Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 235 The war has begun

Chapter 235 The war has begun
half a month later.

Baihuajie, Pingxu Village.

When Fang Chang walked out of the space gate for the first time, he discovered that something was wrong in this world.

This is a deformed world.

Even the air was faintly aimed at him.

It wasn't that the Hundred Flowers Realm was sane and knew that he was an intruder, so they gave him a halo of doom as soon as he appeared.

On the contrary, the reason is simple, he is a man.

That's right, the Hundred Flowers Realm targets all men.

Perhaps the natives of the Hundred Flowers Realm have long been used to this kind of targeting and took it for granted.

But Fang Chang is different, he is from the main world, and he has long been used to the indifference of the world.

The world is not benevolent, treats everything as a straw dog, never specifically targets a certain group, and has nothing to do with survival or destruction.

His volume is large enough to accommodate various forms.

But the Hundred Flowers Realm is different.

Because the Hundred Flowers Realm was created by humans, some of its rules had to be changed according to the will of humans.

For example, in the Hundred Flowers Realm, aura is naturally favored by women and rejected by men.

If a man wants to gain the same strength as a woman, he needs to put in more effort and time, and it accumulates over time, so there is a tradition of respecting women in the Hundred Flowers World.

After all, any tradition will change with the changes of the times.

Just like in the primitive society, it was a mother society at the beginning, with women as the core, and the offspring only knew the mother, but not the father.

Because women held most of the means of production at that time.

Later, with the advancement of tools, men's ability to obtain food far exceeded women's, so women gradually transformed into men's vassals, and polygamy appeared.

In modern society, most human beings don’t need to worry about food, so the social status of men and women has gradually emerged. Monogamy has become a consensus, and the social status of men and women is moving towards equality.

Stripping off all the cloaks of civilization will ultimately come down to the ownership of the means of production.

In the Hundred Flowers Realm, this means of production is cultivation.

The Hundred Flowers Realm can always follow the rules handed down from ancient times, after all, power is the most important thing.

If the male cultivators in the Hundred Flowers Realm surpassed the female cultivators in strength, what kind of scum would be willing to be born inferior.

This is the injustice of heaven and earth, which cannot be resisted by human beings.

Who made the creator of Hundred Flowers Realm a nun?

Gan, when will we men stand up, trembling and cold.

In this way, Fang Chang's first contact with the Hundred Flowers Realm was forged.


"The Hundred Flowers Realm is respected by three major factions, namely, the Hundred Flowers Fairy Valley, the Hundred Flowers Palace, and the Hundred Flowers Sacred Religion. These three schools all claim to be the orthodox inheritance of the Baihua Fairy.

The rest are eight major clans, twelve aristocratic families, 36 sects and countless small families.

Relying on the three major forces, these forces have been fighting openly and secretly.

This place is the domain of a small family named Ming. The head of the family is from the Luo Yingzong, and the Luo Yingzong is attached to the Yun family, which is the family from which Yun Xi was born. "

Hua Qianyu, the Grand Mistress of the Hundred Flowers Palace, stood in front of Fang Chang with a blank expression and introduced.

Hua Qianyu looks youthful, looks no more than twenty-eight, has a good figure, with the innocence of a girl, but her eyes are full of vicissitudes left by the years.

This is the effect of the Hundred Flowers Secret Code, an inheritance technique of the Hundred Flowers Shrine, which has the effect of fixing the face, and can fix the face of the owner of the exercise at the most beautiful moment of life.

Although the Grand Palace Master is young, he is actually almost five hundred years old, probably the face of a young girl and the soul of an ancestor.

As one of the inheritances of the former Baihua Fairy, the Hundred Flowers Secret Code is extremely powerful, reaching the level of a false Taoist.

As for why it is fake, because this thing will drop the grade.

If the body is virgin Yin, the Hundred Flowers Secret Code can exert a powerful power comparable to that of the Dao-level middle-grade kung fu.

If you lose your virginity, then you can only regard it as an ordinary high-level spiritual skill, and you will never be able to break through to the highest level.

Therefore, only virgins can be the Grand Mistress of the Hundred Flowers Palace, and they are often the strongest monks in the Hundred Flowers Palace.

A few days ago, Hua Qianyu had no choice but to venture into the space gate after the Hundred Flowers Palace gave away heads one after another.

This is the sense of responsibility of the Grand Palace Master.

Moreover, the second and third palace lords suddenly took away a large amount of power, she couldn't ignore it.


She gave it for nothing.

However, Fang Chang spent a lot of effort in order to take her down. The hundreds of third-order puppets under his command were blown up for three rounds.

To convert the Golden Core monks, there are more than 300 Golden Core monks.

This is still under the suppression of the Tianlu army, with several thousand commanders and Fang Tiezhu as the main attackers.

The horror of the high-level monks can be seen.

In addition, the gap between the three palace masters is obvious.

Singleness is indeed the most powerful force.

Fang Chang suspected that if she was given some time, it would not be impossible to advance to become a god in the main world.

But who made him a mean boy.

First, it was suppressed by force to make him lose the ability to resist, and then he threatened the lives of the monks in the entire Hundred Flowers Palace to give him a high-sounding reason.

Anyway, the bad guys do it, and they are all coerced.

Don't care if others believe it or not, just believe it yourself.

Most of the time, all you need is an excuse to turn bad.

So Hua Qianyu, the great palace lord, obeyed the demon seed obediently, and made the Hundred Flowers Palace a bridgehead for him to break into the Hundred Flowers Realm.

Of course, coercion alone is definitely not enough, there are also temptations.

For a monk who has been immersed in the realm of Nascent Soul Dzogchen for hundreds of years, there is nothing more tempting than advanced Huashen.

As for the cake, let’s draw it first.

Therefore, Hua Qianyu was half-pushed and half-finished.

"Fairy, god, holy?"

Fang Chang couldn't help laughing when he heard Hua Qianyu's introduction.

"Chi Qian Wang Ba Duo, the tone is still very loud, but are there any demons, ghosts, demons? Only in this way can we match up."

Hua Qianyu said lightly, "What do you think?"

Fang Chang smiled and said, "I thought there could be one. If there were no demons in the Hundred Flowers Realm before, then there are now."

"Well, as the so-called god and demon are one, the opposite of light is darkness. Maybe the Hundred Flowers Palace can become the Hundred Flowers Palace."

Hua Qianyu's complexion changed: "You promised not to hurt my Jingu disciple!"

Fang Chang waved his hand and said: "I also promised to let Mistress Yun Er be the boss, but I am not cooperating with you now.

Besides, I didn't hurt them.

The so-called orthodox one is enough, the sacred religion of the fairy valley is not as good as the shrine, I help you unify the world of flowers, it always requires a little sacrifice.

I've heard that for the sustainable use of resources, every once in a while, your Hundred Flowers World will start a war between the three major forces.

It's called a secret battle, right?

In every war, not enough people die?

Rather than letting them die in such meaningless disputes, it is better to die with value and meaning. After many years, many disciples of Baihua Temple will be grateful for the sacrifices of their ancestors.

Don't you think it's great? "

Fang Chang smiled.

Where there is competition there is pressure.

Although the three palace lords were forced to surrender one after another due to various reasons, but for the sake of the future, Fang Chang knew everything and even used his own body as a bargaining chip.

In just half a month's time.

Fang Chang saw the difficulty of the group of women in Baihuashen Palace, and the [-] tricks among women.

People are also able to bend and stretch, okay?

Only a spoiled child like Yun Rong will do her own way, thinking that the world is all her mother, even if she is a prisoner, she is still arrogant like a master.

Of course, to deal with such a brat, just give him a good beating.

In short, if Fang Chang hadn't been able to control it, the king would have been late since then.

After all, the Grand Palace Master kept the precepts all his life, but the other two Palace Masters did not have such scruples.

On the contrary, they don't feel that they are at a disadvantage.

Being able to have a good time with someone like Fang Chang.

From a male point of view, they are like a township male boss sleeping with a CEO's daughter from a big city, which can last a lifetime.

Moreover, Fang Chang practiced for a long time, and his appearance gradually improved.

In the Hundred Flowers World, there is no tradition that women must obey their husbands. There is one hat per capita, and even more men don't even have the opportunity to wear hats.

Because they are only responsible for providing seeds.

Well, these are just some norms in the Hundred Flowers world, and they cannot be judged by traditional values.

Closer to home, Hua Qianyu's face suddenly turned pale when he heard Fang Chang's devilish whisper.

"They even said this?! This group of sluts who have forgotten their ancestors! The oath they swore!"

This is the biggest secret of the Hundred Flowers Realm.

Every 300 to [-] years, because of an unfounded excuse, a war will break out in the Hundred Flowers Realm, which will affect the entire small world.

Most of the time, the three major forces will use orthodoxy as an excuse.

But in fact, it is to use this to consume the power of the people.

One is to consolidate the rule of the three major forces. As long as the subordinates are not strong enough, no matter how hard they toss, others can only watch and pray for a little mercy from the upper echelon.

The second is to use this to eliminate dissidents. Whoever has two hearts or does not stand on the same front as himself will be thrown out as cannon fodder.

The third is to consume the vitality of the Hundred Flowers Realm and save resources.

Because there is no connection to the main world, the Hundred Flowers Realm has been degrading, the upper limit of strength has been gradually weakened, and various output resources are also slowly declining.

Only by killing enough monks and returning to their roots can the degradation of the secret realm be slowed down.

But this is a secret passed down from mouth to mouth by the heads of the three major forces.

Only the three palace masters in the entire Hundred Flowers Palace are qualified to know, otherwise, it would be impossible to launch a war smoothly.

It is also a supervisor, otherwise, who knows which headed family will have a Notre Dame heart attack.

Therefore, once this matter is exposed, it will be a big blow to the three major forces.

For many families and disciples who had formed feuds for this reason, their hatred instantly became meaningless.

Fang Chang said with a smile: "You can't let the oath of the Hundred Flowers Realm control the monks who lead the world, it's unreasonable.

Moreover, the so-called primordial spirit oath has no solution for you, but for us, if we want to avoid it, it is only a price.

So I never believe in any oath, I only believe in the interests that can make each other feel at ease. "

"Master Hua, it's time for you to make a choice."

Fang Chang looked ahead, the sky in the Hundred Flowers Realm was no different from the heaven and the earth, there was only one sun, at this moment the sunset glow was bright red, as if it was burning.

Soon, he will be like a ball of fire, burning all over the Hundred Flowers Realm.

Mad, he didn't target women, yet someone would create a small world to target men.

This filthy world needs to be cleaned up.

Of course, it is reasonable for him to get a little remuneration as a non-voluntary worker during the cleaning process.

Hua Qianyu was silent for a long while before slowly saying:

"how do you want to do it?"

Fang Chang smiled gently, like spring rain or autumn wind, moistening things silently, but what he said surprised Hua Qianyu.

"The war has begun."


Hundred Flowers Realm, Hundred Flowers Fairy Valley.

It is said to be a valley, but it is actually a large basin. From a distance, it looks like a large blue bowl is placed on the ground.

The bowl is full of flowers.

Hundred flowers, it would be unreasonable to have no flowers.

Hundred Flowers Hall.

Three valley masters, one principal, two vice-deputies, and many elders from the Immortal Valley gathered together. Looking around, they were all female cultivators. Everyone was like blooming flowers, competing for splendor.

There are also a few male cultivators here and there, but they all look serious and don't look sideways.

They were like sheep falling into a pack of wolves, and the female elders in the temple were like bloodthirsty snakes, spitting out letters from time to time, sizing up the delicious prey in front of them.

Although the name of the sect bears the character of fairy, but in the Hundred Flowers Fairy Valley, it is the most playful among the three major forces.

The Hundred Flowers Palace has a relatively conservative ethos because of the inheritance of the exercises. After all, if you lose your body, you will not be able to inherit the strongest inheritance in the palace.

In the face of men and strength, it is natural to choose the latter.

But Baihua Xiangu is different, they are proficient in all kinds of dual cultivation secret arts, and male cultivation is the best food in their eyes, which also creates their cold temperament.

"Everyone, the war has begun."

The owner of Baihua Fairy Valley is a dignified and beautiful woman named Hua Wuyan, who looks to be in her twenties, has the charm of a young woman and a mature woman.

But everyone in his subordinates knew that she had the most fun.

Uncovered conferences are all part of her repertoire, and Miu Taniaka has been involved in almost all of them.

At this moment, she had a solemn face and a heavy tone, which made everyone relaxed for a long time, and the younger generation who didn't know what war was was all stunned.

Only those old people who had experienced secret battles at this moment put away their tricks of flirting with others, and turned to be chilling.

"It's been less than a hundred years since the last secret battle, why are we fighting now?"

History does not lie, everyone has played regularly, anyway, every few hundred years there will be fights for various reasons.

Everyone also has some guesses, but they are not sure.

The rule of the three major forces has been majestic for a long time. Even if they knew that this might be intentional, no one dared to break it.

Anyway, in every war, some people will fall, and naturally some will rise.

That's up to each other.

Hua Wuyan said indifferently: "Yesterday, the war documents from Baihua Temple have been delivered, so there is no way out for this matter.

As the owner of the Baihua Fairy Valley, the owner of this valley hereby officially informs that the general mobilization of war will start, and the whole valley must be full of energy and take it seriously.

Otherwise, don't say it was unpredictable. "

Hua Wuyan doesn't care about the war with Hundred Flowers Palace.

She has actually experienced it three times.

Every time it seems to be very intense, but the people who die are all underlings.

Although the Hundred Flowers Palace launched it hastily this time, it was not without precedent before. It was nothing more than a conscious rule that was not stable, and they took the opportunity to clean it up.

It happened that the young people in the valley had lived a good life for too long, and they dared to rob men with her, the owner of the valley, and it was time for them to experience the cruelty of the world.

In addition, when the war came, it was reasonable for Baihua Fairy Valley to take in a wave of homeless beautiful menxiu.

The corners of Hua Wuyan's mouth curled slightly, as if thinking of something beautiful.

The long rule has already made them lose the sense of crisis they should have.

(End of this chapter)

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