From then on, Datang people, Datang soul.

And players like those who have obtained alien status have to join the army and get enough meritorious service to have the opportunity to join Datang.

Well, it is open and aboveboard discrimination against aliens.

At that time, there were still many players with alien identities united to protest in Chang'an City.

However, I heard that the field was cleared by an explosion spirit technique, and the scene was bloody.

Closer to home, Thangka is an ID card, but not just an ID card.

It is also a bank card, because Lingshi can be used at any bank in Datang;
Or a communicator, as long as you pay, you can enjoy the ubiquitous Lingmai network in Datang, and use Thangka for instant messaging;

It is also a status symbol. Thangkas in five colors of white, blue, purple, orange and gold represent different classes.

It can be called the Xianxia version of the card.

However, the realization of all these functions depends on the construction of the spiritual network formation. Without the foundation of the spiritual network formation, the golden book is just a decoration.

The two complement each other and are indispensable.

When everything in the Tang Dynasty was bound to the Lingmai Network and the Golden Book of the Tang Dynasty, no matter how much the subordinates struggled, they could not escape the palm of Her Majesty the Empress.

A sentence of disconnection is worth a thousand magical powers.

Although he knew that this thing was a medicine with honey hidden in it, Fang Chang still ate it sweetly.

The predecessors have found a good way, so he seems a little ignorant no matter how hypocritical he is.

The concentration of information means the concentration of resources. He can mobilize the world's resources without leaving home to support himself, so why hesitate.

After all, this is a comprehension world where personal strength determines everything.

If Her Majesty the Empress does not have the supreme strength to overwhelm the world, even if she has the Golden Book of the Tang Dynasty and the Mountains and Rivers Map of the Tang Dynasty, no matter how perfect the ruling structure is, it will only be a wedding dress for others.

After pondering for a moment, Fang Chang put away the gold book and asked someone to call for Eunuch Wei.

Another moment.

Eunuch Wei hurried over and saluted Fang Chang respectfully:
"Meet the county horse master."

These days, besides being a housekeeper in the princess's mansion, he is also cultivating formation masters for Fang Chang.

"Let's not talk nonsense, Eunuch Wei, now is the time to verify your ability."

Fang Chang threw out the compass that recorded the blueprint of the spiritual network formation.

"Can you arrange this big formation?"

Eunuch Wei caught the compass, opened it, bowed slightly and looked at it for a while, before saying:

"As long as the materials are sufficient, the servant has confidence."

Fang Chang nodded and said: "I will let Dongdong open the warehouse, and the materials are at your disposal. How long will it take you?"

Although Fang Chang didn't recognize the symbols of the formation diagram, he did recognize the formation materials. The materials for arranging a large formation are only 10,000+ spirit stones.

But if he buys it from Yaoguang, it will cost [-] points for one array.

Even if he now has a large dowry from Dongdong and his savings from the past, he can save as much as he can.

The landlord's family has no food left.

"Although it's the first time, one month is enough. After proficiency, ten days and a half months are enough." Eunuch Wei said confidently.

"Okay, I'll give you a month to go down and arrange it. I'll check and accept it in a month."

Fang Chang readily agreed.

"The slaves retire."

Eunuch Wei retreated with the compass.

Fang Chang watched him go. Although this Eunuch Wei is a bit mysterious, as long as he saves money for him, he is a good person.

Maybe next time I have a chance to meet Her Majesty, I can ask her in person.

Yao Guang had told him that on the first day of each month, Her Majesty the Empress would appear in the world of mountains and rivers to give a sermon to the Lords of Mountains and Rivers for an hour.

Throwing away the thought, Fang Chang looked at the morning glory vine, and there was a green fruit on it, like a crystal.

Fang Chang spread his hands, the morning glory vine hangs down, and the green tear fruit falls on the palm of his hand.

"I need more green tear fruit."

Fang Chang said softly.

The morning glory vine swayed, a little reluctantly.

But in front of Fang Chang, it still succumbed, and saw a small flower bud bloom in the place where the green tear fruit had grown just now.

"So nice."

Fang Chang smiled faintly, swallowed the green tear fruit, sat down cross-legged, and fell into cultivation.

Neither the Shanhe Order nor the Golden Book of the Tang Dynasty belonged to him, and they could be taken away at any time.

Only the eyes of the demon, and only his own strength, are truly and completely his things.

The Qingniu spirit vein has now been restored, and there are five more spirit veins to support, which should be able to support his refining progress to a higher level.

By the way, how to divide the ranks of the spirit veins, the next time you enter the Shanhe Order, you have to communicate with Yaoguang.

Fang Chang's thoughts fell silent.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a golden body of an angry demon Buddha is lifelike, the black Buddha light is shining brightly, the heart magic square below is holding his chin, his face is indifferent, and his appearance is more Buddha than Buddha.

It would be embarrassing for anyone to be suppressed as soon as they came out.

Not to mention that he and Fang Chang were born in one body, he is Fang Chang, and he has never forgotten the painful experience of previous suppression.

"Made, the main body, I will come back again."

When the golden body suppressed it, the heart demon still uttered his declaration forcefully, and then shattered into pieces with a bang.

 Thank you for calling me Hokusai for 100 tips, 100 tips for the naive and evil king, 1500 tips for the poorest cub in the family, 100 tips for the time-consuming youth, and 10000 tips for the phantom . ps: The monthly pass is almost [-], ask for the monthly pass, I think it can be changed tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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