Chapter 227 Exchange (Updated)
Mountains and rivers.

Fang Chang has long been familiar with the road, and he quickly adapted to the feeling of weightlessness.

The first time he came in, he looked up at the map. The nine clear small maps on it had now become 13 yuan.

This means that all twelve Lords of Mountains and Rivers have appeared.

What's shameful is that his No. 1 is actually ranked ninth. On the contrary, the last Lingzhu who entered the world of mountains and rivers is now ranked second, second only to No. [-] Qin Lang.

Because this guy directly refined a fourth-order spiritual vein with the Mountain and River Token. After setting up a large spiritual network array, the territory expanded rapidly, and he directly came from behind.

Besides being envious, Fang Chang is envious.

But the only thing that surprised him was that this person's name was not one of the three kings with different surnames in the future Tang Dynasty.

Even such a fierce man fell halfway.

Fang Chang couldn't help but be more careful.

Yao Guang is still the lonely watchman.

But she doesn't feel lonely, on the contrary she enjoys this feeling quite a lot.

When Fang Chang appeared, she was sitting on a big pear wood chair with her legs crossed, a pot of hot tea and fruits in front of her.

In front of him was a picture stone, projected in mid-air, the picture was much clearer than the picture stone that Fang Chang had obtained before.

If Fang Chang’s is a pirated surveillance version, Yaoguang’s is a pure high-definition lossless version, even the pores of the characters in it are clearly visible.

Proper ultra-high-definition self-service cinema.

Fang Chang looked at it for a while, and found that the photo seemed to be a love story.

Who knows why there are such films in this era.

But seeing Yao Guang's fascinated look, a well-deserved deep house girl, how can she have the appearance of an elegant goddess who was cold and decent when she first met.

Is this her true face?

Fang Chang couldn't help but realize.

This is because everyone is familiar with it, so I don't hide it.

"You enjoyed watching this?"

Fang Chang walked over and asked.

Yao Guang didn't turn his head back, as if he knew who was coming.

"I've watched it 620 times seven times, but unfortunately I lost most of my previous treasures. Do you want to go together?"

A chair appeared in front of Fang Chang.

Fang Chang coughed twice and sat up.


"Don't talk, it's coming."

Yao Guang raised his hand to stop Fang Chang's words, staring at the projection.

Fang Chang looked over, and saw the second female lead confessing affectionately in the projection, while the first male lead was shy and embarrassing.

The trembling heart, the excited mouth.

"Hiss, there's something!"

Fang Chang took a deep breath and regained his energy immediately.

This is not sleepy.

Seeing is about to enter the topic.

But when the scene changed, a rooster sang white, and the two got up, holding each other's hands, looking at each other with indescribable shyness and charm.



Fang Chang almost didn't scold.

Yao Guang wiped the tea stains from the corner of his mouth, and said:

"They broke through the world and chose to be together. This is already the best ending. If the story continues, they will be just a tragedy after all.

It's better to stay at this moment and give us the best imagination. "

Fang Chang: "..."

Is this what he said?
After a long time, he nodded his head and said, "This film has a high artistic content."

Yao Guang's eyes lit up: "Do you understand this? How tall is it?"

"It's as high as three or four floors."

Fang Chang looked thoughtful, and said: "But if I were to write this story, there are still too few two people, at least I need to add a female number three.

It is best to add some family hatred and national hatred, but it is not possible to love each other.

That's art enough. "

Yao Guang served a cup of tea respectfully: "Tell me in detail."

Fang Chang was more respectful than obedient, cleared his throat, and began to make up.

First, there was a lot of love and hatred, and then the third, fourth, and fifth girls appeared in turn, making up the seven gourd sisters, and then there was a life-and-death parting, plus some amnesia and terminal illness, which directly subverted the original plot.

The two chatted with great interest, and almost didn't become sisters.

"...So can I have a discount later?"


Yaoguang resolutely refused.

Fang Chang slapped the table and stood up, the sisterhood was completely broken on the spot.

"Then take out the list of points."

He was blinded by so much saliva.

Yaoguang put down her raised legs, regained her elegant big sister appearance, stretched out her hand, and pulled out the exchangeable list of Shanhejie, and said in a businesslike way:

"You have eight thousand points left, what do you want?"

Fang Chang was not surprised to hear that he had [-] points.

He didn't have so much storage equipment in his hand before, so many trophies of Bi Yunzong couldn't be carried with him, but he couldn't put them there.

So he directly opened the Shanhe Order and sent all these junk goods into the Shanhe Realm.

This made Fang Chang marvel at the magic of the world of mountains and rivers.

This is the ultra-long-distance transportation of bulk materials.

In theory, as long as he has the Shanhe Token, he will never have to worry about the lack of supplies.

Of course, the premise is that you have enough points.

And Yao Guang did not refuse anyone who came, and collected all of them, a total of [-] points. After Fang Chang paid off the debt, the remaining [-] points.

Eight thousand points doesn't sound like much, but it would be 8000 million low-grade spirit stones in exchange for spirit stones.

Fang Chang had already thought about what he needed.

His main task at this stage is to cultivate, so what he needs are auxiliary items suitable for the Jindan realm.

"Don't look at it."

"I want a year of Pure Yuan Pill, as well as Jiuyou Devil Qi, Styx River Water, Thunder Essence, Five Elements Evil Qi... also come for a year.

Oh, by the way, another top-grade Jin Yuan Dan.

Let's start with these. "

Fang Chang looked rich and powerful.

Pure Yuan Pill is a panacea that is beneficial to the cultivation of the Golden Core Realm. It can purify the spiritual power in the body and increase the speed of the concentration of the Dan Yuan.

It can make the most of the aura environment in Qingxiao City for him.

Anyway, there is no alchemist of this level in Qingxiao City so far.

Patriarch Biyun, the only one with this level, was beaten to such an extent that his soul was taken away from others.

Speaking of this, we have to talk about Patriarch Biyun's selfishness.

Unlike Huolong Taoist who taught the art of refining weapons to his disciples, although he hid his secrets, he still found a side job for the Huolongzong.

But Patriarch Biyun treasured himself with a broom and never taught it, so that Fang Chang's idea of ​​killing all the talents of alchemy in one go was in vain.

As for the following materials, they are the materials required for the Dao-level cultivation method Jiuyou Xuansha Magic Tome.

After all, not everyone has Li Hu's reckless talent, and he learned the Beidou Daojing without much material.

The biggest support is actually the prison-suppressing golden pagoda with only spirit stones, which is a very strange thing.

In fact, the difficulty of inheriting Dao-level exercises is not only the need for cultivation qualifications, but also the assistance of various spiritual materials.

Otherwise, even if you enter the door, it will be difficult to make progress.

Therefore, in the early stage of spiritual recovery, high-level exercises were not valued, and they were sold cheaply, and they could not be practiced anyway.

Fang Chang's three-door Taoist cultivation method, except that Bo Xunguan thought of a different way, using his own demons as nourishment.

The other two courses have been like a day for ten years, stuck on the threshold of entry and mastery.

Therefore, if he wants to quickly improve his cultivation level, these things are essential.

In the past, there were no channels, no spirit stones.

Now that I have it, it is natural to be extravagant.

After hearing this, Yao Guang waved his sleeves, and in a blink of an eye, what Fang Chang wanted appeared on the table.

"Top-grade Jin Yuan Dan has 24 points, and there are [-] top-grade Pure Yuan Pills in one year, totaling [-] points.

Three hundred points for a wisp of Nine Nether Devil Qi, two hundred points for a drop of water from the Styx River, five hundred points for a portion of Thunder Essence, and one hundred points for a portion of Five Elements Evil Qi.

A total of [-] points, [-] points left. "

"Is this so expensive?"

Fang Chang's mouth trembled.

His mere Golden Core realm, what virtue and ability, would cost so many spirit stones a year.

Except that the top-grade Jin Yuan Dan is for the daughter-in-law.

In other words, he would spend 3000 points for one year of practice, which is more than [-] million spirit stones.

Although I know that the price of materials in the Shanhe Realm is doubled and the price is not increased, but even if it is a discount, it is too expensive.

Li Hu has cultivated to the Nascent Soul Realm, and he doesn't have 3000 million spirit stones in total, maybe even 1000 million.

After all, Lingjianmen only earned more than 300 million spirit stones a year before, and he also earned a million yuan, which is not much left for Li Hu.

"do you want?"

Yaoguang asked blankly, how can she look like a good sister just now.

Fang Chang gritted his teeth and said, "Yes! No matter how hard it is, you can't suffer yourself. The spirit stone hasn't disappeared, it just changed a way to accompany me."

I just hope these things are worth the price.

As Fang Chang nodded, Yaoguang deducted Fang Chang's points and said:
"When you go out later, things will go out with you, well, you have experience."

"Since there are [-] points left, then give me fifteen more first-order spiritual network arrays and fifteen copies of the Great Tang Golden Book.

There are [-] points left, give me [-] low-grade foundation building pills! "

Fang Chang decided to spend his money on people's well-being, and squandered it wantonly.

Now Eunuch Wei is the only one who can arrange a large array of spiritual nets, but there are more than a hundred spiritual veins in the territory he has laid down.

Even if the stallion Wei didn't stop, he could arrange a formation in half a month, and it would take fifty months, and the day lily would be cold.

So the array is the best choice.

As long as a monk who is proficient in the formation method can hold the formation plate and arrange the large spiritual net formation, it is more convenient to dismantle it and go with it.

It can be said that apart from being expensive, there are no shortcomings, but the shortcoming of being expensive is not the array, but his.

Not to mention the copy of the gold book, the experience free prostitution device, and the supporting use of the spirit net array, there is no too much.

And the low-grade Foundation Establishment Pill, which costs one point, seems cheap.

But don't forget that this is the price of Shanhe Realm, and its cost is absolutely ridiculously low.

Yao Guang directly deducted Fang Chang's points.

"Any more?"

Fang Chang sighed: "I still want it, will you give it?"

"That's true." Yao Guang nodded seriously.

"By the way, can you give me a list here?"

"You have no points."

"Can I owe you first, I'm a high-quality credit user who just paid off a huge sum of [-] points." Fang Chang replied stubbornly.

"It seems that you gave me the inspiration for the story just now, and this list is for you."

Yao Guang agreed to add a list of points to Fang Chang.

"By the way, all the points at the end of the list will be doubled."

Fang Chang reminded.

Yao Guang: "..."

She knew what Fang Chang was going to do, and she felt that he wanted to be a second-hand dealer.

She kindly reminded: "The prices of the things here are all on the high side, if you double the price, it won't be worth the money."

Ma De, you also know that the price is too high, so you still charge me so much.

Fang Chang sneered: "But don't forget, many things here are monopolized, and outsiders can't find them.

Well, two times is still too low, let’s change it to three times, forget it, don’t need to change it, I will change it myself. "

Although he was unhappy that he was charged such an expensive price, it did not prevent him from charging others more.

Who is not a double standard?

It happens to be used as an internal benefit, as he said, monopoly things, ten times the price, no one will worry about it.

By the way, where did the mountains and rivers come from so many precious resources.

Yao Guang: "..."

"I hope you don't get killed."

"What you love and what I want, how can I care about it clearly."

Fang Chang waved his hand, saying indifferently.

"Good luck."

"See you next month."

Fang Chang decided to listen carefully to Her Ladyship's lectures in the future, and strive to catch up with Lord Shanhe's progress in cultivation.

Because he found that there seemed to be only three Jindan realms among the twelve masters of mountains and rivers. Who knows where so many geniuses came from before the Tang Dynasty.

No, these Lords of the Mountains and Rivers are not natives of this world.

Fang Chang thought for a while, put the question behind him, and bid farewell to Yaoguang.

His training time has begun.

(End of this chapter)

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