Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 220: Don't Pick Wild Flowers Along the Road

Chapter 220: Don't Pick Wild Flowers Along the Road

Seeing that Li Hu was so domineering, Patriarch Biyun stepped in front of him, but he didn't dare to tear his face on the spot, and lowered his tone.

"Master Li, why is this so?"

Li Hu and Fang Chang had already analyzed where to start the matter of Lingjianmen.

Of course, it is mainly Fang Chang's analysis, he is responsible for listening and nodding.

But he felt that what Fang Chang said was quite reasonable.

The Spirit Sword Sect had only met Qi Gaofei, one of the seven true disciples from the Jade Cloud Sect before, and later, by coincidence, the killers who were killed by shadows came to the door.

After the Spirit Sword Sect was wiped out, the Zongmen Alliance benefited the most.

Now the sect alliance is dominated by the Biyun sect.

If Shadow Killer really has something to do with Jade Cloud Sect, then the true seventh son of Jade Cloud Sect must know something.

If Patriarch Biyun is willing to ask Qi Gaofei to explain, then maybe it has nothing to do with Biyun Sect.

When the time comes, they will have to find another reason to do it.

But if Patriarch Biyun shirks in every possible way and finds various reasons to say that this person is not there.

Then in all likelihood, there is something wrong with Biyun Sect!
Perfect logic, reasonable.

Fang Chang reasoned and made up, and in the end he felt that Biyunzong was the murderer.

Not to mention Li Hu.

But Spirit Sword Sect and Biyun Sect had an alliance after all.

The Biyun Sect doesn't want to be in love with other sects, but Li Hu wants to give Patriarch Biyun one last chance.

"Fellow Daoist Biyun, are you really not here?"

Patriarch Biyun nodded and said, "It's really not here."

"Okay, I will give you three days. After three days, I will meet fellow Taoist Gaotu."

Li Hu restrained his momentum, but the Zijiao beside him roared again and again, as if the god of thunder was angry, and the lightning flashed and thundered.

Patriarch Biyun saw that Li Hu seemed to have the intention of negotiating, so he quickly explained:

"The whereabouts of the old man's apprentice is uncertain, even the old man can't contact him immediately, three days is too short.

I don't know what happened, why don't Master Li tell the old man, maybe the old man can explain it. "

But Li Hu only said indifferently: "Whether you see someone or not, it will be regarded as the end of the alliance between my Spirit Sword Sect and Biyun Sect.

Rather than trying to convince me, Fellow Daoist Biyun, it is better to find the noble disciple as soon as possible. "

"No matter what grievances my apprentice has with Master Li, I will give you an explanation in three days."

Patriarch Biyun sighed and turned down, but he didn't even look at Taoist Huolong.

He knew that with Li Jianchun and Fang Chang entering the arena, he would never be able to control his junior brother again.

Even he has a taste of his own insecurity.

The air was suddenly quiet.

Li Hu stood in the center of the black cloud vortex, surrounded by thunderous lightning, showing the potential to overwhelm the city, but he hid and did not let out.

Looking up from the mountain gate of the Green Cloud Sect, one can only see a tall figure in the distance, like a god who controls thunder and lightning, making one daunting and uneasy.


"Brother, why did you let the tiger go back to the mountain? The Patriarch Biyun had a deep scheming mind. If you give him three days, what will happen?"

Fang Chang was a little annoyed at Li Hu's self-assertion.

Isn't this the forced release of water?

Things that could have been solved in one chapter had to be dragged on for two more chapters.

At this moment, Li Hu was not a bit overbearing when he pronounced the sentence with Patriarch Biyun, instead he smiled and apologized:
"Second brother, don't blame me, I just want to give them another chance to explain.

How can I say that when our Spirit Sword Sect joined the New Sect Alliance, Patriarch Biyun was the first to propose to me the position of elder, and this is how the subsequent development of Spirit Sword Sect began.

But don't worry, I have given an ultimatum.

As long as he can't come up with a reasonable explanation and give me an explanation, I don't need your second brother to order, I will do it myself! "

"So that's why you are here?"

Fang Chang was speechless, gritted his teeth and said:
"Didn't Patriarch Biyun give that to us? We typed it out ourselves. If you hadn't killed Shadow Demon back then, who would have treated us like green onions.

It was a favor at best. "

"I know, but I just..."

Li Hu smiled awkwardly and didn't say much.

He is such a person, whoever gives him one point, he is willing to pay back ten, one hundred.

"Okay, I'm afraid that you think of others' kindness, but they don't care about your love.

If it is found out that Jade Cloud Sect is related to the Spirit Sword Sect's extermination, I don't think you will be embarrassed by then? "

Fang Chang was quite helpless with Li Hu's character.

But this is also what he values ​​Li Hu.

Li Hu's smile faded, and his voice became a little more murderous.

"If this is the case, I will let them stay in the Golden Pagoda forever, and there will never be a bright day."

This is a far more terrifying punishment than simply killing them.

Endless sentences, endless extraction.

Just like that Flame Demon and his three Golden Core subordinates, even though Fang Chang lacked people under his command, he didn't think about them.

Because their hands were stained with the blood of Spirit Sword Sect disciples.

Suppressing them and using them as human batteries is Li Hu's bottom line.

Thinking of this, Fang Chang couldn't help feeling a little pity.

Patriarch Biyun is also a master of alchemy, it is a pity to be only a human battery.

But who makes Li Hu more important?

You can't make Li Hu and him separate from each other because of a small loss.

Fang Chang thought for a while, and asked Li Hu to order the monks of the First Legion to completely surround the gate of the Biyun Sect, so that even a fly could not be let out.

Since he was given three days, he just took the opportunity to empty out the old capital of Bi Yunzong.

Just relying on the information of a few disciples is still too shallow.

Although the situation is already very stable, he has always been steady, with more information and less surprises.

In this regard, Li Hu readily agreed.


Here, Fang Chang gave Taoist Huolong a bottle of healing pills and a bottle of magic pills to restore mana.

"Senior Fire Dragon, heal your wounds first."

Taoist Huolong was also polite, grabbed the medicine bottle and poured it into his mouth.

Although it was just an ordinary panacea, to him, it was like a rain after a long drought, arousing the hidden vitality in his body.

Soon, Taoist Huolong had the initial strength to act.

In fact, if he hadn't been slapped impulsively by Patriarch Biyun just now, his injury would have healed faster.

But at that time, it is not happy not to type it out.

Huolong Taoist looked aside and smiled, his face was full of shrewd Fang Chang, and he had the urge to punch him.

But he resisted the urge and just muttered:
"You saved the old man, it's okay to sell the old man's life to you, but the old man must complete one thing before that.

Those veteran disciples still had to be rescued from Biyun Sect.

As for the enmity between the old Taoist and the old thief Biyun, wait for the old Taoist to give you his life back first, and then come to find him bad luck. "

Fang Chang clapped his hands and praised: "I was right just now. Senior Huolong is a man and a man with two words, open and bright!"

"I thought you would ask us to deal with Bi Yunzong together with you.

After all, we have already saved you once, and your life is worthless. If you are willing to bet on your life, we are very likely to raise the bet with you.

No, it's not possible, it will be.

A great Nascent Soul cultivator and master craftsman is worth the price.

I have already started to invest in the cost, but I can't bear to watch you die.

But now that Senior Huolong is willing to speak so clearly, then this junior will not play tricks on you. "

Fang Chang said with a serious face: "The younger generation also has a small foundation outside, named Qingxiao City, and I am the owner of Qingxiao City.

I would like to invite Senior Huolong to join Qingxiao City, and after 100 years, let the seniors go or stay. "

At that time, even if he has not yet become the king of a different surname in the Tang Dynasty, he will not be short of a Huolong Taoist.

Hearing this, Taoist Huolong couldn't help being taken aback.

One thing to say, he really didn't think so much.

He just felt that his life was saved by Fang Chang and others, so no matter what, he had to pay back his life first.

As for my own hatred, that is something that I will be able to live in in the future.


It turned out that if he was desperate, Fang Chang and others would have to follow him desperately.

This is not stupid.

But when he thought about it more carefully, it seemed to make sense.

Just like his refining tool back then.

If there is an extremely high-quality material that he throws into the god fire furnace to refine the magic weapon.

Even if there is a mistake in the middle, knowing that there is a high probability that the refining of this magic weapon will fail in the future, but it is halfway through the refining, and the top-quality materials are still in it, so you can't give up.

So keep throwing in other materials, trying to catch that slim chance of success.

Under normal circumstances, he would fail in refining and lose even more.

But occasionally it succeeds.

It is precisely because of this small probability of success that he enjoys doing such thankless things.

Now he is the top grade material, and Fang Chang is the craftsman.

As long as he doesn't want his material to be damaged, Fang Chang has to continue to invest, and he may even accommodate him.

But is he such a person!
Bah, this doll is indeed from a business background, she really has a lot of eyes!
Taoist Huolong was inexplicably regretful, if he really did what Fang Chang said, maybe it wouldn't be long before the old thief Biyun would have to beg for mercy under him.

But he quickly spurned Fang Chang's dark thoughts.

He is a fire dragon Taoist all his life, dignified and upright!

It's not unexpected, it's just disdainful.

Taoist Huolong looked up to the sky at 45 degrees, hiding the remorse in his eyes, and then he was very popular with his seniors, and said angrily:
"Being driven by you for a mere hundred years can come to exchange the life of the old Taoist, it's worth it!"

Even if he loses a lot of life, there are still 700 years to say in the future.

Whether 100 years is long or short is within his limit.

But Fang Chang corrected: "Senior, don't misunderstand, I have always respected senior people with noble character, so I dare not drive them around at will.

It is more appropriate to use the word cooperation. The seniors have contributed to Qingxiao City, and Qingxiao City will also give back to the seniors. "

Even though he knew Fang Chang was just being polite to him, Taoist Huolong still felt very comfortable listening.

Fang Chang was polite to him, so naturally he would not disappoint this kindness.

"Then you don't need to call me senior. Since you are the lord of the city, I am your subordinate. My common name is Lu, my name is Zhao, and my name is Fire Dragon.

Call me Lu Laodao, old man Lu will do. "

Fang Chang cupped his hands and said, "Then call me Mr. Lu."

"It's up to you."

Daoist Huolong felt secretly refreshed, and liked Fang Chang's sensibleness very much.

But I can't help but feel a little melancholy in my heart, since then I have been sent to others, how can I be as happy as my ancestor.

Fang Chang suddenly asked:

"Elder Lu is not considered an outsider now, so I wonder if you can tell me why the Fire Dragon Sect broke face with the Biyun Sect in the first place, and why did Elder Lu survive the tribulation in the Biyun Sect?"

Huolong Taoist showed embarrassment on his face, but he still said calmly:
"It's only because the old Taoist is old-hearted, that's why he was plotted against..."

Taoist Huolong told the whole story, without any concealment.

Fang Chang suddenly felt that Taoist Huolong was not wronged by being plotted against.

As a man, it is difficult to get rid of the four words in a lifetime - wine, sex and wealth.

This Huolong Taoist fell on the color.

Who would have thought that this rough-looking old man is also an old hooligan who likes to play master-student tricks behind his back.

20 years ago, after the second sect meeting, Patriarch Biyun and Taoist Huolong were evenly divided.

Satisfied with his ambitions, Huolong Taoist opened the mountain gate widely, and accepted a beautiful female disciple.

And this female disciple was trained by Patriarch Biyun himself.

Huolong Taoist has kept him with him for 20 years, and he has never made any mistakes, and he is quite fond of him.

But he didn't expect that this female disciple actually poisoned her body, and passed the erysipelas to him through the intercourse of yin and yang.

By the time he reacted, Patriarch Biyun had already waited.

If it wasn't for him having the five-dragon god fire furnace protection, he would have already been reduced to the puppet of Patriarch Biyun, let alone go one step further and transform into an infant.

"The old man is not a careless person. Who would have thought that the woman would put the poison in such a hidden place, which is really hard to guard against."

Taoist Huolong shook his head with emotion.

Fang Chang's crotch was inexplicably cold.

Taoist Huolong was simply using his own experience to tell him what it means not to pick wild flowers on the side of the road, because accidents will happen.

Fortunately, the flowers in his house are very fragrant, and he doesn't like wild flowers for the time being.

Then, Taoist Huolong hesitated for a while, and then talked to Fang Chang about his love and killing with Patriarch Biyun that lasted for more than 50 years.

They are fledglings, share the same interests, become close friends, get an adventure, and start the road of practice.

Later, because of a woman, the two parted ways.

Later, the two met again in the Liuyun Mountains, and thus opened the era of the rule of the Biyun Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect.

"It turns out that Elder Lu and Ancestor Biyun still have such a relationship."

Fang Chang rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, Mr. Lu must take good care of his wounds, and don't miss the big show in three days' time."

Taoist Huolong thought of Patriarch Biyun, and laughed coldly.

"I will definitely not miss it."

Fang Chang nodded slightly at Taoist Huolong, then got away and returned to his own camp, waiting for the "intelligence personnel" to come and explain.


Three days passed in a flash.

The sky above the gate of Jade Cloud Sect was also dark for three days.

Dark clouds cover the top, an ominous posture.

People in the sect were panicked, and they all hoped that the ancestor would be able to solve the catastrophe.

At the entrance of the mountain gate, the mountain guard array opened, and the heavy-faced Patriarch Biyun walked out alone.

Fang Chang and the others had been waiting for a long time, Li Hu asked:
"Fellow Daoist Biyun, do you have any news about your disciple?"

Patriarch Biyun looked sad.

"So that Clan Master Li knows that I used the secret method of the sect to contact the old man's disciple three days ago, but I didn't want to get news of his death halfway.

If Master Li doesn't believe it, he can go up with the old man. On this jade tablet is the spirit of curse and resentment that my apprentice transformed after his death, and we can follow it to find the murderer. "

Patriarch Biyun took out a crystal-clear white jade tablet, in which there were streaks of blood-colored resentment, congealed into a blood-colored arrow, guiding the direction.

"So coincidentally?"

Fang Chang didn't expect Patriarch Biyun to come up with such a thing as death without confrontation.

He looked at Li Hu.

Li Hu froze for a moment, then nodded and said:
"Okay, I will accompany you on the trip."

Patriarch Biyun pinched the Jue in his hand, threw the jade token, and the jade token turned into a streak of light and flew away, and the two quickly followed.

After half an hour.

Fang Chang seemed to have no intention of saying: "Now that Patriarch Biyun is out, the defense of Biyun Sect is empty. If someone breaks in at this time, no one will be able to stop it?"

Taoist Huolong was stunned for a moment, a little unsure of Fang Chang's meaning.

Fang Chang almost made it clear: "Elder Lu hasn't officially joined my Qingxiao City yet, he can't be considered a member of my Qingxiao City, so naturally I have no power to restrain Mr. Lu."

Taoist Huolong lifted his spirits and made a move.

The Furnace of the Five Dragon Gods soared into the sky, and under the control of the great monk Yuanying, it turned into a small sun and smashed down on the mountain gate.

"Green Cloud Sect, let the ancestor's disciples come out!"

 Also at night.

(End of this chapter)

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