Chapter 231
When Fang Chang came out from the world of mountains and rivers, the sky seemed to get bigger.

Although the sky has always looked vast and boundless, Fang Chang still has a feeling that the sky is getting bigger.

This is an indescribable feeling, like moving from a cramped small house to a big villa.

There is a kind of freedom and relief from all the senses of the body, without restraint.

It is because heaven and earth have less restraint on practitioners.

Standard Reiki environment!

Inexplicably, such an answer appeared in Fang Chang's mind.

This is a constant that square lengths are always used for comparison.

This means that at this moment, practice will become a very common and stable situation.

The flow of aura in the area has a standard range.

Everyone is like a dragon, everyone can practice!
Ordinary people with low qualifications also have a chance to become enlightened.

The prosperous age of practice came quietly.

ten days later.

Qingxiao City, the city lord's mansion.

Fang Chang quietly flipped through the information sent by his subordinates.

With the convenience of a large spiritual network, information transmission has become a low-cost basic measure.

As expected before, even if the terrain changes a little in the area suppressed by the spirit net array, it will not hurt.

But outside of the spiritual network formation, there are high mountains that rise, low valleys that fall, long rivers that run mighty, and great rivers that stop flowing...

This will be the last time.

Fang Chang thought to himself.

Otherwise, Her Majesty the Empress would not establish the country at this moment, and would not divide the Nine Realms, because the big landscape would not change in the future.

Since the fusion of the secret realm, this world has become a super behemoth in just ten years.

The endless wilderness is waiting for them to explore and occupy.

In addition to the basic terrain changes, there are some secret space doors appearing.

Wangcai's hometown is not an exception.

And according to the information he exchanged in the world of mountains and rivers, the so-called fusion of secret realms is a way for the world to grow.

He attracts those secret worlds wandering in the void in a way that ordinary people can't understand and imagine.

Some weak secret realms will be sucked into the body by the huge traction force of heaven and earth.

Just like people eat.

The nutrition for the growth of the size of the world comes from these small secret places.

But the world is reborn after all, and the powerful secret realm will not be easily reduced to the nourishment of the world, but passively choose to co-exist with the world in a way of attachment.

The space vortex that appears in the secret realm is heaven and earth's temptation to the secret realm.

Once the resistance is not strong enough, the world will be like a gluttonous child, swallowing and digesting these secret realms and becoming food for their own growth.

But if the resistance is strong enough, then there will be stable space nodes in some points where the space power is weak.

This is the space door.

The space gate is not a channel for peaceful communication between the two parties, but a way for the local monks to invade each other in order to digest those powerful secret realms.

Once the local monks occupy the small world of the opponent's secret realm, they can sacrifice the secret realm to their own world step by step in various ways.

At that time, you can get the gift of heaven and earth.

As for what kind of gift it is, it has great benefits anyway.

On the day when the heaven and the earth are consummated, if you have accumulated enough, you will be detached with the heaven and the earth, and you will be an eternal immortal.

This is the way to become a fairy.

Anyway, that's how Yaoguang fooled the twelve Lords of Mountains and Rivers.

This explains why the powerful monks with great powers have also secretly done a few games for the territory in the world.

The larger the territory, the more secret realms are connected.

Who doesn't want to become a fairy.

But Fang Chang always felt that something was wrong.

There is such a good thing, who would tell others so easily.

Unless they do so, it will be of great benefit not only to Heaven and Earth, but also to Her Majesty the Empress.

Because of this kind of operation, he always thought of the middleman making the difference.

Obviously, Her Majesty the Empress is the middleman.

And if sacrificing secret realms is really that simple, how can there be so many secret realms in the future era of immortals and demons.

There must be other reasons.

But for the time being, it doesn't do him any harm.

Of course, if the local monks are weak, the indigenous monks in the secret realm can also reversely invade the local territory through the space gate.

Right now in front of Fang Chang is a newly born space gate. According to the news from intelligence spies, the secret realm behind the space gate is called Baihuajie.

A small secret world that is not unfamiliar.

For the appearance of Hundred Flowers Realm, Fang Chang had a feeling that it was unexpected and reasonable.

So far, he has met several monks from the secret realm, from the giant mountain tortoise in the Flame Demon Realm, to the water monster in the Tianshui Realm encountered in Qianzhu County, to the Jindan Snitch in the Hundred Flower Realm, and the starfish in the Stargazing Realm. Sect disciples, White Tiger Hall in the hill world, etc...

Most of the monks and ordinary people who appeared on his site came from these secret realms.

Among them, the Flame Demon Realm has been completely digested and annexed by the world because it is too weak.

As for the existence of Nascent Soul cultivators in these small worlds, their level is a little higher than that of the Flame Demon Realm, which obviously cannot be digested by the newly born world.

Not to mention that there is a God Transformation Daxiu in the stargazing world.

Fang Chang silently flipped through the rest of the information, but there was no report on the second space gate.

It's not that it didn't appear, but it hasn't been found for the time being.

After all, there is no definite number of space gates appearing. The world is so vast, who knows in which deep mountains and old forests the space gate will appear.

This will also become the norm in the future, where a large number of people without registered permanent residence pop up out of nowhere.

That's how players get in.

The only good news is that the upper limit of the secret realm small world connected by the space gate that appears at this moment is not too high, and it is still within the range he can handle.

If there is a mystical state like the stargazing world appearing now, he can't think of a second way except that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

As for Her Majesty the Empress, Fang Chang is quite self-aware.

Although he usually talks loudly and hugs the queen's thigh tightly, he also got a lot of benefits from her, such as the Shanhe Order, the Golden Book of the Tang Dynasty, and the Great Array of Spirit Nets.

But when you really encounter a strong enemy, you have to rely on yourself.

What Her Majesty the Empress wants is twelve tool people who can grow by themselves. At most, they will block people of her level, but they will not be the nanny of their twelve Lords of Mountains and Rivers.

It's really bad luck, and he died halfway, but he was just changing the master.

Today's twelve masters of mountains and rivers have really come to the end and become kings with different surnames in the Tang Dynasty. According to Fang Chang's recollection and comparison, there are only two of them.

There is another one, who is not the Lord of Mountains and Rivers now.

As for where the ex went, everyone knows.

Of course, for the sake of being her niece and son-in-law, I might save her.

But that's unlikely.

This is the reincarnation of the emperor who made his own father, and is suspected to be a powerful reincarnation of the ancient world of cultivation. How could he care about such a relationship.

Fang Chang thought for a while, and decided to go to the Hundred Flowers Realm to see it himself.

If all goes well, the Hundred Flowers Realm will be his first secret realm to sacrifice to heaven and earth.

Practice is the only way to test the truth.

If you don't make a sacrifice yourself, how will you discover the good and the bad?

As for why it is not the food industry that Wangcai was born in.

One is that at that time, I didn't know the relationship between heaven and earth and the secret realm, and I didn't have a meeting in the world of mountains and rivers.

The second is, in the case of some choices, of course, we must choose the female monks in various poses and expressions in the Hundred Flowers Realm.

This is no better than a group of wolves and beasts baring their teeth and drinking blood.


Eighty thousand li to the west from Qingxiao City, across Qianzhu Daze, there is a small human city called Green Spring City, with a population of about 5.

It is said that there used to be a spring with emerald green water in this city. The spring water is extremely miraculous and can cure all kinds of diseases.

One year, the whole city was plagued by a plague, and it was this spring that saved the lives of the people in the city. In gratitude for this spring, the city was named Green Spring City.

Green Spring City comes from a small secret world called Lin Haijie, and it has been almost ten years since it came to the Immortal and Demon Realm.

Apparently, the Lin Hai Realm is similar to the Flame Demon Realm, the entire small world of the secret realm has been digested by heaven and earth.

Five years ago, Green Spring City was formally incorporated into Qingxiao City's ruling territory. Under the protection of Qingxiao City, it has been peaceful and peaceful. The population of the city has increased by 20.00% in five years.

Qingxiao City is not cruel to the rule under the rule, and it is basically managed according to the laws originally implemented by the Tang Dynasty.

The law was always good when it was enacted, but when the people who practiced the law became bad, the law became bad.

In addition, the monks overseeing the city are responsible for armed protection, the city lord's mansion is administratively autonomous, and the tax collector manages the finances.

Under the three-point division of power, the lives of ordinary people are actually quite easy.

Of course, this better than just refers to living smoothly.

But it is enough for ordinary people.

If you want to live with dignity and personality, you can only practice hard.

Every time Qingxiao City ruled a place, it would open the door to the convenience of practice, spread the basic methods of practice widely, and even order the special staff to give lectures in public every once in a while.

After all, the practice method has been passed down, but not many people can read and learn it.

This requires the help of literacy classes.

This is also one of the important reasons why Fang Chang's experience points are increasing.

Because one Qi-refining cultivator at the beginning of practice is worth ten ordinary people who don't practice.

Even if the population remains the same, as long as everyone starts practicing, his experience value can increase tenfold.

At this time, Green Spring City had just experienced a big battle, and the atmosphere above the city was still filled with tension.

Ding Wenqiang, a monk in charge of the city, was originally a casual cultivator with a foundation-building practice.

Because he wanted to find a backer, he enlisted in the army when Qingxiao City was recruiting. He used to be a small commander of the Third Army in Qingxiao City.

The third legion is also known as the Undead Legion. The head of the legion is the younger sister of the city lord. She is a cruel and decisive woman. Because she likes to freeze people into lumps of ice, she is known as the Ice Soul Fairy.

Of course, there are more people who like to call her the Undead Valkyrie in private.

Because she possesses the supernatural power of immortality, she was born with three people at the same time. In the early days of Yuanying, Moxiu, who held a powerful magic weapon, fought for ten days and ten nights. Finally, with the help of the third army, the three Moxiu was beaten to one death and two wounded.

Ding Wenqiang was also seriously injured in that battle, and he was afraid. After accumulating enough merit points, he applied to be a city prison monk in the ordinary city.

This kind of position is generally used for the elderly. Although the status is not bad, the cultivation resources are far less abundant than those in the legion.

Becoming a city supervisor monk basically means that there is no future for advancement.

But Ding Wenqiang was already extremely satisfied.

To be selected by the third legion, to be mixed with a Foundation Establishment Pill to successfully establish a foundation, to be able to go to a small city to become the Supreme Emperor, and to be backed by such a powerful force as Qingxiao City.

For a little casual cultivator who has experienced great changes in the world and survived many times, it is already extremely lucky.

But he never thought that after only two years of leisure, a crazy woman would come to his door.

It was a female cultivator of the Golden Core realm, directly revealing the pressure of the Golden Core over the city.

He greeted him politely.

In the end, he was scolded as a lowly male cultivator, and said that this place was confiscated by their Hundred Flowers Palace, and his attitude was extremely domineering.

Ding Wenqiang also has a backer now, he has never heard of the Hundred Flowers Palace, so how can he accept such a useless attitude.

It's just a Jindan real person. The Nascent Soul Great Cultivator and their Third Legion don't know how many beheaded.

He couldn't help mocking a few words.

As a result, the crazy woman was unreasonable and wanted to take his life.

Fortunately, he has been in the army for many years, and his spiritual sense is alert. He hid in the city in time, opened the local spiritual protection, and used the spiritual network to call for support.


The leading spies of the Hundred Flowers Realm were arrested just like that.

Fang Chang, who was sent to the nearby Fucheng through the spiritual network teleportation array, and then flew thousands of miles to Green Spring City, could not help but fall silent after listening to the discovery process of the space gate in the Hundred Flowers Realm.

All the female cultivators in the Hundred Flowers Realm are so tough.

It was also the environment of Hundred Flowers that was too generous for female cultivators, which made them all develop a way of acting that was arrogant.

So much so that he dared to be so presumptuous when he came to another world.

"You are what they call the city lord, right? A little Nascent Soul male cultivator, why don't you let me go quickly, or you will have to give me the head when the army of my Hundred Flowers Palace comes over!
Even your descendants will be punished, the men will be slaves for generations, and the women will be prostitutes for generations! "

The female cultivator struggled and threatened, without any sense of fear.

Beside her, there were female nuns who were also yelling at each other, and male monks who looked ashamed and hopeless.

They are all in one team.

The male monks all stared at the female nun who was yelling at her, with complaints shining in their eyes, but they did not dare to swear under the previous power.

If it wasn't for this stupid girl who acted privately and forced them to attack the city, they would have sneaked in long ago, how could they be in such a miserable situation now.

"Has she always been this brave?"

Fang Chang ignored the female cultivator's scolding, but asked the male cultivators beside him with great interest.

Only the two centurions of the Third Legion who caught the female nuns just now and a group of subordinates were sweating on their foreheads, and they looked at the female nuns with pity in their eyes.

They will never forget their army chief's protection of the city lord.

Everyone knows that in the third army, you can offend the army commander, because there is still a chance of survival.

But whoever dares to disrespect the city lord will have a dead end.

I don't know how many people have practiced this iron law with their lives, including a commander who dared to slander the city lord in public, and was hammered to death by the legionary Chang Shengsheng, and even the Nascent Soul was fed to the corpse puppet guards.

That is the commander of the Nascent Soul.

Their third legion was only a palm count, and they didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but died in the hands of their own legion commander.

After that incident, an unknown number of people applied to be transferred from the Third Army, which greatly reduced the strength of the Third Army.

But since then, the majesty of the city lord must not be offended has become the iron law of the Third Legion.

Just based on the female cultivator's words, if the regiment commander heard it, her whole family, young and old, would be implicated.

The imprisoned male cultivator hesitated for a while, and said with a wry smile:
"She is the young daughter of the second palace master of the Jingu Palace, and she is used to domineering. She also took the initiative to snatch this investigation mission. She thought it was a play in the past, and she wanted to make a contribution and go back to show off to her sisters. "

(End of this chapter)

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