Chapter 225 Harvesting time (first order 2600 plus)
The Patriarch Biyun disappeared, and the surrender faction conspired to instigate, coupled with Xia Yan's public appearance, the resistance of the Biyun Sect soon collapsed.

The First Legion of Qingxiao City successfully occupied Biyunzong.

And then it's the harvest time that we love to hear and see.

Fang Chang held the preliminary list of supplies from the Jade Cloud Sect in his hand, and the corner of his mouth couldn't stop smiling.

Not to mention.

The booty harvested from the Jade Cloud Sect not only gave the First Legion a full bonus, but was also enough for him to pay off Her Lady Queen's debts.

In the end, there was still a small surplus.

Just like this, there is still no official takeover of the Liuyunling Mine.

"Made, although I made money, I didn't make enough money, so I still feel like I'm losing money."

Fang Chang put away his smile, quite dissatisfied.

Because he knew that all the real treasures and treasures of Biyun Sect were taken away by Patriarch Biyun.

In fact, he had been on guard against this for a long time, and even confessed to Li Hu that it doesn't matter if Patriarch Biyun didn't kill him, but he had to bring back his magical artifact.

As a result, a Thunder Fire Ball exploded completely.

But fortunately, Patriarch Biyun didn't have that super-capacity space magic weapon in his hands, and only took away the most essential part.

Most of the remaining low-grade materials, middle and low-grade spirit stones, and warehouse after warehouse of raw spirit stone ores are all piled up in the warehouse of the Jade Cloud Sect's sect.

Although they are not very valuable, they cannot hold up to a large amount.

It's just a pity that the top-quality spirit stones and spirit marrow that Biyunzong has accumulated over the years are still there.

From Xia Yan, the big brother of the Biyun sect, I learned that the Biyun sect spent a lot of manpower and material resources to mine a whole bottle of spiritual marrow in the depths of the Lingshi mine, which is enough to refine the three-stove Infant Transformation Pill.

Ancestor Biyun was a batch of Infant Transformation Pill refined, which successfully broke through the realm.

In terms of actual value, this bottle of spirit alone is worth at least [-] million.

This made Fang Chang almost go out overnight to find out where Patriarch Biyun hid.

But in the end he stopped the urge.

With Liuyun Lingkuang, the old hen that lays golden eggs, he will never lack spirit stones in the future.

Well, it should be.

Thinking of his growing territory, he didn't know how much it would cost just to build the simplest spiritual network array and expand the spiritual network.

Now it is a prostitution of Eunuch Wei.

In the future, in addition to the expenditure of materials, labor, daily maintenance and so on will have to be calculated.

In the future, there will be an upgraded version of the Spirit Network Teleportation Array.

There is also increasing military spending.

For example, the [-]th Pioneering Legion on his future blueprint.

If you want the horse to run faster, you have to feed the horse enough grass.

These monks are willing to take the initiative to join him and work for him, not because of his personal charm, but because of the power of Qingxiao City, and the benefits that are sufficient for their daily practice.

As for the cannon fodder, that's another matter.

As Fang Chang thought about it, he felt that he had become poor again, and wished he could plant a demon seed, so that he could prostitute them for nothing.

But he knows that controlling others with demon seeds is a bad idea after all.

And the benefits given to them are not just theirs.

Those things will be turned into their cultivation realm, so that they can have a longer lifespan and stronger strength to work for themselves.

Well, my spirit stone didn't disappear, it just stayed with me in another way.

Fang Chang comforted himself silently.


The mountain gate of Jade Cloud Sect is larger than the Spirit Sword Sect, and its aura is also more intense. It has steep and steep peaks, and is surrounded by clouds and mists.

Especially after the sky change, it is even more majestic, with the majesty of seeing all the mountains and small mountains.

Being attacked by Huolong Taoist before can only be regarded as the main peak of Biyunzong.

After all, it is very expensive to protect the mountain formation, and it is impossible to arrange the entire Jade Cloud Sect territory.

Standing in front of the main hall of the main peak, Fang Chang could look ahead and see the mist rolling in the valley, as if there was a giant python churning in it.

Huang Lie and a middle-aged man stood behind Fang Chang, cautious and afraid to speak.

Although the cultivation bases of the two are similar, there is a huge difference in status regardless of actual combat strength.

One is a disciple of a dilapidated sect, a hair-shedding phoenix;
One is the lord of a city, with countless strange people and strange people under him, and there are even Daoist Huolong, great monks like Li Hu who are Nascent Soul monks waiting for orders.

This is the awe that power and identity bring.

Fang Chang admired the scenery for a while.

In fact, there is nothing to see. When he was on his way before, when he was bored, he looked at the clouds and felt sick.

It's just that from the perspective of the winner at this moment, the mood is naturally different.

"He who understands current affairs is a hero, Huang Lie, the city lord is very pleased that you can make the right choice.

These days, you cooperate with Qingxiao City colleagues to investigate the Biyunzong property, and the city lord sees your efforts.

After the lord of this city leaves, you will be in charge of this branch of the Jade Cloud Sect, and you will be the new suzerain of the Jade Cloud Sect.

As for your former big brother Xia Yan, he will be the great elder of law enforcement, the deputy suzerain of the sect, and will be your assistant. "

From now on, Jade Cloud Sect will serve as a subordinate courtyard of Qingxiao City in Liuyun Mountain, and as Fang Chang's tentacles controlling Liuyun Mountain.

Fang Chang, who had already hollowed out the Jade Cloud Sect, was not going to treat Jade Cloud Zong too harshly.

After all, these people will be cuties who earn spirit stones for him in the future.

As for Huang Lie's suzerain position, that is inevitable.

Otherwise, who will surrender in the future.

Hearing this, Huang Lie cupped his hands and bowed slightly, respectfully said:
"Thank you, Lord City Master, my subordinates will definitely not let you down."

He already has a square long demon seed in his body, so what he said is true.

After all, if one prospers, one loses all.

In the future, to maintain Fang Chang's rule is to protect himself.

Moreover, Li Hu's killing spree before really frightened him.

I heard that these people are all disciples who went out with the third senior brother Qi Gaofei before, and they are related to the case of the extermination of the Spirit Sword Sect.

Among them was even an Elder Jindan who had come over to join him.

This let Huang Lie know that the other party is not only good at scaring people, and he is not sloppy at all when he is ruthless.

As a result, many people came to him secretly in the past few days, asking what happened, the sect was in a state of panic, and many people sneaked away and were arrested.

If it wasn't for the elder brother's pleading, these escaped people would probably be used as an example to others.

Even he was a little apprehensive.

Fortunately, with Fang Chang's promise today, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Zhao Yi, you also have to assist Huang Sect Master well, there are some things Huang Sect Master has forgotten, you should remember to remind them.

But you must not lose your status just because of your relationship with me, making things difficult for Sect Master Huang. "

Fang Chang suddenly said to the middle-aged monk beside Huang Lie.

The middle-aged monk's name is Zhao Yi, one of Fang Chang's spiritual puppets, who was originally an earthen puppet with the seeing ability of a Qi-refining monk.

Qi refining monks used it to protect a side of water and soil, and later the monk died without any illness.

In order to commemorate him, later generations enshrined this puppet on the altar, engraved the name of the monk, worshiped it as a god, and burned incense day and night to worship it. Over time, it has a trace of spirituality.

Later, it was stolen and sold in Qingniufang City, and was bought back by Fang Chang, who endowed him with spiritual wisdom.

Now he is at the peak of Foundation Establishment.

Before that, he was the elder of the outer sect of Biyun Sect and a monk of Huang Lie's lineage.

Because joining the Jade Cloud Sect was too short, less than ten years, even though his cultivation was very good, he still failed to enter the Jade Cloud Sect's core layer.

Huang Lie was able to contact him because he was the one who pulled the strings.

There is also Qian Er, who worshiped in the Fire Dragon Sect, and is now mixed among the escaped disciples of the Fire Dragon Sect, following the Fire Dragon Taoist.

It's fair to put one on each side.

Zhao Yi's expression was a little dull, he nodded and said:

"I know the boss."

"Well, let's all go down."

Fang Chang waved the two of them back, and looked at the scenery slowly, but he was thinking about it.

In the past, he could only use the Biyun sect to cheer up, but in fact, it was like this after he was defeated.

Life is as lonely as snow.

(End of this chapter)

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