Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 200 The Flying Spirit Stone Mine

Chapter 200 The Flying Spirit Stone Mine

The first thing to do when leaving customs, Fang Chang first went to comfort Dongdong's lonely soul and body, and comforted his own by the way, and then fell asleep beautifully.

After waking up again, it was already three days later.

And as soon as he woke up, he heard good news.

City Lord's Mansion.

"Have you found the Lingshi Mine?"

Fang Chang glanced at the young man with a nervous and excited expression in front of him, but he asked a pale young man beside him who seemed to be staying up late for a long time:
"Brother Yu came to prove it for him?"

The young man called himself Yan Fei and was a pulse seeker.

Pulse seekers can be subdivided into different categories such as spiritual veins, mineral veins, and water veins, each with its own specialization.

And the young man is a pulse seeker who specializes in searching for spirit stone veins, and of course it also involves other things. This time, he came here to tell him where there are spirit stone mines.

As for Mr. Kongkong, it's Yu Xian, a salted fish zombie.

When the world changed drastically, he happened to attend Fang Chang's wedding with the young man in Fangshi, and then he stayed here permanently, and registered and made a book by the way, becoming a member of Datang.

It was also through him, Zhu Gui, Wanshou Laogui and other foreign races that Fang Chang confirmed the conjecture that the Jin Book's gains would be damaged after recording the foreign races.

But after all, they are old friends. Dongdong took care of special matters, registered them, and successfully won Thangka.

Yu Xian nodded awkwardly.

"Um, it should be."

As a high-level otaku zombie who has broken away from low-level tastes, he has always had high standards and high requirements for his own life.

But now the Qunfang Pavilion has been forcibly taken under the ownership of Qingxiao City, the girls are doing good and running away, and the day when they can return to their old jobs is far away.

Leading to a serious decline in his quality of life.

Plus the most important point, he has no money.

His blood essence is getting less and less marketable, and the price is getting lower and lower.

He knew that Qingxiao City didn't intentionally lower his price, but that as the world environment improved, everyone's choices became more diverse.

In addition, all kinds of monsters emerge in endlessly. If you hunt a golden core monster, you need to buy a big pot of blood essence.

The only characteristic of zombie blood is probably that it can help people turn into zombies.

But if there is a choice, who would like to become a zombie?

So he learned from the pain and decided to practice hard, strive to improve his cultivation level, and then sell his blood, when his blood essence will be valuable again.

So here comes the problem, cultivation requires resources.

He only needs to drink some cow's blood and pig's blood to draw blood, but the improvement of cultivation is not simply pig's blood and cow's blood.

So he got involved with Yan Fei who claimed to be able to find the Lingshi Mine.

Although he has lived in Qingniufang City for several years, he actually has few friends with whom he can talk.

This time, it followed the order from Qingxiao City to search for ore veins.

They got the map from the City Lord's Mansion, packed their bags, ran around for several months, fought with all kinds of ferocious beasts in the wilderness, and finally found clues to the Lingshi Mine.

Seeing Yu Xian nodding his head, Fang Chang couldn't help laughing.

"With Brother Yu's guarantee, I naturally believe it."

Yu Xian nodded gratefully: "Thank you."

Only then did Fang Chang look at the young man: "You said you found the Lingshi Mine. Before that, I have a question."

Seeing Fang Chang's smile, Yan Fei was a little nervous for some reason.

"go ahead."

"How precious the Lingshi Mine is, since you have discovered it, why don't you keep it for yourself, and share it with me?
I ask myself how much prestige I have, but I'm not big enough for you to willingly donate the Lingshi Mine. "

Fang Chang said not without narcissism.

Yan Fei looked a little embarrassed, but said honestly:
"Because the Lingshi mine is about to be discovered, Brother Xianyu and I can't occupy it."

The implication is that if they can monopolize it, they don't mind monopolizing it.

Fang Chang was silent for a while, then said:
"Actually, you can follow my words and say that you admire me very much, and I will believe you, and I will give you a good compliment."

"Now tell me, where is the Lingshi Mine?"


Yan Fei looked a little embarrassed, and unconsciously looked at Yu Xian.

And Yu Xian wandered outside, acting like I don't know anything, don't ask me.

But for his own future, Yan Fei boldly said:
"My lord, let me tell you where the Lingshi Mine is, so can you promise me and Brother Xianyu a few conditions?"


"One... no no, two."

"Let's talk about the conditions first. If it doesn't work, you don't have to tell me where the Lingshi Mine is."

Anyway, I can find it myself.

Fang Chang said silently in his heart, looking reasonable.

They have been out for that long, and combined with their directions, inferring, and inquiring again, if they know where people are digging and gathering, the location of the Lingshi Mine will be revealed.

But now he disdains to take such a small advantage.

They are all the city lords, so be bold.

Besides, he felt that Yan Fei was a talent, so he might not be able to recruit him.

Seeing that Fang Chang agreed, Yan Fei quickly stated his conditions.

"The first condition is that Brother Xianyu and I helped you find the Lingshi Mine, so we need [-]% of the output of the Lingshi Mine every year."

Perhaps because he was afraid that Fang Chang would not agree, he added:

"It's a small mine, and it would be great if it could produce millions of spirit stones every year."

In this way, Fang Chang didn't have many spirit stones for them.

"It's only a few million."

Fang Chang was a little dissatisfied, he wished the bigger the better.

But after thinking about it, the small mine is also good, it's really too big, he may not be able to cover it.

"A very reasonable condition, I can agree to it."

"What about the second condition?"

Yan Fei continued: "Brother Xianyu and I want to join Qingxiao City, and I want to set up a separate department to find ore for Qingxiao City.

And every time we find a mine, we have to share [-]%. "


Hearing this, Fang Chang immediately regained his spirits.

He hadn't started to put the bait yet, why did the fish jump into his net by itself.

"You, don't you agree?"

Seeing that Fang Chang didn't speak, Yan Fei thought he wanted a little too much.

In the final analysis, he was just a cultivator who had studied hard for ten years, and had just come out of the arena full of confidence, and was beaten again by the arena.

In his eyes, Fang Chang was already a first-class boss, with a halo of suppression.

Fang Chang shook his head: "It's not that I disagree, but the conditions need to be changed. I can let you set up a separate department and allow you to recruit people yourself.

But the department is responsible for its own profits and losses, and the City Lord's Mansion will not pay for you. "

Yan Fei nodded immediately: "No problem!"

"I've already thought of the name of the department, and it's called the Department of Pulse Searching."

"Yes." Fang Chang nodded.

There is no loss for him in this matter, just borrow a name to go out, and everyone will share the money together after the job is done.

If they don't do well, they will go out and take the blame.

For Yan Fei, with Qingxiaocheng's endorsement, he will be an organized person from now on.

Let's see who dares to bully him.

This is just the first step. In the future, he will become the number one pulse seeker in Qingxiao City, and even the number one pulse seeker in the world!
His name, Yan Fei, will be known to the world.

It's a win-win.

Only Yu Xian lowered his head, thinking that he would grow his head lower in the future, and he couldn't help feeling depressed.

He is a good zombie, free and easy, he never thought that one day, he would have to bend his waist for money.

It's all because God has changed too fast, he has only enjoyed it for more than ten years and didn't give him a chance.

After negotiating the conditions, the two finally began to talk about the specific matters of the Lingshi Mine.

Yan Fei said: "The Lingshi Mine is at the end of Qingxiao East Road, two thousand miles to the east, until you see a low hill that looks like a bamboo shoot, and there is a small stream beside the hill.

This is the exact map. "

With that said, Yan Fei took out a hand-painted map.

As expected of a pulse seeker, even Fang Chang, who is somewhat road-crazy, can see this map very clearly.

It is from here to here, then to here, then to here, and the last turn is here.

"...Brother Xianyu and I were catching fish in the lower stream of the stream, and we accidentally discovered the spirit stone slag in the water, and later along the stream all the way up, more and more slag was deposited in the water.

I used the secret pulse-finding method to conclude that there is a mine here.

But we also found out that there are others out there looking for something.

There are quite a few of them, Brother Xianyu is not good at fighting, so we returned first. "

Yan Fei honestly gave a brief account of how the two found the Lingshi Mine.

Seeing Yan Fei's honest appearance, Fang Chang suddenly thought of his youthful years, and felt teased, so he put away the map.

"Okay, you can go."

Yan Fei was taken aback: "City Lord, don't you want us to be together?

When I get there, I can also draw a map of the veins for you, so that you know where to dig the fastest and safest place. "

Seeing that Yan Fei didn't understand anything, Fang Chang didn't know if he was pretending or if he really had such a deep city.

But he suddenly lost his heart for teasing.

Sincerity requires kindness.

"Well, since that's the case, then you should follow, Brother Yu, do you want to go together?"

Fang Chang pretended nothing happened and asked Yu Xian again.

Yu Xian looked at Yan Fei, saw his expectant face, nodded and said:

"Then let's go together."

Yan Fei said that he would share half of it with him. If he didn't go, he would be really embarrassed to take it, although Yan Fei said it was his reward for protecting him all the way.

"Wait a minute, I'll call a helper."

Fang Chang never fought unprepared battles, so he took out his Thangka, found Li Hu's name, and started sending messages.

This is much faster than finding someone to pass the news on.

Seeing this, Yan Fei couldn't help enviously saying:

"City Master, is this the sound transmission of the famous card?"

Because the big guys have no concept of thangka, they all like to call it name card, which comes from the meaning of name post.

Fang Chang nodded: "Don't you have any?"

Yan Fei said embarrassingly: "I haven't built the foundation yet, my cultivation is not enough, and I can't write on it without spiritual knowledge, and it's too expensive."

The corner of Yu Xian's mouth twitched involuntarily, and he was deeply hurt by this.

Because every day he had to send messages to different girls he had known before to express his missing, and he didn't stop until he ran out of money.

There is a fee for the communication on the name card.

One word and one Lingshi, with a clear price tag, no deception, once a month.

After all, monks who can possess spiritual knowledge are in the foundation building state, or they are genius monks in the Qi refining period, such as him in the past, who are all wealthy.

This is what Fang Chang was forced to do.

Qingxiao City was unable to make ends meet, and Lingshi paid all the salaries to the high-ranking monks, so they had to make up for it.

And maintaining the magic circle also needs funds.

Sure enough, the effect is not cheap.

The Golden Core cultivator who likes to chat the most, now owes Qingxiao City [-] to [-] spirit stones.

Well, it is Longevity Old Turtle.

Since the old turtle got the name card, it seems to have opened up a new world, adding a lot of people's name cards, and then chatting for hours.

Many people were bankrupted by him and never dared to talk to him again.

He himself owed a huge sum of money.

Rumors have spread in the city that this old turtle is an undercover agent of the City Lord's Mansion.

As for the charges, everyone can understand that for such a miraculous item, it is only natural to charge some spirit stones.

After all, how many spiritual stones are needed for a thousand-mile sound transmission talisman, it is expensive and inconvenient, and the key point is that few people can make it.

Of course, if they knew how much it cost, they probably wouldn't understand it.

Fortunately, Fang Chang still has points in his heart.

When the family becomes rich and the Tang Dynasty is unified, he will set up a monthly subscription price that is close to the people. Maybe everyone will praise him for his understanding of public opinion.

As for free, it is impossible to be free, and it is impossible to be free for a lifetime.

Even in the future gaming era, everyone would still have to pay a monthly fee for using a Lingshi to chat.

Waited a while.

Li Hu fell from the sky with a smile on his face.

Ever since he didn't become the master of the Spirit Sword Sect, his condition has been getting better and better.

It was as if there was a vortex in his body, and spiritual energy was pulled into it and absorbed by him all the time.

For him who has already grasped the secret of the primordial spirit, walking, sitting and lying down are both practices.

"Second brother, you can go."

Fang Chang had already told him the news on the name card.

As for the fee, of course Fang Chang also has to pay the fee, after all, he leads by example.

Anyway, he is left-handed and right-handed. If there is no means of group posting, he can write a novel on it and open the message function.

Fang Chang waved his hand and summoned a dilapidated flying boat, which was the one he used during the foundation building period.

It's really that the refiners in Qingxiao City are useless, and they can't refine any decent magic weapons even if they have materials, so he has to use the old junk.

"Get on the flying boat."

Fang Chang greeted a few people to come up.

At this moment, a figure in white flew over.

"elder brother."

It was Fang Tiezhu who hadn't seen her for a long time. She stared at Fang Chang resentfully: "You don't take me with you when you go out now."

Fang Chang thought about it carefully.

He's been a little out of sorts lately.

Going out to fight without taking my sister, so I'm still planning to go up on my own.

He knew he was wrong and could change his mind: "I was wrong, but you are not practicing in seclusion, how did you come out?"

Fang Tiezhu's eyes became more resentful when he heard this.

"I came out when my brother left the customs, but you went directly to Miss Dongdong and didn't see me at all."

She is spiritually connected to Fang Chang, and has a vague sense of each other's state.

Of course, there are too many messy things in Fang Chang's mind, it is impossible to pay attention to everything, but Fang Tiezhu is the only one.

Fang Chang said haha: "Today's weather is good."

He put away the flying boat and abruptly changed the subject.

"Since there are a lot of people, I won't take the flying boat, Yan Fei, is there any problem with Brother Yu taking you flying?"

Yan Fei nodded and said, "Brother Xianyu took me when I came back."


Fang Chang coughed twice and flew up first.

"Let's go immediately, this is the first spirit stone mine we discovered in Qingxiao City, try to win it, let's get off to a good start."

"Let's go!"

Fang Tiezhu was the second to keep up.

Li Hu shook his head with a smile, as if he was strolling in a courtyard, he volleyed hundreds of meters in a few steps.

Yan Fei hugged Yu Xian's back tightly like an octopus.

"Brother Salted Fish, I'm ready."

Yu Xian sighed silently, and then flew into the sky.

Why is it so difficult to be a zombie who doesn't compete with the world and only wants to exercise with different beautiful girls?

 Thank you for the 500 tip for patronizing the pedestrian street, the 1600 tip for Fengshuang Yexue, and the 4500 tip for the pioneer.

(End of this chapter)

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