Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 201 The distraction that crosses the boundary

Chapter 201 The distraction that crosses the boundary

Two hours later.

Three thousand miles passed by in a flash.

Fang Chang and the others arrived at the mountain shaped like a small bamboo shoot smoothly. A small stream about ten feet wide flowed down from the mountain stream, like a small silver snake meandering past.

It's a pity that there are no people.

On the contrary, some small animals are drinking water comfortably by the stream, very relaxed. Obviously, the living pressure here is not high, and there is no need to be vigilant all the time.

Fang Chang glanced slightly with his spiritual sense, and sure enough, he saw a group of people trekking through the mountains.

It was a group of young monks wearing uniform uniforms, all of them were tall and straight, and they looked like disciples of famous families.

They were led by a beautiful woman in a long skirt, surrounded by an old man with gray hair and a compass in his hand.

The old man stopped suddenly, and began to direct the group of monks to dig towards a mountain wall.

The auxiliary function of the demon eye is really extraordinary.

Fang Chang sighed inwardly.

In normal times, when his spiritual sense is swept away, other people will probably be touched, and people with advanced cultivation bases can even counter it.

Because it is extremely impolite to search for spiritual consciousness in a large area, and no one likes to be peeped.

What's more, spiritual consciousness has its own perspective effect. If you are wearing ordinary clothes, there is no difference between being swept by spiritual consciousness and being naked.

But with the magic pupil skill of the Eye of the Demon, not only the range of spiritual consciousness has increased tenfold, but the fluctuations are also extremely subtle. If ordinary monks are not careful, they will not be able to detect it at all.

But obviously that beautiful woman is a careful person.

It feels like someone is spying on her, and the beautiful women have different sensualities.

But soon all the monks who went to excavate the stone wall retreated, forming a mysterious formation around the beautiful woman and the old man.

The beautiful woman searched back with her spiritual sense, but she didn't find her, so she said loudly towards the mountain:
"Concubine Lin Yuan, the elder of the Star Sect, which Taoist friend is spying here, why don't you show up and see."

"It turns out that the elder of the Xingzong came to visit, and he has been admiring him for a long time."

Fang Chang fell from the sky, but he was alone.

As for the other people standing still, he will show up first and explore the situation before we talk about it.

Hearing Fang Chang's kind words, the beautiful woman couldn't help but smile.

"Fellow Daoist, do you know the name of my Star Sect, and you are also a member of the Star Gazing World?"

Fang Chang: "..."

I'm just polite.

But no matter what kind of person he is, when he heard the beautiful woman mistakenly recognized him, he said without changing his expression:
"Oh, I misheard just now, so you are monks from the stargazing world, why are you here?"

The beautiful woman smiled wryly: "Speaking of which, I am also confused. Just now, fellow Taoist greeted us with spiritual knowledge, but something happened?"

Fang Chang nodded lightly, and pointed to the mountain road under his feet: "This is a land owned by the owner, please don't destroy every plant and tree in the mountain."

The beautiful woman's complexion changed slightly: "Is this the place of fellow daoists?"

Fang Chang admitted unceremoniously.

"Of course it's mine."

"Not only here, but thousands of miles around, there are masters."

He can subdue others without fighting, but he still doesn't like to fight and kill.

If the opponent is really so innocent and easy to deceive, he can still deceive Qingxiao City by the way, no, it is to introduce a group of talents.

"Uncle, I think he is a liar. We have been here for several days and we haven't seen him, and there are no traces left by anyone here.
And why did he come as soon as we started.

This is the new mountain gate that we finally found, how can we let him? "

A disciple beside the beautiful woman whispered.

The beautiful woman nodded her head slightly, and asked Fang Chang: "Fellow Daoist said that this place belongs to you, do you have evidence to prove it?"

Fang Chang pondered for a while, took out his thangka and said:

"Nowadays the land has undergone great changes, the previous map and title deed is nothing to prove it. Only this thing can prove the owner of this place."

The beautiful woman asked: "What is this?"

Fang Chang said with a smile: "This is Thangka, which can communicate with each other thousands of miles away, and wherever Thangka can communicate, it is Tang soil.

Since you have drifted here from other small worlds, you probably don't know that this was once the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Although it is desolate and uninhabited, every plant and tree has an owner. "

It's not that he plundered and bullied the weak, it was completely nationalized, which was reasonable and legal.

Well, that's a really good reason.

When expanding the territory in the future, they will be the teachers of the kingly way, and their teachers will become famous.

As for why he didn't use his own name, of course he was a tall one who stepped forward, and if he encountered a difficult bone, he could call on Her Ladyship for support.

The beautiful woman frowned: "Thangka, the Tang Dynasty, there is still a dynasty ruling this place, how can the secular dynasty control our cultivators?"

"Then it has nothing to do with you."

Fang Chang spread his hands and said confidently: "Now I have explained the truth and I have given the evidence.

If you are still stubborn and don't listen to advice, don't blame me for inviting the pioneers here to send people to take you down. "

As he said that, he also released the coercion of his Golden Core Realm to show that he should not say anything unexpected.

At this moment, the beautiful woman showed a look of embarrassment. Based on her thinking, she did not want to easily conflict with the indigenous forces here.

Seeing that she wanted to give in, the disciples around her became anxious first.

"Uncle Lin, what are you talking about with him? Do we still have to worry about a casual cultivator in the place that our Xingzong likes?

The monks here are really useless, and they still have to obey orders from a mere mundane dynasty.

In the future, when members of my Star Sect descend to the sect, everyone from the Great Tang and Xiao Tang will become slaves of our Star Sect. "

"Form the seven-star formation, and take down this casual cultivator with me!"

The disciple gave orders together, and the six disciples around him all responded generously, one after another magical artifacts rose into the sky, including swords, bronze tripods, orbs, bells, and stone seals...

It opened Fang Chang's eyes.

The seven magic weapons are all at the level of spiritual weapons, and the aura inside is faintly connected, so they absorb the power of the stars outside the sky and turn them into a seven-star magic sword in the blue sky and white day.

The person who spoke just now is the tip of the sword, and the other six people are all in the sword.

The magic circle rose into the sky, like a beautiful woman with a 30-meter long sword on her head.

And with the completion of the formation, the seven foundation-building monks showed great momentum, no less than the Jindan monks.

At least Fang Chang's Jindan coercion can no longer suppress them, but there is a faint tendency to be suppressed by it in the opposite direction.

Fang Chang praised: "It seems that the Star Sect is also a great faction inheritance. There is such a formation. Combined with the power of the seven foundation builders, it has the ability to compete with the Golden Core Realm."

"However, Fellow Daoist Lin, are you really planning to disobey the imperial order of the Tang Dynasty?"

The disciple sneered and said: "That is the Zhoutian Xingchen formation that you have never seen before from my Star Sect, once this formation is released, even the great power of transforming gods has to be subdued under the formation.

Uncle Lin, don't forget our duty.

This is a good place for us to set up the mountain gate and welcome the main sect back.

If you don't take down this nosy guy, you and I will be punished when the master returns. "

The beautiful woman sighed and apologized to Fang Chang:

"Fellow Daoist, I'm sorry."

With a flip of her hand, a pair of antique guqin floated in front of her body, and when she pressed her palm, a clear tone flowed out.

Seeing the stars on the Seven Stars Magic Sword burst into flames, the seven disciples seemed to have taken a stimulant for a while.

The power of the stars completely surrounded Fang Chang, and the surrounding pressure seemed to freeze the air. Fang Chang, a golden core monk, felt a little difficult to move.

No wonder these Foundation Establishment Realm dared to rebel against Jindan.

But Fang Chang was not in a hurry.

He just called softly: "Sister!"

A pair of huge icy wings covering the sky and the earth unfolded, and an unparalleled girl soared into the sky behind Fang Chang.

The ice wings shook, and countless ice feathers fell like a rain of arrows, turning into streaks of cold light.

Xuanming cold light advanced version!
Whoosh whoosh! ! !
The expression of the disciple who controlled the seven-star magic circle changed greatly: "What is this?!"

The beautiful woman playing the piano suddenly became anxious, like the sound of swords and guns clashing, and the sound of gold and iron horses swept over.

The weapons condensed by the light of countless stars went up against the sky, blocking the front of the seven-star formation.

But how can the weapon that has been transformed in such a hurry stop the cold light of Xuan Ming who is ready to go.

Soon the light of the stars collapsed, and most of the cold light of Xuanming fell on the seven-star formation.

Now, this group of disciples didn't care about dealing with Chief Fang anymore, and gathered their strength to resist.

But the rain of cold arrows seemed endless.

The formation couldn't bear the pressure, and collapsed in an instant. The seven disciples' imperial envoys tried their best to resist it, but they were still hit by Xuan Ming's cold light.

The faces of the disciples were covered with hoarfrost, their hands and feet were trembling, and the mana in their bodies was like the water flow cut off by a dam. It stopped suddenly, and then they screamed, and they all fell down like dumplings.

As for the beautiful woman who faced Tie Zhu with a move, a little bit of frost condensed on her fingertips, but with the circulation of her mana, the frost quickly melted away.

Fang Chang swept around the seven Star Sect disciples who seemed to be shaking like chaff, and sighed:
"I persuaded you with good words, but you felt resentful, but God has the virtue of loving life, so I will not take your life.

However, according to the laws of my Tang Dynasty, you must be put in a big prison, and you will be released only after you have served your sentence. "

The beautiful woman who was about to die suddenly stopped, looked at Fang Chang and said:
"Aren't you going to kill us?"

Fang Chang asked puzzledly: "Why do you want to kill you? I am the most eloquent person. Although your attempted murder is a heinous crime, it will not lead to death.

But fellow Daoist Lin, even though you are an accessory, you still have to accept the punishment obediently. "

He Qingxiao City is so short of people, seven strong laborers, and a human battery, he killed them because he was confused.

Of course, if they basically don't kill them, they are doomed to die.

As he said that, another tall figure fell down, and the pressure of the Nascent Soul Realm hit the soul, making the beautiful woman's heart tremble.

Now it's impossible to try hard.

She let go slumpedly, shook her head and said:
"I have told them long ago that people are in a different place, and there is no sect to help them, so don't do anything casually, but, hey..."

With a press of Li Hu's palm, Dao Dao's mana turned into ropes, binding everyone.

Fang Chang made a palm move at the same time, and the mana flowed through everyone's body. He collected all the storage bags and magic weapons scattered on the ground.

When he caught the beautiful woman's guqin, he couldn't help but let out a little gasp.

"magic weapon!"

This guqin is a low-grade magic weapon.

The beautiful woman looked at her guqin with some nostalgia:
"It's called Yingluo."

"Don't worry, I'll sell it for a good price."

Fang Chang patted the guqin, loving it.

The beautiful woman looked at Fang Chang sadly, this man was really puzzled.

Without squinting, Fang Chang walked towards the white-haired old man who had been hiding behind and dared not escape.

Seeing Fang Chang approaching, the old man bowed and bowed, begging for forgiveness repeatedly:
"Senior, please spare me, this old man was coerced by them, it has nothing to do with this old man."

Fang Chang looked at the old man, a healthy and healthy old man, with weak mana in his body, but not too strong, about the fourth or fifth level of Qi refining.

He was wearing an ordinary gray robe, which was more resistant to dirt, and he was wearing a cloth bag with a wooden box inside. There was a compass inside, and there was a storage bag in his arms, which was old in style.

"Aren't you with them?"

Fang Chang asked.

The old man shook his head quickly and said: "No, they captured this old man."

Fang Chang: "Are you also a monk in the stargazing world?"

The old man hesitated for a while, then nodded and said: "Yes."

Fang Chang: "What are they arresting you for?"

The old man said: "They want the old man to find the pulse for them. By the way, my lord, there are veins of spirit stones here. They just wanted to dig out the spirit stones."

The old man seemed to be frank and lenient, and to take the blame and make meritorious deeds.

Fang Chang frowned.

He has always been suspicious. This old man is not just pretending to be afraid. He is emotionally frightened and nervous, but...

With a flash of his eyes, he gave the old man an identification technique.



Fang Chang couldn't help but gasped, and retreated behind Li Hu with different expressions.

"My lord, what's wrong with you?" The old man looked innocent, "I was really wronged."

"Wrong or not, what you say doesn't matter, I will find out afterwards."

Fang Chang had a serious face, and the old man's message appeared in front of him.


【Li Sifang - Pulse Finder】

【Level: 15】

[Boundary: Mid-stage Qi Refining]

[Dangerous level: high]

[The rest of the attributes are omitted...]

[Note: A powerful distraction sleeps in the old body, forcibly crossing the boundary, making him very weak. 】


Nima, are the bosses used to pretending to be pigs and eating tigers these days?
At the same time, Fang Chang confirmed that this stargazing world is an extremely powerful secret realm, the kind that will not be torn apart, swallowed and fused by the main plane.

Because he can be distracted, at least he is a big boss in the realm of transforming gods.

And a secret realm that can accommodate the realm of transforming gods after being weak for an unknown number of years, one can imagine how powerful it was originally.

Even if such a secret realm is fused, it will still be attached to the main plane and become a new small world of the secret realm, which will not be eaten up.

But a sleeping boss...

Fang Chang couldn't help touching his chin, and suddenly laughed out loud.

Isn't this a big gift package delivered to your door.

The Golden Pagoda Prison feels that there are too few people.

Now the Golden Pagoda practice has also become an important source of income for Qingxiao City.

Li Hu, the master, also relied on the share of the Golden Pagoda to achieve economic freedom and freedom of cultivation at a young age.

"Yan Fei."

"Subordinates are here!"

Witnessing Fang Chang arresting a Jindan and seven foundation-building monks with a wave of his hand, he was also very excited. He felt that he had joined the wrong people, and now he seemed to be a subordinate.

"You and Brother Yu continue to map the mineral veins here, and my eldest brother and I will take them back to the city first."

"No problem, Santo."

Yan Fei held his head high, and answered sonorously.

Fang Chang stretched out his hand to call out the tattered flying boat, stuffed the Star Sect disciples into it one by one, and politely invited the old man up along the way.

Be polite at this time, and don't stimulate the sleeping distraction.

"Don't worry, if I want to kill you, I would have killed you long ago."

Seeing other people's expressions of daring to be angry but not speaking, Fang Chang put on a nonchalant expression, and couldn't help but praise his acting skills in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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