Chapter 216 Good Dog
The grievances between the Shadow Killer organization and the Spirit Sword Sect can be traced back to the time when Fang Chang and Li Hu attended the third Zongmen Conference of Liuyun Mountains together.

At that time, the boss of the shadow killer, Shadow Demon, took the identity of the second newly promoted Jindan real person after Annan Daoist Qingniu Taoist, and went public through a backdoor, attempting to use Yuanjue Temple, one of the eighteen sects of the alliance, as a cover to intervene in the sect alliance. In the first appearance, he won the power of three sects.

Among the three sects is the Spirit Sword Sect.

Then, at the instigation of Fang Chang, in front of many sects, Li Hu used the foundation-building realm to forcibly kill Jindan, forging the prestige of the Spirit Sword Sect. Li Hu himself became one of the four elders of the new sect alliance.

As for the Yuanjue Temple who lost the shadow demon, he was expelled from the Liuyun Mountains because of hiding the demon cultivator. The shadow killing organization also fell apart because of the death of the shadow demon and lost its leader, and its members disappeared.

Yu Xian, a salted fish zombie who is now a member of the pulse-seeking department of Qingxiao City, was affected by this and went to Qingniufang City to sell blood.

Because his previous partner was Shadow Killer, and it was even Shadow Killer's trump card.

As a result, the Shadow Demon died in a hurry, and many of his successors were hidden in the dust of history, without any chance to activate.

When Fang Chang was the Second Master of Qingniufang City, he heard the news of Yingsha by chance, and it is said that he went ashore for nothing.

Since the death of the Shadow Demon, the Shadow Killer has faded out of An Nandao's sight, and he has never heard of them accepting orders.

Therefore, Fang Chang didn't have so much free time to do things like cutting grass and roots.

After all, a group of killers gathered for profit, expecting them to throw their heads and blood for a dead person, whoever believes it is an idiot.

On the contrary, quite a few rising stars have started their own businesses under the name of Shadow Killers.

Now that Yingsha appeared again and took revenge on Lingjianmen, Fang Chang couldn't help but frowned, instinctively feeling that something was wrong.

He doesn't care about the killer organization of Shadow Demon, even if Shadow Demon is resurrected, it will not be his all-in-one enemy now.

The key is that when the sky changes, they don't take advantage of the great opportunities outside, but what logic is there to go all the way to the Spirit Sword Gate to take revenge?

The news that Li Hu led people away, in today's environment, who can tell Shadow Kill these killers in just two months, and find the way to the Spirit Sword Gate for them.

You must know that almost all the previous contact methods have been interrupted. The world is unfamiliar to everyone and needs to be explored again.

They rode two golden core flying monsters and found several places.

Even if all these prerequisites are ignored, then who gave them the courage to take revenge on the Spirit Sword Sect.

Li Hubajian's name had been spread all over Annan Road before, how many trash fish would dare to go to the Spirit Sword Gate to take revenge?

However, if there were monks at the Golden Core level present, Qin Ming and the other Foundation Establishment monk would have no chance of surviving.

Or... did they deliberately let Qin Ming survive?
Fang Chang has always speculated on others with the greatest bad intentions.

This matter seems reasonable, but in the current environment, it seems that there are many mistakes and omissions.

He turned his head in his mind and asked Qin Ming:

"How can you be sure that those killers are shadow killers?"

Qin Mingdao: "They call themselves Shadow Killers, to avenge the sect master's killing of their leader, Shadow Demon, and the spiritual art they perform is indeed the Shadow Killer organization's unique spiritual skill Shadow Killer.

I still have the wound left by the shadow killing technique on my body, which has not healed yet. "

Qin Ming opened his sleeve, and saw a bloody wound about three inches long on his arm, which was slowly oozing blood, which looked like yesterday's wound.

This is the Shadow Killing Technique, like a shadow follows the shape.

Qin Ming gathered his cuffs, covered the wound, and asked, "Don't you suspect that they are not Shadow Killer's killers?"

Fang Chang said: "Maybe they really came out of Shadow Killer, but it's not necessarily for revenge. Before Shadow Killer came to kill them, did other things happen in the door?"

Qin Ming thought about it carefully, and said with a bit of recollection:
"At that time, the sky fell apart and there was great chaos in the sect. Elder Wan and I spent a lot of effort to gather other disciples together.

When the changes in the world stopped, we were going to repair the buildings in the gate and rebuild the mountain gate. Then about a month later, an envoy from the Zongmen Alliance came.

I know him, that is Qi Gaofei, one of the seven sons of Biyun back then, a few years younger than me, but his cultivation level is higher than mine.

Qi Gaofei said that he was ordered by the ancestor Biyun, and wanted to invite the head of the sect to discuss matters at the gate of Biyunzong.

But after learning that the sect master had led people away, the envoy didn't stay any longer, and asked us if we knew where the other sects were now.

We said we didn't know, and they left.

After more than a month, the shadow killer came to the door.

Other than that, we haven't seen anyone else. "

Fang Chang pondered for a moment, then said:
"Okay, I know everything, you should heal your wounds first."

As he spoke, he put one hand on Qin Ming's shoulder.

"Don't resist, I will disperse other alien mana for you."

The injuries on Qin Ming's body were mainly the remnants of mana left by various spiritual arts, and it would not be a big problem to get rid of these different kinds of mana.

However, Qin Ming was seriously injured at that time and was unable to expel it, which caused the mild illness to become persistent.

Now the different mana is almost merged with him, you have me, and I have you, with his strength, if you want to separate it, it is basically equivalent to abolition.

But for Fang Chang, the division of these mana powers is quite distinct.

As soon as his own mana was activated, he began to violently separate.

Qin Ming couldn't help but groaned in pain, and felt a bone-pounding pain.

As the magic power was expelled one after another, Qin Ming's face turned white again and again, and finally his face was like gold paper, his whole body was covered with sweat, and the ground was wet in a puddle.

Although he had not experienced the torture of cutting him to pieces, he felt at this moment that the so-called torture was mostly like this.

Qin Ming fell to the ground limply like noodles, staring at the gray sky with dull eyes, the pain deep in his body slowly dissipated, but what came up was a long-lost relief.

Fang Chang casually sprinkled a rejuvenation spell.

"If your sect master is going well, he should be back soon. I'll go and see you. If you can still move later, come to the front hall."


Spirit Sword Gate Square.

A giant eagle with fiery red feathers fell from the sky, and a giant wolf with black and gray hair fell from its claws, and was thrown heavily to the ground, making a big hole.

The giant wolf rolled over, uttered words, and said angrily:

"Huo Ying, I remember you."

On the giant wolf's cheek, there was a newly added scar, about three feet long, with the blood-red flesh turned outward, staining the giant wolf's eyes red.

Standing upright, the firefly is seventeen or eighteen meters high, and it is a huge monster.

Although the giant wolf is more than three meters tall and more than ten meters long, he is still a child just by looking at his height.

So Firefly looked at the giant wolf with disdain.

Although it is also a prisoner, the one who rides it is the boss.

Besides, it is not certain whether this stupid wolf will survive.

The black crow lying on the nest next to him rolled his eyes even more. If scolding was useful, the firefly would have turned into a roast chicken by now.

Li Hu then brought people down, with evil spirits on his body.

"Second brother, this wolf demon said he doesn't know anything, so I'll trouble you to ask."

Fang Chang nodded and said a few words through sound transmission.

Li Hu suddenly lifted his spirits.

"Is there anyone alive?"

"Second brother, the wolf demon is in your hands. I'll go see him."

Before Fang Chang could react, Li Hu ran to the back to meet Qin Ming.

Fang Chang stood on the steps, exactly at the same height as the giant wolf, and lazily said:
"Frankness is lenient, resistance is strict."

"Want to die or live?"

The giant wolf didn't answer, but stared at Fang Chang coldly, as if looking for the next direction.

It is the wolf king, with the dignity of a king.

Fang Chang stared at it for a while, then waved his hands and said:
"Since you are so strong, how can I not fulfill you."

"It just so happens that I don't have a corpse puppet in my hand yet, so I'll take you as the first one, Tiezhu, don't break it."

Now that he knew the situation of the extermination of the Spirit Sword Sect, what the giant wolf said was actually not important anymore.

"Okay, brother."

Fang Tiezhu stretched out his hand, and hit the giant wolf on the head with a pink fist.

Copper head and iron bone tofu waist.

As a wolf, the hardest thing is its head, but at the moment under Fang Tiezhu's hands, the giant wolf only feels its head humming.

It wanted to resist, but as soon as it started to move, a biting cold came from the place where it was hit just now, freezing its upper body instantly.

Then came the chain boxing.

Fang Tiezhu's giant wolf became the target of his punches, and he hit him hard.

Even though it was only a small one, it made the giant wolf back again and again.

The pain made the giant wolf feel that its internal organs were broken, and bloodthirsty blood boiled in its body.

It roared proudly, and the power of its bloodline made its hair dyed a layer of blood red.

The coldness in the body was driven away by it, stepping out of a pothole with one step, it walked in front of Fang Chang again, and looked coldly at the golden core monks watching the theater around, and the two golden core monsters.


It knelt down with a bang, and the sound shook the sky.

"My lord, please inquire. The little demon is willing to serve as a lackey for your lord, so he must know everything!"

Fang Chang: "..."

After a while.

Fang Chang asked: "Otherwise, if you resist and resist, I really need a monster puppet, especially one like you, who has a vigorous body and will not be too troublesome to refine."

The giant wolf shook his head resolutely, and did not resist when he was killed.

"My lord, the little demon said one thing, from today onwards, the little demon will be your dog."

"That's a pity."

Fang Chang threw out a snow-white pill, "Eat it."

The giant wolf obediently opened its mouth to swallow it, and the demon seed immediately grew vigorously.

The bloodline of the giant wolf is bloodthirsty and killing, and it is perfect for the growth of the demon species.

"Does the person who arrested you just now know, my elder brother, he is in a very bad mood now, so you must find someone who can make him vent his anger.

Otherwise, you will be the one who will be vented later.

So think about it, is there anyone who can help you take the blame. "

Fang Chang taught the giant wolf earnestly.

The giant wolf was thoughtful, and then shrank, becoming the size of an ordinary wolf, like a big dog.

"My lord, the little demon is actually a newcomer here, and I don't know much, and I don't know if I can help my lord."

The giant wolf told the truth about everything he knew.

It was born in a small secret world called the Food and Taste Realm. It is said that it used to be a place that could raise fierce beasts for meat rations.

And its ancestor was the mighty lackey who was responsible for herding the herd of ferocious beasts and was also the guard of the food world.

Later, I don't know what happened, and the food and taste world lost contact with Da Neng.

Its ancestors waited for their masters to come, and slowly recovered their demonic nature, degenerated from dogs to wolves again, and became the largest race in the world of food.

Until one day, it was hunting with wolf children and grandchildren, and found a space door.

This is the memory left by the ancestors in the blood.

This is the passage to the world where the Almighty Master resides.

With the dream of becoming a powerful running dog again and rebuilding the glory of the ancestors in his heart, the giant wolf let a group of wolves and grandchildren walk into the space gate.

Seeing that the younger brothers were fine, he also walked in.

As a result, the space door was closed after he walked in.

"Wait a moment!"

Although he was very dissatisfied with the long-windedness of the giant wolf, Fang Chang liked the long-windedness of the giant wolf very much at the moment.

"You said that the space gate can go back and forth between the two worlds?"

He thought that Longevity Old Turtle came to the real plane in advance through the space channel, but it was only a one-way channel, and he could leave but not return.

The giant wolf nodded: "That's right, otherwise the little demon wouldn't dare to come over, who knew it would be closed again suddenly."

It's still a little bit resentful, it thinks it's a molestation by some great power.

After all, there are so many wolf children and grandchildren coming and going without any problems, but as soon as it came, something happened immediately.

"Okay, go ahead and talk."

Fang Chang waved his hand, but he had a certain guess in his mind, and he was going to ask Yao Guang in the Shanhe Realm later, she was the expert on this.

The giant wolf continued.

It has been more than half a year since it came to this world, and every day it creates wolf cubs, leads wolf cubs and grandchildren to hunt, and encloses the surrounding [-] miles as a hunting ground.

It is enough for its group to survive.

As for the others, except that a monk came over and tried to accept it as a spiritual pet, but was beaten away by it.

That is, he became the patron saint of two small tribes, offering a man and a woman as blood food every year.

But it said that these people are not delicious, and in terms of taste, they are not comparable to the local beasts in the food world.

That's the real delicacy, rich in nutrition.

It ate an arm and put the person back.

Because in the memory of the bloodline left by the ancestors, the owner of the ancestors is the human race, so it dare not eat people casually.

But those tribesmen are too polite, so they must give it something.

Of course, it does want to have a taste of the human race.

In the world of food and taste, there are only monsters and beasts, and no human beings exist.

The giant wolf babbled and babbled with all his heart, for his own sake, he wished he could finish talking about his ancestors in eight lifetimes.

Because it feels that it seems to have found an object to reshape the glory of its ancestors.

That's right, it's Fang Chang.

Take a look at his subordinates, it seems that he is a powerful character with a background.

Otherwise, a person whose realm is not as high as it is, how could there be so many people and demons obeying his orders.

Hugging the thigh, being a running dog is the inheritance engraved in its blood.

The previous cultivator couldn't even beat it, so he deserved it as a spiritual pet. Only people like Fang Chang are worthy of it.

As for Li Huben, he is also an excellent target, but he feels that the other party may not like him, so he might as well settle for the second best.

In case it is rejected by Li Hu, if you find Fang Chang again, it may be rejected again.

Just like the story about it and a pair of wolf sisters.

It chased the wolf sister, and the wolf sister chased it.

As a result, the older sister rejected it, so it had no choice but to chase after the younger sister who liked it, and then the younger sister rejected it again, saying that she did not want to be a substitute for her older sister.

Of course, in the end it practiced hard, and after breaking through the golden core realm, it took all the older sisters away.

The little wolf makes the choice, the giant wolf wants it all.

It's a pity that I couldn't bring them together this time.

Lessons from the past are in front of us.

Julang felt that he had made a wise choice.

Back then, the ancestors degenerated from dogs to wolves, so it must be able to evolve from wolves to dogs!
It is very confident in itself.

Fang Chang didn't listen much after hearing it.

According to Qin Ming's timeline, it is indeed impossible for this wolf to have a half-money relationship with the Spirit Sword Sect.

When the Spirit Sword Sect was destroyed, the giant wolf was happily making little wolves in another world.

Besides, this wolf is so sensible.

Fang Chang decided to keep it alive.

Who can say no to a licking dog.

(End of this chapter)

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