Chapter 234 Fishing
Hundred Flowers World.

A small village named Pingxu.

Since half a month ago, a space gate appeared in the village, and the village chief reported it layer by layer, and finally alarmed Yun Xi, the second lord of Baihua Temple.

The news was intercepted by Yun Xi, and he came with his confidants, ready to take the first benefit.

The ordinary people in the village have long been emptied, and at this moment, the Hundred Flowers Formation of the Hundred Flowers Palace has been set up around the space gate.

Although the time is short and the formation is not complete, even if it is only a simple version, it has a power that cannot be underestimated.

And the array is still being perfected.

At this moment, it has been several hours since the second palace lord entered.

But that space door is like a big silent mouth, no matter how many people go in, no news comes back.

Gradually, the excited female cultivators began to calm down.

A mid-mature female cultivator couldn't help asking Yun Rong who was watching indifferently.

"Miss Rong, is there really no problem over there? Will there be any accidents?"

Yun Rong immediately pulled her face down, and said unhappily:

"What do you mean? Do you doubt me? That's my mother, will I harm her?"

It can be seen that the female cultivator and the others all have suspicious expressions on their faces.

Yun Rong said impatiently: "Okay, okay, let me tell you the truth, there are indeed two powerful characters over there, and I came back after losing the battle.

But their cultivation base is only a little bit higher than mine.

I told my mother all these things, and she didn't blame me.

With my mother's cultivation level, even if there are any traps, it's not worth mentioning.

There is no news yet, maybe something has delayed it. "

The other female cultivators had a slightly relaxed expression, but they did not pursue the question any further.

After all, Yun Rong is the second palace lord's youngest daughter, they only dare to ask a few questions, if they really want to blame her, they are not qualified enough.

Furthermore, what Yun Rong said was right, with the level of cultivation of the Second Palace Mistress, she is also a figure standing at the top in the Hundred Flowers Realm, even if there is an accident on the opposite side of the Space Gate, she should be able to deal with it calmly... right?

A shadow suddenly cast over everyone's hearts.

Even if there was something extremely urgent, it wouldn't be impossible for a single message to pass through, not to mention that they had already sent three groups of people there.

But still no news.

"Little Junior Sister, don't be angry. They are all Master's close maids. They have followed Master for many years, and they are also worried about Master at this moment."

At this moment, a clear female voice came from behind.

When everyone turned their heads to look, they saw a red dress striding forward. It was a heroic female cultivator with a plain face and a simple ponytail, but she was full of vitality.

"Third Senior Sister!"

"Miss Li."

Yun Rong and all the female cultivators bowed to the visitor.

The person who came was Yun Xi's third disciple, Sun Li, who was also the only Nascent Soul Realm monk among Yun Xi's many disciples.

Therefore, her status and prestige are far beyond Yun Rong's.

At this moment, as soon as Sun Li joined the scene, he automatically became the backbone of the field.

"I was delayed on the way, so I'm late. What's the situation now?"

Sun Li explained casually and asked.

"Miss Li, it's like this..."

Yunxi's maid stepped forward to explain.

Sun Li's expression gradually became serious.

"Master is not a careless person. Even if there is an accident, he will send back news, unless... there is something that makes her unable to even send someone back."

"Junior Sister, tell me honestly, are there really just a few ordinary Golden Core cultivators over there?
No matter how carefully you tell me the story, remember, you can't miss any details. "

Sun Li looked at Yun Rong.

"Didn't I tell you everything?"

Yun Rong couldn't help but rolled her eyes, but after all, Sun Li was different from her mother's maid, and she didn't dare to act like a young lady in front of Sun Li.

So she told the story honestly again.

But since Fang Chang dared to let her come back, he would not make mistakes on such a small problem. No matter how Sun Li asked, Yun Rong could easily handle it.

Because in her memory, the process was like this.

"No, still not right."

Sun Li shook her head and muttered to herself:
"With Master's personality, he shouldn't be so reckless. How could he take the risk to go there himself?"

She sharpened her gaze, stared at Yun Rong and asked, "Little Junior Sister, do you have something else to hide from me?"

After being questioned repeatedly by Sun Li, Yun Rong also became a little impatient.

"Third Senior Sister, are you annoying? I have answered these questions a hundred times. If you want to know, just go and see for yourself."


The spatial gate fluctuated.

"Someone is back!"

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly resolved, and everyone's eyes gathered together.

A pale female cultivator with blood-stained clothes fell down from the space door, her breath sluggish.

"Quick, hurry up and support the Palace Master, there is... a trap."

The female cultivator passed on the information with difficulty, and passed out completely.

"It really happened!"

Sun Li glared at Yun Rong, and said decisively:
"Above the Jindan realm, all follow me!"

"Little Junior Sister, stay and take charge of the formation, and be ready to meet us at any time."

Yun Rong's face paled at the moment, she never thought that there would be a trap over there, she was obviously fine when she came back.

But the facts can no longer be explained by her.

Sun Li took the dozen or so Jindan monks who stayed behind, and all flew towards the space gate.

Yun Rong still couldn't believe it.

"Why is that?"

Fragments of memory flashed faintly in her mind, and she seemed to have forgotten something.

Another half an hour passed.

The space gate fluctuated again.

Soon, the Jindan maid came out, her face flushed with excitement.

"Miss Rong, we have won, this is the palace lord's secret order, let us summon all the forces to go there.

There is treasure there, great treasure! "

She whispered to Yun Rong.

Yun Rong felt that something was wrong, and what happened to the memory fragments just now.

But the secret order is not fake, it has mother's unique mana imprint, and the maid is also mother's confidant, and will not fake orders.

"Let me take a look."

Suddenly, there was a wave of mana flashing in the void, and the secret order in the hand of the maid came out, and a graceful and noble lady in palace attire approached, stretching out her hand to take the secret order.

Behind her, there are three monks with deep aura, male and female, all of them are great monks of Nascent Soul.

"The Lord of the Three Palaces!"

The Jindan maid was angry and impatient, but she didn't dare to act presumptuously, because the person who came was Nangong Zhi, the third palace master of Baihuashen Palace.

Nangong Zhi read Yun Xi's secret order, and a sneer curled up at the corner of her mouth.

"As expected of my good second sister, she wants to take such a big advantage for herself, so she's not afraid of choking to death.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world, second sister, this benefit is too great, you can't grasp it, so my sister will help you share it. "

"Xu Zhi."

"Subordinates are here."

A male cultivator behind Nangong Zhi replied with a bow.

"Pass on the order of my palace and mobilize all the power of the Jingu Palace. I will help my good second sister."

Nangong Zhi threw out a token, wrote down the order with magic power, and also used the power of the primordial spirit to make a unique mark.

Nanxiu took the order and left.

"The third palace lord, this was discovered by the second palace lord. It should belong to the second palace lord. If you want to go there, you have to get the consent of the second palace lord."

The Jindan maid stopped in front of the space door.

Nangong Zhi waved her long sleeves, and the Jindan maid couldn't resist at all.

"I'm going to ask my second sister for permission."

She already knew about the space gate.

But after all, Yun Xi was a step too late, so she might as well come here once, with the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind, and Yun Xi in front to explore the way, which also saved her from some danger.

Now that Yun Xi has figured out the way forward, he does not hesitate to spend time under his command. Obviously, the benefits of that world are great.

That being the case, if she didn't want to take a share, she would be too sorry for her sister's efforts.

Nangong Zhi confidently led people into the space gate.

She is not afraid that Yun Xi will turn against her, it will only hurt both sides, she is confident that Yun Xi will make the best choice.


"Yo? Someone came so soon?"

With a sense of weightlessness, Nangong Zhi walked through the space door, and a slightly frivolous male voice came from beside her ear.

It has been a long time since a man dared to be so frivolous in front of her.

Nangong Zhi instinctively disliked it.

When her five senses returned and her vision brightened, she found that her second sister was standing beside a young man with lowered eyebrows.

There was also her second sister's third disciple, covered in blood, with an unyielding and unyielding face, and eyes full of anger, but he was restrained at the end of his mana.

With her was the same group of weak female cultivators, all of whom collapsed to the ground.

The air became viscous and hot, and the phantom of a huge furnace emerged in the void.

This is a trap!
She was cheated!

Fang Chang looked at Nangong Zhi who was constipated, turned his head and asked Yun Xi:
"She has the same style of clothes as yours, is she your relative?"

Yun Xi watched Nangong Zhi cast herself into the trap, and a gleam of pleasure flashed inexplicably in her heart.

The two of them have been fighting openly and secretly, and now that she has fallen into the mud, how can the other be spared.

Good sisters, naturally there must be difficulties.

"No, she is the third palace lord of the Jingong, named Nangong Zhi, and she has been at odds with me."

Yun Xi replied in a low voice:

"She should have planted an undercover agent among my people, that's why she appeared so quickly. The opportunity to transform into a god is enough to drive them crazy."

That's right, this is the bait Fang Chang gave them - a chance to transform into a god.

Nangong Zhi is like this, and so is Yun Xi.

Even if Yun Xi found out that something was wrong with Yun Rong before, how could she control herself in the face of the opportunity to transform into a god.

As long as there is a cultivator who still pursues, facing the temptation of a higher realm, it is inevitable that he will unconsciously ignore the risks involved.

"Oh, I see, this is your Palace Master's uniform."

Fang Chang understood in an instant, tsk tsk and said strangely:
"I didn't expect you to be so formal."

"The third palace master, right?"

Fang Chang looked at Nangong Zhi, smiled and said: "Your good sister has already joined me, so come over to be my companion if you are interested.

Just now your good sister asked me to kill you.

But I am a person who loves the fragrance and cherishes the jade, so I don't agree.

But if you must be my enemy, then it's hard to say. "

Yun Xi: "???"

What did she just say?

Nangong Zhi believed it, and she cursed:

"Yun Xi, you bitch! It's not enough to cheat me, you want to kill me!"

Being so insulted, Yun Xi's expression turned ugly, and he said sarcastically:
"Did I trap you? If you weren't greedy, you would have stepped into the trap. Let me tell you, even if you surrendered, you would be the last one, and you would still be behind me.

my good sister! "

As for the word "sister", she pronounced the word very hard.

As expected of the sisters who have been against each other for many years, they are very determined.

Nangong Zhihuo came up in a huff, her mana was agitated all over her body, and the aura of Yuanying's late stage was bursting, and she shouted:
"Bitch, I'll kill you!"

Pong sound!
Nangong Zhi turned around and bumped into the space door.

She actually had the same idea as Yun Xi back then, so she ran away first.

Even Yun Xi, who was not in the same boat as her, was here, she would be an idiot if she didn't run away.

Usually when she was fighting with Yun Xi, she was more angry than now, how could she really lose her mind.

But it is easy to come over the space door, but it is difficult to leave it.

She hit a wall of ice.

A female general in ice blue battle armor stopped in front of her and said coldly:
"This way is dead."


Fang Chang glanced at Yun Xi speechlessly.

"Aren't you really biological sisters?"

The escape posture is the same.

Yun Xi's face turned red slightly: "This bitch just has a good mouth."

"Do you want her to live or die?"

Fang Chang looked at Nangong Zhi who was already fighting in front of him, and asked seemingly unintentionally.

The Tianlu army divided the battlefield, and Nangong Zhi and the two Nascent Soul cultivators she brought had no chance to rendezvous. At this moment, they were all entangled by the commander of the third army.

Nangong Zhi was dealt with by Fang Tiezhu himself.

But they are not stronger than Yun Xi, and their defeat is only a matter of time.

Yun Xi couldn't help but shudder.

She looked at Fang Chang with a playful face, and her thoughts turned.

Obviously, her cultivation base is not as high as hers, but Fang Chang's image is inexplicably unpredictable in her heart, and this sentence seems to be unintentional.

Is it a test?
Yun Xi pondered for a moment before slowly replying, "It's all up to you."

Hearing Yun Xi's weakness, Fang Chang smiled and took out a green vial and handed it to Yun Xi.

"Here are all heart-eating pills, the same as the ones you ate before."

"Submit them and your lovely disciple to prove your worth. Because I just discovered that I seem to have an extra choice."

The pill bottles are filled with pills disguised as demon seeds. The names are random anyway, but the effects are the same.

Yun Xi took the vial, smiled bitterly and said:

"Not everyone is as greedy for life and afraid of death as I am."

But Fang Chang spread his hands and said, "This is not my problem, it is your problem to solve."

"I don't want to kill them in principle, but they must insist on not cooperating, so I can only say sorry."

"Even if it's to keep them alive, what's wrong with living?"

"You have also taken this elixir. You should understand that it is not such a cruel thing. If you still choose to die in the end, no amount of medicine can stop you."

"I won't deliberately humiliate you, otherwise, you won't be living so easily now, and you still have time to be stubborn and show me.

So take it easy, don't think of me as a bad person, we can be friends, and this stuff is just an insurance policy for our friendship. "

Yun Xi held the vial tightly, and said in a deep voice, "You are simply a demon!"

Fang Chang blinked and said with a smile:
"At least a demon who can reason with you."

With a wave of his hand, dozens of third-order corpse puppets surrounded Nangong Zhi.

"To avoid accidents, let's make a quick decision. I guess we still have a lot of people to entertain. I hope the guests don't come too many at once."

(End of this chapter)

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