Chapter 207 The Spoils of War (2300 First Order Plus)
"Century Duan, you pick a few of these bandit cultivators, and then lead someone to search this place."

Fang Chang ordered Duan Yiping to start searching Baihutang.

In Fang Chang's plan, Qingxiao City's legion system is extremely simple, soldiers, ten commanders, centurion commanders, thousand commanders, ten thousand commanders, and legion commanders.

In this way, from refining qi to transforming gods, the leader of the legion is the great power of the hole.

As for how tall he was, Fang Chang felt that he had to wake up even when he was dreaming.

Duan Yiping, as a cultivator at the Golden Core Realm, is naturally a centurion.

In fact, even Li Hu, the regiment commander, is at the level of a commander.

Not even his thousand-man squad was full.

There are now only two centurions in the entire First Legion, Duan Yiping and Liu Zhenyun from Qingniufang City, both of them had the blessing of the Golden Pagoda to break through the Golden Core realm by chance.

Because of the breakthrough just now, they didn't fight against the three leaders of Baihutang just now, but brought a group of ten chiefs to bully the big boss and subordinates of Baihutang.

The gangsters have been sucked into the space vortex for two months, maybe there will be something good, the thieves don't go empty.

As for the real family property, the bandits naturally carried it with them.

Another Centurion Liu who was born in Fangshi has already searched for the storage equipment on the bandits one by one, and carefully counted them.

After half an hour.

"My lord, there are a total of 360 four storage bags, and three storage rings, all of which are open.

After preliminary calculations, these storage equipment have a total of more than 26 million low-grade spirit stones, more than [-] middle-grade spirit stones, more than [-] high-grade spirit stones, and [-] top-grade spirit stones.

There are more than a thousand bottles of elixir, but the subordinates are not very proficient in elixirs, and the value cannot be calculated. They need to be checked by the alchemist after returning to the city.

In addition, there are more than [-] pieces of magic weapons, more than [-] pieces of spiritual weapons, and three magic weapons.

There are a few other sundries, all of which are here, please check it, Lord City Lord. "

Fang Chang's eyes suddenly lit up, but he still maintained the reservedness of the city lord, not overly happy.

After pondering for a moment, he distributed and rewarded these trophies.

"Exquisite spirit stones are left, and you take [-]% of the remaining spirit stones, which belong to Commander Li.

Another [-]% will be allocated by you participants, and another [-]% will be used as the future military expenses of the First Legion, which will be kept by Commander Li.

The remaining [-]% went to the City Lord's Mansion.

As for the magic treasure left, each of you can choose one of the other spiritual weapons.

Other miscellaneous items will be returned to the City Lord's Mansion temporarily, and there will be other rewards after the value is calculated.

Future trophies will also follow this rule. "

"As ordered!"

Chief Liu Baifu looked happy.

Even if it is only 100% of the spirit stones, it is a huge sum of money, more than [-] million spirit stones.

He and Centurion Duan are only divided in half, that is, three or four hundred thousand spirit stones each, which is enough for their salaries for two or three years.

And this time they are mainly playing around corners. The real stubble was gnawed down by the regiment leader and Miss Tiezhu. It was a surprise to get [-]%.

Even the way he looked at Fang Chang with a little more admiration.

Those who can give spirit stones and bonuses are good bosses.

Seeing Chief Liu happily leading the spirit stone down, Fang Chang stroked his chin, checking whether he had received too much.

But win-win has always been his principle.

How could other people be willing to sacrifice their lives for him if he couldn't bear the money.

Speaking of which, the legion's combat power has never been formed, and it has a lot to do with too little military expenditure.

Duan Yiping and Liu Zhenyun might not have joined the legion if they hadn't owed a debt to the City Lord's Mansion for borrowing the golden pagoda.

After all, the development of legion attributes is a very risky group.

If there are not enough benefits, Fang Chang can't force others to join.

Even if someone joins, it is not voluntary, and the legion he gets is also useless, and it will be alienated.

Now wait for the two centurions to return to the city to publicize, and then release the remaining rewards in public. There should be many people who want to join the legion.

Tsk tsk, Fang Chang secretly sighed in his heart, seeing the three masters of Baihutang who woke up on the ground and didn't open their eyes, he couldn't help laughing very happily.

I didn't expect him to come here to grab a few laborers and have such a harvest.

It can only be said that it is worthy of doing business without money, and there is nothing to say about financial resources.

When he subdued the other five human forces before, although he also killed many people as a deterrent, in order to stabilize the situation, he didn't exploit them too much, just thinking about the slow flow of water and collecting taxes slowly.

So this income can be said to have solved his urgent needs.

After a while.

Duan Yiping, who went to search for the hidden treasure in Baihutang, returned with someone, and there was another person beside him.

It was a beautiful woman with a good figure and a bright red wedding gown. She had foundation building skills, but her aura was not strong, she looked like she was in the junior middle school.

The woman is about 20 years old, with an oval face, phoenix eyes, and raised eyebrows, with a bit of heroism and sharpness.

She glanced at the third master who was lying on the ground in human form, a bit of excitement and hatred flashed across her face, she cupped her hands at Fang Chang and said:

"I don't know Your Excellency's surname, but the little girl is Liu Qianqian, a disciple of the Hua Sect. She was kidnapped by the third head of the White Tiger Hall. Thanks to Your Excellency for saving her, the little girl has nothing to repay her, and I am extremely grateful."

Fang Chang took a few glances at the woman named Liu Qianqian, and suddenly let out a sigh, and said emotionally:
"This tiger has captured you for such a long time, but you can still maintain your virginity. It seems that the third master is not very good at it."

As a mage monk with a little understanding of "Bu Yang Lu", although Fang Chang couldn't tell at a glance whether a woman was suitable as a cauldron, he could tell at a glance whether she was broken or not.

Of course, he can also tell whether the man is broken or not.


This humiliation, even the third leader who pretended to be unconscious, couldn't stand it.

He immediately got up angrily.

"I just don't want to make things difficult for others, so don't pollute people's innocence out of thin air!"

"Then you still snatch someone over to hold the double cultivation ceremony?"

Fang Chang shook his head and said, "It's not like being a bitch and setting up a memorial archway."

In his eyes, at this moment, the demon seed in the Third Master's body was jumping happily, and the rage became its best nourishment.

The third master retorted: "I fell in love with Miss Liu at first sight, if I don't snatch her away, we will never see each other again.

Feelings can be cultivated slowly. Ms. Liu has already promised me that when we get emotional, she will naturally be willing to follow me. "

Liu Qianqian had someone to back her up, so she didn't pretend to be as hypocritical as before, but took a deep breath.

"I've been with blind, deaf, and lame fools all my life, and I won't find someone who is not a human, a monster who is not a monster!"

"Hey, don't open the map cannon, demon cultivators have no human rights?"

Fang Chang was dissatisfied, he also has a cheap grandfather who is also a demon cultivator.

Enmity returns to enmity, but what should be upheld must be upheld.


The third master's eyes were wide open, his eyes were about to split open, and endless anger and remorse filled his heart.


But he was so angry that he was overwhelmed with injuries, and passed out on the spot.

"This skill in nourishing qi is too poor. After all, it is the third child, not as good as the two elder brothers."

Fang Chang sneered a few words pointedly, and saw that the demon seeds living in the bodies of the three masters began to grow vigorously. According to this situation, it would not take half a year for the demon seeds to mature, and two months would be enough.

Then he looked at Liu Qianqian, flicked his finger, and a snow-white pill stayed on her mouth.

"Although you were robbed, I treat you equally, so you should eat too."

Liu Qianqian asked, "What is this?"

Fang Chang explained the theory of spirit Gu again.

Unexpectedly, Liu Qianqian grabbed the elixir and sent it to her mouth.

"Since you saved me, it doesn't matter if I sell this life to you, I can't go back anyway."

Obviously, she also knew about her time travel.


Fang Chang clapped his hands and praised: "Miss Liu, don't hate me, you have come from another world, whether it is right or wrong, you have to investigate for a while.

Then you will be free. "

Liu Qianqian replied: "It's a great blessing for this little girl to keep her innocence. I won't hold any grudges against you."

"Then take a rest first, and someone will take you back with us."

Fang Chang gave his subordinates a wink, and someone took him away immediately.

Liu Qianqian has built a foundation, is beautiful, and is a female cultivator. Among the pure male cultivators of the legion, she immediately gained a very high welcome.

After all, there are only a few female cultivators who stand at the top of the world like Her Majesty the Queen.

In fact, the advantage of male cultivators is that they are much higher than female cultivators. This is not only solved by aptitude, but also by the social environment and human thinking.

"what happened?"

After sending Liu Qianqian away, Fang Chang asked Duan Yiping.

Duan Yiping said happily: "Congratulations, my lord, I found Lingmi and seeds here!"

(End of this chapter)

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