Chapter 226
Winter goes and spring returns.

The breeze kept blowing on Fang Chang's cheeks with a lingering coolness, making his face unconsciously a little more tired.

"Before you know it, March has already come. Time really flies by."

Three months have passed since Patriarch Biyun was defeated and disappeared without a trace, and Fang Chang conquered Biyun Sect.

These days, he spends most of his time counting the properties of the Jade Cloud Sect.

It's not the treasures of Lingshi that are on the surface, but those things outside the gate of Biyunzong.

After all, for a hegemonic sect that has been passed down for decades, Fang Chang would feel sorry for his hard work these days and make wedding dresses for others if he just searched it hastily.

Fang Chang and Li Hu had done this before when they plotted against the Spirit Sword Gate, but now they are just resuming their old business and are familiar with the road.

So he reconciled every account very carefully.

It is also worthwhile to do so, many hidden assets were found out one by one during this process, adding up to the harvest of the Biyun Sect's treasury.

Don't think that everything is confessed when someone surrenders.

On the contrary, the surrender faction of the Biyun Sect also bullied Fang Chang, a group of outsiders who were not familiar with the situation, connected in private, destroyed the books, and hid many mines, medicine gardens, spiritual fields, etc. that originally belonged to the Biyun Sect, and turned them into their own. Family business.

After all, without the ledger, they insisted that it was their family's ancestral property, and there was no proof.

Fang Chang didn't kill them, he also said to treat them kindly, and made Huang Lie the new suzerain of Biyun Sect to show his sincerity.

Because Fang Chang can use them, and he needs their cooperation to take over the decades of accumulation and huge industry of Bi Yunzong.

Therefore, after the initial panic, everyone became more courageous, and felt that there was an extra master on their heads, just like what Green Cloud Sect did to other sects back then.

But Fang Chang is not a soft-hearted person.

Only good people need reason, bad people don't need evidence.

What's more, he has an undercover agent.

So he let Huang Lie, the new suzerain, kill him severely.

It is not only a deterrent, to establish the prestige of Huang Lie, the new suzerain, but also a vote of honor, which makes Huang Lie split from the local forces, and he can only move closer to him in the future.

It's easy to see the conspiracy.

But the situation was overwhelming, so Huang Lie could only deal with it ruthlessly, and since then he completely broke up with the original Biyun Sect.


During this process, Fang Chang also saw the small vein of Biyunzong's own mine, which was a mine hole opened from the branch of Liuyunling Mine.

But now the mine has been abandoned and sealed.

Because Jade Cloud Sect is mining in the main vein openly and aboveboard, the efficiency is much higher.

Back then, the Green Cloud Sect was not the only one after all, even though they discovered a branch, they only dared to mine it secretly.

During this process, Fang's father was tricked into Biyun Sect and became a miner.

The brilliance of capital is often accompanied by primitive bloody accumulation, and countless ignorant and ignorant people like Fang's father have become the cornerstone of the rise of Biyunzong.

But they also have to bear the backlash brought about by this.

The appearance of Fang Chang was not the cause they planted in the first place.

Of course, Fang Chang admitted frankly that he came here for Liuyun Ling Mine, and as for revenge for Fang's father, that was just incidental.

Everyone has to pay for their choices.

If Fang's father had no greed in his heart, how could Bi Yunzong deceive him.

Fang's father's short life was also because he forcibly stepped into the path of cultivation and used taboo rituals, no wonder others.

But who let this be the father who raised him.

So the one who was wrong could only be Jade Cloud Sect.

The inner sect disciple of the Jade Cloud Sect that Uncle Xia and Father Fang followed back then, Chang Fang could no longer be found.

Because Uncle Xia didn't tell him the man's name.

Maybe he is dead, or maybe no one remembers the two servants who escaped.

After all, who would remember their two lost dogs.

If you lose it, just raise a few more.

Uncle Xia thought that he was appreciated, and complained in his heart that Fang's father had troubled him, but he couldn't vent it, so that he developed a demon.

But in fact, the owner he claimed may not have remembered his name.

The past turns to dust.

Without anyone knowing, Fang Chang cut off the slightest grievance between himself and Biyunzong.

From then on, Jade Cloud Sect was just a tool of his subordinates.

The Liuyun Spiritual Mine will continuously provide considerable spiritual stones for his practice.


"Second brother, how to deal with these big monsters?"

Li Hu stood next to Fang Chang, and at their feet was the submissive mountain monster.

Among them is a bear as tall as a hill with a simple look; there is a peacock with a haughty temperament but has been knocked down to the dust and covered with scars; The muscular snow-white giant python...

There are twenty or thirty of them.

At this moment, these big monsters stood obediently, raised their heads slightly, and looked at Li Hu and Fang Chang in the sky, with a hint of flattery in their eyes.

During the three months when Fang Chang settled accounts with Bi Yunzong, Li Hu was not idle.

With Huo Ying, Hei Crow, and Wang Cai, the three demon traitors, together with the monks of the First Legion, they cleaned up the entire Liuyun Mountain Range.

Originally, there were more big monsters.

But there are quite a few people who would rather die than submit. Li Hu admired them in his heart, and then fulfilled them.

Generally, when encountering such a big monster, it is the time for extra meals of the First Legion.

The big demon's flesh and blood are full of qi, blood, and spiritual power. As long as you restrain yourself and don't take too much, it is a good food if you are affected by the blood of the demon clan.

Of course, more people ran away after hearing the news.

In the vast Liuyun Mountains, there are not many secret realm human sects descending, but there are many golden core monsters like this.

Just like the terrain outside Qingniu Mountain, the terrain is flat, mainly plains and low hills.

So there will be many human cities, but there will be fewer monsters.

The will of heaven and earth has already made arrangements.

Hearing this, Fang Chang thought for a while and made arrangements.

"Take out the big flying monsters to join the First Legion to increase their mobility, and the remaining big monsters that move cumbersomely stay in the mountains and assign them good mountain tops.

Anyway, with our current manpower, it is impossible to completely guard the entrance of Liuyun Mountain Range.

Rather than let the big monsters who don't know where they come from take over the site in the future, it's better to give these big monsters who have seen the rules, at least they can be disciplined.

And with them occupying the periphery, we can easily react to what happens. "

Li Hu nodded slightly, and had no opinion.

Soon, among the many big monsters who heard the news, except for the flying big monster who was like a mourning concubine, the other monsters all showed joy.

But there is an exception.

For example, Wangcai, who has already determined to be a good dog, will be willing to be a wild wolf again.

Regarding this, Fang Chang patted the dog's head with a smile and said:

"I have other uses for your dog's head, to guard your territory well.

If that space door appears again, your mission will be considered complete, and you can follow me by then. "

According to the information disclosed by Yao Guang, Fang Chang suspected that the space gate would appear again.

After all, a stable space channel will never appear in a random place, maybe that place is weak in space, or it may be a space gap.

When the space gate appears, it means that it is time for other secret realms to connect with the world.

Fang Chang will never completely entrust his right to know information to the world of mountains and rivers.

The world of mountains and rivers can be trusted, but not completely.


Only then did Wangcai agree dejectedly, but he still did not forget to emphasize that he was already a dog with an owner.

After dealing with all these, Fang Chang prepared to go back with a few moves of idle chess.

Although he is now sitting on thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, he can determine the life and death of a place with a single word, and he is followed by his eldest brother Li Hu and his first army. Kill enemies at the highest level, and control thousands of puppets of demon species for his subordinates.

Facing him, Great Cultivator Nascent Soul had to bow his head and retreat in defeat.

But after all, he is just a little cultivator in the early stage of Golden Core.

In the realm of comprehension, cultivation is everything.

Everything he does now is for better practice.

Power is charming, but you must never forget your own heart.


Billows of smoke and dust swirled ahead, and pieces of trees fell down, bringing up black ash, which was the trace of the fire.

Some smaller hills collapsed from them, as if a terrible earthquake had occurred.

When one big seal fell, the ground was compacted, revealing a spacious dark yellow mudstone road.

With such force, it is impossible to grow a single grass in ten or eight years on this compacted road.

On Huoying's back, Taoist Huolong looked at Fang Chang in astonishment.

"City Master, are you... building roads?"

The meandering smoke and dust is clearly an endless avenue.

Taoist Huolong has officially joined Qingxiao City, and is now a member of Qingxiao City's Equipment Department, and even brought some elite disciples of the Fire Dragon Sect.

The other part of the disciples stayed at the original gate of the Fire Dragon Sect in the Liuyun Mountain Range.

At this time, they were on their way back to Qingxiao City.

Fang Chang nodded and said: "Yes, I plan to slow down when I go back, and build a road from Liuyun Mountain to Qingxiao City.

The journey is only [-] miles, [-] miles a day, even if there are some detours, it will take about a month. "

And it's just a rough road.

If this kind of road built by violence is not repaired frequently, various problems will appear in at most two or three years.

However, Fang Chang mainly wanted to declare his sovereignty.

Moreover, the Liuyun Mountains are rich in real estate, and the Liuyun Ling Mine is a big treasure, which may become a road to wealth in the future.

So he had to get through the [-]-mile long journey first.

Building roads has almost become his instinct.

He even intends to make road construction a tradition in Qingxiao City.

From now on, wherever Qingxiao City goes, the road will have to be repaired, regardless of whether it is useful or not, the road will be repaired first.

The road has been repaired, so why say this is not his territory.

Moreover, the loading rate of the storage magic weapon space is limited. For a person like him who carries a puppet army with him, his belt must be made of a storage bag, and there are more than [-] bags of elders properly.

It is conceivable that it can be used to transport large quantities of goods.

Even for the future, there is no delay in building roads.

Huolong Taoist didn't understand, but it didn't prevent him from helping.

He stretched out his hand to make a move, and saw a small seal appearing on his hand, which was the heavy mountain seal that he had refined and repaired.

He flew forward and shouted:

"Captain Li Jun, the old man is here to help you."


A month later.

A group of travel-stained people looked at Qingniu Mountain from a distance, and they could see vortexes of large or small pure spiritual energy emerging from the top of the mountain.

With Qingniu Mountain as the center, spiritual energy with a radius of hundreds of kilometers flows towards Qingniu Mountain.


Taoist Huolong couldn't help but gasped.

"This kind of vision? That is Qingniu Mountain?!"

It's not that he has never been to Qingniufang City. Although Qingniu Mountain is more than a hundred times bigger now, it can be compared to Liuyun Mountain.

However, the Liuyun Mountain Range, which is a hundred times the size of Qingniu Mountain, did not have this phenomenon, but Qingniu Mountain did.

Fang Chang smiled complacently: "If you think about coming to such a place, you can't be considered humiliating Mr. Lu."

In this Qingxiao City, there is a green cow spirit vein that regulates the spiritual energy. With the First Legion fighting in all directions, it is now recruiting younger brothers with a radius of thousands of miles, and hundreds of first- and second-order spirit veins have become its branches.

That is to say, the time is not long enough now. When there is enough time, let alone hundreds of kilometers, it is thousands of miles. The spiritual energy of thousands of miles has to flow in one direction.

Under such circumstances, one can imagine how rich the aura of Qingniu Mountain is now.

If a pig stays inside for a long time, it has to become a pig demon.

Taoist Huolong exclaimed: "This kind of blessed land, even without the kindness of the city lord, the old Taoist is willing.

The old Taoist suddenly felt that a hundred years seemed too short.The old Taoist was really afraid that he would get used to it and be reluctant to return to the Fire Dragon School. "

"Haha." Fang Chang laughed, "Then don't go back."


The big monster flapped its wings, and the four flying big monsters flew to Qingniu Mountain.


Qingxiao City ushered in new citizens.

Taoist Huolong was very satisfied with the new environment, and even his disciples were overjoyed.

They originally thought that they followed their ancestors to work as refiners to repay their debts.

But feeling such a good practice environment, they feel that their choice is really wise, how could the ancestor harm them, just follow the ancestor.

Not only Taoist Huolong, but even the four big monsters who have a legion organization feel a sense of unexpected joy.

Although they cannot live in Qingxiao City, there is a place for them on the outskirts of Qingniu Mountain.

If you can practice in this environment for hundreds of years, maybe you will have the opportunity to change form, and your heart will not be so resistant to being driven.

Maybe other monsters will envy them in the future.

As for the monks of the First Legion, they also temporarily took a vacation to give them time to recuperate.

Most of the people here joined in the middle of development, and now it is time for them to go back to promote the benefits of Qingxiao City.

It can be regarded as contributing to the rule of Qingxiao City.

Almost a year has passed since Fang Chang refined the Eye of the Heavenly Demon and decided to fight.

In one year, the territory has become a hundred times larger, but his cultivation base has only risen to a level, and he still has the experience of epiphany and free prostitution.

All kinds of affairs involved him too much.

On the contrary, because Li Hu led people to fight, he had a lot of insights, and his cultivation base was improved in the battle. According to him, after two or three years of cultivation on the third floor of the Golden Pagoda, he can almost touch the edge of the next small realm.

To be able to maintain such a terrifying progress in the Nascent Soul Realm, Fang Chang can only envy him.

Fortunately, he still has the Queen's plug-in, and when the construction of the spiritual network array is completed, his cultivation will be greatly improved.

this day.

Fang Chang, who had been back in Qingxiao City for three days, sat obediently under the Qingxiao tree, countless pure spiritual energy gathered around him, almost turning into liquid.

And his consciousness sank into the world of mountains and rivers, and he started his first official points exchange.

 Make up at night.

(End of this chapter)

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