Chapter 232 The Third Legion
The space gate of Baihua Realm is in a small forest dozens of miles away from Green Spring City. It is a transparent portal about [-] centimeters above the ground, with ripples flowing like a vortex in the middle.

It seems very stable.

Having been planted with psychological hints by Fang Chang, the male cultivator in the Hundred Flowers Realm who began to give up on himself now knows everything.

"As long as you touch the space door, you can inhale another world. We have tried it. We can go back and forth freely, but we can't communicate through the space door.

Originally there was still someone staying here, but we haven't come back for a long time, so he should have returned.

If you want to go there now, a trap may have been laid over there. "

Fang Chang touched his chin, feeling an inexplicable sense of sight.

How did it look like an alien invasion?

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the secret realm can be preserved in the future.

After all, the upper limit of the space gate's tolerance is limited, too much force entering will lead to the collapse of the space gate.

Therefore, wanting to conquer a secret realm is far more troublesome than imagined.

But at the same time, if these monks in the secret realm want to come here, they have to bear the possible backstabs here.

The pitfalls work both ways.

Speaking of which, whoever discovers the space gate first will have the upper hand, and it will be difficult for the side of the secret realm to resist the invasion of the local monks.

This is the advantage of this world.

If the inheritance of that secret realm is missing, I don't understand the relationship between the main world and the secret realm, and I think I have encountered an invader from another world.

It wasn't until the monks in the secret realm were united that they fought back the invaders with great difficulty, only to find out that it was only a faction of the Lord Heaven and Earth.

And a force like this is like a carp crossing the river in the main world, so desperate.

The more Fang Chang thought about it, the more he felt that he seemed to be playing the role of the Great Demon King.

"You're right. You have to think carefully about how to go in. Don't be too reckless."

"In case they really set up some killing array over there, wouldn't I just cast myself in the trap and hang myself?"

"Brother, let me go."

Fang Tiezhu, who also arrived through the spiritual network teleportation array, said so.

The spiritual network transmission array is a unique function of the spiritual network array, which can use the connection between the spiritual vein network to greatly reduce the consumption of space shuttle.

However, the spiritual network teleportation array can only be built on the third-order spiritual veins and above, and the lower spiritual veins cannot support the space power of the teleportation array.

And the lower the level of the spirit vein, the smaller the transmission range of the spirit network teleportation array.

For example, the third-order spirit pulse teleportation array, the active teleportation range is only one hundred thousand miles, but the passive teleportation range is a million miles.

The so-called active teleportation is to go to other places through the third-order spirit vein teleportation formation, and passive teleportation is to teleport from other places.

Therefore, even in the prosperous Tang Dynasty in the future, only the prefectures will have teleportation arrays.

Because the prefectures are all built on the third-order spiritual veins.

Now there is only one Tier [-] teleportation array in the entire Qingxiao Dao, and there are dozens of Tier [-] teleportation arrays.

The nearest teleportation array to Green Spring City is still thousands of miles away.

But for a Nascent Soul monk like Fang Tiezhu, a journey of thousands of miles is just a cup of tea.

Seven years have passed, Fang Tiezhu has already broken through the Nascent Soul Realm, and his cultivation is still higher than that of Fang Chang today, reaching the middle of the Nascent Soul.

Of course, Fang Chang's cultivation base has always been stretched. When Fang Tiezhu Jindan was in the late stage, he was also in the early stage.

In this way, he has made progress.

It is said that since Fang Chang asked the Ministry of Artifacts to research a magic weapon to preserve his mana for a long time, Fang Tiezhu had an extra supernatural power of immortality.

Even if Fang Chang is not by her side, as long as Fang Chang's mana is there, any injuries she suffers can be recovered extremely quickly.

There is also Fang Chang's undead puppet army, which is now Fang Tiezhu's guards.

Don't think that Fang Chang cares about his own sister.

In fact, he just had no time to get away, so he let the girl lead the corpse puppet army to level up.

Now Fang Tiezhu, as the head of Qingxiao City's third army, led the third army to open up from the west of Qingxiao City.

Otherwise, Ding Wenqiang, the city supervisor monk in Green Spring City, would not be a retired monk from the Third Legion.

Because the territory west of Qingxiao City was all conquered by the Third Legion.

In just seven years, Qingxiao City has opened up more than 20 miles to the west, and the flags of Qingxiao City have been planted. One can imagine the intensity of the battle.

In battle after battle, Fang Tiezhu has helped Fang Chang upgrade hundreds of third-tier corpse puppets, and the number is still rising.

As for the fourth-order puppets, the third legion has not yet reached that level of combat intensity.

So the third-order puppet is the most cost-effective choice.

Don't look at Fang Chang hiding under the tree to practice quietly, and not leaving Qingxiao City for seven years, but he has already secretly amassed enough troops for a small half of the legion by himself.

It is no longer a joke to form an army by one person.

This is naturally inseparable from the efforts of my own sister.

He invested in Fang Tiezhu back then, and now the return is more than a hundred times.

At this time, Fang Tiezhu dared to venture into the space gate because she possessed Fang Chang's mana, and she almost had an immortal body.

No matter what traps are set behind the space door, she is confident that she can break through.

But Fang Chang did not agree, but pondered for a moment, stretched out his hand to summon the golden core female cultivator of the Hundred Flowers Realm who had been restrained before, and said with a smile:
"Fortunately, I've always been thrifty. I didn't kill you because of your bad mouth. Now is the time for you to show your value."

"What do you want to do?"

Jindan female cultivator's face paled.

Although her cultivation is not bad, but since she was young, she has been going smoothly, no matter where she has experienced any setbacks, she thinks that with her background, the world has to make concessions.

But after being taught a lesson, he collapsed faster than anyone else.

Seeing Fang Chang's malicious smile at this moment, she had a bad premonition in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, quickly, look into my eyes."

When Fang Chang's soft voice came, Jindan Nvxiu was so frightened that she quickly closed her eyes.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that it's the same with closing your eyes. A sense of ritual is always necessary."

"Supernatural powers—heart puppets!"

A sound like a ding-dong in the depths of the soul, like a drop of water dripping into the heart lake.

The Jindan female cultivator only felt that the world was spinning, as if the world was turned upside down in an instant. After she opened her eyes, her cultivation base had recovered.

Several men and women under her command stood in front of her in disgrace.

A male cultivator said cautiously:

"Renren Yun, we returned without success, how should we explain to the palace masters after we return?"


Tell what?
Yun Rong's eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous light burst out.

She remembered.

She wants to occupy a local city first, as a spoil of war for her return to the Hundred Flowers Realm, so that those voices who always talk about her being a mother behind her back can take a good look.

Even if she, Yun Rong, does not rely on her own mother, she can do great things.

As a result, not only did that person refuse to send the city obediently, he dared to resist and ask for help?

And that damned lowly male cultivator, if he saw her, he would just kneel down and make amends, but he still dared to hurt her.

just wait.

When she brings people here again from the Hundred Flowers Realm, this chaotic world with yin and yang reversed will eventually be corrected.

Yun Rong had a certain idea, and said coldly:
"What is the confession? We just came back to rest for a while, whoever dares to reveal the fact that we were hunted down, don't blame me for being merciless.

And that little bastard Liu Ying dared to return without waiting for us. When I see her, I will definitely let her taste the palace rules of Baihuashen Palace! "

"Go, go back!"

Yun Rong stepped into the space door first, and the others followed in turn.

I saw faint ripples on the space door, and everyone disappeared.


next moment.

The scenery around the space door is like a mottled portrait on the wall, peeling off bit by bit.

It was Fang Chang, Fang Tiezhu and others.

The performance of Jindan female cultivator and others just now was watched by so many people, but they didn't notice anything.

Fang Chang sensed carefully and found that the isolation force of the space gate was very strong, and his connection with Yun Rong was cut off instantly.

Fortunately, after he broke through the Nascent Soul, his mental power was also strengthened.

Even if he couldn't control it personally, the hints he gave were enough for Jindan female cultivator to be a good leader.

"Brother, what are we doing now?"

Fang Tiezhu looked at Fang Chang, his eyes were as attached as before, which greatly satisfied Fang Chang's manly psychology.

Who doesn't like to have a little fan girl who likes him for ten years.

What's more, this little girl is still a Valkyrie in the eyes of outsiders, a powerful legion commander.

Fang Chang coughed lightly and said flatly, "Wait."

"By the way, how long will it take for the Third Army I asked you to mobilize to arrive?"

Fang Tiezhu replied: "I asked them to complete the assembly within twelve hours, it should be soon."

"That's true, you are a Valkyrie who is forbidden by law, and I can hear your reputation every now and then." Fang Chang said with a smile.

Fang Tiezhu smiled faintly, there was an indescribable tenderness at this moment.

"But I still prefer my brother to call me my sister."

Seven years of military service had given her a soft-looking girl a bit of lingering evil spirit, but only when facing Fang Chang, she was willing to restrain all her minions.

The others stayed far away, not daring to disturb the heart-to-heart conversation between the legion commander and the city lord.

Fang Chang was silent for a while, and stretched out his hand, trying to touch Tiezhu's head, but his movement stopped.

He seemed to feel a little out of place.

But Fang Tiezhu took the initiative to lean his head over and rubbed against Fang Chang's palm, his smile was as pure and sweet as ten years ago.

"I will always be my brother's sister, and will always be by my brother's side."

Fang Chang laughed and laughed at himself:
"That's right, I was hypocritical."

"In another 100 years and 1 years, you will also be my sister, you can touch me if you want."

As he spoke, he rubbed the girl's hair vigorously and laughed heartily.

It's not that he doesn't get close to Tie Zhu.

On the contrary, Tiezhu is more and more important to him now.

That's why he cared more about the girl's thoughts and respected her wishes.

This is very vulgar, very profitable, but it is human nature.

A very simple example.

If you start a company, there is a company executive who earns you 100 billion a year in the company, that is your former top brother.

In the past, you always regarded yourself as a father, but now, this son can't speak at all.

Couldn't even be too polite to him.

But now it seems that it is he who has changed, and the girl has never changed herself.

Now the Third Army has more than ten thousand troops and ten thousand-man teams.

The commander in the legion means the Nascent Soul realm, but this does not mean that the Third Legion has ten Nascent Soul monks.

Because the Nascent Soul cultivator cannot appear out of thin air, most of the previous Jindan monks were promoted.

Therefore, the third legion only has five commanders in the Nascent Soul realm, and five Jindan peak monks who are acting commanders.

In fact, there were originally seven.

But back then, Fang Tiezhu killed one with his own hands, and scared the other away, which almost caused a mutiny in the army.

But Fang Tiezhu didn't care.

Later, because of the good benefits of the Third Army, Fang Tiezhu always took the lead, and the corpse puppet guards who were not afraid of death charged forward and gnawed down the hardest bones.

Therefore, the casualty rate of subordinates is much lower than that of the other two legions.

Moreover, Fang Tiezhu never withheld the benefits of the legion. If someone dared to stop indiscriminately and kill a group if they found out, no one's relationship would be good.

After all, the commanders of the Nascent Soul Realm always kill as they say, so who dares to say that she is joking.

Therefore, the Third Legion is highly respected by casual cultivators. For casual cultivators, they don't ask for preferential treatment, as long as they are fair.

The casual cultivators occupy the main force in the Third Army.

Now it is getting stronger and stronger.

In Qingxiao City's system, the Third Army is the only power group that can compete with the First Army led by Li Hu.

As for the Fifth Legion, for the time being, it is purely a make-up.


The air became quieter.

Time passed slowly, the sun was sinking, darkness covered the earth,
The stars in the sky are shining and twinkling, like a naughty child blinking.

Fang Chang stood with his hands behind his back, and Fang Tiezhu quietly stood beside him, restraining all his sharpness.

Behind them, the grove had long been emptied, and what appeared instead was a barracks rising from the ground.

The camp was brightly lit, as if it were daytime.

For practitioners, a small sun can be created with just one lighting technique.

However, although there were many people in the camp, they were very quiet and showed good military discipline.

For most people in the Third Legion, Fang Chang, the city lord, has always only heard his name and never seen him.

So when I saw Fang Chang at this moment, I was mostly curious and awed.

Most of them are in awe.

Among the Third Legion, Fang Chang, the city lord, is the most unoffensive.

Especially when he saw his wise and mighty legion leader obediently standing beside Fang Chang, like a maid, his heart was shocked even more.

In a short period of time, Fang Chang gained great prestige in the Third Army.


Ripples appeared in the space door.

A woman in palace costume who was as cold as ice and with a noble temperament walked out of the space door, and seeing the third legion who had been waiting for a long time, several auras that made her dread rose like torches.

Well, barracks are built around space gates.

As soon as her complexion changed, she turned around and was about to go back.

But a gentle but tenacious force stopped her, the air seemed to freeze, and she fell into an inextricable swamp.

But the distance of turning around seems to be so close at this moment.

The ripples behind him are still fluctuating, and there are still people coming.

The woman in palace costume hastily transmitted the voice.

"do not come!"

But there is a space door to isolate it, so no one will hear it from behind.

Soon there will be a second, and a third nun appears...

Fang Chang's faint voice was transmitted in the air.

"If you have friends coming from afar, how can you not entertain them well?"

"Your Excellency, please stay."

(End of this chapter)

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