Chapter 195 Title
half a month later.

Fang Chang, who was practicing under the Qingxiao tree, had a flash of inspiration, his mind and self-consciousness were separated, and his thoughts returned to his body.

Today is the 330th year of the Tang calendar, the first day of February, which is the day when Yao Guang said that Her Majesty the Empress preached at the beginning of each month.

Speaking of which, Her Majesty the Empress has not yet established a reign title, which made Fang Chang's diary difficult to write.

Because he wanted to listen to the sermon, Elder Fang had already set an alarm clock for himself.

This was the first time he got close to the legendary Queen, and he was a little excited after thinking about it.

Fang Chang took out the Shanhe Token, and his consciousness escaped into it.

Following the familiar twirling, Fang Chang was already standing in the mountains and rivers, and a burst of laughter happened to be heard in his ears.

He looked intently, and saw Yao Guang talking with a tall, handsome man with an imposing appearance.

I don't know what they were talking about, but the man made Yao Guang laugh, and the man stood aside with a gentle smile and a little doting eyes.

Fang Chang couldn't help being taken aback.

This is the first time he has seen other Lords of Mountains and Rivers in the Mountains and Rivers Realm.

But brother, what are you doing, Bubble Spirit?


Fang Chang was shocked immediately, feeling that the door to a new world had opened.

And his arrival caught the attention of both of them.

Yao Guang stopped talking and introduced them.

"This is Jing Yue, and he is number five."

Apparently the opposite is using the real name.

"Brother Jing, hello, I'm number five. It's the first time we meet. Please take care of me. We will be brothers in the same group from now on."

Fang Chang laughed heartily and acted very familiar.

The world of mountains and rivers is super good, everyone here is talented, and they speak nicely, coming here is like going home.

Jing Yue looked Fang Chang up and down, then his smile suddenly faded, and his eyes pressed down like a mountain.

Fang Chang only felt that he was out of breath facing a mountain-like broad sword.

Jing Yue is the same as him, only a ray of consciousness, without any power in his body, unexpectedly has such power.

Is this the willpower of genius?

Fang Chang cursed secretly, gritted his teeth and pushed forward.

For a while.

Jing Yue smiled faintly at Fang Chang, and the mountainous pressure just now dissipated.


Then, he turned his gaze away and continued talking to Yao Guang, as if Fang Chang didn't exist.

Fang Chang's smile faded immediately.

Made, actually gave him a blow.

Do you know who his sister-in-law is?

No wonder Yao Guang said before that her previous four masters of the mountains and rivers were very domineering, and she had to resort to tricks.

It's not an exaggeration to say that he is domineering when they meet.

But Fang Chang thought about it carefully, and it seemed a bit normal.

As long as the Lord of the Mountains and Rivers who can be selected by Her Majesty the Empress, except for him, who slipped through the net, no one is a top genius.

Most of these people have lived in admiration and admiration since childhood.

In the cultivation sect, that is Dao Zi, the figure who will suppress the luck of the sect in the future.

In the aristocratic family, that is the unparalleled unicorn son of the family, the existence that brings glory and glory to the family.

In folk...

Well, not in the folk.

After all, after practicing, he no longer belongs to the class of ordinary people.

That is to say, this is the world of mountains and rivers, and the details of each master of the mountains and rivers are covered by the rules of the world of mountains and rivers.

Perhaps in the outside world, this Jing Yue is already a Nascent Soul cultivator, so it is normal to look down on him.

But everyone is the same now, why do you think he is not good at a glance.

Fang Chang was very angry.

If you have the ability, keep coming to see him and see who can't stand it first.

As a non-combatant who has been paddling for a long time, it is impossible to count on how aggressive his willpower is.

But when it comes to tenacity, he said it is second, and no one dares to say it first.

He is a ruthless person who fights with his own demons whenever he has nothing to do.

As early as the repeated injuries and recovery, the spiritual will has become tougher than steel.

Jing Yue ignored Fang Chang.

With just one glance, he could see that Fang Chang was here to make up the numbers, and there was no meaning worthy of deep friendship.

I can't tell the reason, but if I insist on giving a reason, it is probably a kind of sympathy between geniuses.

Or the dangerous feeling that if I can kill you, you can kill me too.

But Fang Chang didn't have this sense of threat.

Such a person is placed outside the world of mountains and rivers, and he is not even qualified to be his opponent.

Jing Yue didn't appreciate Fang Chang, so Fang Chang didn't put his hot face on his cold ass, and just wrote down the name silently.

Jing Yue didn't offend him, but ignored him.

This made Fang Chang more uncomfortable than offending him.

'Jing Yue, right? None of the three kings with different surnames in the future will have your name. What a fart to be proud of me.

Don't let me meet you in the future, or I will be the first to eat your territory. '

Fang Chang scolded a circle in his mind, and he really felt better.

The spirit of Ah Q described by Mr. Lu will never go out of date.

With Fang Chang shutting himself aside, several people came out of Bai Yuzhu one after another, as if they had made an appointment.

However, Fang Chang noticed that the white jade pillars of the people who came out were all bright, while the rest were dim.

There are exactly five bright white jade pillars.

Obviously, now that the Mountain and River Token is activated, there are only five of them who have formally entered the Mountain and River Realm.

As for him, he belonged to the husky that got into the pack of wolves.

The four above him all belong to the master who is decisive and resolute, and he is the only one who can only be abaaaba.

After the other three appeared, they were the first to notice Fang Chang's new face.

As the manager, Yaoguang introduced them one by one according to the example.

Fang Chang also learned the names of the first four Lords of Mountains and Rivers——Qin Lang, Lin Xu, Jing Yue, and Ye Chen.

Well, except for him who used a vest, the four masters of the mountains and rivers before him all used their real names.

Perhaps this is the confidence of a genius.

It just so happened that Fang Chang remembered one of them, Beiyoudao, Qin Lang, King of Zhenbei.

As for the other three, including Jing Yue, they have no memory.

Fang Chang took a few glances at Qin Lang.

It was found that the future Zhenbei King was an ordinary-looking young man, of medium height, with dark skin, the kind that could not be found in the crowd.

But his eyes are deep, as if hiding an abyss, unable to see his true thoughts clearly.

Under Yao Guang's introduction, they greeted Fang Chang with a lukewarm attitude, not like Jing Yue, and they came up to test him.

Then they each found a corner to sit down and waited quietly.

When Fang Chang saw this, he lost the idea of ​​getting close to the future king of Zhenbei.

This Shanhe chat group was much more deserted than he had imagined, and he couldn't express the flirtatious words in his head in this atmosphere.

Because to do that would just make him look like a clown.

Waited a while longer.

Fang Chang only felt the light in the hall brighten, and when he looked up, he saw the golden throne slowly falling down.

On the throne, there was already a tall woman dressed in a blue scholar's robe, with long hair loosely loose. She crossed her legs and leaned casually on the chair, looking lazy.

"Another one?"


The woman's cherry lips parted lightly, and her voice sounded like a spring falling from a mountain stream.

Fang Chang stared at the woman's gorgeous face without makeup, and felt her heart beating wildly, like a veteran fan meeting an idol, feeling an indescribable excitement.

The object who could only lick the screen in the past, now comes into reality and meets him face to face.

It turned out that she was like this.

She is the Empress of the Tang Dynasty, Zhou Zhao!
There was an uncontrollable smile on the corner of Fang Chang's mouth.

"Hey hey hey..."

He lowered his head, kept shrugging his shoulders, and smiled very restrainedly.

Zhou Zhao looked at Fang Chang, who was holding back his laughter, with curiosity in his eyes, as if he was wondering what he was laughing at.

She already knew Fang Chang's identity.

Of course, it's just a superficial identity, an ordinary person from a casual cultivator background.

But thousands of miles away, she broke her ten-year dormancy with one word, and let Taoist Qingniu guard her for ten years.

If not, she would not have given Fang Chang that mountain and river. She just wanted to see what kind of surprise Fang Chang would bring her.

Perhaps, he is also like her.

"What are you happy about?"

Seeing that Fang Chang got the Queen's attention, the other four were breathing disorderly.

There is one thing to say, they never feel that they are ministers.

As geniuses who are not weaker than others in their lifetime, they are just one step behind now.

Give them time, they are confident that they can still stand shoulder to shoulder with the queen, maybe at that time, they can still become the queen's man.

As a man, who wouldn't want a woman like a queen.

But in the previous few meetings, the queen always preached quietly, speaking her own words, and never communicated with them.

They also secretly held a pang of anger in their hearts, thinking that sooner or later they would let the queen face themselves.

But now, the empress made an exception for Fang Chang.

This guy who only dared to use a code name.

When Fang Chang heard Zhou Zhao's question, he felt several hot eyes staring at him. He raised his head and saw that everyone was looking at him.

The smile on the corner of his mouth quickly disappeared, pretending nothing happened.

"I just thought of something happy."

"What?" Zhou Zhao asked.

Fang Chang looked embarrassed: "Are you really going to say it? No wonder I'm embarrassed."

Zhou Zhao said with great interest: "I allow you to speak."

Fang Chang looked like he couldn't refuse, so he could only sigh and said:
"I lost my parents a long time ago, and I have no one to rely on in this world, but when I saw His Majesty just now, it was as if I had seen a relative, and I felt uncontrollable joy in my heart.

I thought about it again, maybe this is God's will in the dark.

After all, Your Majesty, you are my sister-in-law, why am I not happy to see you. "

As for calling a girl ten years younger than himself a sister-in-law, Fang Chang would not blush at all, and it would be fine to call her grandma.

Zhou Zhao: "???"

"Mr. Cheng said that you are shameless, you have no father and no king, it is true."

"Are not you afraid?"

Zhou Zhao seemed to be interested, and said with a smile:
"Based on your performance just now, I can punish you to death for the crime I committed above."

Fang Chang said with a dry smile: "Your Majesty is wise and mighty. If you will be punished because I have spoken the truth, how will you manage the Great Tang with its billions of territories in the future and achieve immortal achievements?"

If he was worried, he wasn't worried at all.

Because even for Taoist Qingniu's sake, he wouldn't be killed.

Not to mention a person like Her Majesty the Empress, if she starts killing because of such a trivial matter, then she is not worthy of being the Empress of the Tang Dynasty.

In addition, he also wanted to see how the world of mountains and rivers could restrain him.

Sure enough, Zhou Zhao just waved his hand.

"Disrupting the preaching, reading for the first time, banned for one month."

Before Fang Chang could react, he felt that his brain had been hit with a hammer, and he was directly knocked off the line.

He opened his eyes and felt carefully, the pain he imagined did not happen.

"Hey, it seems that the damage to the consciousness in the Mountain and River Realm will not harm your own safety.

But that's right, if the consciousness of the Mountain and River Realm can be related to the real safety, then no matter how safe the Mountain and River Realm is, other lords may not want to go there.

After all, no one wants to put his life in the hands of others. "

He was really excited just now, but it was also really tempting.

His love for Her Majesty the Empress belongs to the kind of love that fans have for idols, not the love and admiration of subjects for the emperor, and he has no idea that he should not be offended.

If he really becomes the empress' nephew, he will make a lot of money.

"It's a pity, I didn't listen to the sermon, and I was banned for a month. I still want to chat with Miss Yaoguang more."

Fang Chang's spirit probed into the Shanhe Order, and found that the row of small characters in the depths——Shanhe No. [-] had turned gray. No matter how much his mana urged him, he could no longer contact the Shanhe Realm.


It's half a month again.

Fang Chang swallowed two green tear fruits in one breath, which increased the refining progress of the Eye of the Demon.

According to the current progress, in about three or four months, he will almost reach the critical point of refining the eye of the demon.

At this time, Eunuch Wei brought him good news.

The first large spirit net formation is ready.

Fang Chang stopped his practice and came to the layout of the formation.

"Eunuch Wei, you really keep your word."

A month is a month, and one day more or one day less is not a month.

Eunuch Wei smiled reservedly.

"Please ask the county horse master to check and accept."

The large spiritual net array is arranged at the highest point of Qingniu Mountain. Various spiritual materials are processed and driven into the ground, producing various wonderful reactions. The most eye-catching thing is the iron tower-like eye in the center of the array.

Fang Chang looked at it for a while and asked:
"Eunuch Wei, can you give me a brief introduction?"

Eunuch Wei shook his head and smiled wryly: "Please forgive me, Lord Ma, this formation is very advanced, it can use the spiritual veins of heaven and earth as the source, and the formation has a wide range of influence.

The slaves also have only a half-knowledge, just copying the gourd. "

Fang Chang: "..."

"Forget it, let me try it myself."

Fang Chang found the heart of the formation, connected the formation to the spirit veins with his own authority, and completed the last step.

One after another of rays of light emerged, intertwined in mid-air, and finally converged on the iron tower at the center of the formation, and then a blazing white beam of light shot into the sky and exploded.

A circle of invisible ripples swayed, spreading far, far away.

The formation has been successful since then!

However, Fang Chang saw a mooing sound from the Qingniu's spiritual veins, and a transparent beam of light drilled out of the void and poured into Qingniu's body, delivering power to it.

The other end of the beam of light is... the world of mountains and rivers?
Fang Chang muttered to himself.

Then he flipped the palm of his hand, and a golden booklet appeared, and he threw it into the iron tower of the formation center.

Soon, the two meld together.

I saw a golden booklet rising and falling in the middle of the blazing beam of light.

He coughed lightly, and grinned at Eunuch Wei, showing his big white teeth.

"Eunuch Wei, you are the builder of the formation. Since the formation is completed, you should be the first beneficiary."

"Please reach out."

 Also at night.

(End of this chapter)

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