Chapter 221 Attacking the Mountain (2400 first orders plus)

The furnace of the Five Dragon Gods fell.

The Green Cloud Sect's mountain protection array was activated immediately, and a huge transparent shield was buckled upside down on the mountain gate like a jade bowl.

The shield sank, and fiery red ripples splashed out.

It's like hitting a hammer on a forging furnace in a blacksmith's shop, and sparks fly everywhere.

The next moment, the outer wall of the shield seemed to reach its limit, and cracks like spider webs quickly spread from the center of the collision to the surroundings.

But the shield was crumbling, but it finally blocked it.

The original big formation of protecting the mountains of the Biyun sect has long been destroyed due to changes in the terrain, but now the big formation was re-arranged by the ancestor of Biyun, and its power is even more powerful than before.

Although Wulongshen Furnace is strong, it is not in its heyday after all, and Huolong Taoist is not in perfect condition.

Three days, in the absence of a panacea, was not enough to heal his injuries.

But he is now a great monk in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Although the mountain protection formation could block him for a while, it still couldn't withstand his saturated attack for a long time.

Seeing that Patriarch Biyun had left and Taoist Huolong attacked the mountain, the Biyun Sect immediately became chaotic.

Five of Biyun's seven sons, and the three Jindan elders inside the gate all stood in front of the main hall of the mountain gate, watching helplessly as Taoist Huolong attacked the mountain, but they were powerless.

"According to Huolong Taoist's offensive, the formation can hold out for an hour at most."

An Elder of Jindan was pinching a formula in his hand, mobilizing a large array of strength with difficulty to resist the attack of Taoist Huolong.

He is the formation mage inside the sect, and he arranged the grand formation of the sect.

Originally, he thought that with the help of the power of the mountain gate, he could at least block the attack of the Nascent Soul Realm monk.

But now it seems that it is indeed blocked.

But it wasn't completely blocked.

"Where is the ancestor, haven't you contacted him yet?"

Another Jindan elder said anxiously.

A handsome, gentle young Taoist spoke in a low tone.

"I got in touch with the concentric worm, but the master didn't respond."

Concentric worms are a kind of strange worms, mother and child are connected to each other, even though they are separated by thousands of miles, they can still be in love with each other.

Someone speaks on the side of the mother worm, and it doesn't take long for the larvae on the other side to make the same sound.

In the same way, if someone speaks on the larva side, there will be a voice on the mother worm side.

This concentric worm mother produces many larvae every year, but there are only a handful of monks in Jade Cloud Sect who can obtain larvae.

This young monk is the eldest brother among the seven sons of Biyun, named Xia Yan.

He is a secular bloodline of Patriarch Biyun, with excellent aptitude, and he is also a disciple that Patriarch Biyun regards as his successor.

Patriarch Biyun had said to outsiders more than once that he would entrust the future of the sect to him.

Xia Yan also thinks so.

But the master suddenly didn't respond, which still cast a shadow in his heart.

"Then what should we do now? The ancestor is gone, senior brother, give everyone an idea, whether to fight or surrender, you can't just wait."

Among the seven sons of Biyun, a tall and thin young man asked.

Xia Yan was silent.

"Huang Lie, what are you talking about?!"

Xia Yan didn't speak, but someone spoke for him.

At the same time, he is the seventh son of Biyun, and a beautiful female cultivator.

She said coldly: "Master, nothing happened yet, you are thinking of surrendering. Even if we die, we will die to protect the mountain gate.

As long as we persevere, when Master comes back, these people will have to pay the price! "

Huang Lie snorted coldly: "What's the use of master coming back, if master can deal with them, why bother with them.

I'm afraid you don't know.

In addition to Huolong Daoist, there are people from Spirit Sword Sect on the opposite side. Their sect master, Li Jianchun, is already a Nascent Soul cultivator, and he broke through earlier than his master.

Now there are more than 20 Jindan Daoist under him, and hundreds of Foundation Establishment monks.

Not to mention there is also a fire dragon Taoist who has broken through the Nascent Soul Realm.

What kind of person am I, Huang Lie, don't you all know?
I'm not afraid of death, but the key is what should we do to block it?

It's a good thing the master didn't leave, we followed the master, we would die, and we would live and die with the sect.

But I'm afraid of dying worthless.

Now that we are dead, don't you just want to see an empty shelf after Master comes back? "

"How do you know who's on the other side?" the nun asked.

Huang Lie sneered: "Although there is a big formation of the sect, I am neither blind nor deaf. As long as you are willing to go to the mountain gate to take a look and listen, you will know that what I say is not bad.

It's just you guys who are full of love and love, sitting in a well and looking at the sky, thinking that with the presence of Master, everything will be safe. "

The nun looked conditionally at the elder brother, and was immediately unhappy.

"Who do you say is in love with love, sitting in and watching the sky?"

"Okay, stop arguing, I can prove it for Huang Lie."

A mature-looking Jindan elder said.

"Let's think of a way to delay the time and wait for the ancestor to come back."

But what can be done.

After a long while, the female cultivator held back a word.

"Then what kind of Spirit Sword Sect is really abominable, deliberately lured the ancestor away, and then took the opportunity to attack our Jade Cloud Sect."

"You still have to thank him for not making a move, otherwise it would not be as simple as a Huolong Taoist at this moment, not to mention an hour, even a cup of tea would be enough."

Huang Lie said sarcastic remarks on the side.

But after saying that, he sighed again:

"It's a pity that none of us have the cultivation base of the late stage of Jindan, otherwise with the help of the power of the big formation, we can still deal with Taoist Huolong.

Going up with our strength is nothing but death. "

Although the entire Jade Cloud Sect has Jindan monks in double digits, they are all in the junior and middle stages of cultivation, and none of them are in the later stages.

After all, with Patriarch Biyun's character, he would never give his disciples the chance to betray him.

Because strength represents ambition.

This also led to the departure of Patriarch Biyun. In the Biyun Sect, it is not so much a group of dragons without a leader, but it is not far behind.

"Don't even talk about it, I'm a big brother, I'm coming!"

Xia Yan raised his head abruptly, and looked at the Daoist Huolong who looked like a demon god in midair with piercing eyes.

"I am currently at the middle stage of the golden core, and if I add the life-defying pill, I will be able to display the peak strength of the golden core for a short time.

Xiaorou, you use the same-minded worm to continue contacting Master, and I will block Taoist Huolong! "

The Biyun Sect has existed for decades, and it is not a sect with a strong style. There are not a few loyal people who are willing to die for the sect.

Xia Yan is just one of them.

"Big Brother."

The female cultivator's eyes immediately turned red, and she quickly grabbed Xia Yan, not wanting him to die.

"Nie Ming Pill has no life, even if you block Huolong Taoist, you won't have a good life for a few years. Don't go, let's think of a way."

"There is no better way."

Xia Yan gently broke away from the female cultivator's hand, and said to another junior with a rather cold and arrogant demeanor:

"Junior Brother Yun, I know that you have always been dissatisfied with me as a senior brother, but when a person is about to die, his words are kind.

After I go, you will temporarily take the position of senior brother of the sect. Don't give up, you have to wait until the master returns. "

Yun Qiankong was taken aback for a moment, then said:

"You idiot! If you want to die, I won't stop you.

As for the senior brother, whoever wants to be the one, the young master used to be young and ignorant, so he competed with you for the senior senior brother, but now he doesn't accompany you.

But let me advise you, instead of thinking about how to fight for your life, it is better to release those slaves of the Fire Dragon Sect to delay the time.

As long as Taoist Huolong stops for a quarter of an hour, we will return some of his disciples.

If you disagree, we will kill half of the people every quarter of an hour.

It can be delayed for a few hours no matter what, it's not much better than sending you to death alone. "

The female cultivator who was already desperate seemed to have grasped hope.

"Brother, Senior Brother Yun is right."

Xia Yanwei said: "But without Master's explanation, we let him go without permission."

The female cultivator held onto Xia Yan tightly.

"If you disagree, then I will accompany you to stop Taoist Huolong!"

Xia Yan quickly refused: "Don't mess around, you don't even have a golden core cultivation base, and you can't even stop the aftermath of Huolong Taoist's spiritual skills."

"Then I'll accompany you too!" the female cultivator was very stubborn.

"...Okay, okay." Xia Yan smiled helplessly, "Junior Brother Yun, you and Xiaorou take my token and release them, and I'll go talk to Taoist Huolong."

(End of this chapter)

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