Chapter 206
Under the blue sky.

The mountains are undulating, and looking from a distance, they are majestic and precipitous, with dense forests in the mountains, and giant trees more than ten meters high abound.

Suddenly, an explosion sounded from one of the mountains.

Countless streamers fell from the sky like bolides, covering the entire mountain, and then there was the sound of killing.

Three tyrannical auras rose like the sun.

"Who dares to offend our White Tiger Hall?!"

Fighting broke out without warning.

Fang Chang was dressed in white and stood in the sky, throwing a few spells from a distance from time to time to block the little ones who wanted to rush out, perfectly balancing the boundaries between eating melons and paddling.

As a leadership talent who is not good at fighting, Fang Chang feels that protecting himself is the best support for his elder brother and sister.

Don't always think about rushing forward.

And as a puppeteer, remote control attack is the old line.

Fang Chang spilled hundreds of puppets carried in a large belt made of storage bags to guard the four directions, and began to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, watching the show.

Speaking of it, one of the reasons for limiting the combat power of puppet masters also stems from the lack of space equipment.

He possesses an imperial puppet spirit body, the difficulty of manipulating puppets is much lower than that of ordinary puppet masters, and there are far more control positions than ordinary puppet masters.

He reckoned that with his current level of cultivation, it would not be a problem to control a thousand or eight hundred puppets at the first level.

The crowd tactics can kill the opponent.

However, the price-performance ratio is too low, and the consumption of spirit stones is too great. After all, the puppet is broken, and spirit stones are needed for repair or reconfiguration.

As for all wasteful things, Fang Chang doesn't like it.

If you have that spare money, it is better to take a few more private orders, the cost is low, and the fee is high.

It's a pity that the world has changed drastically, and the market that has been cultivated with great difficulty has also been impacted to pieces.

But he believes that the future is bright. When the social environment stabilizes, all markets based on human desires and needs will be greatly developed.

Regarding combat, in Fang Chang's vision, his puppet army should be an undead puppet army.

With his mana as a base, costless golem repairs are possible.

Fang Chang has recently been thinking about how to give the puppet only a little bit of spirituality, instead of asking for the growth of a normal person like Fang Tiezhu.

Just being able to enjoy his mana trait is enough.

In this way, as long as his magic power is endless, the puppet army will be endless.

Before that, he had been busy refining the Eye of the Demon, but now that he has some free time, he can start researching in this area.

Fang Chang's usual thoughts were wandering.

In terms of fighting, he has great trust in his elder brother and younger sister.

Nascent Soul fights Jindan, it is a flying dragon riding on the face, how can you lose?
"Life is really lonely like snow."

Boom! !

The roar of the collision of spiritual spells resounded continuously in the mountains.

The second leader of Baihutang is the weakest, only in the middle stage of Jindan, he is a gentle scholar, about [-] years old, holding a magic weapon in the shape of a white paper fan.

Together with the fans, it can blow out the poisonous wind of yellow sand that hurts the eyes.

Even if a Golden Core cultivator accidentally falls for this trick, he will be blinded and his spiritual consciousness will be damaged, which will greatly affect his combat effectiveness.

You can have no eyes, but you can't lose your spiritual consciousness, otherwise it will be no different from a blind and deaf person.

The so-called "hearing, body, and position identification" means that when people cast spiritual spells from a distance of 80 or [-] meters, they will be ghosts only if they can hear it.

The second master was approached directly by Fang Tiezhu, and obeyed his elder brother's instructions, picking up soft persimmons and pinching them.

"Who the hell are you?!"

The second leader is quite embarrassed at the moment, his temples are covered with a layer of hoarfrost, if not for the powerful magic weapon in his hand, he would have been turned into an ice man by Fang Tiezhu's mysterious cold light.

But after all, he was a little behind Fang Tiezhu. Even with the magic weapon to protect his body, it was still quite difficult to fight against Fang Tiezhu's pervasive Xuanming cold light.

Fang Tiezhu didn't answer, but his movements were faster.

I have always used the weak to defeat the strong, and last time with the help of my brother, I fought with a great Nascent Soul cultivator for a long time.

Now even an ordinary golden core monk can't win.

What will she do to protect her brother in the future!

With a thought in her mind, inside the body that no one can see, a top-grade spirit stone is draining the inner spirit power at an extremely abnormal speed.

Since Fang Tiezhu was born spiritually, all behavior patterns have been no different from ordinary people.

But after all, she was transformed by a puppet, and she retained many of the characteristics of a puppet.

For example, she can be restored by Fang Chang's mana, such as her built-in spiritual source.

This thing is like her second dantian, which provides her with extremely strong battery life, and can also burst out spiritual spells far beyond her own realm level.

At this moment, Fang Tiezhu's energy is almost infinite, powered by a top-quality spirit stone.

She pointed it out.

I saw a huge white cold light penetrating the void.

The cold light seemed to freeze the space, and it seemed to be slow, but it actually deceived the eyes. When the eyes saw it, the attack had already arrived.

The spiritual consciousness of the second leader is a little slow.

When he reacted, it was inevitable.

As soon as he bit the tip of his tongue, the blood in his heart turned into a blood mist and sprayed out, covering his whole body with a layer of bloody light and shadow in the blink of an eye.

The mana surged like a torrential river, and the danyuan in the dantian in the body spread out without hesitation, and the supernatural power of the golden elixir exploded.

He fanned the white paper in his hand, and the wind blew violently, and countless yellow sands swept in, making others stumble and dazzled.

"Yellow sand kamikaze!"

But in the face of the explosion of the blessing of a top-quality spirit stone, even if he tried his best, he could barely even out.

A cold light flashed across the air, and the yellow sand turned into ice balls and fell crashing down, even the wind in the air was stopped.

But the power of cold light is also constantly being consumed.

When he arrived in front of the Second Master, he was no longer a threat.

The second leader hurriedly withdrew and retreated, but how could Fang Tiezhu let her go and catch up quickly.

The blow just now mostly consumed the spiritual power of the spirit stone in her body, but her own mana is still quite sufficient.

But the magic power in the second master's body was stolen and empty, and there was not much left.

Seeing Fang Tiezhu gaining power and being unforgiving, the face of the second leader changed drastically:
"Big Brother, Third Brother, save me!"

But his elder brother and third younger brother are also in trouble at the moment.

Seeing that Li Hu also had his hands behind his back, with the demeanor of a master like Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi, he didn't make a move himself.

This battle was also training for the First Legion.

He only needs to suppress the two most powerful golden cores.

Li Hu was surrounded by purple thunder dragons flickering with lightning, roaring and flying out.

The two masters of Baihutang were overwhelmed with this purple dragon alone.

This Zijiao was originally the power of the Zijiao's bloodline that Li Hu obtained from the Blood Lifting Fruit. Later, after his blood energy was cultivated and his cultivation level improved, the power of the bloodline also evolved step by step.

Now he can leave his body and transform into the spirit of the purple flood dragon, which can be regarded as an extremely powerful spiritual technique.

If it is calculated by rank, it is between the spiritual rank and the dao rank.

Moreover, in the realm of Yuanying, there is Yuanling in the law.

The Zijiao has been enlightened by Li Hu, even if it is regarded as a real Zijiao.

Not to mention that it is not afraid of being injured, even if it is eliminated, it only needs to return to Li Hu to be nourished with blood, and it will not take long for it to return to its full glory.

"Brother, we can't continue fighting like this, he is simply playing cat and mouse."

Hearing that the second brother asked for help, the third family took the risk to take a look, and saw that his second brother was being chased by the girl in a panic.

If it wasn't for the girl who wanted to catch him alive, his second brother would have died by now.

"These people come from nowhere, but they want to catch something alive, and this is our chance."

The third master rumored to the eldest master:
"The white-clothed man over there stood firmly on the edge to watch the battle, and the others all faintly blocked the brothers who were attacking there.

Thinking about the status of that white-clothed man is not low, big brother, stop this Nascent Soul cultivator for a moment, and wait for me to catch that man, then we will have a chance. "

The head of the family took a look at Fang Chang and nodded heavily: "Okay!"

"I fought with you!"

Da Dangjia is a burly man who is not inferior to Li Hu.

At this moment, with a roar, the golden hoop flew up from its head, turned into a stream of light, and smashed heavily on Zijiao's body, breaking its body.

After all, Zijiao has no physical existence, so its defense is not as good as that of a real dragon.

The head of the family attacked Li Hu, looking like he would never die.

The third master flickered, and also attacked with the first master, but this was an afterimage, and the real body had already seized the opportunity to attack Fang Chang.

He used the explosive secret technique, so his speed was so fast that even Li Hu didn't notice it for a while.

When he realized it, the head of the family also used the secret technique of fighting for life to entangle Li Hu.

"Get out of the way!"

Li Hu gave a blow with anger, and with his physical strength, not to mention breaking the mountain, it was not far behind.

Even though the head of the family is also a physical practitioner, with a strong physique and a special golden core supernatural power to protect the body, but with one punch, the golden body was broken, bleeding in the air, and fell heavily on the mountain like a meteorite, making a loud bang, I don't know life and death.

One move at a time, but enough.

Fang Chang couldn't help but froze when he saw the third master attacking.

"Do you really think I'm annoying?"

He felt slighted.

"Give me death!"

Behind San Dangjia came the roar of a ferocious tiger, and he saw his body change, turning into a huge white tiger monster.

The cold tiger claws struck, and the sharp air permeated the air, enveloping the entire space.

The third master was actually a rare demon cultivator.

Fang Chang's face turned cold, and a black line opened between his brows, as if he had opened his third eye.

"Heavenly Demon Divine Light!"

Even though he is only at the early stage of Golden Core, his Heavenly Demon Divine Light cannot be simply measured by realm.

At least they are both in the Jindan realm, and if they want to catch his Heavenly Demon Divine Light unscathed, they must at least have a body guard specially designed to defend the soul.

This is also the first time Fang Chang used the Heavenly Demon Divine Light after refining the Heavenly Demon Eye.

Compared with the pain of pulling his soul at every turn in the past, although the Heavenly Demon Divine Light will consume part of his spiritual power at this time, most of it consumes his mana.

The Heavenly Demon Divine Light came first, and the white tiger demon stood stiffly in the air. It was obvious that he was only a few meters away from Fang Chang, and it was only a matter of a paw.

But he couldn't move an inch further.

Because at the moment he was delayed, Li Hu, who was behind him with a gloomy face, had already grabbed the white tiger by the tail.

"Go down!"

Li Hu swung it hard.

There was another loud bang, and rocks rolled down from the top of the mountain, smashing out a deep hole.

Seeing that the elder brother and the third younger brother were alive or dead, the second master, who was fleeing in a dangerous situation, raised his hands tactfully.

"Surrender! Surrender!"

Fang Tiezhu, who was angry after chasing him, was about to finish him off with a finger, but thinking of his brother's confession, he put down his finger and slapped him heavily.

A deep pit was added in front of the Baihu Hall.

Seeing that the three masters were defeated by the intruders, the other subordinates panicked and were quickly taken down by the two Golden Cores and other Foundation Establishment monks.

After a cup of tea.

In front of the White Tiger Hall.

Fang Chang fell down slowly, sat on the big tiger-skin chair that was originally the head of the house, and looked down at the bandit cultivators of the White Tiger Hall who were kneeling on the ground.

"First of all, let me introduce, my name is Fang Chang, and I am the lord of Qingxiao City, the ruler of the [-]-mile Dao. You can call me Fang lord, or you can call me the lord of the city."

"Although you are from another world, you are not ashamed to plunder your comrades for not giving birth.

Today, I, Qingxiao City, uphold justice and act on behalf of the heavens. Do you have any objections? "

"You motherfucker..."

A Baihutang bandit who struggled to get up wanted to shout loudly, but he was slapped and fell to the ground. He hit the ground face first, with half of his teeth bared. He whimpered a few times, but he couldn't speak anymore.

Fang Chang withdrew his palm and nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, it seems that no one is dissatisfied, which means that you still have a sense of shame and the possibility of reforming your mistakes. I am very relieved.

So I decided not to kill you guys. "


Everyone in Baihutang, who thought they were going to die, couldn't help cheering up, and looked at Fang Chang with a bit of sadness.

You said it earlier!

You said you would not kill people, and they still resisted.

The bandit cultivator who had his teeth smashed just now was so wronged that he shed tears.

"Of course, capital crimes can be pardoned, but living crimes cannot be escaped. You all have committed a lot of evil. If you let you go like this, it is not helping you, but harming you."

Fang Chang waved his sleeve, and saw round and white pills flying out and falling in front of everyone.

"This is the soul-swallowing soul-swallowing life-seeking soul-eating Gu, after taking it, the spirit Gu will live in the soul.

Once the spirit vomit explodes, no matter how much you cultivate, your soul will be swallowed up, and you will become the host of the spirit vomit, a puppet without thoughts or thoughts. "

Seeing the shocked faces of the bandits, Fang Chang continued:

"But you don't have to worry, this spirit Gu is extremely gentle, without my permission, it will never move around.

As long as you make good atonement for your past sins, you will be set free when your sins are redeemed.

At that time, if you want to join my Qingxiao City, it is not impossible to become a local member. "

"What happens if we don't take the medicine?"

A bandit cultivator asked.

Fang Chang smiled and said, "What do you think?"

No one dared to continue asking, many bandit cultivators had already swallowed the snow-white elixir, so they had to save their lives before talking.

But some people still ask: "How can we atone for our sins? How can we atone for our sins? Do we have to be criminals for the rest of our lives if we can't atone for them all our lives?"

Then I would rather die! "

A pile of flesh and blood spread out, and a little bit of blood splashed on the faces of many bandit cultivators.

Fang Chang shook his head and sighed: "I have never seen such a request in my life, so I have to grant him. Does anyone have any questions?"

Grumpy Grumpy! !
Snow white pills were swallowed quickly.

Together with the three masters who were unconscious, they were all fed one by his subordinates.

Fang Chang saw that everyone had taken the elixir, and the black light in his eyes flashed away.

"In order to prevent anyone from having unreasonable thoughts, you can take off your clothes, and an eyeball-shaped mark will appear on your chest.

You first feel the power of this spirit Gu. "

Once the magic seeds packaged as spirit voodoo were activated, many bandit cultivators felt as if their souls were being pulled, excruciatingly painful, as if a small bug was really gnawing at their souls.


"No, my lord, please stop!"

"It hurts too much!"

The lower the cultivation base, the more intense this painful feeling.

The Foundation Establishment Realm is okay, only a little tingling, and I even feel that if I resist it with luck, I can still seal the spirit Gu.

The three masters didn't even hum.

In fact, although Fang Chang's magic seeding skill can deal with monsters without limit, but due to his own cultivation level, he has extremely weak control over monks above the golden core level.

Almost at the golden core level, the demon seeds can be forced out.

Because the devil seed is just a seed, it doesn't have too much power by itself.

But when the various emotions that appeared in their hearts were absorbed by the demon seeds.

As time goes by, this demon will gradually merge with the host, and can no longer be separated, until it becomes Fang Chang's puppet.

Therefore, like these three masters, they can't be used directly. It takes several months or even half a year of cultivation until they can't peel off the magic seeds before they can safely and boldly be used as tool people.

But at this time, it will not be wasted. It is good to throw it into the gold tower as a battery.

 Also at night.

(End of this chapter)

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