Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 236 Announcement 1 Paragraph

Chapter 236 Come to an end
The same is true for Hundred Flowers Fairy Valley, and the same is true for Hundred Flowers Sacred Religion.

Facing the sudden war provoked by the Hundred Flowers Palace, the people at the bottom were panicked, but the big bosses above were as stable as Mount Tai.

Small scene, I have experienced it several times in my life.

Anyway, those who die are mud legs with no background and no backing.

Just watch them fairies, don't dirty their beautiful clothes.

The most outrageous thing belongs to a valley owner of Baihua Fairy Valley thousands of years ago, brazenly launching a war that swept across the world in order to snatch a man.

Of course, that time was also up, and it was Baihua Xiangu's turn to start the war again.

So it happened to come to such a place, and it left a ridiculous reputation for not loving Jiangshan and beautiful men to future generations.

The owners of the Baihua Fairy Valley in later generations all wanted to follow suit, but they never found a suitable opportunity.

In a word.

Thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years of rule have already made them lose the sense of awe they should have.

It was as if the three major forces ruled the Hundred Flowers Realm as a matter of course and could never be changed.

Because history has given proof that anyone who wants to challenge the ruling order of the three major forces will be sent to the garbage dump of history.

But this time they were wrong.

Because the intensity of the war increased extremely fast, in just half a year, the flames of war swept across the entire Hundred Flowers Realm.

The tentacles of the three major forces have already spread throughout the entire secret realm. They are determined to do something, not to say whether it will be done well, but they must do it quickly.

Countless forces have been drawn into the quagmire of this war and cannot extricate themselves.

But the top management of Baihua Fairy Valley and Baihua Shengjiao are still in the stage of dreaming and dying.

Keep playing, keep dancing.


The gate of the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church was broken.



This is the holy place of the Hundred Flowers Sacred Cult. It is full of aura. It is also the place where the Hundred Flowers Sacred Masters lived. Many old people of the Hundred Flowers Sacred Cult live in seclusion here.

But on this day, there were shouts of killing on Baihua Cliff all day long.

The leader of the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church is named Hanyinghagi.

Well, no matter what the previous surnames of the heads of the three major powers are, they will change their surnames to Hua after becoming the boss.

Because the Hua surname is the surname of Baihua Fairy, the creator of Baihua Realm.

In order to demonstrate the legitimacy of their rule, the three major powers that claim to be orthodox will change their surnames to Hua, so that they can be regarded as the descendants of Baihua Fairy.

Hua Yingqi looked coldly at Hua Qianyu who called at the door.

"Master Hua, what do you want to do?"

"Have you forgotten the covenant that the three major forces have guarded for thousands of years?"

The three major forces fought against each other on the surface, and some of their subordinates even had blood feuds for more than ten generations, and they were regarded as immortal enemies.

But behind the scenes, the three major forces are watching and helping each other.

In the history of the three major forces, there were not no rulers who were incompetent and dereliction of duty. There were also times when they were backlashed by the vassal forces of their subordinates and encountered the dilemma of being attacked by the main mountain gate.

But every time, there will be mysterious forces appearing to help them repel the rebels and re-declare the destiny of rule.

And this mysterious power is the support of the other two major forces.

But this time, Hua Qianyu violated the tacit covenant of the three major forces and personally led people to fight on Baihuaya.

Facing Hua Yinghagi's questioning, Hua Qianyu sighed quietly.

"Master Hua, how long has it been since you went out of Baihuaya, and how long has it been since you went to the secular world to see the sunset?
Times have changed.

The three major forces are about to become a thing of the past.

If you, me, and the flower valley owner don't make changes, you will be eliminated sooner or later.

And I was just following the times. "

The space vortex has been around for many years, but only their Hundred Flowers Palace pays attention to them.

If the space gate appeared in the territory of the other two major forces, they probably didn't want to explore, but to block it.

Hua Yingqi sneered again and again, just using it as an excuse for Hua Qianyu.

"This is the reason why you betrayed our mutual covenant? Don't forget that once the covenant is revealed, the Hundred Flowers Realm will turn against you everywhere. How can your Hundred Flowers Palace be spared?

Do you want to die together? "

Hua Yingqi's tone was cold and stern, but there was a bit of anxiety in her heart.

With the help of mental calculations and unintentional calculations, and with the cooperation of Baihuashen Palace's internal support, Hua Qianyu easily breached the loosely guarded formation at Baihuaya, and blocked the connection between Baihua Sacred Church and the outside world.

For a while, Baihuaya became an isolated island.

Therefore, it is clear that the strength of the Hundred Flowers Sacred Sect and the Hundred Flowers Palace are almost the same, but the situation on the Hundred Flowers Cliff is now crushing.

When she appeared, Hua Qianyu had already broken through most of the defense forces.

As a result, she was left alone to deal with it.

At this moment, she could only stall for time and wait for support.

When this crisis is over, she will join forces with Baihua Fairy Valley to kill Hua Qianyu and support another palace lord to ascend to the throne.

As for the destruction of the Hundred Flowers Palace, she never thought about it.

Even she is used to the order in which the three major forces coexist.

Hua Qianyu shook her head and said, "Master Hua, it seems that you still haven't understood."

With every step she stepped, lotuses grew, and her aura enveloped the entire Baihuaya. Behind her, the second palace lord Yun Xi, and the third palace lord Nangong Zhiquan appeared.

Hua Yingqi roared: "Crazy, you are all crazy!"

But under the siege of the three palace masters, Hua Yinghagi's voice stopped abruptly.



His mana was sealed and his soul was banned. The embarrassed Hua Yingqi saw Fang Chang appearing from behind the three palace lords, his face froze, and then he burst out laughing.

"It's actually a man? Haha, Hua Qianyu, you actually took refuge in a man?"

"If I were your patriarch, I would jump out of the coffin in anger right now."

"I have nothing to say when I lose to you, but I just find it ridiculous to see you being driven by a man.

Has it ever been a man's turn to call the shots in the Hundred Flowers Realm? "

Fang Chang: "..."

Ma De, did the man eat your rice?
"You look down on men?"

"Yes, men are only worthy of breeding for us, and men should always be under women!"

Although Hua Yingqiu is a prisoner, she doesn't have the consciousness of being a prisoner, and her eyes are full of contempt for the other party.

Or for men.

Fang Chang clicked his tongue, and his original desire to persuade him to surrender was gone.

He looked at the embarrassed Hua Qianyu and the others, and suddenly grinned and said:

"Fortunately, you from Baihuashen Palace were the first to meet me, and you can reason with me.

If it was the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church who met me first, then the Hundred Flowers World would inevitably be in a bloodbath.

It seems that your Hundred Flowers Palace is a wonderful flower in the Hundred Flowers Realm. "

Hua Qianyu and the others were silent, they just twitched the corners of their mouths and gave a difficult smile.

It's not that they like to reason, they just can't fight.

And Fang Chang gave too much.

Fang Chang shook his head, he had no intention of going on.

He stretched out his hand a little, and a demon seed was planted into Hua Yinghagi's brow center consciousness sea silently.

"what did you do to me?"

Hua Yingqi only felt that she was surrounded by a great terror, and her heart couldn't stop trembling.

Fang Chang said lightly: "You don't want to reason with a "humble" man like me, so I have to use my own way to reason with you.

Heart Demon Dafa! "

Hua Yinghagi's eyes went dark, then brightened.

Turning her gaze, she only saw a golden Buddha suddenly appearing in her sea of ​​consciousness. The Buddha's light was black, and her face was blurred. She seemed to see Fang Chang's face vaguely.

Under the general illumination of the magic light, she only felt all kinds of dark thoughts emerge in her heart, the power of lust was overwhelming, and her mind was unconsciously drawn.

However, her Nascent Soul was restricted, and the power of her Nascent Soul could only defend herself.

Even though she knew it was bad, she still couldn't do anything about it.

All kinds of negative emotions poured out like a tide, gathering in the demon seed that Fang Chang had infiltrated, and saw the demon seed take root and sprout, slowly condensing into a small human form.

When the magic light dissipated, a villain with a charming smile appeared in front of Huayinghagi.


Hua Yingqi turned pale with shock: "Who are you?"

This villain is exactly like her, it feels like looking in a mirror.

Her spiritual sense was still there, and she realized that this villain was actually connected to her, and it was definitely not someone else's disguise.

In other words, she has an extra self.

The villain stretches his body, and his graceful figure is full of charm, even Hana Yinghagi is not consciously attracted.


The villain gave a coquettish voice, with a tickling power.

Then he took a small mouth, and the bloody mouth covered the space of the sea of ​​consciousness, swallowing Hua Yingqi's primordial spirit.

"I am you."



Fang Chang let out a breath, his face was slightly pale, and his figure unconsciously staggered.

Nangong Zhi quickly supported her behind her.

"Are you OK?"

Just as he was about to move, Yun Xi's eyes turned cold, he stared at Nangong Zhi who was throwing a fit, and secretly scolded the little bitch in his heart.

Nangong Zhi returned a smug look.

There is fast hand, no hand is slow.

A small win this time.

And Fang Chang...

The soft, fragrant body is as if she has fallen into a beanbag sofa and is surrounded by flowers.

Made, let me take advantage again.

Fang Chang patted Nangong Zhi's little hand unconsciously, and said with a smile:

In any case, as the leader of the Hundred Flowers Sect, Hua Yingqi's cultivation in the late Yuanying period was two small realms higher than him.

Even though his spiritual attribute has always been supernormal, it has not exceeded the limit of the Nascent Soul realm.

Therefore, if you want to use the magic seed to catalyze and control a monk in the late stage of Nascent Soul in a short period of time, it is also an overdraft output.

This is still the case when Huayinghagi fought a battle and his power was banned.

If it was a intact Nascent Soul cultivator, he would not be so easy to control it.

And he could feel that in order to control Hua Yinghagi's consciousness, part of his spiritual power was being pulled.

According to his estimation, at most he could use the demon seed to control two late Nascent Soul monks like Hua Yingqi.

Although the Eye of the Demon is good, it is not without limitations.

The demon seeds on other people are basically in a symbiotic dormant state and will not take up his power. Only when he awakens the demon seeds will he need his power.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Fang Chang only uses the demon seeds for surveillance and deterrence.

And Hua Yingqi refused to cooperate, so he didn't have so much time to waste.

A power that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, if they are given enough time to react, even he will be dragged into the quagmire of the Hundred Flowers Realm.

Unless he is willing to give up the Hundred Flowers Realm.

"Master Hua, let go of the blockade on Baihuaya. After a long time, others should become suspicious."


Hua Qianyu looked at Hua Yinghagi who was lying on the ground, his complexion was constantly changing, and seemed to be struggling, wondering:

"What if the leader of the flower..."

They fought a blitzkrieg, and their plan was to subdue Huayinghagi in the shortest possible time, just like them.

But now it seems that Fang Chang has no intention of persuading her to surrender.

If something unexpected happens, and the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church counterattacks, they will feel very uncomfortable.

"No problem."

Fang Chang shook his head.

Fang Chang confirmed again, and Hua Qianyu didn't say anything else, a token appeared in front of her, and she was chanting a formula in her hand.

Soon the formation that blocked Baihuaya disappeared automatically.

It was almost the moment the formation dispersed.

The storage ring on Hua Yinghagi's hand kept shining brightly.

Hua Yingqi woke up leisurely, not knowing when the restriction on her body would be removed, and she didn't care about Hua Qianyu and the others, took out a magic talisman, which was shining with light.

This is the Sound Transmission Talisman, a means of remote communication between monks.

With the input of mana, the talisman lights up, and a sound comes out.

"Master, what happened to Baihuaya? Why can't we get in touch?"

"It's okay, just now, on a whim, the leader took the time to rehearse the mountain guard formation at Baihuaya, cutting off all contact.

Now that the war is approaching, you must not be careless and must practice from time to time. "

"So that's the case, blessings to the leader, the subordinates will never forget the teaching of the leader."

The voice over there stopped abruptly.

The spirit talisman also has a bit of gray and defeated color.

Obviously, the ten thousand li sound transmission talisman is not unlimited in use, every contact will consume the spiritual power in the talisman, and it will not be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

It is even more impossible to chat like a Datang name card.

"Master Hua, you?"

Hua Qianyu and the others were shocked.

What exactly did Fang Chang do to Hua Yingqiu? In just a short moment, he turned out to be a completely different person.

"Master Hua, Ying Hagi was fortunate to be taught by the master, and Pan Ran repented just now. Now that she has lost her way, everyone will be good sisters from now on."

Hua Yingqi smiled and said, with a very gentle tone.

"Master? You?"

Hua Qianyu and everyone broke out in cold sweat.

What kind of method is this?
If Fang Chang can control Hua Yinghagi like this, can he also control them?

Looking at Hua Yingqi, who looks like a little girl with gentle eyebrows and eyes, there is no trace of the heroic figure of the leader of the Hundred Flowers Sect.

Hua Qianyu couldn't help but shudder.

Fang Chang seemed to know what Hua Qianyu and the others were worried about, and explained with a smile:
"It's just a small way to make people obedient. It's usually only used on people who don't deal with me. You are so obedient, how can I be willing.

People, always have to have their own personality. "

Looking at Fang Chang's gentle smile, Hua Qianyu and the others couldn't feel the slightest bit of warmth.

Obedient tricks...

If they are disobedient in the future, this little trick will be used on them.

Hua Yinghagi can't resist, so can they resist?
Facts in front of you are always more deterrent than unforeseen consequences.

Originally, he wanted to use Fang Chang as a springboard, but now he unconsciously buried it.

They are afraid that they will never be able to escape Fang Chang's control.

"I will let Hua Yingqi fully cooperate with you, and first conquer the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church, at least so that they cannot disturb our plan.

The next step is Hundred Flowers Fairy Valley.

I give you three years, after three years, I will come again.

I hope you don't let me down then. "

Fang Chang has been in the Hundred Flowers Realm for half a year, and the plan that should be arranged has also been arranged, but he will not stay in the Hundred Flowers Realm forever.

Not only because the environment in the Hundred Flowers Realm is not conducive to his practice, but also because his career has always been Qingxiao Dao, or today's Nansan Dao.

The Hundred Flowers Realm is just a small pearl that he picked on the way forward.


Hua Qianyu, Hua Yingqiu and others all bowed to their orders.

(End of this chapter)

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