Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 215 The Revenge of the Actor

Chapter 215 The Revenge of the Actor

"Huoying, it took eight lifetimes of bad luck for me to know you. You, you have no heart!"

Under a gloomy sky.

A huge black crow cursed its companion angrily. It only spread its wings, and it was hundreds of meters long.

Judging by its appearance, there is no problem at all with a load of dozens of tons.

On its back stood a row of deep-breathing human monks. At a glance, there were hundreds of them.

On the other side of the crow is a giant eagle with fiery red feathers. The two are similar in size. On its back, there are also hundreds of human monks standing.

Hearing her companion's voice transmission, Huoying turned her head in embarrassment, not daring to answer or look at her companion.

It has no choice.

On Huoying's back, Fang Chang praised with a smile:

"That's right, having more planes is really much easier. You did a good job this time, and the reward is indispensable."

"Thank you sir."

Firefly thanked her repeatedly, and her wings fluttered even faster.

Although Fang Chang has been scolded a hundred times in his heart.

Fang Chang saw that the demon seed in Huoying's body was growing rapidly, and knew that this guy had a different heart, but he smiled and didn't care.

If you are a boss, you are already exploiting others, and you are not allowed to curse them in your heart, that is too domineering.

After he caught Firefly, he found that this guy was flying fast and steadily, and he was big. After some inquiries, he learned that his old job was as a messenger, and he occasionally delivered goods part-time.

He couldn't help it.

Isn't this guy a monster plane.

It does not burn oil for [-] kilometers, a proper new energy source.

With the revival of the aura environment and the integration of secret realms, flying monsters like fireflies will become more and more common.

When Fang Chang sent Li's father, Li's mother and others back to Qingniu Mountain, he was often attacked by birds and beasts.

It's just that flying monsters in the Golden Core Realm were relatively rare at that time.

Obviously, with the passage of time, this world is constantly absorbing nutrients from other secret realms.

This nourishment is not just as simple as aura, but also includes all living and inanimate existences.

Fang Chang had something on his mind, and casually asked if there were other flying monsters here.

After thinking about it, Huo Ying resolutely became the leader and sold her companions.

Strictly speaking, it is not a companion.

I have only met a few times, neighbors who do not violate the water in the well.

Compared with the preferential treatment he will receive in the future, Huoying can still tell the difference.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Why is it the only bird to be ridden.

So the big black crow demon who was practicing crows with great interest in his lair, before he could figure out what happened, was beaten up, planted demon seeds, and became a big black crow brand plane in a daze.

With two flying monsters as their rides, Fang Chang and the others could move much more easily in an instant.

After all, flying a monk's imperial weapon consumes his own mana, but standing on top of a monster consumes the monster's power.

As long as the peripheral cultivators share some refreshments, the people inside can practice with peace of mind.


The original site of Spirit Sword Gate.

Firefly stopped her fluttering wings and asked Fang Chang in a respectful tone:

"My lord, do you think this is the place you are looking for?"

Huoying practiced her escape speed around the mountains every day, flying [-] miles a day, which can be said to be a living map of Liuyun Mountains, and also proved that Fang Chang did not catch the wrong bird.

Fang Chang gave a brief description, and Huoying took them to find several places.

This time it was finally right.

Li Hu was the first to move when he saw the mountain gate of Lingjianmen, which had swelled more than ten times.

He jumped from the sky with a whoosh, like a meteorite falling, and even the air made a scorching sound.

Firefly was taken aback, and quickly explained:
"My lord, he jumped down by himself, it has nothing to do with the little demon."

"Let's go down too."

Fang Chang could not help but sigh.

Even though they are thousands of meters apart, in his eyes, how can he not see that the original site of the Spirit Sword Gate is now desolate and devoid of human habitation.

Two big birds, one red and one black, landed smoothly on the Shanmen Square.

The originally neat square was now full of cracks on the floor tiles due to changes in the mountain.

Clusters of weeds came out from the gaps in the bricks, like green flowers blooming on the ground.

The main hall of the sect above the square had already collapsed, leaving only broken walls and ruins, and new shoots emerged from the broken beams and hung down, as if hanging a pair of green curtains.

Standing in front of the main hall, Li Hu was inexplicably sad.

Those disciples who insisted on staying behind, where are they now, and are they still alive?

He raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, soaring straight into the sky.

"Is there anyone else!!"

Seeing this, Fang Chang asked Huo Ying: "Are there any powerful characters around here?"

Although the changes in the world are drastic, for a monk with mysterious power, unless he is unlucky enough to be in the center of a storm, it is still very difficult to die.

For example, the mountain above the head collapsed, the ground where I was standing had a big hole, and the thunder happened to strike me down, etc.

The power of nature is powerful, and it is necessary to attack human beings.

After all, after the monk breaks through the foundation building, he has the ability to fly the imperial weapon.

Flying into the sky is enough to avoid ninety-nine percent of dangers.

But now the ruins of the mountain gate of Lingjianmen are all there, which proves that this place has not encountered any natural catastrophic destruction.

But the others have now disappeared.

Either move away as a whole, or be killed by foreign enemies.

Of course, no matter how many inferences there are, it is better to ask the local snake for directions.

Huoying thought about it carefully, and said, "There is a wolf king who has three thousand wolf sons and grandchildren under his command, and the surrounding eight hundred miles are his hunting grounds."

"Take me there!"

Before Huoying could react, she saw a human face standing coldly in front of it, and the oppressive feeling almost made it suffocate.

Obviously this person is not as big as one of its paws, but it feels as if it is a rabbit that has met a tiger.

This is... Nascent Soul Great Cultivator!

Firefly almost didn't cry.

It turned out that this young monk who had never made a move was the strongest.

It couldn't help being a little thankful, but fortunately, it didn't run around blindly before.

At the same time, it was a little bit sad, how good and capable it was, it could alarm the Great Cultivator Nascent Soul.

This level of cultivation can already separate one side in the hill world, and even the hill army is unwilling to provoke it easily.

Li Hu stood on Huo Ying's back and said to Fang Chang:
"Second brother, I must first find out where the rest of the people went."

Fang Chang did not persuade, only said:
"Brother, bring some people over there, be careful and make no big mistakes."

Li Hu nodded slightly, and greeted left and right:

"Come two teams."

Soon, two centurions led the team and followed Li Hu into the sky.

Fang Chang watched them leave, thought for a while, called his younger sister Tie Zhu together, turned around and went to the treasure house of the Spirit Sword Gate.

When Li Hu led people to evacuate from the Spirit Sword Gate, it was impossible to take everything away in a hurry.

Not to mention that there are still people staying behind, and with Li Hu's character, it is even more impossible to take everything away.

So if you want to know what happened before the Spirit Sword Gate, you can actually understand a lot by looking at the treasure house.

If you are moving, the treasure house must be tidied up.

But if the treasure house resources are left untouched, or if it is in a mess, like a robbery scene, then accidents are likely to happen.

But these Fang Chang didn't say anything.

That wolf king, since the unlucky fate came to this territory, don't blame it for being Li Hu's punching bag.

And it's not impossible to be a murderer.

Following his memory, Fang Chang arrived at a dilapidated attic, which was the attic of the door owner.

As an important person who used to manage the financial power of the Spirit Sword Sect, no one knew better than him where the treasure house of the Spirit Sword Sect was.

A clatter.

Fang Chang pulled up the iron ring hidden under the floor tiles.

Although everyone is a cultivator, the construction of the treasure house is so simple and unpretentious. There is no advanced formation as a cover, and there is no false entrance pretending to be a maze. It is just an ordinary basement.

Click click.

The iron ring was dragged outward, and there was a difficult sound of gears on the ground, and a small entrance on the ground slowly opened.


It broke with a click.

Apparently, the changes in the mountain caused damage to the underground organs, but they were not completely destroyed.

Seeing that the entrance was only half open, Fang Chang didn't care, and punched it directly, and the entrance was opened with a bang.

Fang Chang threw a lighting spell casually, and then jumped in, Fang Tiezhu followed silently, like a shadow.

The underground treasure house is built with special materials, which can isolate the prying of the spiritual consciousness, and it is also very strong. This alone is enough to satisfy the concealment.

As for this special material, it is the raw ore of Lingshi.

If you really use advanced formations to hide, and you meet someone who knows how to do it, isn't it just telling others that there is no silver 300 taels here.

So the simplest is the best.


It is poor.

The light lit up with Fang Chang's steps.

The passageway was dusty and had obviously been neglected for a long time, and the ventilation system had not been damaged.

Fang Chang waved his sleeves, and the breeze picked up suddenly, and the dust was blown to the corner, exposing the gray gravel road of the underground passage.

There is a little bit of dark red blood on it, leading all the way to the depths of the treasure house.

Fang Chang had a premonition.

The underground passage is not long, about 50 meters.

At the end is a stone gate, and behind the stone gate is the treasure house of the Spirit Sword Gate.

Fang Chang pushed open the stone door and made a difficult sound.

The stone door just opened.

Suddenly, a flash of light came over.

Fang Chang didn't dodge or dodge, the mana light flashed outside his body, and the aura was knocked back with a clang, rolled around a few times and stabbed obliquely on the ground, it was a sword.

The owner of the sword was a middle-aged man with ragged clothes, haggard face, and gray hair. He sat slumped in the corner of the warehouse, breathing weakly, squinting his eyes slightly, as if he was not used to the light on Fang Chang's body.

The magic sword on the ground flickered, as if echoing with its master.

"It's you?"

"You...is it you?!"

Both recognized each other's identity.

The man sitting in the corner is none other than Qin Ming, the adopted son of the former head of the Spirit Sword Sect who was once imprisoned for love, an affectionate licking dog.

However, his situation at the moment is not good. There are seven or eight different types of mana flowing around his body, which are constantly devouring his vitality.

Fang Chang threw out a healing elixir and asked:

"What happened to Spirit Sword Gate? How did you become like this?"

Qin Ming was not polite, swallowed the elixir, and raised his breath slightly.

But only made his situation slightly better.

The injuries on his body are too serious, and the time of entanglement is too long. It is no longer a simple healing pill.

Otherwise, the storage in the treasury alone would be enough for him to heal his injuries.

"They're all dead, they're all dead."

Qin Ming muttered a few words absently, then suddenly asked:

"Is the door master back? Where's Shufang? She, is she okay?"

Hearing this, Fang Chang couldn't help shaking his head.

"The head of your family has indeed returned, but he has already resigned.

Why don't you take care of yourself first, Mrs. Qin is very well now, the food is delicious now, the son-in-law is excellent, and the foundation is just around the corner. "

Mrs. Qin probably almost forgot about such a adopted son.

Although Mrs. Qin hurt her origins when she was young in order to carry on the Qin family's lineage, who made her have a good son-in-law, and his good son-in-law had a good brother.

Li Hu specially asked for a green tear fruit for his mother-in-law to make up for the source.

Now that Mrs. Qin is back on the road of cultivation, the Golden Core realm is somewhat difficult, but needless to say, the establishment of the foundation is sure.

Qin Ming's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "She's almost building a foundation, so that's good, that's good."

Even his spirit has improved a lot.

Fang Chang was shocked.

Nima, what kind of spirit is this?
"Okay, judging by your appearance, you shouldn't be able to die for the time being. Come out with me first. The smell here is not good."

Fang Chang took a casual look, and knew that the warehouse was not damaged, and the storage bags containing various resources were arranged on the shelves by category.

As soon as he sucked in his palm, he grabbed more than a dozen storage bags in his hand.

Spiritual consciousness swept quickly.

There are about 60 million pieces of spirit stones, some low-level spirit grasses and medicines, 30 to [-] magic tools, and some spirit mines and spirit materials, worth about [-] million yuan.

Adding it up is not worth a top-quality spirit stone, not enough for Tiezhu to use a few big moves.

It's just that Qin Ming should have eaten up the healing herbs.

But after all, it's left over, so I can't ask for too much, so I just picked up a wallet, a pleasant surprise.

Qin Ming saw Fang Chang's movements so skillfully that he cleared out the inventory in the blink of an eye, so he couldn't help opening his mouth to say something.

After all, these things belong to the Spirit Sword Sect.

He stayed here for such a long time, and he only used the healing items inside, leaving nothing else.

But in the end he just sighed and said nothing.

He just wanted to stop it, but could he stop it?

He has already understood Fang Chang's dominance.

With the healing elixir given to him by Fang Chang, his body gained some strength, he got up with support, grabbed the flying sword on the ground, and staggered out with Fang Chang.

Seeing the long-lost light on the ground and the dilapidated scenery around him, Qin Ming couldn't help his nose sore, and almost cried out.

"I, I'm still alive."

Without making Chang Fang wait any longer, he sorted out his emotions, turned his head, and talked about that day.

"On that day, our whole clan sent Miss Zhou off. It was a great event, and the clan celebrated with joy. Later, the head of the sect hurried back with people..."

Qin Ming slowly told what happened back then.

Very vulgar, but reasonable.

A revenge story that bullies children and old people when they can't beat adults.

Li Hu took the elite of the Spirit Sword Sect away, and among the remaining people were only two foundation builders, more than a dozen old men who refined Qi, all of whom had been at the Spirit Sword Sect for more than 20 years, and four others. Five dolls who grew up in Spirit Sword Gate.

I thought that the sect master was going away, so they just closed the mountain gate and did not come out.

Unexpectedly, due to a change in the sky, the formation of the Spirit Sword Sect was broken, and there is no danger to defend from then on.

In less than two months, a group of killers approached the door.

Now that they are single and weak, and they are considered to be doing mental calculations without intention, how can they be the opponents of those killers.

At the last moment, Qin Ming was sent into the sect's treasury by another foundation-building old man, the former elder of the Spirit Sword Sect who had been with him for ten years.

The treasure house is isolated from spiritual exploration, and it is hidden, and it is the last way of life.

Then the elder led the killer away, which allowed him to escape with his life.

But he was seriously injured, and the treasury was isolated from spiritual consciousness, not only from outsiders, but also from him.

He couldn't find out what was going on outside. He was afraid that someone would be waiting for him, so he didn't dare to go out easily, so he had to hide and hide again and again, not knowing the passage of time.

If it weren't for Fang Chang's debt collection, Qin Ming might have died here without a sound.

And this group of killers is the No. [-] killer organization in Annan Road, the Shadow Demon, who was once the leader of the underworld, but was killed by Li Hu.

(End of this chapter)

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