Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 217 I'm a Bad Guy

Chapter 217 I'm a Bad Guy

Here, the giant wolf is working hard to restore the glory of the ancestors.

On the other side, Li Hu had already brought Qin Ming over, his complexion was very bad, obviously he got some answers from Qin Ming.

Li Hu asked Fang Chang: "Second brother, do you think those killers are really shadow killers?"

It seems that Qin Ming had some guesses because of his words, and told Li Hu about these guesses.

Fang Chang's heart moved, he shook his head and said:
"Actually, it doesn't matter whether they are shadow killers, because they can be shadow killers, and we can also be shadow killers.

It's just a name, they use it, it doesn't represent their identity.

We will indeed be able to wipe out the Shadow Killing organization and even those who bear the name Shadow Killing in the future.

But that doesn't mean we're really taking revenge.

This is an unsolved case. "

This is the importance of wearing a vest.

Some people were blamed, and they couldn't even find the real culprit.

And the disciples and elders who stayed behind at the mountain gate didn't have such hunting methods as curses, which could help them find clues.

The sky is big and the earth is big, where can I find the real murderer.

Only if someone who doesn't have eyesight jumps out in the future, they can follow the clues to find it.

Li Hu replied in a cold voice: "The killers of the Shadow Killer are all people with blood on their hands. No matter whether they are the real murderers or not, if I kill them, it can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people."

"The truth is this truth."

Fang Chang thought for a while and said, "But compared to whether Shadow Killer is the murderer, I am more concerned about another matter.

Why were they able to find the mountain gate of the Spirit Sword Gate so quickly and accurately, and who gave them the information.

There are so many of us, and we have the big flying demon here as our guide, we have found several wrong places. "

Li Hu said thoughtfully, "Second Brother means that someone colluded with them and leaked the location of my Spirit Sword Gate to them.

But what is the benefit to them? "

"Who said it's not good."

Fang Chang suddenly said sadly: "Spirit Sword Sect still has [-]% of the spirit mine in name.

Without the Spirit Sword Sect, the [-]% share means that there is no need to divide it.There is no need to bear the name of the alliance of betrayal. "

"According to the basic law of homicide cases, even if the murderer is not the biggest beneficiary of the matter, at least he has something to do with the biggest beneficiary."

Jade Cloud Sect, take over this pot!
Fang Chang naturally didn't want anything to happen to the Spirit Sword Sect.

He doesn't care about the fate of the Spirit Sword Sect, but he still has some affection for Li Hu, the eldest brother.

No matter how cold the stone is, it should be somewhat warm after being covered by Li Hu's warm heart for more than ten years.

Of course, the big brother belongs to the big brother, and there should be no ambiguity when it's time for the big brother.

Now that something has happened to the Spirit Sword Sect, they can't be allowed to die in vain. They have to use some of their energy after death, so that he can make a fuss about it.

It doesn't matter who the murderer is.

As long as all the suspects are killed, the murderer will most likely not escape.

Hearing Fang Chang's reminder, Li Hu stared, and said coldly:
"New Sect Alliance!"

He left with most of the disciples, if the rest of the disciples disappeared, the Spirit Sword Sect would really be gone.

Then the ultimate beneficiary is naturally the new sect alliance, they will never be polite, and will carve up the shares of the Lingjian sect with peace of mind.

Fang Chang coughed twice and helped explain.

"Of course, this is just my personal inference. Whether it is true or not still needs to be investigated."

Just now.

The giant wolf on the side interjected:
"By the way, the cultivator who wanted to catch the little demon as a spiritual pet said that he was the true seventh son of the Jade Cloud Sect, some kind of alliance envoy, and his name was Qi Gaofei."

Great assist!
Fang Chang gave the giant wolf an appreciative look.

After receiving the feedback, the giant wolf couldn't help grinning, its tongue drooping down, panting for breath, and it looked like a big black-haired dog.

Jade Cloud Sect!
Li Hu took a few deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

Then he suddenly looked at Fang Chang suspiciously, and asked:

"Second brother, did you deliberately bring me to the Jade Cloud Sect because I said I didn't want to make a move?"

Fang Chang was taken aback for a moment.

This big brother, why not fool around.

But how could he admit it.

So he said with a look of reason: "Brother, I asked you to help me, do I need any reason?

Let me say one thing, even if you are reluctant in your heart, will you not?

So I'm just giving a reasonable guess, and I don't mean to be biased at all.

Because it doesn't matter if Biyunzong is the murderer or not, as long as he doesn't give me the Lingshi mine, I have to order all the people to kill him.

If they would rather die than submit, I will kill them all. "

Fang Chang didn't mind admitting that he was a big bad guy.

Li Hu believed it instead, he nodded and said:
"Yes, whether they are murderers or not, we have to go there."

However, with the guess given by Fang Chang, he no longer has such a strong resistance to attacking the monks of the Zongmen Alliance.

He wasn't trying to stab a former ally, he was just looking for the truth.

Well, check the truth.

He raised his head and looked at the gray sky. He was aggrieved and didn't know who to get angry at, who to blame, and suddenly there was another direction.

"By the way, brother, the wolf you caught is very suitable for me, so I will accept it."

Fang Chang patted the giant wolf's head.

Li Hu glanced at the well-behaved giant wolf, nodded slightly, and didn't say much.

Since the wolf doesn't know anything, spare its life.

For Li Hu, who was born as a hunter, no matter how big the giant wolf is, in his heart, it is just a prey, which can be killed or not.

Before killing someone, he still needs to consider whether the person is good or evil.

But killing monsters and beasts, he is soft-handed, because he is sorry for his former profession.

The giant wolf thought that this person was worthy of being the eldest brother of its new owner, he was so domineering, and the eyes and attitude that regarded him as nothing were the proof of being strong.

But even though he couldn't be this person's younger brother, it seemed acceptable to be his younger brother's younger brother.

In the future, when it knows that the eldest brother is not brother and the second brother is not brother, it will be happier.

Thinking about it, the giant wolf interjected again:

"Master, little demon, no, the puppy is not a wolf. The ancestor of the puppy is a dog. It used to serve the human master and herd herds for the master.

It also has a majestic name, called Moon Swallowing Dog. "

"Is there anyone who doesn't want to be a wolf but wants to be a dog?"

Fang Chang was surprised.

But the giant wolf said plausibly: "What good is being a wolf, a wolf demon has no future.

From today onwards, the puppy will be the lackey of the master, and it will be the master's heart and soul, and he will die only after he dies, so as to reshape the glory of the ancestors! "

Fang Chang froze for a moment, then stretched out his thumb and said:

"Ling Zu is indeed a loyal dog, and you are not bad, you can know your way back when you go astray, do you have a name?"

The giant wolf wagged its tail and said solemnly:

"The puppy's previous name was the name of the wolf demon. If you don't want it, please ask the owner to give it a name that belongs to the spirit dog."

Fang Chang pondered for a moment, then said:
"Since Lingzu is a moon-swallowing dog, then you can call him Wangcai. As a dog, if you don't call him Wangcai, then you are sorry for your dog status."

The giant wolf's expression was stunned, and it took a long time before he said:
"Then, that puppy is called Wangcai."

Fang Chang rubbed the dog's head angrily and laughed.

"Wangcai, I hope you are worthy of this name, I will make a fortune this time."


Fang Chang waved his arm, and everyone got on the bird's back.

Then two big birds spread their wings and soared high above the clouds.

Standing on the cloud, Li Hu overlooked the mountain gate of the Spirit Sword Gate, and beside him was the pale and unhealed Qin Ming, he secretly sighed in his heart.

Let the past stay in yesterday.


In the depths of the Flowing Cloud Mountains.

Jade Cloud Sect Mountain Gate.

in the hall.

Patriarch Biyun looked at the furnace of the Five Dragon Gods that was still resisting, and sighed faintly:

"Three days have passed, Junior Brother, you really don't want to surrender me? Those disciples of yours have spared their lives for my brother.

It's just that my brother has no patience now.

After taking your life, many people will follow you. "

Taoist Huolong was unmoved, as if he didn't care about the lives of his disciples, and said angrily:
"If you want to kill, kill, what nonsense!"

Patriarch Biyun shook his head and said: "Then don't blame me as a brother."

With a pinch in his hand, he saw streaks of blue light spreading from under him, his somewhat stooped body suddenly straightened up, his white hair turned into blue silk, his face was flawless, his eyes were bright, and there was more Sub-sharpness.

Under his youthful face, the originally old-fashioned light blue robe seemed a little dusty and elegant.

In just a short moment, Patriarch Biyun repeated his youth, which is also his strongest state.

"Bi Xin Dan Jue, practice!"

Under the Five Dragons Stove, the gray and white flames were dyed a layer of emerald green, the cold aura permeated the void, and the outer wall of the Five Dragons Stove was stained with a faint layer of hoarfrost.

Even the firepower of the Five Dragon God Stove could not resist this white frost.

"Back when the secret mansion came to the world, you and I shared the inheritance of the Alchemy Cauldron Sect, you got the weapon refining, and I got the alchemy.

You took the opportunity to take away the Wulong Shenhuo Furnace, which not only has infinite power, but also contains divine fire, which is an excellent assistant for refining weapons.

And I can only get the tinder of this mysterious ice and cold fire, which is less than one-tenth of yours.

But these years, I have collected the world's strange fires and spiritual fires for my brother, and bought thousand-year-old ice crystals from overseas monks at any price to preserve their origin.

Now Xuanbing Hanhuo has just formed.

I didn't expect you to be the first to taste the power of this mysterious ice and cold fire. "

As Patriarch Biyun's words fell, the fire of Xuanbing Hanhuo grew again, and the cold fire spread, turning into an ice dragon, with ice crystal dragon claws clinging tightly to the divine fire furnace.

The Wulongshen stove made a sound of being overwhelmed.

A fire dragon fell off the furnace wall, roared to drive away the cold flames attached to its outer wall, and confronted the ice dragon.

But this ice dragon is under the care of Patriarch Biyun, a Nascent Soul-level monk, so how can a fire dragon that protects its own body be able to break through the storm.

Seeing that the first fire dragon was about to be suppressed, the second and third fire dragons all fell down on the furnace wall to help resist Patriarch Biyun's power.

But this is not enough.

Article four, article five.

Five Dragon Bodyguard!

For a moment, the five fire dragons were in a stalemate with Patriarch Biyun's power.

But this is already the last resort of Wulongshen Furnace.

Because these five fire dragons were originally to protect the Taoist Huolong in the furnace, now the five fire dragons leave temporarily, the furnace cover is no longer sealed, and being urged by the cold fire below, the furnace cover can't help agitating, revealing a small dark opening.

Ancestor Biyun seized the opportunity and still had enough strength to raise his hand, and a flying sword fell down, straight into the opening of the furnace lid.

The ancestor of the fire dragon inside let out a muffled groan.

The opening has been opened, and the perfect blockade of Wulongshen Stove no longer exists.

But this is not the Huolong Taoist deliberately.

He was undercover arranged by Patriarch Biyun, most of his cultivation was sealed, and there was a strange poison in his body that was devouring his cultivation.

He had no choice but to use the Five Dragons God Stove as his own body, and use the Sacred Fire in the furnace to detoxify himself and heal his wounds, dissolving the power of the medicine.

But this seal is both protection and bondage.

While the Wulongshenhuolu protected him, it also restricted his freedom.

Now Patriarch Biyun broke the seal of the Five Dragon God Stove and also let him go.

"Old thief Biyun, I'm Gan Liniang!"

Taoist Huolong let out an angry roar, and the furnace lid was lifted suddenly, and a tall figure covered in flames rushed out.

But countless formations in the void began to appear.

The black iron chains on the ground moved like spirit snakes, and with a sudden lift, they flew towards the figure in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the majestic figure just now was wrapped into a big iron ball by black iron chains.

from a distance.

One side of the furnace was burned by cold flames, and the furnace cauldron was opened, surrounded by five fire dragons, and they were in a stalemate with the ice dragon transformed by the cold fire.

In the blending of water and fire, a large iron ball of black iron chains was wrapped in it, and through the gaps in the chains, a flaming figure could be seen, and streams of flames were swallowed out.

Patriarch Biyun said indifferently: "It's pointless to resist."

In the center of the iron ball, Taoist Huolong was laughing wildly:

"Old thief Biyun, I'd rather be jade pieces than tiles, do you think that's all I have to do?!"

"Thunder Jie, invite!"

At this moment, Huolong Taoist resolutely chose to break the pill and transform into an infant, looking for a chance of life in the dead end.

He already had the cultivation base of Jindan Late Stage, only one point behind Patriarch Biyun.

In addition, he is holding the high-grade magic weapon of the Five Dragon God Stove, which is even more powerful, and Patriarch Biyun also wants to avoid its sharp edge.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be assassinated by an undercover agent because of his carelessness.

Boom! !

With the sound of thunder, dark clouds rolled in like waves.

In the sky above the Jade Cloud Sect, many monks looked at the sky in surprise, and some people flew into the air with their imperial weapons, feeling the power in the air, they couldn't help being shocked.

The phantom of Patriarch Biyun appeared in midair, with a convincing calmness in his voice.

"No need to panic, close the sect's formation and welcome the thunder disaster."

"Law enforcement peak, maintain order, don't allow people to get close to the range of the thunder disaster."

"Disciple obey!"

A group of disciples led the way and quickly emptied out.

In the blink of an eye, everything around the main hall where the fire dragon was originally imprisoned was empty.

Because anyone who gets too close to Taoist Huolong will be regarded as a person who has passed the catastrophe and enjoy the same treatment.

The first thunder tribulation descended.

The black iron chain wrapped around Taoist Huolong became his amulet at this moment, blocking the first thunder disaster for him.

But that's the only way to stop it.

How can the power of this large formation be able to stop the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation without anyone presiding over it.

With just one blow, the black iron chain was destroyed, and the entire hall was burned down by the raging thunder.

Taoist Huolong escaped from the predicament, holding the sacred fire stove, and faced the high-altitude thunder calamity, already determined to die.

Originally, he was full of energy, but he was still not fully sure.

Now he hastily responded to the disaster. In this lightning disaster, he only had a narrow escape.

Not to mention that even after the tribulation is successfully crossed, there is still a Patriarch Biyun waiting for him to recharge his batteries.

But, this is his only choice.

It is better to live in death than to live in an ignoble way.


"Hey! Has someone crossed the catastrophe?"

Far away, Fang Chang saw dark clouds billowing and thunder snakes ravaging the void. Having already experienced the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, he naturally understood what it was.

"Firebird, come closer."

"My lord, the little demon's name is Huoying."

"Understood, Firebird."

Firefly accelerated helplessly.

Soon, everyone saw the figure wrestling with Lei Jie holding the sacred fire stove.

"Taoist Huolong, how did he survive the tribulation in the Jade Cloud Sect's territory?"

Both Fang Chang and Li Hu recognized the man who crossed the catastrophe.

Li Hu was about to speak, but his expression changed, and he shook his head helplessly, and then he called several centurions, and they folded down together, and soon their figures disappeared into the void.

It turned out that Fang Chang saw that Biyunzong's protective formation was closed for crossing the catastrophe, and when it was empty, he asked Li Hu to grab his tongue first.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you survive a hundred battles.

With Li Hu's cultivation base, it is impossible for Bi Yunzong to have Nascent Soul Realm master monks in charge, so it is impossible to find out that there are a few people missing in his own sect for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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